World Thalassemia Day – 2024

The Department of Paediatrics along with IAP Puducherry chapter jointly celebrated World Thalassemia Day on 10th May 2024. Various events were organised among health care professionals to create awareness on Thalassemia diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Event 1: Written Quiz competition for Postgraduates

A written quiz competition was conducted to the postgraduates of Department of Paediatrics with questions pertaining to peripheral smear findings, diagnosis, management and prevention of Thalassemia. Around 25 postgraduates participated in the programme. Winners were given prizes by Dr. T.  Bharath Kumar Professor and HOD department of paediatrics. The session was conducted by Dr. A. Arulkumaran, Professor of Paediatrics. SMVMCH.

Event 2: A MCQ competition for Interns

A MCQ competition was conducted for the Interns of SMVMCH. Questions covering topics related to the types of haemoglobin, mode of inheritance, laboratory findings, management and problems related to iron overloaded were covered in the quiz. Around 35 interns participated in the event and the winners were given prizes.

World Autism Awareness Day – 2024

The Department of Paediatrics and Department of Psychiatry SMVMCH along with IAP Puducherry chapter jointly organised world Autism Awareness Day/ Week celebrations from 8th April 2024 onwards.

Event 1: Inauguration of exhibition on Autism and pamphlet distribution.
A mini exhibition was inaugurated by the respected Director Dr.D.Rajagovindan and the Dean Dr.R.N.Kagne in the hospital podium of SMVMCH where various charts depicting the signs of Autism, myths and facts on Autism, various therapies for Autistic child were highlighted in local language. Many parents, visitors, who attended the hospital (around 75) had a visit of the exhibition and pamphlets on Autism printed in local language were distributed.

Event 2: Health awareness talk on Autism and MCQ competition to the public on Autism.
A health education awareness talk on normal social developmental milestones, early signs of Autism were explained by Dr.A.Arun Kumar, Senior resident Department of Paediatrics. The co- morbidities of Autism and the various modalities of treatment were explained by Dr.Venkatarangan Senior resident department of Psychiatry. An MCQ competition with yes/No answers on Autism signs/symptoms were given to the public and parents who answered correctly were rewarded with prizes by Dr.Bharath Kumar.

Event 3: Dumb Charades competition for Interns
Dumb charades competition on Autism were held for interns.A prelims was conducted and 7 teams chosen and dumb charades competition was conducted with 2 rounds on Autism symptoms 1 round on comorbidities and the last round on therapists involved in the management of Autism. Winners were awarded with prizes and certificates. Around 30 interns participated. Dr.Arulkumaran conducted the event and was co-ordinated by Dr.Thambiprabagarane.

Event 4: Impromptu elocution competition for Postgraduates
Postgraduates in the Department of Paediatrics and Psychiatry were asked to prepare on various sub topics in Autism. PG’s were given lots and were asked to speak immediately on the topic chosen by them in the lot for 2 minutes. Dr.Arun.S Professor of Psychiatry, Dr.Preethi.T Associate professor of Paediatrics, Dr.Souganya Devi Assistant Professor of Psychiatry were the judges around 30 postgraduates participated. Winners were given prizes.

Event 5: School health talk to parents and teachers on Autism
School health talk was organised at FSDA School, Thirubuvanai. The programme was co-ordinated with IAP Puducherry chapter Dr.Vinoth Kumar secretary of IAP Puducherry chapter participated along with Dr.Arulkumaran Professor of Paediatrics and Dr.Perarul Assistant Professor of Psychiatry. Around 100 parents, grandparents along with 25 teachers participated in the event. Dr.Vinoth Kumar explained on the need for awareness on Autism among public and highlighted great personalities who have a very successful career even being autistic Dr.Arulkumaran spoke on autism symptoms using placards and charts, Dr.Perarul concluded his talk with co-morbidities in Autism and the importance of involving various specialists in the treatment of autism. An MCQ competition was conducted for parents on Autism and winners were awarded with prizes.

Event 6: Community extension activities
A health awareness talk was conducted in the Thiruvennainallur PHC and in Arpisam palayam in both the places a mini exhibition an Autism symptoms/signs were organised. MCQ competition on Autism were conducted and prizes were given. Around 80 people attended the events.

Event 7: Seminar for undergraduates and quiz competition
A seminar on Autism disorder clinical symptoms and multidisciplinary approach in its management was given by Dr.Arulkumaran Professor of Paediatrics and a mini quiz were conducted for students. Winners were awarded with prizes and certificates. Around 120 students attend the event.

Event 8: Lecture on Autism for Nursing students and faculties
Lecture were given by Dr.Ezhil Nilavan Senior Resident Department of Paediatrics. Around 120 students, teachers participants in the programme. The lecture focused on Autism symptoms and M-chat screening for Autism. The programme was well appreciated by the nursing faculties and students.

