Department of the Biochemistry was started in 2006 as a part of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry. It is involved in teaching theoretical knowledge and skills related to biochemical pathways of humans and biochemical investigations and tests related to diseases. It renders its diagnostic services to the hospital patients through Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory with latest diagnostic instruments.
Department of Biochemistry
- To become centre of excellence by rendering in depth knowledge about biochemical and molecular basics of health and disease to the students, which makes them competent in diagnostic biochemistry and research.
- To enable students to understand the scientific basis of life processes at the molecular level and orient them towards the application of knowledge acquired , in solving clinical problems.
- To acquire basic practical skills for biochemical investigations in order to support clinical diagnosis of common disorders in the community.
- To promote research activities and continual medical education programme to acquire knowledge in recent advances in biochemistry.
Program Specific Outcomes
To make the students understand the scientific basis of the life process at the molecular level and to orient them towards the application of the knowledge acquired in solving clinical problems.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-UG
PSO1-Understand the biochemical basis of health
PSO2-Understand the biochemical basis of diseases and their complications
PSO3-Understand the molecular aspects of cellular events
PSO4-Understand the genetic basis of diseases and their diagnosis
PSO5-Understand the nutritional importance of in health and diseases
PSO6-Understand the basis and rationale of Biochemical laboratory tests
PSO7-Demonstrate the ability to interpret the laboratory investigation results in clinical context
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-PG
At the end of the MD training program in Biochemistry, the post graduate student should be able to:
- Explain clearly concepts and principles of biochemistry and cell biology, including correlations of these with cellular and molecular processes involved in health and disease.
- Develop skills as a self-directed learner, recognize continuing educational needs; use appropriate learning resources and critically analyze relevant published literature in order to practice evidence-based biochemistry.
- Demonstrate competence in basic concepts of research methodology and epidemiology.
- Effectively teach biochemistry to undergraduate students in medicine and allied health science courses to make them competent health care professionals.
- Set up/supervise /manage a diagnostic laboratory in Biochemistry in a hospital, ensuring quality and reliable diagnostic service.
- Develop the desired managerial and leadership skills and function as a productive member of a team engaged in health care, research and education.
- Provide clinicians with consultation services for diagnostic tests in biochemistry and in interpretation of laboratory results.
- Demonstrate skills in documentation of reports.
- Conduct Clinical and Molecular research which has an impact on the patient health care and treatment modalities.
- 10. Carry out a research project from planning to publication and be able to pursue academic interests and continue life-long learning to become more experienced in all the above areas and to eventually be able to guide postgraduates in their thesis work.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-PG
PEO1-Acquisition and transfer of knowledge, skills, attitude and professionalism to undergraduate and postgraduate students for quality care and outcome
PEO2-Acquire, conduct, interpret, publish and translate knowledge and skills relevant in improving the contemporary medicine.
PEO3-Coordinate, communicate and collaborate with national and international networks to update and disseminate information related to human well being
Faculty List
List of Faculties
Name | Designation |
Dr. Kulkarni Sweta | Professor |
Dr. D. Rajagovindan | Professor |
Dr. Jeyakumar. M | Associate Professor |
Mr. Balakrishna Pai. R | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Ramya. B | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Augustiya. N | Assistant Professor |
Dr. K. Ramachandran | Assistant Professor |
Mrs. Elakiya | Senior Resident |
Ms. Jasmine Manna Rani J | Senior Resident |
Dr. Sruthi.P | Senior Resident |
Dr. V. Vijay Venkatesh | Senior Resident |
Dr.Junolin Joy Titus | Tutor |
Dr. K Yuvaraj | Tutor |
Dr. E Nasrin | Tutor |
a) Library:
Department has library facility with text books and journals of latest editions. The library contains 282 books of 146 titles.
b) Student Practical Lab:
Student practical lab is equipped with five working tables to accommodate 80 students simultaneously. All work stations are supported by reagent racks, water sinks and properly maintained gas burners.
c) Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory (CBL):
The Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory was established in July, 2004. It is a well equipped, computerized, air conditioned laboratory providing round the clock patient care services.
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) Accredited:
Our Clinical Biochemistry lab is NABL accredited according to the ISO 15189:2012 Standards.
Hospital Information System (HIS):
Clinical Biochemistry lab is connected to HIS software, by which laboratory results are electronically sent to patient care terminus in addition to paper reporting. And once the reports are ready to dispatch, all the patients will receive information about the report dispatch details through SMS to their registered mobile number.
Internal Quality Control (IQC):
Laboratory Internal Quality (IQ) is maintained with BioRad Quality Control Sample periodically.
External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS):
Externally laboratory quality is assessed by External Quality Assessment Scheme (EQAS) conducted by CMC, Vellore and BioRad.
Equipments available in Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory:
- Fully Automated chemistry Analyzer (Biolis 50i, CPC Diagnostics)
- Fully Automated chemistry Analyzer (Turbochem Prime, CPC Diagnostics)
- Fully Automated Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay Analyzer (iFlash 1800, CPC Diagnostics)
- Fully Automated Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay Analyzer (Centaur XP -Siemens)
- HbA1c Analyser (Mispa i2, Agappe)
- HbA1c Analyser (Adams A1c Lite, Arkray)
- Arterial Blood Gas Analyzer (ABL-80, Radiometer)
- Arterial Blood Gas Analyzer (ABL-80, Radiometer)
- Electrolytes Analyser (Rapidchem-744; Siemens)
- Electrolyte Analyser (Turbolyte, CPC Diagnostics)
- Semi Automated Analyzer (Microlab-300; Merck)
- ELISA Reader (Mios mini; Merck)
- Centrifuge (capacity: 64 buckets) (Neya -Remi)
Equipment available in Department of Biochemistry:
- Chromatography chamber (paper & thin layer)
- Electrophoresis with power pack
- Spectrophotometer
- Digital photoColorimeter
- pH meter
- Flame photometer with compressor
- ELISA Reader with washer
- Centrifuge
- Electronic weighing balance
- Triple beam balance
- Hot air oven
- Incubator
- Microscope – Binocular & Monocular
- Heating mantle
- Magnetic stirrer
- Vortex mixer
- Constant temperature water bath
- Water bath – single wall type
- Water bath – double wall type
- Physical balance
- Thermometers (0°C -250°C & 0°C -110°C)
- Electrophoretic chamber with power pack
- Single istillation plant – steel
- Micropipettes
Central Research Laboratory
1 | (HPLC) 1220 Infinity LC | Agilent Technologies |
2 | Gel Documentation System | Cleaver Scientific |
3 | ELISA reader | BIO-RAD – iMark |
4 | Thermal cycler (labnet) | Labnet |
5 | Gradient thermal cycler (Bio-Rad T100) | BIO-RAD |
6 | Cooling Centrifuge | Remi-C-24BL |
7 | Research Centrifuge | Remi-R-24 |
8 | Electrophoresis apparatus | Hoefer |
9 | Spectrophotometer | Labman |
10 | BOD Incubator | Technico |
11 | pH Meter | Hanna |
12 | -20 Refrigerator | Blue Star CHF2003 |
13 | Magnetic Stirrer with Hot plate | Spinot |
14 | Incubator | Technico |
15 | Refrigerator | Samsung |
16 | Refrigerator | Whirlpool |
17 | Bench top centrifuge | Remi-R8CBL |
18 | Bench top centrifuge | C-854/8 (2 No.) |
19 | Water bath | Niive NB-9 |
20 | Microwave Oven | IFB 17PG2S |
21 | Table top centrifuge | Remi-C85418 |
22 | Mini centrifuge (Eppendorf) | Tarsons |
23 | Microfuge (PCR tubes) | Tarsons |
24 | Vortexer | Tarsons |
Central Research Laboratory (CRL) offered two sections of two weeks training program to MBBS final year students as part of their elective postings from 20-02-2023 to 02-03-2023 and 06-03-2023 to 17-03-2023. The curriculum included theory and practical classes on molecular techniques, biochemical methods, bioinformatics and research methodology.
Central research laboratory conducts research primarily in the area of genomics including genetic polymorphism studies and molecular identification of microbes. The lab hosts HPLC and ELISA facilities for biochemical analysis and enzymatic assays respectively. The equipments are available to PG and MBBS students and faculties for academic projects, short-term research studies, PhD work, institutional and externally funded projects. CRL also has storage facility for blood, plasma, serum, urine and DNA samples.
- Mathaiyan M, Suresh A, Balamurugan R. Binding property of HIV p24 and Reverse transcriptase by chalcones from Pongamia pinnata seeds. Bioinformation. 2018;14(6):279.
- Mangaiyarkarasi T, Gopal R, Shivekar SS, Kaviraj M,Rajaraman R, Balamurugan R. Analysis of epidemiological and demographic component of dengue in rural Puducherry – A hospital based study. Indian Journal of Microbiology Research. 2019;6(3):225-228.
- Mathayan M, Suresh A, Balamurugan R, Jayaraman S. Immune Stimulation effects of Pongamia pinnata extracts, an In vitro Analysis. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2020;13(1):308-312.
- Jain SA, Das S, Subashini M, Mahadevan K. Determination of the proportion of refractive errors in patients with primary complaint of headache and the significance of refractive error correction in symptoms relief. Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology. 2018;4(2):258-262.
- Ahamed AM, Kumar KS, Balasubramanian S, Lazarus SP, Vikram V. A Comparative Study on the Endotracheal Tube Cuff Pressure Changes between Supine and Prone in Patients Undergoing Prone Position Surgeries. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2019;6(5):1599-1603.
