Department of Pathology


The department of Pathology started functioning with various activities including investigative services, teaching and training of undergraduates and postgraduates. Since then the department has progressed rapidly in terms of expansion in services, recruitment of capable faculty members, paramedical & supportive staff as well as installation of sophisticated and modern equipments.

The department has started a graduate research laboratory. In addition, range of various immunohistochemical stains which have been added now help in further making a more specific diagnosis. For better services a fully Automated Tissue Processor, a semi-automated microtome and a Cryostat have been added.


  • To provide best medical education, ethical research and quality diagnostic services and to be recognized as a centre of excellence in patient care and education.


  • To provide the highest quality of education, training and research experience for students.
  • To ensure the highest quality and effective diagnostic services for optimum patient care.
  • To promote innovative and ethical research activities in the department.

Program Specific Outcomes

UG – Department of Pathology

Generic outcome

To provide the students with a comprehensive knowledge of the mechanisms and causes of disease in order to enable him/her to achieve complete understanding of the natural history and clinical manifestations of disease.

Program Specific Outcome

Generic Outcomes

To provide the students with a comprehensive knowledge of the mechanisms and causes of disease in order to enable him/her to achieve complete understanding of the natural history and clinical manifestations of disease.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-UG

PSO1: Comprehension of the causes, evolution and mechanisms of disease

PSO2: Knowledge of alterations in gross and cellular morphology of organs in disease states

PSO3: Ability to correlate the natural history and structural and functional changes with the clinical manifestations of diseases, their diagnosis and therapy

PSO4: Should be able to function as a team, develop an attitude of cooperation with colleague. Develop communication skill to convey the diagnosis.

PSO5: Update newer entities, recent classification and diagnostic methodology using problem-based learning

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-PG

At the end of the MD training program in Pathology, the postgraduate student should be able to

  • Diagnose routine histopathology (surgical& gynae) and cytopathology cases, blood and bone marrow examination and various tests of Laboratory Medicine (clinical pathology) as well as Blood Banking (Transfusion Medicine).
  • Interpret and correlate clinical and laboratory data so that clinical manifestations of diseases can be explained.
  • Advise on the appropriate specimens and tests necessary to arrive at a diagnosis in a problematic case.
  • Should be able to teach Pathology to undergraduates, postgraduates, nurses and paramedical staff including laboratory personnel.
  • Plan, execute, analyze and present research work.
  • Make and record observations systematically and maintain accurate records of tests and their results for reasonable periods of time. Identify problems in the laboratory, offer solutions thereof and maintain a high order of quality control.
  • Should be familiar with the function, handling and routine care of equipment in the laboratory.
  • Able to collect specimens by routinely performing non-invasive out-patient procedure such as vein-puncture, finger-prick, fine needle aspiration of superficial lumps and bone-marrow aspirates and provide appropriate help to colleagues performing an invasive procedure such as a biopsy or an imaging guided biopsy.
  • Able to perform routine tests in a pathology Laboratory including grossing of specimens, processing, cutting of paraffin and frozen sections, making smears and staining.
  • Capable of safe and effective disposal of laboratory waste.
  • Able to supervise and work with subordinates and colleagues in a laboratory.
  • Should be able to function as a part of a team, develop an attitude of co-operation with colleagues and interact with the patient and the clinician or other colleagues to provide the best possible diagnosis or opinion.
  • Always adopt ethical principles and maintain proper etiquette in dealing with patients, relatives and other colleagues to provide the best possible diagnosis or opinion.
  • Develop communication skills to word reports and professional opinion as well as to interact with patients, relatives, peers and paramedical staff and for effective teaching.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO1-Acquisition and transfer of knowledge, skills and attitude to undergraduate, postgraduate students and colleagues for quality care and outcome

PEO2-To do research, interpret, publish and disseminate the knowledge in improving the contemporary medicine.

