Event - 2022
World Anaemia Day 2022
The Department of Paediatrics, SMVMCH along with IAP Puducherry chapter jointly organized “World Anaemia Day” on 26th November, 2022.
As a part of celebrations, an awareness camp was organized in Thiruvennainallur PHC.
A health awareness talk by Dr.ArulKumaran, Professor of Paediatrics was given with the help of posters depicting the common causes of iron deficiency, symptoms, treatment and prevention. Common food items rich in iron was displayed to the public and explained the need to add these nutrients in the diet of the children.

A MCQ competition on iron deficiency was conducted to the attended members of the camp and prizes were distributed. Children who attended the camp was screened for anemia and free samples of iron syrup and albendazole were given

An interactive talk was also organized in the Paediatric ward of SMVMCH, by the faculties of SMVMCH.
A health awareness talk was given by Dr.Preethi, Associate Professor of Paediatrics highlighting the need of proper nutrition to mothers during the antenatal period and continuing adequate nutrition in the first 2 years of life, stressing the importance of first 1000 days of life.

Parents took an active participation and prizes were given to the fathers and mothers who won the MCQ competition conducted on anemia. Free deworming syrup and iron syrup were given to children who were found to be anemic. Groundnut jaggery cakes which is rich source of iron was distributed to all children.
A podcast was released on iron deficiency Anemia by Dr. T. Preethi Associate professor of Pediatrics in SMVMCH podcast website.

World Autism Awareness Day 2022
The Department of Paediatrics, SMVMCH along with Villupuram Puducherry chapter jointly organized World Autism Day on 5th April, 2022.
As a part of celebration, inauguration of exhibition with posters depicting the common symptoms of Autism Spectrum disorders, myths on Autism and various treatment modalities of ASD were displayed. Pamphlet containing facts on early diagnosis of Autism were distributed to the public.

A health awareness talk was also arranged in the hospital podium of SMVMCH. Dr.Kanimozhi, Associate Professor of Paediatrics, gave the awareness talk regarding the importance of early detection of Autism with the help of display of various charts on symptoms and signs of ASD. The talk was well appreciated. This was followed by MCQ competition conducted for parents who attended the event and prizes were distributed.

A poster presentation competition was also conducted regarding this year Theme “Inclusion in Workplace – Challenges and Opportunities in the post pandemic world”. Postgraduates and undergraduates students participated in the event and prizes were distributed to the winners by the Director of SMVMCH, Dr.D.Rajagovindan.

Obesity Day Celebration
The Department of paediatrics Sri ManakulaVinayagarMedical College & Hospital along with IAP Villupuram Puducherry chapter jointly organized “WORLD OBESITY DAY” in a grand manner on 4th March 2022.

The celebration began with the inauguration of mini exhibition in the hospital OPD premises by Dr.KalaiselvanDean(Research)and HOD Department of Community Medicine and by Dr.Girija Deputy Medical Superintendent (SMVMCH). The programme was also attended by faculties of the other departments.

In the exhibition posters depicting the identification of obesity with IAP BMI charts , cause of obesity due to increase junk foods, and its side effects, importance of cutting down the screen time and the need to do regular exercise and physical activity was depicted. Many mothers, fathers and children around 75 participated in the event.

This was followed by Interactive session with the public on the hospital courtyard the highlighting this year theme “Obesity - Everybody must Act”. The talk was given by Dr.k. Kuppusamy Professor of Paediatrics and Dr. K. Nithya(Senior Resident) Department of Paediatrics. This was followed by MCQ competition to the mothers and interactive discussion to the question put forth by the parents moderated by Dr. A. Arulkumaran

Professor of Paediatrics. Children was also asked to do physical exercise in the form of a competition (maximum jumps in one minute) and were given prizes. At the end of session healthy snacks sundal and buttermilk was provided to the participants. The prizes to the winners of the MCQ competition was handed over by Dr. T. Bharath Kumar (HOD Department of Paediatrics).

As a part of celebration of World Obesity day an outreach activity was conducted at Annai Vidhya Mandir School Thirubuvanai. An interactive discussion was done the session was conducted by Dr. A. Arulkumaran (Professor of Paediatrics) Dr. K. Nithya(Senior Resident of Paediatrics) and Dr.Shobana (Postgraduate Department of Paediatrics)with the parents of the school children. Highlighting the importance of avoiding junk foods intake encouraging the concept of providing healthy snacks. Session was well appreciated and received by the participants. Pamphlets on the cause of Obesity and its prevention in children was distributed in local language to all the attended women.