- Dinesh Babu D, Vidjai Vikram S, Bala Subramanian S, Lazarus SP, Suresh Kumar K, Rajprasath R. A Study on the Effect of Lateral and Sitting Positions in Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Sections. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2020;7(1) (Part-I):33–40.
- Ashida TS, Balamurugan R. Effect of Intracoronary Nicorandil compared to Nitroglycerin on Coronary Diameter and Hemodynamics following Balloon Dilatation during Elective PTCA. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery. 2019;5(2):57-60.
- Karthikeyan K, Polly D, Asmathulla S, Balamurugan R, Kaviraj M. Topical proline therapy in prolidase deficiency. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. 2019;44(3):344-346.
- Murugaiyan R, Kaliyaperumal K, Rangasamy B. Prevalence and molecular characterization of human herpes virus 6 and 7 in patients with pityriasis rosea using polymerase chain reaction in a tertiary care hospital, Puducherry. International Journal of Research. 2019;5(4):728-731.
S. No. | Date | Nature of the program | Programme |
1 | 17-02-2023 | Workshop | Workshop on DNA Isolation and Separation |
2 | 28-04-2023 | Workshop | Workshop on DNA Isolation and Separation |
- Central Research Laboratory in association with the Department of Biochemistry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital organized a one day workshop on ‘DNA isolation and separation’ on 17th February 2023. The workshop offered training to 25 students from School of Allied Health Sciences on DNA isolation from whole blood sample and further separation by agarose gel electrophoresis.
- Second phase of the workshop on ‘DNA isolation and separation’ organized by CRL in association with the Department of Biochemistry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital was conducted on 28th April 2023. The workshop offered training to 17 students from School of Allied Health Sciences.
Departmental Activities:
The Department is involved in teaching programmes for MBBS, B.Sc MLT & DMLT (AHS), Nursing (B.Sc), Post B.Sc Nursing, BPT (Physiotherapy) and M.D (Biochemistry) courses.
Undergraduate training
Includes lectures, tutorials, small group discussion, integrated class, early clinical exposure, seminars based and AETCOM on the syllabus prescribed by the NMC.
Teaching methods
- Competency based Lecture class
- Tutorial class
- Practical class & demonstration
- Integrated class (Horizondal & Vertical integration)
- Early clinical exposure
- Small group discussion: Clinical case-based chart discussion
- AETCOM class
- MCQ (clinical case based) training on LMS portal
- Academic enrichment by conducting Quiz program
- Concept mapping of inborn errors of metabolism
- Competency based Lecture class
- Tutorial class
- Practical class & demonstration
- Integrated class (Horizondal & Vertical integration)
- Early clinical exposure
- Small group discussion: Clinical case-based chart discussion
- AETCOM class
- MCQ (clinical case based) training on LMS portal
- Academic enrichment by conducting Quiz program
- Concept mapping of inborn errors of metabolism
Post Graduate training
Training of Postgraduates is an important part of departmental activities. The post graduates undergo full time residency program.
The objectives of the training course in MD Biochemistry are:
- Teach requisite knowledge to the under graduate medical students.
- To teach laboratory skills to other medical / paramedical team members.
- To carry out routine investigations, internal quality control measures and data analysis in Clinical Biochemistry Lab
- To do case presentations on regular diseases and work-up of rare laboratory findings
- To inculcate the principles of research methodology, so as to enable the resident to write scientific paper for thesis, publication in reputed journals and presentation in national and international conferences.
Teaching program
Academics are of paramount importance in our postgraduate residency program. Acquisition of practical competencies being the keystone of postgraduate medical education, postgraduate training is skill-oriented. Learning in postgraduate program is essentially self-directed and primarily emanating from clinical and academic work. The formal sessions are merely meant to supplement this core effort.
Teaching methods
- Seminar
- Journal Club
- Case discussion
- Theory and practical discussion
- Internal & external quality control – group discussion
- Peripheral posting in clinical departments
The Department of Biochemistry facilitates the learning of the UG and PG students by involving them in more of research activities. UG students were encouraged to participate in ICMR-STS projects and made them to learn the basics of research. PG students learn advanced techniques by involving themselves in molecular level research activities.
Central Research Laboratory is equipped with instruments to carry out research on Genomics and Proteomics.
Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory has facilities to conduct research activities in Endocrinology, Immunology and Clinical chemistry.
Faculties of department of Biochemistry have various projects in Molecular Biology, chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases & Endocrinology.
- Asmathulla S, Rajagovindan D, Kasthuri TB, Vani G, Jakanattane V, Sathiyapriya V. Insulin Resistance : Its association with cardiovascular disease risk in pregnancy induced hypertension. Biomedicine 2010;30(4):554-559
- Asmathulla S, Koner BC, papa D. Does oxidative stress play a role in altered serum protein homeostasis in pregnancy – induced hypertension? Acta Physiol Hung 2011;98(3):339-46
- Asmathulla S, Rajagovindan D, Sathyapriya V, Pai B. Prevalence of prehypertension and its relationship to cardiovascular disease risk factors in Puducherry. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 2011;55(4):343-50
- Sasmita Mishra, P. Padmanaban, G.N. Deepti, G.Sarkar, S. Sumathi, B.D.Toora- Serum Magnesium and Dyslipidemia in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus, Biomedical Research 2012; 23 (2): 295-300
- Asmathulla S, Ragunathan, Ramchandar and Rajarajeswari R. Assessment of Ischemic Heart Disease and its Risk Factors among Asymptomatic Hospital Visitors. International Journal of Biomedical And Advance Research.2013;4(6):414-19
- Asmathulla S, Rupavani, Kripa, Rajarajeswari Insulin Resistance and its relation to Inflammatory Status and Serum Lipids among Young women with PCOS. IJRCOG. 2013;2(3):325-329
- Ashok V, Sumathi S, Asmathulla S, Divya R, Chandra S. Evaluation of lipid levels and physical fitness in Euthyroid and Hypothyroid states. National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences. 2014;4(2):123-127
- Sakthibalan M, Maruti Sawadkar S, Asmathulla S, Erli Amel Ivan, Muthu G. Study of Cardio protective effect of N-acetylcysteine, Vitamin C and enalapril given in combination to prevent doxorubicin induced cardio Toxicity in wistar rats. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences. 2013 November; 36(36): 1902-1908.
- Deepti GN, Lakshmi K, Sumathi S. Study on Microalbuminuria in apparently normal postmenopausal women. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical research. 2014;7:87-89
- Abeetha S, Mitali Srivatsava, Shivali Srivatsava. Progression of acute transverse myelitis to multiple sclerosis: A case report. IJBAMR. 2014;3(3):233-236
- Swithraa C, Sumathi S, Asmathulla S, Annapoorna. Evaluation of oxidative stress and protein bound sialic acid in diabetes with and without retinopathy. International journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology. November 2014; 13(1): 183- 186.
- Mitali Srivastava, Annapurna Kumar, Sumathi S. Association of Lipid Profile with Severity of Retinopathy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Research in Medical Education and Ethics. November 2015.
- Abeetha S, Shiva YogappaTeli, Mitali Srivastava, Divya R, Ashok V. Can sleep deprivation make us sweeter? International Journal of Healthcare & Biomedical Research. 3 (3), April 2015, 69-76.
- Mitali Srivastava, Abeetha, Shivali Srivastava. Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Syndrome (Wallenberg Syndrome) – a case report. International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Vol.3(2), January 2015, 76-79.
- Hariharan A, Asmathulla S, Suresh S. Does hypovitaminosis D have a role in lipid profile alteration among non-obese diabetics? International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology. August 2015; 16(1): 45-48
- Srivatsan R,Asmathulla S, Girija S. How Accurate is the Pulse Oximetry Reading in an Intensive Care Setup? Int J Pharm Bio Sci. 2015 Oct;6(4):1069-76
- Srivatsan R, Asmathulla S, Girija S. Hepatic and Renal Biochemical Markers as predictors of mortality among critically ill Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome patients. Ind J Clin Biochem (published online in February 2018)
- Vinod Babu S, Santhi Silambanan, Krithika B. Osazones of the Uncommonly Encountered Reducing Sugars. International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS). 2015;2(9):24-29.
