SMVMCH in Pondicherry was established in 2006 with an aim to excel in the fields of medical education, training and research. The department is involved in medical teaching and training at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Department of Anatomy
The Department of Anatomy is approved by the Pondicherry University which imparts teaching and training programs in human anatomy to undergraduate and postgraduate students of Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy (BPT), and Allied Health Sciences (AHS).
The Department has adequate number of teaching faculty as per NMC norms. All the faculty members have undergone periodical Faculty Development Programmes. They participate and present research papers in conferences and workshops to update their knowledge. The faculty members of the department have published articles in various national and international indexed journals. The department cultivates teaching qualities in young minds using peer assisted learning. The students have access to highly engaging academic information via the learning management system on the e-governance site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. E learning content includes lecture presentations, video lessons, multimedia animations, multiple choice quiz sections, and question banks.
The department has a well-equipped Research lab with research microscopes. The department organises various academic events that enhances anatomical knowledge. The department also involves in conducting and coordinating events that focusses to impart ethics, humanities and communication skills amongst medical students.
Engaging in periodic Interdepartmental activities and research projects amplify students competencies. The department encourages under graduate students to take up short term student projects under ICMR. They are motivated to participate in various quiz programmes and they win prizes.
Nurturing medical students has brought accolades and laurels in the form of university ranks and medals. Post graduate alumni are enrolled in premier institutes of India and abroad.
- To ensure high excellence and inculcate research skills in Anatomy.
- To foster innovative ideas in Anatomy teaching.
- To ensure holistic approach of anatomy teaching by integrating with clinical subjects.
- To develop professional and ethical attitude among undergraduate students.
- To promote research activity among undergraduate and post graduate students.
Program Specific Outcomes
Department of Anatomy
Generic outcome
To provide comprehensive knowledge of the gross and microscopic structure and development of the human body provide a basis for understanding the clinical correlation of organs of structures involved and the anatomical basis for the disease presentation.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-UG
PSO1-Understanding of the gross and microscopic structure and development of the human body
PSO2-Comprehension of normal regulation and integration of the functions of the organs and systems on the basis of structures.
PSO3-Understanding of the clinical correlation of organs and structures involved and interpret the anatomical basis of the disease presentations.
PSO4-To instill professionalism by developing communication, leadership skills with ethical and moral values
PSO5-To develop life-long learning behavior by acquiring and updating existing knowledge and skills regularly for continuous professional development
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-PG
A post graduate student having qualified the MD (Anatomy) examination should be able to:
1. Acquire competencies in gross and surface anatomy, neuroanatomy, embryology, genetics, histology, radiological anatomy, applied aspects and recent advances of the above-mentioned branches of anatomy to clinical practice. These are given in detail in subsequent sections.
2. Acquire mastery in dissection skills, embalming, tissue preparation, staining and museum preparation.
3. Acquire skills in teaching, research methodology, epidemiology & basic information technology.
4. Acquire knowledge in the basic aspects of Biostatistics and research methodology.
5. Has knowledge to plan the protocol of a thesis, carry out review of literature, execution of research project and preparation of report.
6. Has ability to use computer applications Microsoft office (Microsoft word, excel, power point), Internet, Searching scientific databases (eg. PubMed, Medline, Cochrane reviews).
7. Acquire skills in paper & poster preparation, writing research papers and Thesis.
8. Acquire capacity of not letting his/her personal beliefs, prejudices, and limitations come in the way of duty.
9. Acquire attitude and communication skills to interact with colleagues, teachers and students.
10. Practicing different methods of teaching-learning
11. Demonstrate the ability to identify applied implications of the knowledge of anatomy and discuss information relevant to the problem, using consultation, texts, archival literature and electronic media.
12. Demonstrate the ability to correlate the clinical conditions to the anatomical/ embryological/hereditary factors.
13. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate scientific/clinical information and critically analyze conflicting data and hypothesis.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO1-Acquisition and transfer of knowledge, skills, attitude and professionalism to undergraduate and postgraduate students for quality care and outcome.
PEO2-Acquire, conduct, interpret, publish and translate knowledge and skills relevant in improving the contemporary medicine.
