1. Orientation workshop on research methods for postgraduate - July 18-20 & 24-26 2017

Three day workshop on ‘Research Methods’ was organised by the Research Committee and Medical Education Unit of SMVMCH for first year postgraduates of 2017 batch. It was conducted in two batches of 29 students each. For the first batch, it was conducted from 18th to 20th July and for the second batch of students from 24th to 26th July 2018. Every day the program started at 9 AM sharp and was over by 4.30 PM. The course contents and additional reading materials were given to them in the form of binder. Lunch and refreshments were arranged for the students on all days.

The workshop comprised of interactive lectures, demonstrations of learned concepts, group activities, individual exercises and hands on training related to research methods and development of MD/MS thesis proposal. Students were administered pre and post workshop questions to check the improvement in their knowledge through the workshop and also to check the effectiveness of teaching and the results of which was attached with this report. The feedbacks were collected from the students at the end of the workshop. The contents were analysed and reported.

Apart from research methods they were oriented to the standard operating procedures of Research Committee. They were also informed about the process and format of submission of their research proposals. Resources available in the college related to research and development of their thesis were also mentioned. The deliverables to be submitted by them to Research Committee with their time line was explained to them.

2. Program on ‘Basic Medical Education Technologies’ 01.08.17

Program Time Faculty
Introduction / Vision and mission of the institute 09.00 – 09.30 am Dr.R,N.Kagne / / Dr.Karthikeyan
Adult learning principles 09.30 am – 10.30 am Dr.Murugan / Dr.Karthikeyan
How to write an objective for teaching program?
Tea break 10.30 am – 11.00 am
How to plan a session for large group? 11.00 am – 12.00 noon Dr.Kalai / Dr.R,N.Kagne
How to plan a session for small group? 12.00 noon – 01.00 pm Dr.Suguna / Dr.Amol
Lunch break 01.00 pm – 02.00 pm
How to plan and deliver session for Clinical skills centre teaching 02.00 pm – 03.00 pm Dr.Jayasree / Dr.Buvaneshwari
Appropriate and effective use of Media in Teaching Learning 03.00 pm – 04.00 pm Dr. K.Soundariya / Dr. Suriyakumari
Feedback 04.00 pm – 04.15 pm

Participants: Assistant Professors (Clinical department) of SMVMCH

Venue: Meeting room, Medical Education Unit

3.Basic Presentation and Teaching Skills for PGs - Sep 19-20 & Oct 5-6, 2017

Time Sessions Faculty
8.30-9.00 Registration
9.00 – 9.30 Rules, logbook and deliverables Dr Karthikeyan
9.30-10.15 Seminar Dr Amol
10.15-10.30 Tea break
10.30-11.00 Journal club Dr Karthikeyan
11.00-11.30 How to make PowerPoint presentation Dr Vimal
11.30-12.30 How to use white board, OHP and LCD for presentation? Dr Jayashree
12.30-1.00 Preparation and presentation skills Dr Suguna and Dr Nishanti
1.00-2.00 Lunch
2.00-3.00 Teaching session planning and delivery – Lecture and small group teaching Dr Kalaiselvan and Dr Suguna /
3.00-4.00 Instructions for micro-teaching session Dr Amol, Dr Kalaiselvan , Dr Jayashree
4.00-4.15 Feedback
DAY-2 (Afternoon)
1.00 -1.30 Lunch
1.30-3.30 Micro-teaching in small groups All
3.00-4.00 Report out by observing faculty All
4.00-4.30 Closing remarks and feedback Dr Kagne

4. Basic Research Methods for Doctoral Students of Physiotherapy Nov 18-19,2017

Time (IST) 18 November 2017 19 November 2017
9.00 – 9.30 Introduction and ground rules Recap of day 1
9.30-9.45 Pre-test Material & Methods: Designs
9.45-10.15 What is research? (Thesis\Dissertation), How to select the topic? (Dr Amol)[Exercise 1-A, B]
10.15-10.45 Tea Tea
10.45- 11.30 How to write the objectives?
(Primary and secondary)
(Dr Kalaiselvan)
Biases and ways to minimize it. Hands-on: Indentify biases in your project – Analysis plan
(Vinayagamoorthy) [Exercise-7]
11.30 -12.00 Variables and its types
(Vinayagamoorthy)[Exercise 2]
Hands-on: Decide the objectives and Methods for the given topic (All)
12.00-12.30 Review of Literature
(Amol) [Exercise 3]
Designing questionnaire and deciding the tools for measurement
(Kalaiselvan, PGs)
12.30-1.00 How to search the Literature?
(In library and Online)
PubMed and HINARI
1.00 -2.00 Lunch Lunch
2.00-2.30 Hands-on on Literature search
[Assignment instruction]
General Principles – ICMR Guidelines
2.30-3.00 Reference citation using
Vancouver style
Common mistakes and malpractices in research and thesis
3.00-3.30 Hands-onon Reference citation
Gantt Chart (Kalaiselvan)
3.30-4.00 Material & Methods: Sample size and sampling
(Amol) [Exercise-5]
4.00-4.15 Feedback Feedback

SPSS for Data Analysis in Medical Research and SPSS online training Portal – Nov 20-21, 2017

11th workshop on Qualitative Methods in Health Research- 3rd to 7th Jan, 2018

National level workshop on qualitative research methods is organised every year in the first week of January by Dr Amol R Dongre and other facilitators from the Department of Community medicine, SMVMCH. The sessions were planned such that at the end of workshop participants will attain a basic knowledge of qualitative research methods, which includes participatory, in-depth and systematic techniques; participants will acquire basic skills in qualitative data collection, analysis and its reporting in scientific and ethical way; participants will be able to design qualitative research. Thirty participants all over India participated in this workshop organised from 3rdto 7th of January 2018.

