Event - 2021
Report On Complementery Feeding Day- 2021
The Department of Pediatrics celebrated complementary feeding day on 25th November 2021 in SMVMCH. Theme for this year is “Give Proper Nutrition for Optimal Growth”.

As a part of celebration there was display of posters in the OPD, on types of complementary feeds, methods of preparation and nutritional values of various complementary feeds.
A health talk was organized in the hospital podium. Dr. K. Kuppusamy and Dr. T. Kanimozhi Associate Professor of Pediatrics gave valuable information on importance of giving appropriate complementary feeds to infants for proper growth and well being of children. Many parents actively participated in the awareness talk.

This was followed by inauguration of the new Breastfeeding rooms by Dean of our institution Dr. R.N. Kagne and the Dean academic Dr. Karthikeyan and presided by Dr.Bharath Kumar (Professor & HOD) Department of Pediatrics and all faculties of department.

After the event an MCQ questions on complementary feeds in local language (Tamil), with yes or no answers were distributed to women folk and the parents who answered correctly was given prizes. Question and answer session was moderated by Dr. Arul Kumaran Professor of Pediatrics. At the end, children who attend the health talk were given healthy snacks.

Report For New Born Week Celebration 2021
Sri Manakula Vinayagar medical College & Hospital, Department of Pediatrics observed NEW BORN WEEK from 16-11-2021 to 22-11-2021 on theme “SAFETY QUALITY NUTURING CARE – BIRTH RIGHT OF EVERY NEWBORN”. Various events were organised and conducted in a grand manner.
DAY – 1: (16.11.2021)
New born week celebration started with the inauguration of mini exhibition with posters displayed near paediatric OPD, depicting Do’s and Don’ts of essential new born care, danger signs in new born , benefits of breastfeeding , kangaroo mother care, etc. Around 30 women and postnatal mothers participated in the event. MCQ questions with yes or no answers were given to participants and requested to tick correct answer, to assess their knowledge and attitude on new born care.

Health talk was then delivered by Prof. Dr.A.Arul kumaran, Department of Pediatrics and Prof. Dr. K. Kuppusamy, Department of Pediatrics, emphasized various important points on essential new born care, prevention of hypothermia, danger signs, exclusive breastfeeding and regarding appropriate time to start complementary feeding.

Pamphlets highlighting the benefits of breastfeeding essential new born care was distributed to women.
DAY – 2: (17.11.2021)
Neonatal resuscitation (NRP) program was organised and conducted and for Staff nurses in the College simulation lab . Around 15 staff nurses participated in the event. Program included a pre-test followed by an Powerpoint presentation on various steps to be followed in Neonatal resuscitation.

Then hands-on training was given and distributed certificates to all participants.
The event was well organised by Prof. Dr. A. Arul kumaran, supported by Dr. T. Preethi (Assistant Professor), Dr. K. Revathi (Assistant Professor).
DAY – 3: (18.11.2021)
Event – 1:Health talk was given by Dr. T. Kanimozhi (Associate Professor) Department of Pediatrics in Thirubhuvanai PHC’s on essential new born care. around 30 to 40 women who attended the OPD in PHC participated in the event.

Pre - test and post test were conducted and prices given to the winner.
Event – 2:
Health talk was given by Dr. Nithya (senior resident) department of Pediatrics in Ariyur PHC. Around 20 to 30 women participated in the health talk.

Event – 3:
Poster competition was conducted for staff nurses and post graduates. Staff nurses exhibited various interesting and informative posters and the topic given to the Postgraduates was on this year Theme: “SAFETY QUALITY NUTURING CARE - BIRTH RIGHT OF EVERY NEW BORN”.

Many staff nurses and all our post graduates actively participated. Prof. Dr. K. Kuppusamy and Saraswathy (Nursing superintendent) were judges for the event.

Event inaugurated by Dr. Karthikeyan (Dean Academic) and Dr. Prakash (Medical Superintendent). Pamphlets on essential new born care was released.