- Karthikeyan, D.Polly, S.Asmathulla, R. Balamurugan, M. Kaviraj. Topical proline therapy in prolidase deficiency. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. (Accepted for publication 17 February 2018)
S. No | Title of the paper | Name of the author (First/corresponding) | Department | Name of the journal | Date of Acceptance | Date of publication | Year | ISSN number | Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | Name of the indexing database | Type |
Dr.Kulkarni Sweta 2023 | |||||||||||
1 | Competency Based Biochemistry Textbook for Medical Biochemistry As Per NMC Guidelines | Dr.Kulkarni Sweta | Biochemistry | EMMESS Medical Publishers | 01-08-2023 | 01.01.2023 | 2023 | ISBN No: 978-93-93885-51-7 | Text book | ||
Dr. Jeyakumar 2023 | |||||||||||
2 | Utility of Biochemical Markers in Predicting Severe COVID-19: Experience from a Tertiary Hospital in South India | JeyaKumar Manavalan | Biochemistry | Journal of the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine | 02.06.2023 | 08.08.2023 | 08.08.2023 | eISSN 1650 – 3414 | | Pubmed, Medline | Original Research article |
Mr. Balakrishna Pai 2023 | |||||||||||
3 | Role of Lactate Dehydrogenase Among COVID-19 Patients at Admissions | Balakrishna Pai | Biochemistry | International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research | 19.03.2023 | 25.03.2023 | 2023 | 2099-2870 (Print); 2209-2862 (online) | | Pub Med Scope Med Google Scholar | Research |
Dr.B. Ramya 2023 | |||||||||||
4 | A curious case of abnormally elevated Creatine Kinase in Rhabdomyolysis. Int Clinc Med Rep Jour. 2023;2(9):1-2 | Ramya Badrachalam | Biochemistry | International Clinical and Medical Case Reports Journal | 22.03.2023 | 24.03.2023 | 2023 | 2832 5788 | | PubMed Central | Case report |
5 | An update on diagnosis and therapeutics for type-2 diabetes mellitus. 2023;19(3):295-298 | Ramya Badrachalam | Biochemistry | Bioinformation | 31.03.2023 | 31.03.2023 | 2023 | 0973 2063 | | PubMed Web of Science | Original article |
6 | Phytochemical cocktail of Asanadi gana extract in the management of diabetes. Bioinformation.2023;19(3):299-307 | Ramya Badrachalam | Biochemistry | Bioinformation | 31.03.2023 | 31.03.2023 | 2023 | 0973 2063 | | PubMed Web of Science | Original article |
7 | Effect of β-Caryophyllene on oxidative stress, glucose metabolism in the skeletal muscle of high fat diet and fructose-induced type-2 diabetic adult male rats. Bioinformation.2023;19(4):417-422. | Ramya Badrachalam | Biochemistry | Bioinformation | 30.04.2023 | 30.04.2023 | 2023 | 0973 2063 | | PubMed Web of Science | Original article |
8 | Vitamin D receptor (BsmI) gene polymorphism and allele frequency among chronic kidney disease patients in south Indian population. Bioinformation.2023;19(4):380-384. | Ramya Badrachalam | Biochemistry | Bioinformation | 30.04.2023 | 30.04.2023 | 2023 | 0973 2063 | | PubMed Web of Science | Original article |
Dr.Suganya 2023 | |||||||||||
9 | Role of Lactate Dehydrogenase Among COVID-19 Patients at Admissions | Dr.Suganya | Biochemistry | International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research | 19.03.2023 | 25.03.2023 | 2023 | 2099-2870 (Print); 2209-2862 (online) | | Pub Med Scope Med Google Scholar | Research |
Department of Biochemistry 2022
S. No | Title of the paper | Name of the author (First/corresponding) | Department | Name of the journal | Date of Acceptance | Date of publication | Year | ISSN number | Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | Name of the indexing database | Type |
Dr.Jeyakumar | |||||||||||
1 | Utility of biochemical markers in predicting severe COVID-19: experience from a tertiary hospital in South India | Dr.Jeyakumar | Biochemistry | 06-02-2022 | 08-08-2022 | 2022 | 131-144 | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih | Original article | ||
Dr.B. Ramya | |||||||||||
1 | ―Prevalence of Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism among Chronic Kidney Disease patients in Puducherry – A Cross Sectional study‖, | Dr. Ramya Badrachalam, | Biochemistry | International Journal of Medical Science & Innovative research | 01.06.2022 | 30.06.2022 | 2022 | 2458 868X | | DOAJ Pub MedIndex Copernicus Google Scholar | Original article |
2 | A Study Of Association Between Neutrophil – Lymphocyte Ratio And Proteinuria Among Chronic Kidney Disease Patients, May 2022, Volume 5, Issue 3, Page No: 602-608 | Dr. Ramya Badrachalam, | Biochemistry | International Journal of Medical Science & Innovative research | 01.05.2022 | 30.05.2022 | 2022 | 2209 2862 | | Pub MedIndex Copernicus Google Scholar | Original article |
Dr.Suganya | |||||||||||
3 | Kinetics of Liver Markers in a case of Bee Sting | Dr.Suganya | Biochemistry | Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Studies | 19.09.2022 | 28.09.2022 | 2022 | JCMCS 22-73485 | 10.4172/J.Clin Med Case Stud.7.6.001 | Google scholar | Case Study |
Mr. Balakrishna Pai | |||||||||||
1 | Kinetics of Liver markers in a case of bee sting:A case report | Balakrishna pai | Biochemistry | Journal of Clinical & Medical case studies | 24-08-2022 | 28-09-2022 | 2022 | JCMCS-22-73485 | 10.4172/J.Clin Med Case Stud.7.6.001 | Google Scholar | Case Study |
Mrs.Elakiya | |||||||||||
1 | Lipid Peroxidation And Antioxidants With Lipid Profile In Pulmonary Tuberculosis | Mrs. K. Elakiya | Biochemistry | International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research (IJMSCR) | 18-12-2022 | 26-12-2022 | 2022 | ISSN (Print): 2209-2870 ISSN (Online): 2209-2862 | | Google scholar Scopemed | Research |
Department of Biochemistry 2021 | |||||||||||
S. No | Title of the paper | Name of the author (First/corresponding) | Department | Name of the journal | Date of Acceptance | Date of publication | Year | ISSN number | Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | Name of the indexing database | Type |
Dr.B. Ramya | |||||||||||
1 | Effect of Caryophyllene on insulin resistance in skeletal muscle of high fat diet and fructose induced type -2 | Vadivel Mani,Ramya Badrachalam | Biochemistry | Bioinformation | 30.08.2021 | 31.08.2021 | 2021 | 0973 2063 | | PubMed Web of Science | Original article |
2 | Validation of parameters at the time of admission in COVID-19 patients: A Retrospective study. Int J Curr Res 2021;13(12):19861-19864. | Sandhya Sreenivasan,,Ramya Badrachalam | Biochemistry | International Journal of Current Research | 20.11.2021 | 29.12.2021 | 2021 | 0975 833X | | DOAJI SIS cience Library Index | Original article |
Department of Biochemistry 2020 | |||||||||||
S. No | Title of the paper | Name of the author (First/corresponding) | Department | Name of the journal | Date of Acceptance | Date of publication | Year | ISSN number | Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | Name of the indexing database | Type |
Dr.Kulkarni Sweta | |||||||||||
1 | Efficacy of In-House Quality Control Material Compared to Commercially Available Quality Control for Thyroid Hormone. International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research | V. Kuzhandai Velu1*,Dr. Kulkarni Sweta2 | Biochemistry | International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research | 2020 | 12:191-195 | 10.1055/s-0040-1721151 | Original Research article | |||
2 | Efficacy of pooled serum internal quality control in comparison with commercial internal quality control in clinical biochemistry laboratory. J Lab Physicians:2020:12:191-195 | Dr.Kulkarni S, Pierre SA, Kaliaperumal R. | Biochemistry | J Lab Physicians: | 2020 Dec | 2020 | 12:191-195 | 10.1055/s-0040-1721151 | Original Research article | ||
3 | Risk assessment of pre-analytical errors and their impact on patient safety in a tertiary care centre in South India . IP Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology 2020;5(4):1–4 | Venkat Raghavan A.T.M, Kulkarni S | Biochemistry | Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology | 01-12-2020 | 2020 | 2020;5(4):1–4 | 10.1055/s-0040-1721151. | Original Research article | ||
4 | Establishment of reference ranges for thyrotropin and free thyroxin for neonates of Bangalore city. Biomedicine: 2020; 40(2): 143- 147 | Gaurav R,Silvia WDR, Kulkarni S, | Biochemistry | Biomedicine | 11.11.2020 | 2020 | 40(2): 143- 147 | | Original Research article | ||
5 | The putative role of thyroid hormones and vitamin D on severity and quality of life in psoriasis Int J App Basic Med Res 2020;10:173-7. | Sweta K, Freeda MM | Biochemistry | Int J App Basic Med Res | 11.07.2020 | 2020 | 10:173-7. | 10.4103/ijabmr.IJABMR_437_19. | Original Research article | ||
Dr.Jeyakumar | |||||||||||
1 | Diagnostic Utility of Procalcitonin and Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio in Bacterial Septicaemia – A Retrospective Case Control Study from a Tertiary Care Institute | Dr.Jeyakumar | Biochemistry | Journal of evidence based medicine and health care | 10-10-2020 | 30-11-2020 | 2020 | pISSN – 2349-2562, eISSN – 2349-2570 | DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2020/585 | DOAJ, Index copernicus | Original Research article |
Mr. Balakrishna Pai | |||||||||||
Reflection of Teaching Learning &Assessment during Covid 19 | Balakrishna Pai | Biochemistry | National journal of Integrated Research in Medicine | June | July August | 2020 | eISSN-0975-9840 pISSN 2230-9968 | CopernicusNational library of medicine catalogueGoogle Scholar | Medical education | ||
Miss.J Jasmine Manna Rani | |||||||||||
1 | Increased osteoprotegerin level is associated with impaired cardiovagal modulation in type-2 diabetic patients treated with oral antidiabetic drugs | J Jasmine Manna Rani | Biochemistry | BMC Cardiovascular Disorders | 06.10.2020 | 20.10.2020 | 2020 | 1471-2261 | 10.1186/s12872-020-01729-1 | Pubmed | Original article |
