Event - 2019
Iap Trac Workshop - 2019
Under Presidential action plan 2019, TRAC workshop was organized by IAP Villupuram Puducherry chapter and Department of Pediatrics on 10th November 2019 at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and hospital, Kalitheerthalkuppam, Puducherry from 9 am to 2:30 pm.
The programme started with the first talk by Dr.Janani Sankar senior consultant, KKCTH, Chennai, on ABC of CBC followed by interpretation of liver function tests by Dr. Harshad kamat, senior consultant, Apollo victor hospital, Goa. The inauguration was attended by IAP Tamil Nadu state chapter President Dr. Centhil Aram, IAP central executive member DR.M.Singaravelu, Executive member of IAP Villupuram Puducherry chapter Dr.A.Dharmalingam, President Dr. A. Baskaran, secretary Dr.A.Arulkumaran and Director of SMVMCH Dr.D.Rajagovindan along with the national convener of the workshop Dr.Mahesh. A .mohite following the inauguration there was a short tea break and we proceeded with the next two sessions; interpretation of X-rays by Dr.Mahesh A Mohite and urinalysis and RFT by Dr. Prahlad senior consultant, Pediatric Nephrology, Rainbow children hospital, Chennai. Enough time was given for interactive sessions after every talk. The programme concluded at 2:40pm followed by lunch. The total number of IAP members attended the programme were 84. Senior faculty members of IAP Cuddalore chapter also attended the programme.
The programme was a great success and all participants have given very good positive feedback about the workshop.

The department of Pediatrics along with IAP –Villupuram-Puducherry chapters jointly organized IAP NRP FGM WORKSHOP on 12th Oct 2019 at SMVMCH for Staff Nurses and Post graduates. The Workshop was funded by the Central IAP. The total trainee attended the workshop is around 25.

The instructors of the workshop are Dr.Somavenkatesh, Associate Professor, MGMCRI and Dr.Soundarajan.P, Professor & HOD of MGMC& RI.
In the morning session, the steps of Neonatal Resuscitation in the first golden minute were explained to the delegates in the groups and in the afternoon session the delegates were assessed by the instructors on their skills of performing Bag and Mask Ventilation given with the help of manikins. The entire programme was coordinated by Dr.Kanimozhi.T, Assistant Professor, of Department of Pediatrics.

World Obesity Day Celebration
The Department of Pediatrics, SMVMCH along with IAP-Villupuram –Puducherry chapters jointly celebrated world Obesity day in a grand manner on 11th Oct 2019. As a part of celebration we had an inauguration of mini exhibition on highlighting the causes of obesity, measurement to assess obesity in children effects of fast food on childhood obesity and the need for various exercises for prevention of obesity in children in posters were displayed.

A Health talk was also given by Dr.Singaravelu.M, IAP Central Executive Board Member and Dr.A.Arulkumaran, Professor& HOD of Pediatrics in the Hospital courtyard in importance of giving vegetables and fruits to the children and to reduce the intake of high calorie sweetened beverages, junk foods and fast foods. Pamphlets highlighting the preventive aspects of obesity in children were distributed to all parents and grandparents of children’s in around OPDs and wards.
World Breastfeeding Week Celebration:-
World Breast feeding week was celebrated from 1st of August to 8th of August 2019 by the department of Pediatrics in a grand manner. Various events was organized by the department which includes, poster presentation and competition to nursing students, Quiz competition for UG & PG medical students.
A health promotion rally on importance of Breastfeeding was also organized on 2nd of Aug 2019. The rally was started from our college and ended up to Madagadipet round turn. Pamphlets on importance of Breastfeeding were distributed to women, during the procession.
World Breast Feeding Promotion Rally

ORS Week Celebration 2019
ORS week was celebrated by Sri Manakula Vinayagar medical college and hospital IAP Villupuram Puducherry chapter in a grand manner.

The following events were conducted.
Event 1
We had inauguration of mini exhibition with pictures depicting the signs of dehydration, Content of ORS, ORS amount to be given in different age group, Food substitutes during diarrhea, Pamphlets were distributed to all woman with children attending OPD.

Event 2
An health talk to the public was organized in SMVMCH hospital corridor Health talk was given by the secretary of IAP Dr. A .ARULKUMARAN. Executive committee member Prof M .SINGARAVELU attended event. Nursing staff were also involved in educating the public and demonstration on the preparation of ORS was shown to the crowd. A small handouts was given to the public with questions containing yes or no type answers and the persons who wrote correct answers were awarded.

Event 3
A health camp was organized by the IAP Villupuram Puducherry chapter in the KUMALAM GOVERNTMENT MIDDLE SCHOOL in Puducherry around 100 children from standard IV to VII participated in the event .It was very interactive session with the students and questions regarding ORS was also clarified.