PEO3-To collaborate and communicate with national and international networks to update and disseminate information related to modern medicine.



Departmental library is having more than 200 recent edition books on various sub-specialties. In central library having more than 700 books in pathology sections with 1100 e-journals.

Museum: The department has one of the best organized museum using ICD coding. The museum has about 400 mounted specimens. Another unique feature includes display of educational materials such as numerous line drawings of specimens, charts of pathogenesis, similes of common terms used in pathology and a gallery full of portraits of famous pathologists with their major contribution tracing the history of Pathology.

Diagnostic services

The pathology department caters laboratory services to the patients of the Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital as well as outside patients. The laboratory services with NABL accreditation are given under the following categories.

  • Clinical pathology & Haematology laboratory
  • Cytology laboratory
  • Blood Centre
  • Histopathology
  • Immunohistochemistry

Clinical pathology & Haematology laboratory Clinical Pathology Laboratory of the department is located in the hospital close to the OPDs for patient’s convenience. It offers routine diagnostic services to the patients like

  • Fluid cytology
  • Urine analysis including microscopy of deposits
  • Semen analysis

Hematology section

  • Routine hematology techniques
  • Screening for hemoparasites
  • Peripheral smear reporting
  • Special stains
  • Coagulation studies
  • Bone marrow aspiration
  • Work up for Nutritional and hemolytic anemias
  • Lymphoma /Leukemia work up

Clinical pathology

  • Urine strips reagent and microscopy are used routine urine tests.
  • Fluid analysis.
  • Urine urobilinogen, phorphobilinogen, Hb, Myoglobin, Chyluria
  • Semen analysis & Fructose.

Routine hematology- Complete Haemogram which includes

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) by *Horiba DX Nexus & DF 120 automated Blood cell counter of 26 parameters two in numbers
  • Blood smear study, Malarial antigen, Reticulocyte count.
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
  • Bone marrow studies
  • Coagulation work up with Bleeding time, Clotting time, Prothrombin time, Activated partial thromboplastin time and D-Dimer test for FDP.
  • Hemolytic work up with Osmotic fragility test, Sickling test. Coombs test and Hams test.
  • Leukemia work up which includes cytochemical stains like PAS, Sudan black with basic immunohistochemical markers for T& B cells like CD 3, CD 20 & CD 45.

Blood Center

Blood Bank works round the clock to serve the patients during emergency and elective therapeutic procedures. Apart from the routine Blood donation, cross matching and Coomb’s test, Blood Grouping camps in other institutes & companies are also conducted. The Blood Bank maintains a voluntary Blood donor database to help the patients. Recently the Blood bank has been upgraded for component separation. RBC concentrate, platelet concentrate and fresh frozen plasma are issued to the patients, depending on the indications.

  • Routine procedures -screening of donors, phlebotomy
  • Cross matching
  • Component separation techniques
  • Record maintenance

Histopathology Laboratory

Histopathology laboratory receives specimens from the operation theatres in the hospital. After grossing, processing is done by Leica automated Electronic tissue processor and sectioning in semi automated microtome. Apart from the routine Hematoxylin and Eosin staining, special stains for fungus, bacteria, TB, Lepra bacilli, iron, melanin, and mucin are regularly used. Cryostat sections are available for the frozen reports.

Post graduates will be performing the day to day work in the department with the guidance of faculty, like:

  • Grossing of surgical pathology specimens
  • Daily screening of Histopathology slides.
  • Routine staining procedures
  • Special stains
  • Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence
  • Histopathological techniques
  • Museum techniques
  • Record maintenance

Immunohistochemistry Laboratory

Immunohistochemistry lab is functioning with epithelial markers (cytokeratin, EMA), Thyroid markers (CK19 & HBME-1), soft tissue markers ( Desmin, Vimentin ,SMA, S 100, NSE, Melan A), Lymphoid markers ( CD 3, CD 20, CD 15, CD 30, CD 45) and hormone receptors ( ER,PR Her2).