Department of Biochemistry 2019 | |||||||||||
S. No | Title of the paper | Name of the author (First/corresponding) | Department | Name of the journal | Date of Acceptance | Date of publication | Year | ISSN number | Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | Name of the indexing database | Type |
Dr.Kulkarni Sweta | |||||||||||
1 | Role of serum microRNA-499 as a diagnostic marker in acute myocardial infarction. Cor et Vasa 2019, 61(3):e272- | Dr.Kulkarni Sweta | Biochemistry | Cor et Vasa | 29.5.2018 | 21.06.2019 | 2019 | 61(3):e272- | DOI: 10.1016/j.crvasa.2018.03.008 | Original Research article | |
2 | Evaluation of single‑nucleotide polymorphisms of transcription factor 7‑like 2 and ATP2B1 genes as cardiovascular risk predictors in chronic kidney disease. Int J App Basic Med Res 2019;9:221-5. | Dr.Kulkarni Sweta | Biochemistry | Int J App Basic Med Res | 2019 | 2019;9:221-5. | 10.4103/ijabmr.IJABMR_92_19. | Original Research article | |||
3 | Competency based Practical Biochemistry Textbook for I MBBS 2019. Paras Medical Publishers. ISBN: 978-81-8191-518-4 | Dr.Kulkarni Sweta | Biochemistry | Paras Medical Publishers | 01.01.2020 | 2019 | 978-81-8191-518-4 | Text book | |||
Dr.Jeyakumar | |||||||||||
1 | Study the correlation of iodine nutrition and autoimmunity among thyroid disorder children in Tamil Nadu | Suresh Pichandi, Jeyakumar M*,Janakiraman P, Ramadevi K | Biochemistry | MedPulse International Journal of Biochemistry | 12-07-2019 | 06.08.2019 | 2019 | Print ISSN: 2550-763X, Online ISSN: 2636-4573 | | Index Copernicus | Original Research article |
2 | Clinical Biochemistry Reports- Effective Tools for Early clinical Exposure in Improving the Interpretation Skills of First MBBS Students | K. Suganthy, M. Jeyakumar, P. K. Mohanty, B. Sumanth Kumar, A. Kavitha | Biochemistry | Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences | 25-09-2019 | 07-10-2019 | 2019 | eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748 | DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2019/656 | Index Copernicus | Original Research article |
3 | Effect of Levetiracetam Monotherapy on Serum Cortisol Levels | M. Jeyakumar, A. Kavitha, Jeyanthi Arulneyam | Biochemistry | Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences | 23-11-2019 | 09-12-2019 | 2019 | eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748 | DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2019/789 | Index Copernicus | Original Research article |
Department of Biochemistry 2022
S. No | Title of the paper | Name of the author (First/corresponding) | Department | Name of the journal | Date of Acceptance | Date of publication | Year | ISSN number | Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | Name of the indexing database | Type |
Dr.Jeyakumar | |||||||||||
1 | Utility of biochemical markers in predicting severe COVID-19: experience from a tertiary hospital in South India | Dr.Jeyakumar | Biochemistry | 06-02-2022 | 08-08-2022 | 2022 | 131-144 | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih | Original article | ||
Dr.B. Ramya | |||||||||||
1 | ―Prevalence of Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism among Chronic Kidney Disease patients in Puducherry – A Cross Sectional study‖, | Dr. Ramya Badrachalam, | Biochemistry | International Journal of Medical Science & Innovative research | 01.06.2022 | 30.06.2022 | 2022 | 2458 868X | | DOAJ Pub MedIndex Copernicus Google Scholar | Original article |
2 | A Study Of Association Between Neutrophil – Lymphocyte Ratio And Proteinuria Among Chronic Kidney Disease Patients, May 2022, Volume 5, Issue 3, Page No: 602-608 | Dr. Ramya Badrachalam, | Biochemistry | International Journal of Medical Science & Innovative research | 01.05.2022 | 30.05.2022 | 2022 | 2209 2862 | | Pub MedIndex Copernicus Google Scholar | Original article |
Dr.Suganya | |||||||||||
3 | Kinetics of Liver Markers in a case of Bee Sting | Dr.Suganya | Biochemistry | Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Studies | 19.09.2022 | 28.09.2022 | 2022 | JCMCS 22-73485 | 10.4172/J.Clin Med Case Stud.7.6.001 | Google scholar | Case Study |
Mr. Balakrishna Pai | |||||||||||
1 | Kinetics of Liver markers in a case of bee sting:A case report | Balakrishna pai | Biochemistry | Journal of Clinical & Medical case studies | 24-08-2022 | 28-09-2022 | 2022 | JCMCS-22-73485 | 10.4172/J.Clin Med Case Stud.7.6.001 | Google Scholar | Case Study |
Mrs.Elakiya | |||||||||||
1 | Lipid Peroxidation And Antioxidants With Lipid Profile In Pulmonary Tuberculosis | Mrs. K. Elakiya | Biochemistry | International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research (IJMSCR) | 18-12-2022 | 26-12-2022 | 2022 | ISSN (Print): 2209-2870 ISSN (Online): 2209-2862 | | Google scholar Scopemed | Research |
Department of Biochemistry 2021 | |||||||||||
S. No | Title of the paper | Name of the author (First/corresponding) | Department | Name of the journal | Date of Acceptance | Date of publication | Year | ISSN number | Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | Name of the indexing database | Type |
Dr.B. Ramya | |||||||||||
1 | Effect of Caryophyllene on insulin resistance in skeletal muscle of high fat diet and fructose induced type -2 | Vadivel Mani,Ramya Badrachalam | Biochemistry | Bioinformation | 30.08.2021 | 31.08.2021 | 2021 | 0973 2063 | | PubMed Web of Science | Original article |
2 | Validation of parameters at the time of admission in COVID-19 patients: A Retrospective study. Int J Curr Res 2021;13(12):19861-19864. | Sandhya Sreenivasan,,Ramya Badrachalam | Biochemistry | International Journal of Current Research | 20.11.2021 | 29.12.2021 | 2021 | 0975 833X | | DOAJI SIS cience Library Index | Original article |
Department of Biochemistry 2020 | |||||||||||
S. No | Title of the paper | Name of the author (First/corresponding) | Department | Name of the journal | Date of Acceptance | Date of publication | Year | ISSN number | Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | Name of the indexing database | Type |
Dr.Kulkarni Sweta | |||||||||||
1 | Efficacy of In-House Quality Control Material Compared to Commercially Available Quality Control for Thyroid Hormone. International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research | V. Kuzhandai Velu1*,Dr. Kulkarni Sweta2 | Biochemistry | International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research | 2020 | 12:191-195 | 10.1055/s-0040-1721151 | Original Research article | |||
2 | Efficacy of pooled serum internal quality control in comparison with commercial internal quality control in clinical biochemistry laboratory. J Lab Physicians:2020:12:191-195 | Dr.Kulkarni S, Pierre SA, Kaliaperumal R. | Biochemistry | J Lab Physicians: | 2020 Dec | 2020 | 12:191-195 | 10.1055/s-0040-1721151 | Original Research article | ||
3 | Risk assessment of pre-analytical errors and their impact on patient safety in a tertiary care centre in South India . IP Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology 2020;5(4):1–4 | Venkat Raghavan A.T.M, Kulkarni S | Biochemistry | Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology | 01-12-2020 | 2020 | 2020;5(4):1–4 | 10.1055/s-0040-1721151. | Original Research article | ||
4 | Establishment of reference ranges for thyrotropin and free thyroxin for neonates of Bangalore city. Biomedicine: 2020; 40(2): 143- 147 | Gaurav R,Silvia WDR, Kulkarni S, | Biochemistry | Biomedicine | 11.11.2020 | 2020 | 40(2): 143- 147 | | Original Research article | ||
5 | The putative role of thyroid hormones and vitamin D on severity and quality of life in psoriasis Int J App Basic Med Res 2020;10:173-7. | Sweta K, Freeda MM | Biochemistry | Int J App Basic Med Res | 11.07.2020 | 2020 | 10:173-7. | 10.4103/ijabmr.IJABMR_437_19. | Original Research article | ||
Dr.Jeyakumar | |||||||||||
1 | Diagnostic Utility of Procalcitonin and Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio in Bacterial Septicaemia – A Retrospective Case Control Study from a Tertiary Care Institute | Dr.Jeyakumar | Biochemistry | Journal of evidence based medicine and health care | 10-10-2020 | 30-11-2020 | 2020 | pISSN – 2349-2562, eISSN – 2349-2570 | DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2020/585 | DOAJ, Index copernicus | Original Research article |
Mr. Balakrishna Pai | |||||||||||
Reflection of Teaching Learning &Assessment during Covid 19 | Balakrishna Pai | Biochemistry | National journal of Integrated Research in Medicine | June | July August | 2020 | eISSN-0975-9840 pISSN 2230-9968 | CopernicusNational library of medicine catalogueGoogle Scholar | Medical education | ||
Miss.J Jasmine Manna Rani | |||||||||||
1 | Increased osteoprotegerin level is associated with impaired cardiovagal modulation in type-2 diabetic patients treated with oral antidiabetic drugs | J Jasmine Manna Rani | Biochemistry | BMC Cardiovascular Disorders | 06.10.2020 | 20.10.2020 | 2020 | 1471-2261 | 10.1186/s12872-020-01729-1 | Pubmed | Original article |
Department of Biochemistry 2019 | |||||||||||
S. No | Title of the paper | Name of the author (First/corresponding) | Department | Name of the journal | Date of Acceptance | Date of publication | Year | ISSN number | Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal | Name of the indexing database | Type |
Dr.Kulkarni Sweta | |||||||||||
1 | Role of serum microRNA-499 as a diagnostic marker in acute myocardial infarction. Cor et Vasa 2019, 61(3):e272- | Dr.Kulkarni Sweta | Biochemistry | Cor et Vasa | 29.5.2018 | 21.06.2019 | 2019 | 61(3):e272- | DOI: 10.1016/j.crvasa.2018.03.008 | Original Research article | |