As a part of Autism Awareness a podcast was released in SMVMCH website Manakural on Autism screening in children by Dr.Arulkumaran, Professor of Paediatrics for the public.

IAP-NRP FGM Workshop

The Department of Paediatrics SMVMCH along with Indian Academy of Paediatrics jointly organised Basic NRP provider course (IAP-NRP-FGM) at Simulation Centre SMVMCH on 15.03.2024.

The participants of the workshop include postgraduates from the Department of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Staff Nurses working in NICU, Labour room and postnatal ward. A total of 19 delegates enrolled for the workshop.

The workshop include on online course which all participants have to complete get the online certificate then an offline course which include hands on physical training programme conducted for 6 hours in the Simulation centre of SMVMCH. The IAP course ID is 12454.

The resource persons for the workshop are Dr.K.Karthikeyan Professor of Paediatrics MGMC & RI (Lead instructor), Dr.A.Arulkumaran Professor of Paediatrics SMVMCH (Course co-ordinator) and Dr.Manasi Garg, Professor of Paediatrics, MGMC & RI.

A brief faculty meeting was held for 15 minutes with all the resource persons to maintain uniformity of the content in all the training sessions, this was followed by inauguration of the workshop by the Director Dr.Rajagovindan and the Dean Dr. R.N.Kagne, Dr.K.Karthikeyan the lead instructor of the workshop briefed to all the participants on the importance of various newborn care and steps of neonatal resuscitation.

The skill stations were divided into 3 sessions with approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours in each station. The first session was on preparation at birth and routine care. The second session was on initial step of resuscitation, brief ventilation and observational care. The third session was on prolonged ventilation with normal or slow heart rate. In all the stations there was hands on training with the manikins. Resource persons moved from one station to the other so that all participants are exposed to teaching of all faculties. There was followed by the lunch.  In the afternoon session performance evaluation test was conducted for all the participants where all are asked to perform the steps of neonatal resuscitation in the manikins with different case scenarios as instructed by the resource persons. This was followed by feedback form given to all the participants and completion certificates were distributed to all the delegates.

World Obesity Day

Event Name: World Obesity Day
Date: 04.03.2024
Time: 10.00 am to 01.00 pm
Venue: Hospital podium, SMV School

The Department of Paediatrics Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital along with IAP – Puducherry chapter jointly celebrated world Obesity Day on 4 th March 2024 in a grand manner. The theme for the year is “Let’s talk about Obesity and Children’s Health”.

Event 1
As a part of world Obesity Day celebration there was inauguration of exhibition in the Hospital podium by the Director of SMVMCH, Dr.D. Rajagovindan and the Dean Dr.R.N.Kagne. Poster displaying the causes of obesity, Calculation of BMI using IAP carts, complications of obesity are its prevention were depicted as charts for display to the public. Pamphlets prepared in local language (Tamil) was also distributed to public. Around 150 women folk, men, children attended the event.

Event 2
A health awareness talk on obesity in children was given by Dr.Arulkumaran Professor of Paediatrics, Dr.Ezhil Nilavan Senior Resident, Department of Paediatrics by Postgraduates.
The importance of exclusive breastfeeding, avoidance of formula funds, importance of starting home based complementary after 6 months. Providing healthy snacks to school going children and avoidance of JUNCS, improving the physical activity and restriction of screen time are the following points highlighted in the talk. This was followed by MCQ competition with Yes or No answer printed in the local language (Tamil) on obesity was conducted and the winners were awarded prizes. Around 100 women/men attended the event.

Event 3
Poster presentation competition was conducted for Undergraduates students. The topic for the competition is “Obesity – The rising demon “. Around 20 students participated in the event, prizes and certificates were distributed.

Event 4
A Health awareness talk on obesity complications, preventive aspects and life style modifications including importance of phyiscial exercise and decreasing the screen time were educated to school students of SMV School, Madagadipet. Around 200 students participated in the event. The talk was given by Dr.Arulkumaran, Professor of Paediatrics along with Paediatric Postgraduates. The session was made interactive with the use of placards. A display of unhealthy foods (JUNCS) causing obesity and healthy foods were kept as a small exhibition for educating the school children. Short physical activity session was conducted at the end of talk.

Event 5
A Postgraduates Quiz competition was conducted by Dr.Preethi.T Associate Professor of Paediatrics. The winners were awarded with prizes by Dr.T.Bharath Kumar Professor & Head, Department of Paediatrics.


Date: 17.02.2024
Time: 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
Venue: Clinical department

The Department of Paediatrics, SMVMCH conducted a webinar on “CORPORATE CAREER” headed by Dr. MAHALAKSHMI MD PAEDIATRICS, Consultant Paediatrician in Kims-Icon Hospital, Visakhapatnam.
The meeting was an informative session regarding the job opportunities in a corporate hospital presented by our alumni member.

