Dr.Sharmila A1, Dr. Dilip Chandar D3, Dr. Balasubramanian S2, Suneeth P Lazarus2
⦁ Postgraduate, 2 – Professor, 3 – Associate Professor.
Department of Anaesthesiology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry.


Securing airway in patients undergoing surgical intervention to control a Deep neck infection is challenging for anesthesiologists due to the distorted airway anatomy, limited mouth opening, tissue edema and immobility.


A 45 years old male weighing 90kg presented with history of Left side face swelling for 1 week, increase in size progressing to diffuse face swelling, Difficulty in breathing for 2 days,Unable to lie supine, Difficulty in swallowing.CECT neck revealed diffuse fascial cellulitis with left parotid abscess. In anticipation of difficult airway tracheostomy was done under local anaesthesia and proceeded for surgery.


Patient with Diffuse fascial cellulitis presenting with respiratory distress is a nightmare for anaesthesiologist. A comprehensive understandings of radiological findings, comorbidities , and patients symptoms is needed when managing the airways of patients undergoing surgery for deep neck infections under anaesthesia.