Event – 4:
Drawing and poetry competition were conducted for under graduates students Topic: “SAFETY QUALITY NURTURING CARE- BIRTH RIGHT OF EVERY NEWBORN” winner were selected and prizes were given.
Day – 4:
Competition was conducted for postnatal mothers in the ward and to the antenatal mothers attending the OPD of OBG.

Questions with yes or no answers were given and participants were requested to tick the correct answers followed by a health talk given by Dr. K. Revathi (Assistant Professor). Winners were selected and exciting prizes were given.
Day – 5:
Online quiz competition were conducted for post graduates of Pediatrics department in our college using QUIZ app. All 12 post graduates participated in the event and winners were selected. The event was organised by Dr.T.Kanimozhi(Associate Professor) department of Pediatrics.
Day – 6:
New born week celebration concluded with a valedictory function conducted in our college auditorium.

Prize distribution to the winners participated in various events conducted in last one week celebration followed by a guest lecture given by Dr. Tiromourougane Serane Head, Canvij neonatal services Dr. A. G. Padmavati’s Hospital LTD, Puducherry on preterm care. The event was graced by MS, Dr. Jayashree.
Report for Childrens Day Celebration - 2021

Celebration started with a cake cutting in paediatric ward involving all children in ward and those who attended.

Programme was felicitated by Dr.Kalaiselvan (Dean research), Dr.Pragash Medical Superintendent, along with senior faculty members of other department, and faculties , post graduates and CRRI’s of department of Pediatrics.

Drawing competition were conducted for children in paediatric OPD and ward. Many children around 25 participated enthusiastically.

Cakes, chocolates, and attractive toys were given to all children who participated in the event and those who came to OPD. At the end of the session exciting prices, were awarded to the winners.

IAP- Divisional Round for Undergraduates - 2021
The Department of Pediatrics SMVMCH and IAP, Villupuram Puducherry chapter conducted the divisional round of IAP undergraduates Quiz on 26.08.2021from 01.30 to 03.00 pm in the Hospital Auditorium of SMVMCH by Offline mode with appropriate Covid safety measures. The Undergraduates who have won their individuals College rounds were selected for the divisional round from all the medical college in Puducherry and Karaikal. The Divisional co-ordinator of the programme was Dr. A. Arul kumaran Professor of Pediatrics SMVMCH and the Quiz master was Dr. T. Kanimozhi Associate Professor of Pediatrics.
A Prelims was conducted in a form of MCQ’s and 5 medical colleges were chosen for the final rounds. The Colleges selected are IGMC& RI and Sri Venkateshwara Medical college, SMVMCH JIPMER and PIMS. The rounds were conducted as per IAP UG quiz norms. The students from IGMC & RI emerged as winners of the Quiz and PIMS were the runners up. The medals and certificates of the divisional round quiz was handed over by the Dean Academic Dr. Karthikeyan to the Students.
World Breastfeeding Celebration 2021
Sri Manakula Vinayagar medical college and Hospital celebrated the WBW 2021 in a Grand manner. All the events were conducted offline with appropriate safety measures.
Event 1:
On day one there was inauguration of Breastfeeding awareness exhibition by the Director of Our institute to the general public. Posters depicting various positions of breastfeeding, Benefits of breast milk, hazards of bottle-feeding etc were displayed in the local language (Tamil). Around 50-60 postnatal and nursing mothers attended the event. Pamphlets on breastfeeding presented in local language were distributed to the public. This was followed by health awareness talk to the public conducted in the hospital outpatient block. Around 50 mothers, grandmothers, men attended the events. A useful interactive discussion on breastfeeding was given.

Inauguration of Breastfeeding awareness exhibition and health talk to general public.