PEO3-Coordinate, communicate and collaborate with national and international networks to update and disseminate information related to human well being.
Faculty List
Name | Designation |
Dr. K.V.P. Suriyakumari | Professor |
Dr. Priyadharshini. N.A | Professor |
Dr. Deepa Somanath | Associate Professor |
Mrs. Sudha. R | Assistant Professor |
Mr. Vengadesan | Senior Resident |
Dr. Metha | Senior Resident |
Dr. Vanitha. G | Senior Resident |
Dr. Abinaya G P | Senior Resident |
Dr. Priyanka. S | Senior Resident |
Dr. Sankaranarayanan | Tutor |
Dr. Suriya | Tutor |
Dr. Nandhi Priya | Tutor |
Dr. Priyadharsini P | Tutor |
i.Museum – The departmental museum is well-equipped with sufficient number of wet specimens, arranged region-wise with footnotes, dry specimens, Models including Neuroanatomy, Photographs, Charts and Torso.
ii.Histology lab : Histology lab is provided with adequate number of seating arrangements.
Projection microscope with 65inch projector for briefing. Self-illuminated microscopes are provided for individual students with sufficient number of slides for a detailed study.
iii.Research lab : Research lab is equipped with Zeiss – Binocular Research microscopes, Instruments for preparation of histology slides like microtome, hot air oven etc.
Display illustrating various regions are provided to aid students during dissection learning.
- Audio-visually aided Demo rooms are available with LCD projectors, OHP for small group teaching.
- Departmental libraryis provided with sufficient number of recent edition of books in all branches of anatomy arranged category wise with adequate seating facility for reading.
- Dissection hall: Dissection hall is provided with good lighting and ventilation with exhaust fans to accommodate 150 medical students. Adequate number of cadavers for dissection is available. Dissection tables with seating arrangements are provided.
Facilities for embalming of cadavers is available along with storage facilities like Cold storage and Tanks.
Prosected specimens are prepared in the dissection hall with the help of instruments like Band saw. Bone bank is available for the students to encourage detailed learning of osteology in the dissection hall.
Monthly 1st Monday | 08.30 am – 10.30 am (Formative assessment test) |
Monday to Friday | 10.40am – 11.40am (Theory) |
Monday to Thursday | 11.40 am – 1.30 pm (Gross anatomy practical) |
Wednesday and Thursday | 11.40 am -1.30 pm (Histology practical) |
Thursday and Friday | 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm (Osteology) |
2nd Saturday | 11.40 am – 1.30 pm (Gross anatomy practical) 10.40 am – 11.40 am(Theory) |
4th Saturday | 11.40 am – 1.30 pm (Gross anatomy practical) 10.40 am – 11.40 am(Theory) |
5th Saturday | 11.40 am – 1.30 pm (Gross anatomy practical) |
- Shalini, Rajasekar SS, K.V.P.Suriyakumari. Zaltoprofen induces histological changes in albino rat liver .Eur.j.Anat. 2013 17(2):123-126.
- Shalini, K.V.P.Suriyakumari .Third head of gastrocnemius-a case report.National journal of clinical anatomy 2013; 2(3):166-68.
- V.P.Suriyakumari,Udayakumar,Panneerselvam A.Sildenafil citrate induced histological changes in liver of albino mice.International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research Apr 2015; 3(3): 94-98.
- H.Dilip kumar,K.V.P.Suriyakumari.Variations of the intercostobrachial nerve-a series of case reports. International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2015; 3(4):114-116.
- V.P.Suriyakumari, R Udayakumar,D Savitha.Trace element and light microscopic studies on testis of albino rats treated with Sildenafil citrate(Caverta).IJAR 2015;3(2):1168-72.
- V.P.Suriyakumari, R Udayakumar. Histological studies on testis of albino mice treated with Sildenafil citrate.IJBAMS 2015; 5(3):77-82.