Event 4
A health education talk on ORS organized in SACRED HEART CENTRAL SCHOOL in Villupuram on 29TH JULY (ORS day) .students from standard V to X participated in event. Pamphlets on the importance of giving ORS during acute diarrhea was also distributed to the teachers.

Event 5
On JULY 29 (ORS day). A lecture was organized in SMVNC. Around 100 nursing students participated. Following the lecture MCQ questions was distributed to students and the winners were awarded.

Throughout the whole week, ORS was kept in the SRI MANAKULA VINAYAGAR MEDICAL COLLEGE and ORS was given free to patients attending Pediatrics OPD.
IAP Child & Adolescent Health Care Week Celebration
The department of Pediatrics celebrated IAP child and Adolescent Health care week from 13th of November to 19th of November 2019 at SMVMCH in a grand manner. As a part of celebration we had an inauguration of mini exhibition on highlighting common adolescent health problems through posters. Nursing students and 120 public viewers were educated.
Followed by a Guest Lecture by Dr.Venkateswaran M.D Psychiatry, Fellowship in child and Adolescent psychiatry on the topic –“Adolescent Mental Health Problems and Parenting challenges” was also organized in the basement auditorium, Hospital block. Around 150 medical students and 50 faculties of SMVMCH were participated with interactive session on management of depression, anxiety among medical students on curriculum and tips were given with faculty members on managing a difficult adolescent.
Childrens Day Celebration:
The department of Pediatrics celebrated Children’s day program on 14th of Nov 2019 at SMVMCH in a grand manner. Drawing competition was also organized for the ward children and winners were gifted with prices. Chocolates, ladoos, and toys were also distributed to the OPD and ward children.

Daughters Day Celebration
The department of Pediatrics celebrated Daughter’s day celebration on 17th of Nov 2019 at SMVMCH in a grand manner. The participants include antenatal, postnatal mothers, girl children’s, adolescent girls admitted in pediatric ward. Health talk was given about nutrition of female children and the importance of lifestyle skills that has to be taught to female children and on adolescent vaccination for girl child. Healthy snacks were provided to all participants.
National Newborn Week & World Prematurity Day Celebration
The department of Pediatrics celebrated National Newborn week from 15th to 21st of November at SMVMCH in a grand manner. As a part of celebration we had a guest lecture by Dr.Eswararaja Tinakaran, Clinical head department of Neonatology, Rela Institute, medical centre, Chennai on “Follow-up of preterm by primary care physicians.”
Followed by competitions were conducted to antenatal and postnatal mothers and prizes were distributed to the winners. Various health talks to the public were given by faculties, postgraduates and staff nurses about the do’s don’ts of essential newborn care, preterm care. Quiz competition was also conducted for staff nurses and prizes were given.
World Obesity Day Celebration
The Department of Paediatrics Sri manakula vinayagar medical college & Hospital along with IAP – Villupuram Puducherry chapter jointly celebrated world obesity day in a grand manner on 11th oct 2019 ….As a part of celebrations , to create awareness to the public on the rising trend of obesity in children , a mini exhibition was inaugurated by the Director of SMVMCH . Here posters highlighting the causes of obesity , measurement to assess obesity in children , effects of fast food and junk food on childhood obesity and the need for various exercises for prevention ofobesity in children were displayed

This was followed by a open talk to the public in hospital OPD podium .The talk was given by Prof Dr Singaravelu IAP central executive board member and Prof Dr Arulkumaran HOD Dept of Paediatrics SMVMCH . The talk addressed this year’s theme of world obesity day “EAT GOOD FEEL GOOD AND LOOK GOOD “ explaining to the public the importance of giving vegetables and fruits to the children and to reduce the intake of high calorie sweetened beverages,junk foods and fast foods . The talk was attended by other medical fraternity , nursing staff, mothers, fathers and grand parents around 100 participated . At the end of the talk pamphlets highlighting the preventive aspects of obesity in children were distributed and all were provided with healthy snacks (sundal and buttermilk). The awareness programme was widely appreciated by the public.

The Department of Paediatrics- Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital along with IAP Villupuram Puducherry Chapter jointly organized IAP NRP FAM ( BNRCP PROVIDER COURSE ) on 12th October 2019 at SMVMCH for Staff Nurses and Post graduates ( around 25 ). The workshop was funded by the Central IAP.