Health talk to public in hospital outpatient block.
Event 2
Poster presentation competition was conducted to the postgraduates of the department of Pediatrics, OBG and Community medicine in the Pediatrics Demo hall of our college. The Topic for the poster is on this year’s theme” Protect Breastfeeding – A shared responsibility. Around 15 participated in the event. This was followed by poster presentation competition for staff nurses on “Factor boosting breast feeding milk output’. Around 20 staff nurses participated, winners were given prizes and certificates.
Breastfeeding poster competition for postgraduates

Breastfeeding poster competition for nursing staff

Event 3
An Breast feeding awareness talk was organised to the pregnant women at primary health centre- Thirubuvanai Puducherry. Posters explaining the hazards of bottle feeds and benefits of breastfeeding were explained and a MCQ competition with Yes or NO answers was conducted to the attended women and prizes were distributed. The event was also attended by men, grandmothers, staff nurses, interns and other health care workers posted in PHC.
Breastfeeding health talk and quiz competition at Thirubavanai PHC:

Event 4
A Breast feeding awareness camp organised to pregnant and nursing mothers at elementary school in Valavanur village .The event was presided by Women Inspector of Valavanur police station Mrs. J. Deepa and block medical officer of Valavanur Taluk Dr. Priyadharshini and health talk was given by Dr. A. Arul kumaran HOD Department of Pediatrics and various added important health points on breastfeeding and also added by the women inspector. Hazards of bottle feeding, dangers on usage of breastmilk substitutes were highlighted in the session. Women were also given handouts in local language on breast feeding and a MCQ competition was also conducted and prizes were distributed. Healthy snacks (channa) were also provided to the women folk.
Breastfeeding awareness camp at elementary school in Valavanur village:

Event 5
A breast feeding quiz competition was conducted to the undergraduate students of our medical college. Students from VI and VIII semester actively participated there was a preliminary round, 30 teams participated of which 6 were selected for the final rounds which was held on 06.08. 2021 in hospital Auditorium. Winners were given prize shields .The event was witnessed by 150 undergraduate students.

Event 6
An health talk on breastfeeding and MCQ competition to the admitted antenatal and postnatal mothers was conducted in our hospital. The care during pregnancy, the importance on examination of the breast during pregnancy for any retracted nipple, the importance of diet during lactation, support of the family in continuation of breast feeding was explained well with posters to the women folk and it was followed by a MCQ competition was conducted to the attended women. Many grandmothers, mother-in-law’s also attended the event.
Breastfeeding health talk to antenatal and postnatal mothers

Training programme for Staff nurses on Pediatrics COVID Management
As a Part of 15th year Celebration of our hospital the department of Pediatrics SMVMCH conducted a training programme to orient the staff nurses working in various departments of Our institution on Pediatrics Covid symptomology, diagnosis and treatment. Around 60 Staff nurses participated in the orientation programme. The programme was conducted in batches on 28th and 29th June 2021 in the basement auditorium of our hospital from 02.00 to 03.30pm. The programme was conducted in batches on 28th and 29th June 2021 in the basement auditorium of our hospital from 02.00 to 03.30pm.

The programme schedule includes a pretest for 10 mts, followed by recognition of sick Child Assessment and intervention by Dr. A. Arul kumaran Professor & HOD Department of Pediatrics. The second session was on Paediatric COVID symptoms, signs and treatment plan of SMVMCH by Dr. Kanimozhi Associate Professor of Pediatrics.

This was followed by session with the staff nurses by Dr. Preethi on Drug dosing , fluid therapy in Pediatrics and Mrs.Kanagavalli Staff nurse incharge of PICU , they demonstrated to staff nurses on dosage administration of drug the syringe pumps and calculatin about various oxygen delivery devices. This is followed by post test assessment and feedback from the staff nurses who participated in the event.
Training programme for postgraduates on Pediatrics COVID Management
As a Part of 15th year Celebration of our hospital the Department of Pediatrics SMVMCH conducted a training programme to orient the postgraduates of Department of General medicine, Respiratory medicine and Anaesthesiology on paediatric COVID management. Around 34 Participated in the event.

The programme was conducted in batches on 24th and 25th June 2021 from, 2.00 to 3.30 pm in the basement auditorium of our hospital. The programme schedule includes a introduction talk on paediatric COVID by Dr. A. Arul kumaran Professor & HOD department of Pediatrics, COVID -19 management protocol of SMVMCH by Dr. Kanimozhi Associate Professor of Pediatrics.

This was followed by two more sections by Dr. Preethi Assistant professor Department of Pediatrics on Drugs, & Fluids in Pediatrics, Ionotropic dosage and administration and Dr.Hemanth kumar Assistant Professor of Pediatrics on recognition of sick child and oxygen delivery devices.

