

The Pharmacy Department Consist of Central Medical Store, Pay Pharmacy and Free Pharmacy which are running under the License issued by the DDC-Puducherry.

The Pharmacy department is supported by Chief Pharmacist, Senior Pharmacist, Pharmacist (Registered), Pharmacy Assistant and Attender.

The Pharmacy staff will provide excellence in pharmaceutical care at a level of meeting the needs and expectation of our patient in such manner as to provide their health and well–being.

Our service consist of

  • Procurement and purchasing of Drugs
  • Efficient and scientific drugs Distribution
  • Patient counseling

Salient Features

  • Fully computerized Transaction
  • Adequate stock to meet demands
  • Proper purchase policy
  • Appropriate drug pricing
  • An efficient system for drug distribution to the wards
  • Computerized inventory control system

Central Medical Store

All drugs and surgical disposable are verified and received from the suppliers by the CMS and distributed to all the ambulatory care areas. Monthly Quality assurance checks of all drugs storage area in the hospital are performed including drugs dating, refrigeration storage and emergency drug supplies.

Free Pharmacy and Pay Pharmacy

  • In free Pharmacy free drugs are dispensed to our out patients at free of cost.
  • Pay Pharmacy is working round the clock handling 1500 drugs chemicals and surgical.

Patient counseling

Our senior Pharmacist give counseling to patient providing medication information orally or in written form to the patient or representative on direction of use ,advise on side effects, precautions, storage, diet and life style modifications.