2 | Evaluation of single‑nucleotide polymorphisms of transcription factor 7‑like 2 and ATP2B1 genes as cardiovascular risk predictors in chronic kidney disease. Int J App Basic Med Res 2019;9:221-5. | Dr.Kulkarni Sweta | Biochemistry | Int J App Basic Med Res | 2019 | 2019;9:221-5. | 10.4103/ijabmr.IJABMR_92_19. | Original Research article | |||
3 | Competency based Practical Biochemistry Textbook for I MBBS 2019. Paras Medical Publishers. ISBN: 978-81-8191-518-4 | Dr.Kulkarni Sweta | Biochemistry | Paras Medical Publishers | 01.01.2020 | 2019 | 978-81-8191-518-4 | Text book | |||
Dr.Jeyakumar | |||||||||||
1 | Study the correlation of iodine nutrition and autoimmunity among thyroid disorder children in Tamil Nadu | Suresh Pichandi, Jeyakumar M*,Janakiraman P, Ramadevi K | Biochemistry | MedPulse International Journal of Biochemistry | 12-07-2019 | 06.08.2019 | 2019 | Print ISSN: 2550-763X, Online ISSN: 2636-4573 | | Index Copernicus | Original Research article |
2 | Clinical Biochemistry Reports- Effective Tools for Early clinical Exposure in Improving the Interpretation Skills of First MBBS Students | K. Suganthy, M. Jeyakumar, P. K. Mohanty, B. Sumanth Kumar, A. Kavitha | Biochemistry | Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences | 25-09-2019 | 07-10-2019 | 2019 | eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748 | DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2019/656 | Index Copernicus | Original Research article |
3 | Effect of Levetiracetam Monotherapy on Serum Cortisol Levels | M. Jeyakumar, A. Kavitha, Jeyanthi Arulneyam | Biochemistry | Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences | 23-11-2019 | 09-12-2019 | 2019 | eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748 | DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2019/789 | Index Copernicus | Original Research article |
a) Gold Medals in University Biochemistry Exams – UG:
Year | Name of the students |
2006 – 2007 | Prathap Vasigar |
2007-2008 | Anisha Mohan |
2008-2009 | Dhanika Suresh |
2009-2010 | Magesh. P |
2010-2011 | Inparasi. G |
2011-2012 | Bhagya Laxmi. C |
b) University ranks by UG students:
Year | University Ranks |
2006 – 2007 | I , 2 , 4 , 6 7, 8 & 9 |
2007-2008 | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 , 9 & 10 |
2008-2009 | 1,2,3,5,6,9 & 10 |
2009-2010 | 1 |
2010-2011 | 1 |
2011-2012 | 1,3 |
b) Number of Distinctions secured and Pass percentage of UG students:
Year | No. of Distinction | Pass percentage |
2006 – 2007 | 69 | 86 % |
2007-2008 | 58 | 85 % |
2008-2009 | 33 | 78 % |
2009-2010 | 82 | 87 % |
2010-2011 | 80 | 88 % |
2011-2012 | 59 | 79 % |
2012 – 2013 | 76 | 82 % |
2013 – 2014 | 66 | 93 % |
2014 – 2015 | 55 | 81 % |
2015 – 2016 | 73 | 99 % |
2016 – 2017 | 78 | 88 % |
2017 – 2018 | 76 | 93 % |
c) MED-BIOQUEST: Inter-college Quiz Competitions:
“MED-BIOQUEST” is an inter-college Biochemistry quiz competition conducted by Association of Medical Biochemists of India (AMBI)-Puducherry chapter for the I MBBS students of Puducherry state.
Our students have participated in the quiz program every year and the prizes won by the students each year is as follows:
Year | Prize | Name of the participant |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2007 | First | Mr. Jaganattane Mr. Thiagarajan |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2008 | First | Mr. Nivedhan Sundaram Ms. Shaaron |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2009 | First | Ms. Dhanika Suresh Mr. Balamurugan |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2010 | Second | Mr. Mahesh Mr. Arulselvan |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2011 | Third | Mr. Hariprasad Ms. Inbarasi |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2012 | First | Mr. Sibi Srivathsan Ms. Kanagalakshmi |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2018 | First | Ms. Gopika I Ms. Nisha |
c) MED-BIOQUEST: Inter-college Quiz Competitions:
Year | Prize | Name of the participant |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2007 | First | Mr. Jaganattane Mr. Thiagarajan |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2008 | First | Mr. Nivedhan Sundaram Ms. Shaaron |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2009 | First | Ms. Dhanika Suresh Mr. Balamurugan |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2010 | Second | Mr. Mahesh Mr. Arulselvan |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2011 | Third | Mr. Hariprasad Ms. Inbarasi |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2012 | First | Mr. Sibi Srivathsan Ms. Kanagalakshmi |
MED-BIOQUEST – 2018 | First | Ms. Gopika I Ms. Nisha |
d) Faculty awards:
- S.Asmathulla, received the First Prize for his Best Poster Presentation on “Oxidative stress alters the plasma albumin homeostasis in pregnancy induced hypertension”, during the 33rd Annual Conference of the Clinical Biochemists of India held at AFMC, Pune, during 23rd to 26th of November 2006.
- S.Asmathulla received the Second Prize in the National Biochemistry Quiz conducted during the 33rd Annual Conference of the Clinical Biochemists of India (ACBI) held at AFMC, Pune, during 23rd to 26th of November 2006.
- R.Rajarajeswari, received First prize in Paper presentation for her paper on “Insulin resistance and inflammatory status related to thyroid hormones in hypothyroidism” during the 3rd National conference, SOBSICON, held at Karpaga Vinayagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Madhuranthagam, Kanchipuram, during 4th to 6th of January 2013.
- Balakrishna Pai R received the Best Oral presentation “P S Murthy award” on his paper titled “A study of SNPs of RAGE & its association with micro & macro vascular complications of T2DM in south Indian population during ACBI conference held at Mangalore from 12th to 15th Dec 2016
e) Achievements of Clinical Laboratory:
Our laboratory participates in the “ACBI/CMC External Quality Assurance Scheme” conducted by CMC, Vellore since 2006. Our lab secured 1st rank in 2007, in the above program.
Summary of the ranks hold by our lab for the past seven years is as follows:
f) University Medals in PG Exams:
Name of the Post graduate | Batch | University exam medal |
Dr. Ashok | 2012 – 15 | Gold Medal |
Department of Biochemistry (in collabaration with IQAC) Date: 08.03.2025 Venue: Lecture Hall-5, College Block, SMVMCH
Event Name: International Women’s Day celebration – 2025 “Healthcare: A Matter of Quality-SLOGAN Competition
Organized By: Department of Bio- Chemistry
Venue: Lecture Hall V
Date: 08-03-2025
Time: 9:30A.M – 11:30 A.M
The event titled Women’s day celebration in “Healthcare: A Matter of Equality” was Vibrant and thought provoking event that brought together students, faculty and staff to celebrate women’s empowerment.
- Promote women’s empowerment To Encourage students to think creatively about women’s empowerment.
- Foster creativity and Innovation: To Provide a platform for students to express their thoughts and perspective on women’s empowerment in healthcare through their innovative SLOGAN
Dr. N.A.Priyadharshini, Professor Department of Anatomy, SMVMCH judged the competition. Mam Has selected two best slogan based on their creativity, relevance and Impact. 30 students has actively participated in slogan competition. From those 30 slogans two best slogans based on their creativity, relevance was selected for First and second Prize.
First Prize: Miss. Naya darshini
Second Prize: Miss. Harshini harriet
Feedback and Evaluation
Feedback was collected through Google forms at the end of the event.
Feedback Analysis:
The Women’s day celebration slogan competition was a huge success with students showcasing their creativity and passion for women’s empowerment. This event serverd as the platform for students to express their thoughts and perspectives on women’s empowerment.
Gender Equity Program "Healthcare Equality: It's a Right"
Event Name: Gender Equity Program “Healthcare Equality: It’s a Right”
Organized By: Department of Bio-Chemistry
Venue: Lecture Hall -V
Date: 28-02-2025
Time: 8:30 A.M – 09:30 P.M
The event titled Gender Equity Programme in “Healthcare: It is a Right” aimed to raise awareness about the importance of gender equity in the healthcare sector. The program highlighted how gender inequality affects healthcare access, quality, and outcomes. The focus was on ensuring that healthcare is equitable, acknowledging that gender should never be a barrier to receiving the necessary care.
Activities and Highlights:
GUEST SPEAKER: Dr. Moonishaa TM MBBS, MD (Biochemistry), PGDMLE (Medical Law & Ethics), Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Srinivasan Medical College & Hospital, Trichy has delivered insightful lecture on “Healthcare Equity: It is a right”, drawing on article 17 of the universal declaration of human rights, the speaker noted that everyone has the right to health, as it is directly tied to the right to security and well-being. The speaker also highlighted the need for a gender-responsive approach to healthcare to make this right truly accessible to all genders.
Article 17 States:
“Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. “Attendees actively engaged in the discussion session.
Feedback and Evaluation
Feedback was collected through Google forms at the end of the event. Students rated the event highly, particularly appreciating the content of the lecture.
Feedback Analysis:
The Gender Equity Programme in “Healthcare: It is a Right” event highlighted the deep connection between gender equity and human rights, emphasizing that equitable healthcare is a fundamental right under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, specifically under Article 17. The event served as a platform for robust discussions on how to dismantle systemic barriers in healthcare, ensuring all individuals, regardless of gender, have access to the care they need and deserve.
