Central Library
Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital Central Library is the best among the medical college libraries of Pondicherry.
- Also equipped with an E- Library
- 16 hours service with supporting staff.
- Spacious 2400Sq. mt.
- Medical books 17900 nos.
- Journals 117 nos.
- Back volume of Foreign and Indian Journals 2077 nos.
- Medical CD‘s 1033 nos.
- Audio visual equipment, internet, Xerox facilities, Uninterrupted power supply.
- Separate Departmental Libraries.
World Book Day – 2023 (Quiz Competition)
- World Book Day was celebrated in Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital on behalf of Department of Library on April 20, 2023. As a part of celebration a quiz competition for medical college students was conducted.
- Quiz Topic: “Medical Textbooks”. Quiz Masters Dr.Vimal. Professor Dept. of Pathology. Dr. P.Vijayashankar Asst. Prof. Dept. of DVL. & Dr.M.Aravind Baskar, Senior Resident Dept. of DVL.
- Quiz competition winners First Prize Miss A Sowmia,V.Anusha & Lakshiya M.R Second Prize Miss T.Harshavarthini, Janane N.M & Menagadevi. B.
- The program was conducted under the guidance of our respected Mr.M.Dhanasekaran, Chairman and Managing Director, Mr.S.Sugumaran,Vice Chairman, Dr.K.Narayanaswamy, Secretary and Mr. Rajarajan, Treasurer.
- Dr.D.Rajagovindhan. Director Dr.R.N.Kagne, Deputy Director, Dr.K.Karthikeyan Dean (Academic),Dr.G.Kalai Selvan Dean(Research),
- Dr.M.Pragash, Medical Superintendent was participated. The program was organized by Mr.N.Elangovan Librarian and library staffs and assisted by Mr. Hani Abdul Rasheed UG Student Rep.
World Book Day – 2023
- World Book Day was celebrated in Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital on behalf of Department of Library on April 20, 2023. As a part of celebration Prize and certificates distribution for Quiz winners and runners by Chief Guest on 25th April 2023.
- The program was conducted under the guidance of our respected Mr.M.Dhanasekaran, Chairman and Managing Director, Mr.S.Sugumaran,Vice Chairman, Dr.K.Narayanaswamy, Secretary and Mr. Rajarajan, Treasurer.
- N.Elangovan, Librarian gave a welcome address. Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital Director Dr.D. Rajagovindan, Dean Dr. R.N.Gagne and Dean Academic Dr.K. Karthikeyan delivered the keynote address.
- Special guest Dr.M.Vijayakumar, University Librarian of Puducherry University delivered a keynote speech on “Role of Library in Students Development” and distributed prizes and certificates to the participated students.
- Professors and students participated in the program. Mr. S.Lakshmi Gandhan delivered the vote of thanks. Deputy librarian Mr. R.Anandhan and library staff were make arrangements for the program.
Library Week Celebration (14.11.2019 to 20.11.2019)
Library Week was celebrated in Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital (SMVMCH) on behalf of Department of Library on 14.11.2019 to 20.11.2019 November 2019. The function was celebrated in the library and prizes were distributed to the maximum library uses among Postgraduates and Undergraduates. Mr.K.Nandakumar(Undergraduate) and Dr.P.Poomathy (Postgraduate in Community Medicine) were given prizes.
The program was conducted under the guidance of our respected Mr.M.Dhanasekaran, Chairman and Managing Director, SMVMCH, Mr.S.Sugumaran, Vice Chairman, SMVMCH and Dr.K.Narayanaswamy, Secretary, SMVMCH.
Dr.D.Rajagovindan, Director, Dr.R.N.Kagne, Deputy Director, Dr.K.Karthikeyan, Dean (Academic), Dr.Amol Rambhau Dongre, Dean (Research), and Dr.M.Pragash, Medical Superintendent, participated and distributed prizes. The program was organized by Mr.N.Elangovan, Librarian and the Library Staffs.
World Book Day
World Book Day was celebrated in Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital (SMVMCH) on behalf of Department of Library on 23rd April 2018. As a part of celebration the Book Fair, Essay and QUIZ competition were conducted.
QUIZ ON ROBBINS PATHOLOGY:Conducted by Dr.M. Vimal, Associate Prof.Pathology,SMVMCH.
1. The Quiz competition winners
- 1st prize: Mr. JASWANTHKUMAR . J (MBBS 2015 BATCH )
- 2nd prize :Mrs.VALETI MEGHANA (M.D.2016 Batch, Dept. of Dermatology)
2. The Quiz competition winners
- 1st prize: Mr. JASWANTHKUMAR . J(MBBS 2015 BATCH )
- 1st prize :Mr. AKSHAY AJITH KUMAR. K (MBBS 2015 BATCH )
- 1st prize :Mr. ADITHYA. M (MBBS 2015 BATCH )
- 2nd prize : MANONMANI. B (MBBS 2014 BATCH)
- 2nd prize: SHANMUGAPPRIYA. A (MBBS 2014 BATCH)
- 2nd prize : SHAHEENA PARVEEN. H (MBBS 2014 BATCH)
The program was conducted under the guidance of our respected Mr. M. Dhanasekaran, Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. S. Sugumaran, Vice Chairman,Dr.K. Narayanaswamy,Secretary.
Dr.D. Rajagovindhan, Director, Dr.R. N. Kagne, Dupty Director,Dr.K. Karthikeyan, Dean (Academic),Dr.AmolRambhauDongre, Dean (Research), Dr.M. Pragash, Medical Superintendent, participated and distributed prizes.The programwasorganized by Mr. N. Elangovan, Librarian,Library Staffsand Mr.M.Mohamed ShiekAbudullah, Secretary for quiz.
The winners were awarded with Momento, Certificates and Cash Prizes.