National Newborn week Celebration
15th to 21th November 2022
The department of paediatrics, Sri ManakulaVinayagarMedical Ccollege and hospital and IAP Puducherry chapter celebrated National Newborn week from 15th to 21th November 2022 in a grand manner.
Day 1
A health talk was organised in the hospital podium of SMVMCH to the antenatal, postnatal mothers and to the parents with the help of posters depicting the dos and don’ts of essential newborn care and benefits of breastfeeding. The talk was given by Dr. Nithya (senior resident), department of Paediatrics. Any queries raised by the mothers on newborn care were also clarified. The programme was well appreciated.

Day 2
A spell bee competition was conducted to 8th semester MBBS students. Students were asked to spell properly the common words in neonatology, taken from standard textbooks. Students were made aware on newer terminologies used in neonatology and winners were awarded.

A home to home competition was also conducted for UG students, here students are asked to make any object by using household articles which can be used for newborn care at home highlighting on this year’s theme “Home based newborn care”. Many students prepared various articles like small bed, paper fan, toys with bells etc. Students were appreciated with prizes.

Day 3
Basic NRP programme was organised for the staff nurses working in SMVMCH in the labour room, NICU, postnatal ward from morning 8.30 to 3.30pm in the simulation centre of SMVMCH. The programme was co-ordinated by Dr. A. Arulkumaran, Dr. Revathy and Dr. Vinothini. Performance evaluation test was also conducted for all the participants in the afternoon and certificates were distributed.

Day 4
World prematurity day Poster presentation competition was conducted for stuff nurses on this year theme on “A Parents embrace – a powerful therapy” and for the postgraduate, the topic was “Follow up of Preterm Care”. This was followed by an awareness talk to the parents on preterm care.

Day 5
Event 1
Poster presentation competition was conducted for nursing students and exhibition stalls was also done for the public by nursing students of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Nursing college on various aspects of newborn care.

Event 2
An awareness talk was done by Dr. Vinothini Assistant professor of Paediatrics to the public on essential newborn care at Thiruvennainallur Primary Health Centre posters showing the do’s and don’ts of newborn care was also put up for the public.

Day 6
A MCQ competition was conducted to the antenatal and postnatal mothers in the ward with questionnaires containing yes or no answers. This was followed by interactive talk which was given by Dr. Rishika, postnatal ward incharge faculty and winners were given prizes.

Day 7
A Valedictory function was organised in the hospital auditorium of SMVMCH Dr.Manikumar MD., DM. Assistant professor, Department of Neonatology Chengalpattu medical college was invited as guest speaker. The talk was on recent advances in the care soon after birth. The programme was presided over by Dr. Narayanaswamy Kesavan, Secretary of SMVMCH trust. Medical students, nursing college students, faculties of various departments have participated and the winners of the various competitions conducted for the last one week were given prizes.

IAP- Rational Antibiotic Day
The Department of Paediatrics SMVMCH along with antibiotic policy and monitoring committee SMVMCH and IAP, Puducherry chapter jointly organized IAP Rational Antibiotic Day on 27.09.2022.
As a part of celebrations a quiz programme was organized to VIII Semester MBBS students by QUIZIZZ App online from 2.00 to 2.30 pm, the quiz was based on common clinical case scenarios, appropriate antibiotic usage and drug dosages for common antibiotics in children.The programme for co- ordinated by Dr.Preethi.T, Associate Professor of Paediatrics.

This was followed by interactive discussion with the 8th semester MBBS students on antibiotic stewardship by Dr. A.Arulkumaran Professor of Paediatrics. The talk enlighted on measures that can be taken by healthcare professionals in curtaining antibiotic usage among children.

A quiz programme was also organised for postgraduates students on the same day through QUIZIZZ appand the winners were selected. Slogan writing competition was conducted on 28.09.2022 for all MBBS students on preventing antibiotic resistance”. The students were asked to write the slogans in A4 size sheet and it was displayed in the Hospital Podium and winners were selected.