"Alumni Success Stories: How Kaplan Shaped Their Medical Careers"
Event Title: “Alumni Success Stories: How Kaplan Shaped Their Medical Careers”
Date: 27.01.2025, 3.30 PM to 4.30 PM
Venue: Lecture Hall-5, College Block
Organized by: Department of Biochemistry, SMVMCH
The Alumni interaction session on “Alumni Success Stories: How Kaplan Shaped Their Medical Careers” was successfully conducted by the Department of Biochemistry, SMVMCH. The event aimed to provide an understanding of the role of KAPLAN activities in the preparation for USMLE exams
Dr. Sharmilaa Babu, Board certified paediatrician, Paediatric gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition fellow, Duke University Hospital, Durham, North Carolina, USA
- Dr. Sharmilaa Babu shared how Kaplan’s structured approach to exam prep makes a significant difference in the readiness for appearing in exams. She emphasized that it not only equips the candidate with knowledge but also teaches the importance of strategic preparation.
- The adaptability of Kaplan’s programs, such as tailored study schedules and personalized feedback, is a key factor. The ability to adjust study techniques to suit individual learning styles is invaluable to the candidate’s progress.
- She spoke about how learning resources like Kaplan helped her build confidence in her abilities, particularly when facing the stress of high-stakes exams. Her story encouraged students to remain resilient and stay focused on their long-term goals
Q&A Session
The workshop concluded with an engaging Q&A session where participants asked questions and clarified their doubts regarding USMLE preparation.
The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive. Attendees appreciated the depth of knowledge shared by the speaker and the practical insights provided on the preparation for USMLE exams
The Research Week celebration was a resounding success in laying the groundwork for first-year MBBS students to explore the exciting world of medical research. The event not only provided foundational knowledge but also inspired students to embark on their own research journeys, contributing to the future of medical innovations. By fostering an early interest in research, the event has contributed to building a generation of medical professionals who are curious, innovative, and ready to make a difference in healthcare.
The “Alumni Success Stories: How Kaplan Shaped Their Medical Careers” session was a resounding success, offering current students a unique opportunity to learn from Dr. Sharmilaa who has already navigated the path. Her personal journey of USMLE preparation was not only motivational but also provided valuable advice for achieving success in the medical field.
Research Week Celebration
Event Report: Research Week Celebration
Topic: “Path to Medical Research: Laying Groundwork for Tomorrow’s Innovators”
Audience: First Year MBBS Students
Date: 04.12.2024
Time: 8.30 AM – 9.30 AM
Venue: Lecture hall 5, SMVMCH
Organized By: Department of Biochemistry, SMVMCH
1. Introduction
The Research Week celebration, themed “Path to Medical Research: Laying Groundwork for Tomorrow’s Innovators”, was organized to inspire and engage first-year MBBS students in the importance of medical research in shaping the future of healthcare. This event, held on 04.12.2024, aimed to introduce students to the fundamentals of research and its role in innovation, encouraging them to think critically and contribute to the future of medical advancements.
2. Objectives
- To familiarize first-year MBBS students with the significance of medical research in the healthcare sector.
- To inspire students to explore medical research as a career path and introduce them to the skills necessary for research.
- To provide insight into the methodologies and approaches used in medical research.
- To lay the groundwork for students to become future innovators in the field of medicine.
- To foster a culture of inquiry, exploration, and scientific discovery.
3. Event Overview
The lecture was a one-hour session delivered by Dr.Senkadhirdasan, Faculty of Community and family medicine at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Puducherry. The lecture was structured to provide a comprehensive understanding of medical research from its basic concepts to its application in real-world medical challenges.
4. Welcome Address
The event commenced with welcome speech by Dr. Jeyakumar, Head of the department of Biochemistry. In his speech, Dr. Jeyakumar highlighted the transformative power of research in advancing medical knowledge and healthcare. He emphasized how early exposure to research can help medical students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, setting the stage for innovation in medical practice.
5. Highlights of the lecture
- This lecture provided a foundational overview of medical research, covering essential research methodologies, the importance of clinical trials, and how research influences healthcare policy and practice. The speaker,Senkadhirdasan, discussed the evolution of medical research and its impact on patient care.
- He encouraged students to start their own research projects, offering valuable tips on how to approach research in medical school and beyond.
- He sensitized the students about various institutes of ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) and their role in promoting medical research
- The event concluded with a Q&A session where students had the opportunity to ask questions about starting research careers, finding research mentors, and integrating research into medical education.
6. Student Engagement and Participation
- This lecture provided a foundational overview of medical research, covering essential research methodologies, the importance of clinical trials, and how research influences healthcare policy and practice. The speaker,Senkadhirdasan, discussed the evolution of medical research and its impact on patient care.
- He encouraged students to start their own research projects, offering valuable tips on how to approach research in medical school and beyond.
- He sensitized the students about various institutes of ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) and their role in promoting medical research
- The event concluded with a Q&A session where students had the opportunity to ask questions about starting research careers, finding research mentors, and integrating research into medical education.
7. Feedback and Evaluation
Feedback was collected through Google forms at the end of the event. Students rated the event highly, particularly appreciating the content of the lecture. Key takeaways included a stronger understanding of the research process and excitement about pursuing research initiatives during their medical studies. Several students also requested more detailed sessions on specific research opportunities available during their undergraduate period.
8. Conclusion
The Research Week celebration was a resounding success in laying the groundwork for first-year MBBS students to explore the exciting world of medical research. The event not only provided foundational knowledge but also inspired students to embark on their own research journeys, contributing to the future of medical innovations. By fostering an early interest in research, the event has contributed to building a generation of medical professionals who are curious, innovative, and ready to make a difference in healthcare.
9. Acknowledgments
We would like to extend our gratitude to the keynote speaker Dr.Senkadhirdasan, and all the students who participated in making this event successful. Special thanks to the organizing team from department of Biochemistry for their dedication in bringing this event to life.
Awareness on Gender Equity Among Medical Students
Event Name: Awareness on Gender Equity Among Medical Students
Organized by: Department of Bio-Chemistry
Venue: Lecture Hall-1
Date: 20/03/2024
The primary aim of the Awareness on Gender Equity among Medical Students was to ensure fairness, strategies and measures must often be available to compensate for women’s historical and social disadvantages that prevent women and men from otherwise operating on a level playing field. Equity leads to equality.
Activities and Highlights:
Guest Speaker: Dr. Shivasakthy Manivasakan BDS., MDS., PGDHPE., PHD., MFDS (RCPSG)., Director, Institute of Health Professions Education Coordinator, Dental Education Unit Professor, Dept. Of Prosthodontics, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry, India, delivered insightful lecture on “Awareness on Gender Equity among Medical Students“, Attendees actively engaged in the discussion session.
Conclusion: Awareness on Gender Equity among Medical Students was a resounding success, attracting a diverse audience and fostering enthusiasm.
CME cum Workshop on Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Event Name: Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
Organized By: Department of Biochemistry
Venue: Lecture Hall-1
Date: 01.03.2024
The Continuing Medical Education (CME) cum Workshop on Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) Analysis was held successfully at Lecture Hall-1 on 1st March 2024. The event aimed to enhance the understanding and skills of healthcare professionals in interpreting ABG results accurately and effectively managing patients based on the findings.
- Introduction to ABG Analysis
- Interpretation of ABG Results
- Clinical Applications and Case Studies
- Workshop: Clinical Interpretation of Reports
- Discussion Session
- Renowned experts in the field delivered insightful presentations on various aspects of ABG analysis, covering topics from basic principles to advanced clinical applications.
- Renowned experts in the field delivered insightful presentations on various aspects of ABG analysis, covering topics from basic principles to advanced clinical applications.
Topics presented by Speakers
- “pH Balance and ABG analytes-An Introduction” by Dr.Kulkarni Sweta, Professor & Head ,Department of Biochemistry
- Clinical Impact of ABG by Dr.Girija, Professor & Head ,Department of General Medicine
- Step-wise analysis of ABG by Dr. SP.S. Subrahmanian ,Consultant Nephrologist, Sundaram Hospital, Trichy
- The hands-on workshop on analysis of Reports and Interactive case discussions under the guidance of experienced instructor Dr. SP.S. Subrahmanian, provided attendees with practical insights into interpreting ABG results in real-world scenarios in Afternoon Workshop session
- Attendees actively engaged in the Discussion session, seeking clarifications and sharing their experiences, fostering a dynamic learning environment.
The event facilitated knowledge exchange and skill development among healthcare professionals, equipping them with the necessary expertise to interpret ABG results accurately and make informed clinical decisions. Participants expressed satisfaction with the content and delivery of the program, emphasizing its relevance to their clinical practice.
The CME cum Workshop on Arterial Blood Gas Analysis concluded successfully, achieving its objective of enhancing the competency of healthcare professionals in ABG interpretation. The event received positive feedback from attendees, highlighting its value in improving patient care and outcomes.
Future Directions
Based on the success of this event, organizers plan to conduct similar workshops periodically, incorporating advancements in ABG analysis and addressing emerging clinical challenges. Continued education and skill development in this critical area are essential for optimizing patient care and clinical outcomes.
The organizers extend their gratitude to the speakers, participants for their contributions to the success of the event.