The instructors of the workshop included Dr. Soma Venkatesh Associate Professor of MGMC& RI, Dr. P.Soundarajan Professor & HOD of MGMC & RI and Dr. Karthikeyan Associate Professor MGMC & RI.
In the morning session the steps of Neonatal Resuscitation in the first golden minute were explained to the delegates in the groups followed by the afternoon session at 2 AM in which the delegates were assessed by the instructors on their skills of performing Bag and Mask ventilation given with the help of manikins. The entire programme was coordinated in our college by Dr.Kanimozhi Assisstant Professor Dept of Paediatrics SMVMCH.

National Newborn Week Celebrations
The Department of Pediatrics is celebrating National Newborn care week in every year from NOV’15th to 21st. The week long celebrations include awareness camp in the community on essential newborn care, workshops on neonatal resuscitation for postgraduates, staff nurses, and Newborn quiz for the Medical Students and guest lectures by eminent faculties in the field of neonatology. Last year (2017) Prof.Arasar Seeralar, Director, IOG attended the valedictory function and highlighted the importance aspects on preterm care.
World Breastfeeding Week
A week long World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated in the first week of August every year since 2006. During the week activities like Breastfeeding promotion rally,Radio talk, Quiz programs, Elocution competitions for Medical and Nursing Students, Rural camps for Women folk etc. are undertaken to create and strengthen the awareness about Breastfeeding.
A valedictory function is held on 7th August every year for which eminent persons from Literary World, Departments of Education, Health, Social Welfare, Lactation Consultant are invited to address the Womenfolk, Nurses, Medical Students etc. and Prizes and Certificates are distributed to Winners of various competitions held during the WBW.
Rural Breastfeeding Awareness Camp

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital is a fourteen year old institution with full fledged departments including Pediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynecology. All faculties involved in care of children are committed in promoting, protecting and supporting Breast feeding.
The World Breast feeding week was celebrated in our institution for the last 14 years consecutively.
On the first day we had inauguration of the mini exhibition with pictures depicted the benefits of breastfeeding to the mother and the baby, various positions of breastfeeding, importance of giving hind milk, common breastfeeding problems, and its solutions were exhibited and explained to mothers of reproductive age, lactating mothers attending the OPD of Pediatrics and OBG (Nearly 500 women have been educated). Pamphlets containing the benefits of breast milk were also distributed to the women folk.

A Breastfeeding promotion rally was organized on 02-08-2019. The rally was jointly organized by Department of Pediatrics, Department of Nursing SMVMCH along with Indian Academy of Pediatrics Villupuram Puducherry chapter. The rally was covered around 5 kms. The importance and benefits of breastfeeding was highlighted throughout the rally with the loudspeaker and mike and pamphlets were distributed throughout the rally to women and various shopkeeper men and housewife throughout the rally. The theme of this year WBW 2019 “Empower parents and enable breastfeeding” was also told to the public in Madagadipet roundturn.

A Well Baby Contest was held on 03-08-2019 at 10:00am in Pediatrics Out-patient Department and healthy breastfed, apparently immunized babies were selected and prizes were given.
A Breastfeeding Awareness community talk was organized in Koliyanur village. Pregnant, Lactating women, Self help group women, Anganwadi workers, Sector Health Nurses, Village health nurse around 200 participated in the event which was organized on 04-08-2019 from 11:00am to 12:00pm. A very interesting and interactive session took place during the camp. Prizes were also given to women who answered the questions on Breastfeeding correctly.

A Intercollege elocution competition for Nursing students was conducted on 05-08-2019 both in Tamil and English. Nursing students of around 12 Nursing colleges participated in the competition. The topic given was on this year’s theme “Empower Parents and Enable Breastfeeding”. Nearly 150 student nurses, nursing staffs, faculties of nursing college participated in the event. The program lasted for nearly 3hrs

A Intercollege Breastfeeding Quiz Programme was organized for the Undergraduate Students on the same day at 02:00pm. Nearly 6 teams from various medical colleges participated. The programme lasted for 2hrs and winners were awarded with cash prize and trophy.

On 06-08-2019, a Quiz programme was organized for the Postgraduate students of Community Medicine, Pediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynecology. Around 50 postgraduate students of other departments also witnessed the event.
As a part of health education, handouts containing questions regarding Yes or No answers were distributed to women attending OPD, antenatal and postnatal mothers throughout the week, and answers were collected and prizes were given.

A community Health talk was organized in the Thirubuvani PHC on 07-08-2019. Around 50 women, grandmothers, pregnant women along with husbands attended the event.

A Valedictory function was organized in our hospital auditorium on 08-05-2019. Dr.Somasekar, IAP President Tamil Nadu State chapter was invited as the Chief Guest. He spoke about the importance on promotion of breastfeeding and highlighted about this year’s theme of WBW 2019. Prizes and certificates were distributed by the guest speaker to the winners of the various competition held during this week.