- V.P.Suriyakumari,Udayakumar,Anurag Sood. Optical Microscopic Analysis of Liver of Sildenafil Citrate Treated Albino Rats. Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research 2015; 4(3):431-434. K.V.P.Suriyakumari
- Udayakumar, T.Ruba. Histological investigations on kidney of Sildenafil Citrate (Edegra) treated albino mice. Int J anat res 2016; 4(1):1977-80.
- V.P.Suriyakumari, R.Udayakumar, Sonia Patricia D´Souza .Light microscopic analysis of kidney of Sildenafil Citrate (Caverta) treated albino rats. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci; 2016; 4(3B):732-735.
- Sagnik Roy, Niveditha Roy. Histogenesis of Olfactory Bulbs in Human Foetus International Journal of Biological & Medical Research 2013; 3(1): 1561-1564.
- Sagnik Roy, Niveditha Roy. Human Foetal Stomach : a morphological study National Journal of Clinical Anatomy 2013;2(2):75-81.
- Sagnik Roy, Niveditha Roy. Histogenesis of gastric mucosa in human foetal stomach. National Journal of Clinical Anatomy 2016; 5(2):70-77.
- Deepa S, Sowmya PS. Comparative adverse effects of aceclofenac and celecoxib on liver of wistar albino rats. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research 2014; 3(3): 303-7.
- Srivastava S, Rajasekar SS, Deepa S. Congenital Diaphragmatic anomalies- case review. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research 2014; 3(3): 280- 4.
- Somanath Deepa, Rajasekar SS.Anatomical study of the sacral hiatus.International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2014; 3(1): 31-5.
- Somanath Deepa, Rajasekar SS.Series of vertebral synostosis-clinically implied. International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2014; 3(1): 36-40.
- Shivali S, Deepa S, Rajasekar SS. Unilateral Palatal Pizza Burn- A case report. International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2014; 3(1): 61-3.
- Somanath Deepa, Shivali Srivastava, Rajasekar SS. Lumbosacral transitional anomaly- a case report.International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2014; 3(1): 206-8.
- Deepa Somanath.Variation in the branching pattern of facial artery:Premasseteric artery. Int J Anat Res 2015; 3(1): 828-30.
- Somanath Deepa, Shivali Srivastava, Rajasekar SS. Experience in anatomy Lab- An analysis in Preclinical students.International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research 2014; 3(2): 117-21.
- Deepa Somanath, Shivali Srivastava. Anomalous left vertebral artery from arch of aorta-A thought for surgeons? Int J Anat Res 2015; 3(1): 861-64.
- Deepa Somanath, Shivali Srivastava.Bilateral occurence of the vestigial muscle Psoas minor. Int J Anat Res 2015; 3(1): 963-65.
- Deepa Somanath, R.Sudha.Morphometry Of Occipital Condyles In Craniovertebral Surgeries.IJAR 2017;5(1);3552-55.
- Stephen dayal, Thuslima Mohamed, Suresh narayanan and Nachiket Shankar.Left sided diaphragmatic hernia in Indian cadaver – an aetiological conundrum. Indian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular research 2014;30(3):235–236.
- Suresh narayanan, Thuslima Mohamed and Nachiket Shankar .Cord centrality and eccentricity indices of the placenta and their associations. Journal of morphological sciences 2015;32(3):216–18.
- Murugan M. S, R. S, Bhargavan R. Clinical Significance of an Unusual Variation: Anomalous additional belly of the sternothyroid muscle. Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J 2016;16(4):e491-4.
- Narayanan S, Murugan S. Association of high carotid bifurcation and thyrolinguofacial trunk: a rare variation. Anat Sci Int 2018; 93(2):307-310
- Narayanan S, Murugan S. Bifurcation of brachial artery into a common radial–interosseous trunk and superficial ulnar artery: a rare variation. Anat Sci Int 2018; 93(3): 400-403
- Marimuthu N, Narayanan S, Suriyakumari KVP. Morphometric analysis of lumbar pedicle and its role in degenerative changes. IJAR 2018;6(3):5431-35
- Phalgunan V, Narayanan S.Morphometric evaluation of occipital condyles for safe transcondylar approach through skull base. National journal of clinical anatomy2018;7(2):78-84
- Priyadharshini NA,parkash chand,Vishnu bhatt B.Can single cell gel electrophoresis [comet assay] predict the outcome in neonatal sepsis? NJCA2018;7(2):153-56.