Autopsy section

  • Routine foetal autopsy techniques

Cytology laboratory

The departmental cytology laboratory is situated in the hospital in the other OPDs for patients’ convenience.

  • Routine FNACs from breast, thyroid, Lymph node etc. by aspiration as well as non-aspiration techniques.
  • Guided FNACs are done mainly by USG guidance on request from the clinicians. Few CT guided are also being done.
  • Fluid cytology like ascitic fluid, synovial fluid,CSF, etc using cytospin.
  • Routine Pap smear screening is done for cervical cytology.
  • FNAC procedures
  • CT/USG guided FNAC

Faculty List

Name Designation
Dr. Erli Amel Ivan Professor
Dr. Srivani. S Professor
Dr. Vimal. M Professor
Dr. Ramya. G Professor
Dr. Jayanthi. C Associate Professor
Dr. Sriram. V Associate Professor
Dr. Abinizha. S Assistant Professor
Dr. Thara. K Assistant Professor
Dr. Revathi. G Assistant Professor
Dr. Narayana Vadivoo Assistant Professor
Dr. Lydia Delphin  
Dr. Priya N Senior Resident
Dr. Sharmila. P Senior Resident
Dr. Soumya R Senior Resident
Dr. Thushara Purushothaman Senior Resident
Dr. Ashmi R P Senior Resident
Dr. Rahini A Tutor
Dr. Thivya T Tutor
Dr. Soundarya S Tutor
Dr. Rasiga A Tutor
Dr. Sudharsan Ramanujam N Tutor
Dr. Proshoo Reddy Tutor
Dr. Priyanka. S Tutor



Teaching & Training undergraduates (CBME Batch from 2019)

Teaching of undergraduate students is done by modern methods by use of audio-visual aids, projection slides, seminars and group discussions. Separate practical classes for morbid anatomy and clinical pathology are conducted in different lab with individual microscopes and demonstration. Notified and remedial theory, practical examinations, OSPE and viva are conducted regularly for assessing.

Academic Activities/Faculties for Under Graduates

Lecture classes – Didactic lectures are taken with usage of power point presentation and necessary illustrations.

Practicals– 2 hours duration in a week for each batch

They are conducted using various modalities

  • Small group discussion under each faculty
  • Slide/gross specimen demonstration
  • Group discussion/clinicopathological case discussion
  • Record work
Phase Day Time
II Tuesday 8.30am – 9.30am (Theory)
Wednesday 9.30 am – 10.30 am (Theory)
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm (Practical)
Phase Day Time
II Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 8.30am – 10.30am (L/SGT/IL/Tut/SDL)
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm (Practical)

AETCOM- 6 hours (Interview with patient attender, using questioner, small group discussion and presentation with moderator, Reflective writing and feedback analysis.

Seminars– 2 hours per month on ongoing topics Quiz/ symposium/OSPE– Once in month for each.

Academic evaluation – notified and remedial exam for theory and practicals. Separate classes for slow learners. Quiz, MCQ test, seminars, different small group teaching are done for advance learners.

Blue print of question papers, mapping and course exit feedback with analysis are doing regularly in the department

Research activities – ICMR Short term projects

Lecture halls – 200 seating capacity. Air conditioned with LCD, OHP facilities with continuous internet connection.

Practical hall – there are 2 fully equipped practical halls – one for surgical pathology slides and specimen demonstration and the other for clinical pathology and hematology exercises. Students are provided with individual monocular microscopes – 65 in morbid anatomy practical hall and 40 in clinical pathology students’ practical hall.

Demonstration rooms – 2 in number one with LCD, OHP Facilities. Other one equipped with CCTV attached Trinocular microscopes for slide demonstration.

Post Graduate Training


Teaching & Training of Postgraduates.