Department of Biochemistry in collaboration with IQAC
Event Name: Alumni Interaction – 2024
Organized By: Department of Biochemistry
Venue: Lecture Hall 4, College Block
Date: 09.03.2024
Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Name/Title of the programme | |
Alumni Interaction-2024 | |
Type of the Program | |
Departmental | |
Conducted by | |
Department of Biochemistry in collaboration with IQAC | |
Date/ Time | |
09.03.2024, 11.30 am – 12.30 pm | |
Venue | |
Lecture Hall 4, College Block | |
Target Audience | |
I-MBBS Students | |
Number of participants registered/attended | |
250 participants | |
Program sponsors | |
Nil | |
Credit points/ hours | |
Nil | |
Objectives of the Program (in bulleted list) | |
· To update knowledge on the concept of lifelong learner | |
Activities conducted in the Program | |
Activities | Time |
Introduction to the speakers | 11:30– 11:35am |
Online Alumni interaction on the topic “ Experience sharing as a lifelong learner” by Dr. Mitali Srivastava, Sexual Health Counsellor at Shital Women’s Hospital, Ahmedabad | 11:35-12:00 pm |
Online Alumni interaction on the topic “ Experience sharing as a lifelong learner” by Dr. Balamurugan.T, MD (Pathology), DM (Histopathology), FRCPath (Histopathology), DNB (Pathology) | 12:00-12:20 pm |
· Valedictory function and feedback collection from stakeholders | 12:20-12:30 pm |
Detailed report of the program | |
· Alumni interaction on the topic “ Experience sharing as a lifelong learner” was done to update knowledge & motivate the I-year MBBS students · Program started with Online Alumni interaction on the topic “ Experience sharing as a lifelong learner” by Dr. Mitali Srivastava, Sexual Health Counsellor at Shital Women’s Hospital, Ahmedabad · Followed by Online Alumni interaction on the topic “ Experience sharing as a lifelong learner” by Dr. Balamurugan.T, MD (Pathology), DM (Histopathology), FRCPath (Histopathology), DNB (Pathology) · Valedictory function and feedback collection from stakeholders |
National Science Day Celebration
The primary aim of the National Science Day celebration was to commemorate the discovery of the Raman Effect by Sir C.V. Raman and to promote scientific temper and innovation among students and the Faculty. Additionally, the event aimed to highlight the role of science in achieving sustainable development goals.
Activities and Highlights:
- Guest Lectures: Uppungunduri S Chakradhara Rao, Head of Experimental Research, CANSEARCH Research platform in Pediatric Oncology & Hematology of University of Geneva delivered insightful lecture on “Role of Science & Scientists in achieving Sustainable Development Goals”, emphasizing the importance of science in addressing contemporary challenges such as personalized medicine and Research on Busulfan
- Essay Competition: Students presented essay on topic- “Role of Science & Technology in Health Care, Role of Artificial Intelligence in Advancing Medical Diagnosis, Personalized Medicine in Health Care” showcased enthusiastic participation.
- Poster Presentations: Students presented posters on topic- “Science for Sustainable Development”, promoting dialogue and knowledge exchange among participants.
- Rangoli Competition : Students presented posters on topic –“Science for Sustainable Development”, showcased their creativity and imagination with colors harmoniously balanced with cohesive narrative and pleasing to the eye
The National Science Day celebration was a resounding success, attracting a diverse audience and fostering enthusiasm for science and innovation. By displaying the relevance and impact of science on society, the event contributed to nurturing a scientifically literate and empowered citizenry poised to address global challenges and shape a sustainable future. We acknowledged and further encouraged winners and participants with Prize Shield and Certificate
KALAPRATIBHA- Model Competition for I-MBBS Students 2023-24 Batch
Date: 28.11.2023 to 30.11.2023
Venue: Biochemistry department, Demo Room 1
Organizers: Department of Biochemistry
Half-day poster Competition was conducted by the Department of Biochemistry. The whole programme was conducted in the Library hall of Department of Biochemistry. Students presented models prepared with re-usable materials. Students were divided in to 14 groups each team comprising 4-7 students. This was assessed & interaction with team members done by the distinguished judges Dr.Erli Ian, HOD Department of Pathology, Dr.R.Gopal, HOD Department of. Microbiology & Dr.Mangai, Professor Department of Microbiology.
Event Report of Workshop on Good Clinical Laboratory Practices
Event Title: “From Sample to Solution: Best Practices in Laboratory Management”
Date: 22.08.2024
Venue: Lecture Hall-2,College Block
Organized by: Department of Biochemistry, SMVMCH
The workshop on “Good Laboratory Practices” was successfully conducted by the Department of Biochemistry, SMVMCH. The event aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of best practices in laboratory management, covering various aspects of laboratory operations to ensure accuracy, efficiency, and quality in laboratory processes.
- Dr.Jeyakumar.M,Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry,SMVMCH
- Topic Covered: Laboratory Information for Patients and Users, Requests for Providing Lab Information, Pre-Examination Handling, Preparation and Storage, Ensuring Validity of Examination Results, Control of Data and Information Systems, Processing of Complaints.
- The importance of clear communication and providing accurate lab information to patients and users was discussed. This ensures that all stakeholders are well-informed about the laboratory processes and results.
- Key practices for handling and preparing samples before examination were discussed to prevent contamination and ensure accurate results. Proper storage techniques were also covered to maintain sample integrity.
- Dr.Sivaa.R, Professor & Deputy Technical Manager,PIMS,Puducherry
- Topic Covered: Documentation Procedures.
- The session covered best practices for documentation in the laboratory setting, highlighting the importance of accurate and thorough record-keeping to ensure traceability and accountability. Proper documentation is critical for maintaining a reliable lab environment and meeting regulatory requirements.
Q&A Session:
The workshop concluded with an engaging Q&A session where participants asked questions and clarified their doubts regarding Good Laboratory Practices.
The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive. Attendees appreciated the depth of knowledge shared by the speakers and the practical insights provided on implementing good laboratory practices in their respective work environments.
The workshop on “Good Laboratory Practices” was a great success, achieving its objective of educating participants on essential practices that ensure the accuracy, efficiency, and safety of laboratory operations. The event provided valuable insights that will help improve the quality and reliability of laboratory services.
Medical Lab Professional Week Celebration
The Medical Lab Professional Week Celebration held from 25.04.2024 to 26.04.2024 is aimed to honor the invaluable contributions of medical laboratory professionals towards patient care and healthcare outcomes. Organized by Department of Biochemistry, SMVMCH, the event brought together a diverse range of professionals from the medical laboratory field to recognize their dedication, expertise, and commitment to excellence.
Event Highlights:
Educational Workshops: Educational workshops were conducted to enhance the knowledge and skills of medical lab professionals. The topic of discussion was “General Troubleshooting and Good Laboratory Practices” in laboratory diagnostics to quality assurance and patient safety protocols.
Activities and Highlights:
- Painting Competition: Laboratory Technicians presented paintings on topic- “Future is Lab” showcased enthusiastic participation.
- Quiz Competition: Teams comprising enthusiastic participants registered for the competition well in advance. Each team consisted of 5 members, carefully selected to ensure diversity of expertise and perspectives.
Quiz Rounds: The competition featured multiple rounds of challenging questions covering a broad spectrum of topics, including general knowledge, current affairs, science. Each round tested different aspects of the participants’ intellect and provided an opportunity to showcase their depth of understanding and quick thinking.
Final Round and Prize Distribution: The competition culminated in a gripping final round, where the top-performing teams battled it out for the championship title. Tension mounted as the scores were tallied, leading to an exhilarating climax. The winning team was felicitated with Medals, certificates while runners-up were also recognized for their commendable performance.
Closing Ceremony: The week concluded with a celebratory closing ceremony, where participants reflected on the significance of their contributions to healthcare and renewed their commitment to excellence. Special performances and entertainment added a festive touch to the event.
The Medical Lab Professional Week Celebration was a resounding success, underscoring the vital role of medical laboratory professionals in healthcare delivery. Through a combination of educational activities, professional development opportunities, and community engagement initiatives, the event not only celebrated the achievements of medical lab professionals but also inspired them to continue striving for excellence in their noble profession.
Feedback was collected post-session.
Lab week Celebration-2023
Date: 18.05.2023
- Lab week celebration was done to sensitize and update technician knowledge on laboratory practices
- Program started with the Quiz competition for all the technicians on online mode using
- Followed by tea break
- Momento distribution to all the technicians: Department faculties distributed the momento to the lab technicians
- Valedictory function
Workshop on DNA Isolation and Separation
Date: 28.04.2023
One day workshop on ‘DNA isolation and separation’ was organized by the Central Research Laboratory (CRL) in association with the Department of Biochemistry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital. The workshop was conducted on 28th April 2023 from 9.30 am to 4 pm at the Department of Biochemistry.
The event started with a prayer and welcome address by Mr. Balakrishna Pai R and the formal inauguration of the workshop was done by the Deputy Director and Dean Dr. Kagne R. N in a lamp lighting ceremony. Dr. R. Gopal, Professor and Head, Department of Microiology & Dean of School of Allied Health Sciences and Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry felicitated the event.
The workshop started with a pre-questionnaire followed by two consecutive theory sessions on ‘DNA isolation and applications’ and ‘DNA separation by agarose gel electrophoresis’. The respective sessions were taken by the resource persons Dr. Tresa Remya A. T. And Mr. R. Rajprasath. Further, the practical sessions began at Biochemistry student’s lab with the supervision of two more resource persons Mrs. K. Elakiya, and Dr. S. Suganya. The participants successfully isolated DNA from whole Blood by salting out method and separated the DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis. The workshop offered training to 17 students from School of Allied Health Sciences. The students were enthusiastically participated in the workshop, the event concluded with post-questionnaire and the results were highly appreciable
Workshop on DNA Isolation and Separation
Date: 17.02.2023
One day workshop on ‘DNA isolation and separation’ was organized by the Central Research Laboratory (CRL) in association with the Department of Biochemistry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital. The workshop offered training to 25 students from School of Allied Health Sciences on DNA isolation from whole blood sample and further separation by agarose gel electrophoresis.