- Priyadharshini NA,parkash chand,Vishnu bhattB ,Ramachandra Rao R. Assessment of DNA damage in term neonates with sepsis by comet assay Curr.pediatr.Res 2013;18(1):15-17.
S. No | Title of the paper | Name of the author (First/corresponding) | Department | Name of the journal | Date of Acceptance | Date of publication | Year | ISSN number | Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | Name of the indexing database | Type |
1 | Relevance of Learning Anatomy to Clinical Practice:Perceptive of Medical Students, Interns, and Clinicians | Priyadharshini N. A, Dinesh Kumar V, Rajprasath R, Rema Devi | Anatomy | NJCA | May-19 | 2019 | ISSN 2277-4025. eISSN 2321-2780. | | PUBMED Medline EBSCO Embase | Scopus | |
2 | Unilateral and isolated absence of opponens pollicis and adductor pollicis: could it be Cavanagh’s syndrome | Priyadharshini NA, Dinesh kumar V, Rajprasath R | Anatomy | Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine | Oct-19 | 2019 | 2455-3069 |’s_syndrome | Scopus Pub Med Central DOAJ EBSCO | DOAJ | |
3 | Do the dead enlighten the living in understanding anatomy? | Deepa Somanath, Sudha R. | Anatomy | Int J Anat Res | 13-Mar-19 | 05-04-2019 | 2019 | ISSN (E) 2321-4287 | ISSN (P) 2321-8967 | | index copernicus | original article |
4 | A rare occurrence of unilateral duplication of Wharton’s duct with their intra-sublingual glandular course: a cadaveric report. | Sudha Ramalingam, Deepa Somanath | Anatomy | JMS | 2019 | ISSN 2545-4706 | | case report | |||
5 | Massive hiatus hernia associated with scoliosis in a female cadaver. | Deepa Somanath, Sudha Ramalingam | Anatomy | Eur. J. Anat | 15 July, 2019. | 2019 | ISSN 2340-311X | | Embase, scopus | case report | |
6 | An Overview of the Thyrohyoid Muscle, Its Clinical And Surgical Implications | Sudha Ramalingam, Deepa Somanath | Anatomy | JMS | 2019 | ISSN 2545-4706 | | Review article | |||
7 | Do the dead enlighten the living in understanding anatomy? | Deepa Somanath, Sudha R. | Anatomy | Int J Anat Res | 13-Mar-19 | 05-04-2019 | 2019 | ISSN (E) 2321-4287 | ISSN (P) 2321-8967 | | index copernicus | original article |
8 | A rare occurrence of unilateral duplication of Wharton’s duct with their intra-sublingual glandular course: a cadaveric report. | Sudha Ramalingam, Deepa Somanath | Anatomy | JMS | 2019 | | case report | ||||
9 | Massive hiatus hernia associated with scoliosis in a female cadaver. | Deepa Somanath, Sudha Ramalingam | Anatomy | Eur. J. Anat | 15 July, 2019. | 2019 | | Embase, scopus | case report | ||
10 | An Overview of the Thyrohyoid Muscle, Its Clinical And Surgical Implications | Sudha Ramalingam, Deepa Somanath | Anatomy | JMS | 2019 | | Review article | ||||
11 | Infusing the axioms of clinical reasoning while designing clinical anatomy case vignettes teaching for novice medical students: a randomised cross over study | V.DineshKumar, R.Rajprasath, Priyadharshini NA, Magi Rema Devi R | Anatomy | ABC | 18-Sep-19 | 10-Dec-19 | 2020 | pISSN 2093-3665 eISSN 2093-3673 | | DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science | PUBMED |
12 | Coexistence of variant pronator teres muscle and variant course of the neurovascular structures in the arm: clinical significance | Suresh Narayanan, Priyadharshini N A | Anatomy | Surgical and radiological anatomy | Jan-20 | 2020 | | Pubmed Embase Scopus Medline | PUBMED | ||