There are 6 NMC recognized postgraduates available per anum. Postgraduates training include in histopathology, cytology, clinical pathology, haematology, Immunohistochemistry, cryostats, microphotography, transfusion medicine and autopsy. Research papers, case presentation, dissertation and short time projects are mandatory in their training period. They are very well trained in clinicopathological case presentation, seminars, journal clubs and technique discussions in the department.

Weekly Schedule for Post Graduates

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Tutorials Theory Seminar Group discussion Journal club
  • 3 months rotational postings in Histopathology and Cytology, Clinical Pathology & Blood bank sections
  • Log book is maintained to record individual PG activity and periodically evaluated.
  • Interdepartmental Meeting – Case Discussions
  • Clinicopathological meetings are conducted with the departments of Medicine,

Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Dermatology and Orthopedics

  • Mortality meeting and scientific society meeting once in a month.
  • Trem test conducted for both theory and practical

Research Activities

Departmental research activities include Dissertation of postgraduate students, paper presentations- oral, poster and publications in various journals and participation in scientific committee meetings

Scientific Meetings

  • Ongoing hospital scientific committee meeting is conducted on last Friday of every month
  • Recent advances in Pathology
  • Clinicopathological case presentations.

Teaching activity

  • Lecture classes for BSc nursing, AHS, B.Sc MLT, CPT, BPT
  • Practical classes for 2nd MBBS

CPC Meet

Sl. No Date of CPC Department of CPC Presented by
1 21.01.2019 General Medicine Dr. Revathy
2 20.02.2019 Dermatology All Ist year and IInd year PG’s
3 20.08.19 OBG Dr. Pooja, Dr. Shanmugasundari
4 23.04.2019 General Surgery Dr. Vignesh Dr. Hemavathy
5 29.05.2019 Dermatology Dr. Revathy, Dr. Pooja, Dr. Vignesh, Dr. Shafna
6 19.07.2019 ENT Dr. Vignesh, Dr. Shafna Dr. Shanmugasundari
7 23.09.2019 Orthopedics Dr. Savithri
8 06.11.2019 OBG Dr. Savithri, Dr. Vignesh
9 19.11.2019 Dermatology Dr. Savithri, Dr. Vignesh, Dr. Shafna Dr. Shanmugasundari
10 24.01.2020 Dermatology Dr. Savithri, Dr. Vignesh, Dr. Shafna Dr. Shanmugasundari
11 24.02.2020 General Medicine Dr. Savithri, Dr. Vignesh
12 16.07.2020 OBG Dr. Vignesh
13 21.07.2020 Dermatology Dr. Vinola, Dr. Manikandan Dr. Savithri, Dr. Vignesh, Dr. Shafna
14 11.11.2020 Dermatology Dr. Savithri, Dr. Vignesh, Dr. Vinola, Dr. Shafna, Dr. Revathy, Dr. Sushmitha
15 12.01.2021 OBG Dr. Vinola, Dr. Manikandan
16 05.02.2021 Dermatology Dr. Vinola, Dr. Manikandan
17 03.03.2021 General Medicine Dr. Vinola
18 31.08.2021 Dermatology Dr. Vinola, Dr. Manikandan
19 30.11.2021 General Medicine Dr. Vinola, Dr. Manikandan

Interesting Cases

Sl. No Date Department Interesting Cases
1 22.03.2022 OBG Vaginal angiomyxoma Low grade endometrial stromal sarcoma Primary TCC
2 29.03.2022 Pediatrics ALL
3 22.04.2022 Oncology Melanoma
4 19.05.2022 Radiology NHL, SCC
5 31.05.2022 Dermatology Tuberous xanthoma Keratoacanthoma Soft tissue fibroma
6 06.09.2022 Dermatology Bowen’s disease Actinic prurigo BCC
7 09.12.2022 General Medicine MAHA, HUS
8 07.03.2023 General Medicine Hereditary Spherocytosis
9 08.05.2023 OBG STUMP, Leiomyoma
10 26.05.2023 Dermatology Leiomyoma cutis Lupus vulgaris
11 21.08.2023 ENT Tonsillar lymphoma Inverted papilloma