The workshop started with a pre-questionnaire followed by a two consecutive theory sessions on ‘DNA isolation and applications’ and on ‘Agarose gel electrophoresis’. An inauguration event was conducted after the theory sessions at Biochemistry Demo room 2 with the inaugural address by respected Director Dr. D. Rajagovindan and felicitation by Dr. R. Gopal, Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology and Dean of Allied Health Sciences.
Further, the practical sessions started at Biochemistry student’s lab, the participants successfully isolated DNA from whole Blood and separated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The students were enthusiastically participated the workshop, the event concluded with post- questionnaire and the results were highly appreciable.
The workshop on ‘DNA isolation and Separation’ was organized by the Central Research Laboratory in association with the Department of Biochemistry.
A total of 25 students from 2nd & 3rd year Allied Health Sciences were participated.
Workshop on ‘Step-wise Interpretation of ABG Reports’
Date: 25.03.2021
One day workshop on ‘Step-wise Interpretation of ABG Reports’ was organized by the Department of Biochemistry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital. The workshop was conducted on 25th March 2021 from 8.30 am to 4 pm at the Department of Biochemistry.
The event started with registration process and welcome address by Mr. Balakrishna Pai R and the formal inauguration of the workshop was done by DMS mam Dr. Girija. and Dr. Asmathulla , Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry felicitated the event.
The workshop started with two consecutive sessions on ‘Clinical impact of ABG’ and ‘pH
Balance and ABG analytes’ – An introduction. The respective sessions were taken by the resource persons Dr. Girija and Dr. Asmathulla. Further, after the tea break, another sessions proceeded with the topic ‘ Step-wise analysis of ABG by Dr. S.P. Subhramanian. And after lunch break, workshop on clinical interpretation of ABG reports of different acid base disorders were discussed by small group discussion. The workshop offered training to 29 MD/MS post graduate students from SMVMCH. The students were enthusiastically participated in the workshop, the event concluded with valedictory function.
Workshop on ‘Step-wise Interpretation of ABG Reports’
Date: 04.07.2019
One day workshop on ‘Step-wise Interpretation of ABG Reports’ was organized by the Department of Biochemistry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital. The workshop was conducted on 4th July 2019 from 8.30 am to 4 pm at the Department of Biochemistry.
The event started with registration process and welcome address by Mr. Balakrishna Pai R and the formal inauguration of the workshop was done by DMS mam Dr. Girija. and Dr. Asmathulla , Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry felicitated the event.
The workshop started with two consecutive sessions on ‘Clinical impact of ABG’ and ‘pH
Balance and ABG analytes’ – An introduction. The respective sessions were taken by the resource persons Dr. Girija and Dr. Asmathulla. Further, after the tea break, another sessions proceeded with the topic ‘ Step-wise analysis of ABG by Dr. S.P. Subhramanian. And after lunch break, workshop on clinical interpretation of ABG reports of different acid base disorders were discussed by small group discussion. The workshop offered training to 29 MD/MS post graduate students from SMVMCH. The students were enthusiastically participated in the workshop, the event concluded with valedictory function.
AMBI – Puducherry Chapter
Date: 29.03.2019
“MEDBIOQUEST-2019”, an inter-collegiate biochemistry quiz competition among I year MBBS students of Puducherry state was organized by the Department of Biochemistry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital. The “MEDBIOQUEST-2019” was conducted on 29th March 2019 from 9.00 am to 1 pm at the Department of Biochemistry.
- Prize: JIPMER Puducherry
- Prize: JIPMER Karaikal
- Prize: PIMS Puducherry
PLAKAT – Poster Competition for I-MBBS Students
Date: 12.02.2019
Half day poster Competition was conducted by the department of Biochemistry. The whole programme was conducted in the examination hall of SMVMCH. Students pasted the posters on the walls. Students were divided in to 30 groups each team comprising 5 students.
This was assessed & interaction with team members done by the distinguished judges Dr Arul kumaran professor & HOD Pediatrics & Dr Girija Professor General medicine.
Valedictory function conducted after 3.45pm.Mrs Rajarajeswari gave the welcome address. Dr Asmathulla professor & HOD welcomed the dignitaries. Judges were felicitated by Director Dr D Rajagovindan and Dean Dr R N Kagne.
Students prize distribution done by distinguished judges. Vote of thanks done by Mr Balakrishna Pai R.
Workshop on ‘Step-wise Interpretation of ABG Reports’
Date: 12.10.2018
The workshop started with two consecutive sessions on ‘Clinical impact of ABG’ and ‘pH
One day workshop on ‘Step-wise Interpretation of ABG Reports’ was organized by the Department of Biochemistry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital. The workshop was conducted on 12th Oct 2018 from 8.30 am to 4 pm at the Department of Biochemistry.
The event started with registration process and welcome address by Mr. Balakrishna Pai R and the formal inauguration of the workshop was done by DMS mam Dr. Girija. and Dr. Asmathulla , Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry felicitated the event.
Balance and ABG analytes’ – An introduction. The respective sessions were taken by the resource persons Dr. Girija and Dr. Asmathulla. Further, after the tea break, another sessions proceeded with the topic ‘ Step-wise analysis of ABG by Dr. S.P. Subhramanian. And after lunch break, workshop on clinical interpretation of ABG reports of different acid base disorders were discussed by small group discussion. The workshop offered training to 29 MD/MS post graduate students from SMVMCH. The students were enthusiastically participated in the workshop, the event concluded with valedictory function.
Workshop on ‘Step-wise Interpretation of ABG Reports’
Date: 12.10.2018
The workshop started with two consecutive sessions on ‘Clinical impact of ABG’ and ‘pH
One day workshop on ‘Step-wise Interpretation of ABG Reports’ was organized by the Department of Biochemistry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital. The workshop was conducted on 12th Oct 2018 from 8.30 am to 4 pm at the Department of Biochemistry.
The event started with registration process and welcome address by Mr. Balakrishna Pai R and the formal inauguration of the workshop was done by DMS mam Dr. Girija. and Dr. Asmathulla , Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry felicitated the event.
Balance and ABG analytes’ – An introduction. The respective sessions were taken by the resource persons Dr. Girija and Dr. Asmathulla. Further, after the tea break, another sessions proceeded with the topic ‘ Step-wise analysis of ABG by Dr. S.P. Subhramanian. And after lunch break, workshop on clinical interpretation of ABG reports of different acid base disorders were discussed by small group discussion. The workshop offered training to 29 MD/MS post graduate students from SMVMCH. The students were enthusiastically participated in the workshop, the event concluded with valedictory function.
PLAKAT- Poster Competition for I-MBBS Students
Date: 26.02.2018
Half day poster Competition was conducted by the department of Biochemistry. The whole programme was conducted in the examination hall of SMVMCH. Students pasted the posters on the walls. Students were divided in to 30 groups each team comprising 5 students.
This was assessed & interaction with team members done by the distinguished judges Dr Arul kumaran professor & HOD Pediatrics & Dr Girija Professor General medicine.
Valedictory function conducted after 3.45pm.Mrs Rajarajeswari gave the welcome address. Dr Sumathi HOD & Professor & Dr Asmathulla professor welcomed the dignitaries. Judges were felicitated by Director Dr D Rajagovindan & Dean Dr R N Kagne.
Students prize distribution done by distinguished judges. Vote of thanks done by Mr Balakrishna Pai R.
Workshop on ‘Step-wise Interpretation of ABG Reports’
Date: 02.02.2018
One day workshop on ‘Step-wise Interpretation of ABG Reports’ was organized by the Department of Biochemistry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital. The workshop was conducted on 2nd Feb 2018 from 8.30 am to 4 pm at the Department of Biochemistry.
The event started with registration process and welcome address by Mr. Balakrishna Pai R and the formal inauguration of the workshop was done by DMS mam Dr. Girija. and Dr. Asmathulla , Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry felicitated the event.
The workshop started with two consecutive sessions on ‘Clinical impact of ABG’ and ‘pH
Balance and ABG analytes’ – An introduction. The respective sessions were taken by the resource persons Dr. Girija and Dr. Asmathulla. Further, after the tea break, another sessions proceeded with the topic ‘ Step-wise analysis of ABG by Dr. S.P. Subhramanian. And after lunch break, workshop on clinical interpretation of ABG reports of different acid base disorders were discussed by small group discussion. The workshop offered training to 30 MD/MS post graduate students from SMVMCH. The students were enthusiastically participated in the workshop, the event concluded with valedictory function.
PG Alumini
Year | Name | designation | Institute | Email ID |
2012-2015 | Dr. Ashok | Associate Professor | Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College & Hospital | [email protected] |
2012-2015 | Dr. Swithra | Assistant Professor | Government Tiruvannamalai Medical college and Hospital | [email protected] |
2013-2016 | Dr. Mithali | Private Practice | Private Practice | [email protected] |
2013-2016 | Dr. Srivatsan | Assistant Professor | Government Tiruvannamalai Medical college and Hospital | [email protected] |
2013-2016 | Dr. Hariharan | Associate Professor | Velammal Medical College Hospital and Research Institute | [email protected] |
2016-2019 | Dr. B. Suwethaa | Private Practice | Private Practice | [email protected] |
2017-2020 | Dr. B. Ramya | Assistant Professor | Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital | [email protected] |