13 | Fucoidan alleviates hyperglycemia and hepato-renal histopathogenesis in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. | Deepa Somanath, J.Vijayakumar, K.V.P. Suriyakumari and R. Vijayaraghavan | Anatomy | Journal of Critical Reviews | 2020 | ISSN: 2394-5125 | | Scopus | original article | ||
14 | Hepatoprotective potential of Indigofera tirunelvelica Sanjappa: in vitro and in vivo studies on CCl4 induced wistar albino rats | Subburayalu S, Asha KRT, Deepa Somanath,Palavesam A. | Anatomy | International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences | 16-07-2020 | 16-07-2020 | 2020 | ISSN:0975-7538 (print) | | Scopus | original article |
15 | A comprehensive review of the anatomy of popliteus and its clinico-surgical relevance | Somanath D, Ramalingam S | Anatomy | J Orthop Traumatol Rehabil | 20.04.2020 | 2020 | ISSN: Print -0975-7341, Online – 2347-3746 | | DOAJ | review article | |
16 | A Histological Evaluation on The Protective Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Moringa Leaves on 4G-Cell Phone- Irradiated Testes of Wistar Rats | SUDHA RAMALINGAM Dr. X. CHANDRA PHILIP Dr. K.V.P. SURIYAKUMARI | Anatomy | Journal of Critical Reviews.2020 | 2020 | ISSN: 2394-5125 | | Scopus | original article | ||
17 | A comprehensive review of the anatomy of popliteus and its clinico-surgical relevance | Somanath D, Ramalingam S | Anatomy | J Orthop Traumatol Rehabil | 20.04.2020 | 2020 | ISSN: Print -0975-7341, Online – 2347-3746 | | DOAJ | review article | |
18 | Voluntary Body Donation-Knowledge and Perspectives among Healthcare Workers in Southern India | Priyadharshini NA, Goriparthi BP, Rajagopal RD | Anatomy | IJARS | Sep4 2020 | Jan 1 2021 | 2021 | ISSN (Print): 2277 – 8543 ISSN (Online): 2455-6874 |[Ra1]_F(SHU)_PF1(F_KM)_PFA(F_KM)_PN(SHU).pdf | Pubmed Medline EBSCO Embase | DOAJ |
19 | Effect of fucoidan on the regulation of antioxidant enzymes in hepato-renal tissues of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. | Deepa Somanath, J.Vijayakumar, K. V. P. Suriyakumari and R. Vijayaraghavan. | Anatomy | Indian J Pharm Sci | 08-Jul-20 | 2021 | ISSN: 0250-474X | | Scopus | original article | |
20 | A combined anomaly comprising triple muscular variations – An aberrant flexor indicis profundus lateralis associated with gantzer’s muscle and flexor indicis profundus. | Somanath D, Ramalingam S, Jayanthi S. | Anatomy | J Orthop Traumatol Rehabil | 11.04.2021 | 2021 | ISSN:Print -0975-7341, Online – 2347-3746 | | DOAJ | case report | |
21 | The Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Moringa Oleifera Leaves on 4 G-Cell Phone-EMR-Induced Oxidative Stresses Associated with Altered Sperm Count in Pre-Pubertal Wistar Rats | SUDHA RAMALINGAM Dr. X. CHANDRA PHILIP Dr. K.V.P. SURIYAKUMARI | Anatomy | Annals of R.S.C.B | 08-Feb-21 | 2021 | ISSN: 1583-6258 | | Scopus | original article | |
22 | A combined anomaly comprising triple muscular variations – An aberrant flexor indicis profundus lateralis associated with gantzer’s muscle and flexor indicis profundus. | Somanath D, Ramalingam S, Jayanthi S. | Anatomy | J Orthop Traumatol Rehabil | 11.04.2021 | 2021 | ISSN:Print -0975-7341, Online – 2347-3746 |’s_muscle_and_flexor_indicis_profundus | DOAJ | case report | |
23 | The dimensions of pronator quadratus and its neurovascular structures – A cadaveric study with its clinical implications in distal forearm surgeries. | Ramalingam S, Somanath D | Anatomy | J Orthop Traumatol Rehabil | 25.12.2021 | 2022 | ISSN: Print -0975-7341, Online – 2347-3746 | | DOAJ | original article | |