This was followed by awareness talk to the public by Dr. A.Arulkumaran prof of pediatrics with placards on side effects of antibiotic over usage and the need to give antibiotic if prescribed with correct drugdosage and right duration. Parents are also highlighted on proper storage of antibiotics and not to pressurise doctors to write antibiotics for viral fevers. The awareness talk was well appreciated.

The programme ended with the prizes distribution. The winners for quiz programmes and slogan writing competition was handed over to the students by the Dean Dr.R.N.Kagne, Dean Academic Dr. Karthikeyan and the Medical Superintendent Dr. M.Pragash.

Celebrated World Breast Feeding Week 2022 this year with great vigor and enthusiasm.
Day 1
As a part of WBW celebrations, we had inaugurated exhibition with pictures depicting the benefits of breastfeeding to the mother and the baby, various positions of breastfeeding, educating family members about importance of breastfeeding were exhibited and explained to mothers of reproductive age, lactating mothers attending the OPD of Pediatrics and OBG (Nearly 200 women and their family members have been educated). Pamphlets containing the benefits of breast milk were also distributed to the women folk. We also had a poster presentation competition by the Department of Nursing SMVMCH on the topic of “Step Up for Breastfeeding: Educate and Support”. Around 100 nursing students participated and winners were chosen.
Pamphlets Distribution:

Day 2
Event 1:

We had organized quiz competition for both undergraduate and postgraduate students from our college separately. For Undergraduates it was conducted online via Quiziz app (all 150 undergraduates participated). For all 12 Postgraduates it was conducted as a written quiz.
Event 2:

We had an interactive health talk to the public in the hospital podium to the patients and their relatives attending out-patient department in our hospital and later doubts from the outpatients were answered.
Event 3:

We had an interactive health talk to the public in the hospital podium to the patients and their relatives attending out-patient department in our hospital and later doubts from the outpatients were answered.
Day 3

We had organized community health talk at primary health centre- Thirubuvanai, Puducherry to pregnant and lactating mothers. We explained benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby to community and quiz competition with Yes or NO answers was conducted to the attended women and prizes were distributed.
Day 4

Elocution competition was conducted both in Tamil and English for ,inter-college competition for nursing students in pondicherry. The topic given was this year’s theme “Step Up for Breastfeeding: Educate and Support”. Nearly 150 student nurses, nursing staffs, faculties of nursing college participated in the event. Prizes were distributed for winners. We had also organized poetry competition for undergraduate in both Tamil and English. Students had participated with enthusiasm and won their prizes
Day 5
Event 1:

Breastfeeding awareness talk was conducted at primary health centre – thiruvennainallur. Around 50 women, grandmothers, pregnant women along with husbands attended the event.
Event 2:

A health education programme on Breastfeeding awareness was organised via Suryan FM to reach the general public by professor of pediatrics by Dr. Bharath kumar on importance of breastfeeding, breastfeeding problems and solutions.
Day 6
Event 1:

Poster competition for postgraduates students on this year’s theme “Step Up for Breastfeeding: Educate and Support”. Postgraduate students of paediatrics, OBG, community medicine participated (around 20).
Event 2:
Well Baby Contest was held at Pediatrics Out-patient Department and healthy breastfed, immunized babies with adequate growth and development were selected and prizes given.
Event 3:
We also conducted community health talk at –ARPISAMPALAYAM ( VILLUPURAM DISTRICT) spreading awareness about importance of breastfeeding to mothers and their family members. The event was attended by pregnant and lactating mothers, their family members, interns and health care workers. At the end of the session, quiz test was conducted and prizes were distributed to the winners of community members.
Day 7
Event- 1

Health talk was given to antenatal mothers in our hospital and handouts containing questions on breastfeeding with yes or no answers were distributed to the women attending the OBG OPD and to the postnatal women in our college throughout the week and prizes were distributed( around 100 women participated).
Day 8

Valedictory function was organized in our hospital auditorium. Dr.S.Ramesh, Former medical superintendent and HOD pediatrics RMMC Chidambaram was invited as the Chief Guest. He spoke about GHIfrequently asked questions in breastfeeding and highlighted about this year’s theme of WBW 2022. Nursing students performed a skit about breastfeeding awareness on stage. Prizes and certificates were distributed by the guest speaker to the winners of the various competition held during this week.
Skit Team

Prize Distribution