Qualitative Research Methods workshop – 2018

Workshop on Epi Info Software for Data Entry and Analysis – 7-8th Mar, 15-16th Mar 2018

Research Committee and Epidemiology Unit of Department of Community Medicine, Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry organised and conducted a workshop for all second year postgraduate students of our college titled, “Workshop on Epi_Info Software for Data Entry and Analysis”. It was carried out in two batches at Medical education Unit hall. For the first batch of participants, it was scheduled on 7th and 8th March 2018 and for the other batch on 15th and 16th March 2018. Overall 45 students successfully participated. At the end of the workshop they were able to develop the data entry form in the Epi_Info software version for their thesis work. Certificates were issued to those who successfully developed their study data entry format. Group photos taken at the end of the program are herewith enclosed.

Group photo of Batch-1

Group photo of Batch-2

Workshop to update on AFP and Measles Surveillance – 18th April 2018

Group photo of the Department of Community Medicine members with the resource person (Dr Saira Banu)

Workshop on Data capture using mobile device – 21st Jun 2018

MCI revised basic course workshop & AETCOM-23-26th July, 2018

Workshop on Practical skills to aid breast feeding – 30th July, 2018

Workshop on How to write MD/MS Thesis? – 18th August, 2018

Workshop on ‘Writing MD/MS Thesis’ for final year postgraduates was held on August 18th 2018. Forty nine final year postgraduates of batch 2015-16 attended the workshop. The workshop was arranged at the Conference hall situated at the fourth floor of Hospital building.

It started at 9.00 AM and got over at 1.00 PM. The objective of the workshop was to give orientation to final year postgraduates on drafting their MD/MS Thesis. There was no registration fee collected from them. At the beginning of the program, the comments received from external reviewers of Pondicherry University were disclosed to the participants by Dr Amol R Dongre, the Dean (Research). It was then followed by a lecture on ‘Writing Introduction and Objectives’ by Dr Karthikeyan K, Dean (Academic). Then ‘How to write Review of literature, and Material and methods’ session was delivered by Dr Amol Dongre. After a tea break ‘Writing Analysis plan, Results, and Constructing tables and figures’ was handled by Dr Vinayagamoorthy V. Dr Nishanthi A delivered a lecture on ‘Writing Discussion’. Dr Sindhuri shared her experience on drafting reference section of her thesis. Before closing the workshop, Dr Amol gave tips to avoid mistakes related to ‘English language and Grammar’ while drafting thesis. Hand-out on ‘Common mistakes encountered in drafting Thesis related to English language and Grammar’ was provided to the participants for their future use.

Photo taken during one of the session by Dr Amol R Dongre, Dean (Research)

Workshop on Leadership and Management - 1st Sep, 2018

Department of Community Medicine conducted a one day workshop (from 9 AM to 4.30 PM) on Leadership and Management at Medical Education Unit Hall of Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry (SMVMCH) on 1st of September 2018. This workshop event is an extension of our in-house training programme for postgraduates. The objectives of the workshop were to define various terms like organization, leadership and management with respect to health care professions, to learn important leadership theories and management theories, to apply the theories and principles learnt to routine practice, and finally to understand the rules in change management. The resource person was Dr Amol Dongre, Professor and Head, Community Medicine, SMVMCH. Participants (19 in numbers) were from various medical colleges of Tamil Nadu belonging to different specialities (Community Medicine, Pathology and Pharmacology). Participants were provided lunch and refreshments. Each of them paid INR 500 as registration fee of the workshop. Certificate of participation was given to them at the end of workshop. A group photo was taken upon closure of the workshop.

Group photo:

Workshop on counselling skills for field workers- 14th October, 2018

Group photo:

Workshop on ‘Basic presentation and teaching skills’ for post-graduates

Date: 22-23 January, 2019 and 29 -30 January, 2019

Venue: Medical Education Unit Meeting Hall

Objectives –

  • To orient postgraduates to rules, assessment plan and deliverables during the post-graduation course
  • To orient postgraduates to seminars and journal club activity
  • To orient post-graduates in planning and presentation skills
Time Sessions Faculty
8.30-9.00 Registration
9.00 – 9.30 Rules, logbook and deliverables Dr Karthikeyan
9.30-10.15 Seminar Dr Amol
10.15-10.30 Tea break
10.30-11.00 Journal club Dr Karthikeyan
11.00-11.30 How to make PowerPoint presentation Dr Vimal
11.30-12.30 How to use white board, OHP and LCD for presentation? Dr Jayashree
12.30-1.00 Preparation and presentation skills Dr Suguna and Dr Nishanti
1.00-2.00 Lunch
2.00-3.00 Teaching session planning and delivery – Lecture and small group teaching Dr Kalaiselvan and Dr Suguna /
3.00-4.00 Instructions for micro-teaching session Dr Amol, Dr Kalaiselvan , Dr Jayashree
4.00-4.15 Feedback
DAY-2 (Afternoon)
1.00 -1.30 Lunch
1.30-3.30 Micro-teaching in small groups All
3.00-4.00 Report out by observing faculty All
4.00-4.30 Closing remarks and feedback Dr Kagne

Workshop on Epi Info Software for Data Entry – 31st Jan & 7th Feb, 2019