24 | The dimensions of pronator quadratus and its neurovascular structures – A cadaveric study with its clinical implications in distal forearm surgeries. | Ramalingam S, Somanath D | Anatomy | J Orthop Traumatol Rehabil | 25.12.2021 | 2022 | ISSN: Print -0975-7341, Online – 2347-3746 | | DOAJ | original article | |
25 | The anatomical perspective of gastroesophageal junction and occurrence of hiatus hernia in cadavers | Sudha Ramalingam, Deepa Somanath, Shyamala Ganesan. | Anatomy | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | 2022 | [ISSN: Print -0976-9234, Online – 2229-7723] | | Scopus | original article | ||
26 | Assessment of Superficial Fascia and Abdominal Fat of Anterior Abdominal Wall using Computed Tomography: A Retrospective Study | NA Priyadharshini Elamparidhi Padmanaban v Dinesh kumar | Anatomy | IJARS | AUG 1 2022 | Jan 1 2023 | 2023 | ISSN (Print): 2277 – 8543 ISSN (Online): 2455-6874 | DOI: 10.7860/IJARS/2023/56155.286 | Pubmed Medline EBSCO Embase | DOAJ |
27 | The anatomical perspective of gastroesophageal junction and occurrence of hiatus hernia in cadavers | Sudha Ramalingam, Deepa Somanath, Shyamala Ganesan. | Anatomy | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | 2023 | [ISSN: Print -0976-9234, Online – 2229-7723] | | Scopus | original article | ||
28 | Effect of ethanolic extract from brown seaweed Sargassum wightii and its polysaccharide; fucoidan on inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities – An in vitro study. | Deepa Somanath, Sudha Ramalingam, Senthil Murugan M, Shyamala Ganesan | Anatomy | Eur. Chem. Bull. | 2023 | ISSN 2063-5346 | | Scopus | original article | ||
29 | Effect of ethanolic extract from brown seaweed Sargassum wightii and its polysaccharide; fucoidan on inhibition of α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities – An in vitro study | Deepa Somanath, Sudha Ramalingam, Senthil murugan M, Shyamala Ganesan | Anatomy | Eur. Chem. Bull. | 2023 | ISSN 2063-5346 | | Scopus | original article |
Pass Percentage
Year | Percentage (%) |
2019 | 98 |
2020 | 98 |
2021 | 80 |
Year | Distinction |
2019 | 32 |
2020 | 44 |
2021 | 7 |
Research week celebration
Event Name: Embark your journey on Medical Research
Organized By: Dept of Anatomy
Venue: Lect Hall -V
Date: 09-12-2024
Time: 11:45 A.M – 1:30 PM
Department of Anatomy organised a e-Webinar on “Embark your journay on Medical research”by Dr.Suresh.N & Dr.Rajprasath .R, Assistant professors, AIIMS, Madurai.
The online session was conducted on 9.12.2024 at Lecture hall 5. It started at 11.30 AM. Dr Priyadharshini N A, Professor of Anatomy, delivered the introductory speech regarding the importance of research in Medical field. Dr. K V P Suriyakumari, Professor & Head of the Department, introduced the speakers. Dr Suresh N, the first speaker gave an elaboratory oration on the start up ideology of medical research. Followed by Dr.Rajprasath continued with enlighting the student with rest of the procedures of data collection storage, basics of analysis and importance of sample size. Students interacted with the speaker through what’s App polls and discussion. Department HOD felicitated the speaker with e-certificate. Dr. Sudha .R delivered vote of thanks. Feedback form were collected from the student.