The programme concluded with the taking home messages on paediatric COVID summarized by Dr. A. Arul Kumaran.
World Autism Awareness Day Celebration Date: 8th & 9th April 2021
The Department of Pediatrics and Psychiatry of SMVMCH along with IAP Villupuram Puducherry chapter celebrated World Austin Awareness day in a grand manner for two days.
On day 1 there was inauguration of exhibition on Autism awareness to public, were posters depicting on early identification of Autism, treatment modalities , and role of parents in improving the skills of Autistic children were depicted. Around 75 parents with children, participated in the event. This was followed by Guest Lecture by Dr.A. Somasundaram Developmental Consultant D ‘SOUL Child Development Centre Chennai and past Central EB member of central IAP. He gave a talk on Identificaton, Evaluation and Management of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder -a Paediatrician persceptive. The talk was conducted in the Hospital Auditorium of SMVMCH and was attended by Postgraduate and Final Year undergraduate Nursing students, Post Graduates, Professors, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Psychiatry and Other Clinical Departments, The talk was simple ,clear informative and interactive.

On Day 2, we had Health Awareness to the public in the hospital courtyard of SMVMCH. The talk was given by Dr. A. Arul Kumaran Professor of Pediatrics, Dr. S. Arun Professor of Psychiatry Dr. T. Kanimozhi Associate Professor of Pediatrics on various topics related to Autism followed by Screening of Children with M- CHAT (Modified check list for Autisum in Toddlers) in Tamil which was done with the help of M.Sc Nursing Students. Around 50 mothers, grand mothers, fathers participated in the event and later colouring Books and Crayons was distributed to Children who participated in the event.

Obesity Day Celebrations – 2021
The Department of Pediatrics along with IAP Villupuram Puducherry chapter jointly organized World Obesity Day in a grand manner on 4th march 2021.
The celebrations began with the inauguration of the mini exhibition in the hospital OPD premises by the Chairman and Managing Director of SMVMCH Trust Shri M. Dhanasekaran. The programme was also attended by Dr. D. Rajagovindan, Director of college along with other senior Faculty members of other Departments, Faculty members and Post –graduates of the Department of Pediatrics.
In the exhibition posters highlighting the identification of obesity using IAP BMI growth charts, causes of obesity due to various altered life style patterns which include increased intake of junk foods, sedentary lifestyle, increased screen time were put up for the public visit . Posters explaining the importance of prevention of obesity by dietary modification, regular exercises and playing aerobic games were also depicted. Many mothers, fathers and children around 75 participated in the event.
This was followed by an interactive session with health talk highlighting this year’s IAP World Obesity Day theme: OBESITY -ACT TODAY to the public was given by Dr. Arulkumaran – HOD, Professor of Pediatrics and Dr. Revathi- Assistant professor- Department of Pediatrics in the hospital podium of our institution. Many mothers and general public attended the event and there was a healthy interactive session.

The health talk was followed by an MCQ’s competition on obesity with yes or no answer was conducted among the parents and the winners were awarded with prizes. The prize was distributed by Deputy medical Superintendent. At the end of the session healthy snacks- sundal and buttermilk were given to all the participants.
The department of Pediatrics along with the IAP Villupuram, Puducherry chapter jointly organized Basic Neonatal Care and Resuscitation Programme (BNCRP) workshop on 27th February 2021 at SMVMCH. 27 delegates which include postgraduates of the Department of Pediatrics and Obstetrics and Gynaecology along with staff nurses of SMVMCH participated in the event. The resource persons were Dr. Soma venkatesh, Associate Professor –MGMCRI and course co-ordinator, Dr. Karthikeyan- Associate Professor and incharge of Neonatal ICU at MGMCRI. The programme started with pretest followed by discussion on various stations like preparation of neonate at birth, routine care, initial steps, Brief and prolonged ventilation and resuscitation of asphyxiated baby followed by lunch. Post lunch there was practical performance evaluation of every delegate. The Programme concluded with post test evaluation followed by high tea.