Event - 2020

“National Newborn Week Celebrations -2020”

Date: 16.11.2020 to 21.11.2020

The Department of Pediatrics celebrated the national Newborn week this year in a grand manner.

Day 1: 16.11.2020

The Newborn week celebrations started with the inauguration of mini exhibition with posters displayed in the postnatal ward depicting the do’s and don’ts of essential Newborn care, Danger signs in newborn, benefits of breast feeding, Kangaroo mother care, Newborn screening etc. Around 35 woman participated in the event. Health talk was given by Dr.A.Arul Kumaran HOD department of Pediatrics and by Dr.T.Kanimozhi Associate Professor of Pediatrics. The event was felicitated by Dr.Jayashree deputy Medical Superintendent of SMVMCH. Pamphlets highlighting the benefits of breastfeeding on essential newborn care was distributed to women.

Day 2: 17.11.2020

Written Newborn quiz was conducted to postgraduates of Pediatrics department and to the interns of our college. Around 25 participated in the event and winners were selected. The event was organized by the faculty of our department Dr.Anna, Dr.Rajesh and Dr.Tanay.

Day 3: 18.11.2020

Neonatal resuscitation workshop (NRP) was conducted in the simulation lab in our college to postgraduates department of Pediatrics and OBG. The programme included pre test, power point presentations by faculties, works station followed by post test and feedback. The event was well organized by organizing secretary of the workshop. Dr.Kanimozhi and supported by the other faculties Dr.Preethi, Dr.Revathi, Dr.Anna and Dr.Arul Kumaran.

Day 4 :19.11.2020

Poster presentation competition was conducted to staff nurses and interns. The topic given was Home based Newborn care – Do’s and Don’ts. Many staff nurses actively participated. Professor Dr.Bharath Kumar and Professor Kuppusamy were the judges for the event.

Day 5: 20.11.2020

Competition was conducted to postnatal mothers in the ward and to the antenatal mothers attending to the OPD of OBG. Questions with yes are no answers were given and participants are requested to tick the correct answer followed by health talk was also given by Dr.Preethi Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. Winners were selected and prizes were given.

Day 6 :21.11.2020

The week celebrations concluded with valedictory function conducted in our hospital court yard. A health talk was given by the NICU incharge staff nurse Mrs.Gopika to the group of mothers followed by prize distribution to the winners of the competitions conducted in the past one week. The event was graced by the Medical Superintendent Dr.Pragash.

IAP villupuram – Puducherry Chapter and Department of Pediatrics, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital “Report of WBW 2020 Celebration”

IAP villupuram – Puducherry Chapter and The department of Pediatrics Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital celebrated WBW 1st August – 7th August 2020.This year in a quiet manner in view of the pandemic COVID – 19.

On day 1:

Of WBW week celebration, a mini exhibitation was inaugurated in the postnatal ward with pictures depticing the various positions of breast feeding ,benefits of breastfeeding, nutrition of mother during breastfeeding , breast milk expression techniques etc. Nearly 30 mothers participated in the programme. Pamphlets highlighting the benefits of breast feeding were distributed.


On day 2:

Written quiz competition was conducted to the interns of our college. After initial prelims, final rounds was conducted and the winners were selected (around 50 interns participated)


On day 3:

An interactive health talk to the public in the hospital podium to the attenders attending our OPD of the college with the help of the mike and loud speakers, later questions from the patients was answered (around 100 members listened to the talk).

On day 4:

Poster presentation competition was conducted for staff nurse of our college on the topic of benefits of breast feeding and the winners were selected (around 20 staff nurse participated )


On day 5:

A webinar was conducted via google meet to the under graduate students by Asst.Professor of peadiatics Dr.Hemanth Kumar on benefits of early initiation of breastfeeding, common breast feeding problems and solutions.

On day 6:

Handouts containing questions on breastfeeding with yes or no answer were distributed to the women attending OBG OPD and to postnatal women in our hospital throughout the week and prizes were distributed to the winners (65 women participated )

On day 7:

A poster competition were conducted for postgraduate students on this year theme

“Support breast feeding for the healthier planet”. Postgraduate students of Pediatrics and OBG, participated (around 20) and winners were chosen.


Physical distancing and proper hand hygiene and mask was used by all the participants and the speakers throughout the celebrations.