Stress management
Event Name: Stress management
Organized By: Dept of Anatomy
Venue: Lect Hall – 4 College Block
Date: 22-04-2024
Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
A Guest lecture on “Stress management”, by Dr. Souganyadevi@ Mahalakshmi. V on 22.4.2024 at Lecture hall 4 Time 4- 5 PM for MBBS Phase I students was organized by Department of Anatomy. The session was introduced by Dr.Sudha .R, Dr.K.V.P.Suriyakumari , HOD of Anatomy welcomed the gathering, Dr. Deepa Somanath introduced the speaker. Dr. Souganyadevi@ Mahalakshmi.V gave insight about the stress management. The students interacted with the speaker, regarding the ways of stress management. Faculties from other departments joined the session. Dr. R.N.Kagne, Deputy Director & Dean,SMVMCH, felicitated the speaker with memento and e-certificate. A feedback through Google form was obtained from the students. Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr. Deepa Somanath.
S.No. | Date | Nature of the Program | Programme |
2 | 12.03.2021 | Women’s day celebration | DEBATE ON PRIORITISING WOMEN THEN & NOW |
3 | 04.06.2021 | Guest lecture | Surgical Anatomy of Middle Ear |
5 | 23.10.2021 | Day celebration | world Anatomy Day celebration |
6 | 10.09.2022 | Guest lecture | ANAT-IMAGE 360 |
7 | 17.10.2022 | Day celebration | world Anatomy Day celebration |
8 | 08.03.2023 | Women’s day celebration | CONCEPT OF GENDER EQUALITYIS |

Usg-Guided Paravertebral Block With Cadaveric Demonstration
Interdepartmental Workshop – In Collaboration with Department of Anaesthesiology on 05th February 2021 at Anatomy hall , SMVMCH. The workshop started with a presentation of para vertebral Anatomy by Dr.Deepa Somanath followed by demonstration of the same by Dr.Siva Shanmugam,Department of Anaesthesiology,MGMC&RI, Pondicherry.
Women’s day celebration
Debate on prioritizing women Then & Now – Organized Women’s day celebration on March 12th 2021 at Lecture hall 1, SMVMCH. The session was moderated by Dr.K.Venkata Rangan, Department of Psychiatry, SMVMCH. Enthusiastic participation of Phase I MBBS students.
Guest lecture on “Surgical Anatomy of Middle Ear” by Dr. K. Santhana Krishnan, Professor, Department of Otolaryngology on 04th June 2021 for Phase I MBBS students.
Online Guest lecture on Radiological Anatomy of Chest by Dr.E.A.Parthasarathy, Associate professor of Anatomy, Chettinad Academy of Research and Eductaion, Chennai on 17th June 2021. Phase I MBBS students interacted with the speaker. The CT changes of Covid-19 were presented and discussed.
World Anatomy Day celebration on 23rd October 2021 with the theme “Remembering my first teacher”. Imparting “Humanities among medical students” through Elocution, Painting, Role play, Rangoli and Poetry. Dr.A.Arul Selvan, Assistant professor of Surgery delivered guest lecture on importance of cadaveric dissection.
World Anatomy Day Celebration – 2022
Debate on “Learning Anatomy without Cadaver – Pleasure/ Painful” on 17.10.2022. Phase I MBBS students participated.
Women’s day celebration – 2023
International Women’s Day Celebration on 8.3.2023. The debate topic was “CONCEPT OF GENDER EQUALITY is PREVAILING or PERISHING” </b >. The moderation by Dr.Venkatarangan consultant, Dept., of Psychiatry made the event knowledgeable and thought provoking.
PG Alumini
Year | Name | Designation | Institute | Email ID |
2011-13 | Dr.R.Shalini | Assistant professor | K.A.P. Viswanatham Medical College, Trichy | [email protected] |
2011-13 | Dr.Adline Misba | Assistant professor | Govt Stanley medical college, Chennai | [email protected] |
2012-15 | Dr.T.H.Dilip Kumar | Assistant professor | Chengalpattu medical college,Chengalpattu | [email protected] |
2012-15 | Dr.G.Sundar | Assistant professor | Govt Vellore medical college, Vellore | [email protected] |
2013-16 | Dr.Shivali Srivastava | Family physician and Centre Incharge | Wellspring Pvt Ltd, Andheri Kurla Community medical centre,Mumbai | srivastava [email protected] |
2015-18 | Dr.M.Nithya | —– | —— | [email protected] |