World Anemia Awareness Day

Event Name: World Anemia Awareness Day
Date: 13.02.2024
Time: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
Venue: Hospital podium, Thirubhuvanai PHC, Conifer Matriculation School, Valavanur

The Department of Paediatrics SMVMCH along with IAP Puducherry chapter jointly celebrated world Anemia Awareness Day on 13.02.2024. The theme for this year is “The Best Blood is your Blood”.

Event 1
World Anemia Awareness day celebrations began with the inauguration of exhibition in the hospital podium of SMVMCH by the respected Director Dr.D.Rajagovindan. Posters depicting the causes of anemia, symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, sources of iron rich foods, prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia were put up for display to the public. The exhibition was opened for the whole day and more than 100 women, men, mothers attended the event.

A stall with common food items, vegetables and fruits which have high rich iron content were displayed.

Pamphlet on symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, causes, treatment and sources of iron prepared in local language released by the respected Dean Dr.R.N.Kagne and Dean Academic Dr.Karthikeyan. Professors, Postgraduates from the other departments also attended the event. The pamphlet was distributed to the public over the entire week.

Event 2
Health Education talk on prevalence of anemia in India and the need for iron supplementation for children, adolescents and pregnant women was given by Dr.Arulkumaran, Professor of paediatrics and Dr.Saranyadevi, Assistant professor, Department of OBG along with the postgraduates. This was followed by an MCQ competition with YES or NO answers on iron deficiency anemia was conducted in the hospital podium of SMVMCH, around 120 women along with children, grandmothers, fathers attend the event.

Event 3
Poster presentation competition for Postgraduates of Department of Paediatrics and OBG SMVMCH was conducted on this year them “The Best Blood is your Blood” 20 postgraduates participated and prizes were given.

Event 4
Awareness talk on detection of anaemia and common sources of iron was given to the students of Conifer Matriculation School, Valavanur from class VI to IX. Awareness talk was given by Dr.Arulkumaran along with postgraduates of Department of Paediatrics on anemia using placards. This was followed by an interactive discussions with the students about common questions on anemia and students were rewarded with prizes. Around 150 students participated in the event along with 10 teachers of the school. Groundnut, jiggery and cakes were distributed to all students at the end of the session. Students and teachers highly appreciated the event.

Event 5
Health Education Awareness talk on anaemia was conducted at Thirubhuvanai Primary Health Centre Puducherry to pregnant and Nursing mothers. The talk was given by Dr.Sakthi Abirami, faculty of Department of Paediatrics, SMVMCH along with postgraduates. An exhibition on iron rich foods also put up and MCQ competition on anemia was conducted and prizes were distributed. Around 75 mothers attended the event.


Date: 30.01.2024
Time: 02.00 to 5.00 pm
Venue: Clinical department

The Department of Paediatrics, SMVMCH conducted a webinar on “FUTURE AS A NEONATOLOGIST ” on 30.01.2024 headed by Dr. BALAJI MD PAEDIATRICS, FELLOWSHIP IN NEONATOLOGY.
The meeting was an informative session regarding the future as an neonatologist and job opportunities presented by our alumni member.

Promoting Gender Equality in Education

Event Name: Promoting Gender Equality in Education
Date: 09.01.2024
Time: 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
Venue: Paediatrics OPD

The Department of Paediatrics, SMVMCH conducted awareness talk on 09.01.2024, “PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY IN EDUCATION” headed by Dr. KVP. Suriyakumari, Professor and HOD, Department of Anatomy.

The awareness talk highlighted the hurdles faced by women in pursuing their education. She also highlighted the need of family support to achieve heights in their career. The session was thought provoking and was open for discussion.

Following which, Dr. KVP Suriyakumari was honored with a momento.

Basic NRP Workshop for Nursing Students

 January 2024

The Department of Paediatrics conducted Basic Neonatal resuscitation workshop for Nursing students of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Nursing College on 4th, 5th and 8th January 2024.

A total of 72 students participated in the event. The event was conducted in the Simulation center of SMVMCH.

Three days before the event the resource material on Basic NRP and the algorithm was shared with all the students via WhatsApp. A pretest was conducted via Google form before the start of the workshop.

The main instructors for the workshop are Dr.A.Arulkumaran (lead Instructor) Professor of Paediatrics,   Dr. Kanimozhi Associate Professor of Paediatrics and Dr.Preethi.T, Associate Professor of Paediatrics. Each day one instructor along with three Postgraduates moderated the entire session.

Each day 25 students were allotted. Each batch was divided into small batches of 6 per team and was given hands-on training basic NRP.

The workshop is secreted into four stations:

  • The 1st station on Preparation at birth
  • The 2nd station on Routine care of newborn and initial steps of resuscitation
  • The 3rd station on Brief Ventilation
  • The 4th station on Prolonged ventilation with normal heart rate and slow heart rate

All the nursing students actively participated this was followed by post test, and feedback certificates were distributed to the students at the end of the workshop.