  • G,Sowmya.S.A morphological study of cutanepous adnexal tumors.National Journal of laboratory medicine.2016 5(4): 8-11.
  • Vimal M, Sowmya S, Nishanthi A, Ramya G. Evaluation of blood donor deferral causes: a retrospective study from South India. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2016 Dec 20;3(6):A605-611.
  • Vimal M, Parveen S. Clinicopathological profile of spectrum of thrombocytopenic cases–a cross sectional study. Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 2016 Dec 30;2(03).
  • Ramya G, Vimal M. Distribution of ABO and RH Blood Grouping in Rural Community of South India: A Population Based Study. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice. 2016: 5(3):325-8.
  • Ramya G, Vimal M. Analytical Study of Morphological Patterns of Anemia and Associated Illnesses in Females. International Journal of Research and Review. 2016; 3(5):54-57.
  • Ramya G, Nitya S, Vimal M, Rajeshwari. Study of prevalence and morphological patterns of anaemia in adult and geriatric population: a hospital-based study. Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences. 2016;5(69):5041-5044.
  • Vimal M, Sowmya S, Ramya G. Transfusion Transmissible Diseases – Is There a Decreasing Trend in Recent Years? National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2017; 6(1):07-11.
  • Parveen S., Vimal M. Role of platelet indices in differentiating hypoproductive and hyperdestructive thrombocytopenia. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Vol. 4, Issue 3 May 2017.
  • Vimal M, Chacko MP, Basu G, Daniel D. Correlation of pretransplant donor-specific antibody assay using Luminexcrossmatch with graft outcome in renal transplant patients.Indian J Nephrol. 2017 Sep-Oct; 27(5): 347–352.
  • Vimal M, Nishanthi A. Food eponyms in Pathology. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Aug, Vol-11(8):1-6.
  • Kannan B, Ivan EA. Prevalence of anemia among female medical students and its correlation with menstrual abnormalities and nutritional habits. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017;6:2241-5.
  • Shraddha karn, Umadevi T B, Erli Amel Ivan, Ramya G. Cytomorphological analysis of synovial fluid in a tertiary care hospital.JMSCR 14M Publication.
  • Sowmya Devi A , Umadevi T B, Erli Amel Ivan, Ramya G. Study of haematological parameters in patients with Diabetic retinopathy. International journal of recent trends in science and technology- IJRTSAT.
  • Sarita Singh, Umadevi T B, Erli Amel Ivan,Sriram V. Study of Fine needle aspiration cytology of thyroid lesions.JMSCR IGM publication.
  • Ekta pandey , Kalaivani S .A rare case report of pure squamous cell carcinoma of urinary bladder Journal of medical sciences and clinical research-2018:06; 975-977.
  • Kalaivani S .Role of Immunohistochemistry in acute leukemia with mycloneosis, Indian journal of Heamatology and blood transfusion. 2018: 34; 643-647.
  • Ramya G ,Sriram V . “Histopathological evaluation of tumors and cyst of the epidermis and dermal adnexae in a tertiary care hospital” Annals of pathology and laboratory medicine;Volume5, Issue05, May 2018, Page533-539.
  • Sriram V ,Ramya G ,. “Critical evaluation of haematological parameters before and after transfusion of packed red cells” Indian journal of pathology; Research and practice;Volume 07, Issue 04, April 2018 page;555-561.
  • Ramya G,Nitya S, Ilampariti . Knowledge, attitude and awareness of cervical screening and HPV vaccination among MBBS students in a tertiary care hospital Puducherry. Annals of pathology and laboratory medicine; Volume 05, Issue 05, May 2018 page;515-520.
  • Nivethiyasree J ,Ramya G ,Erli Amel Ivan .“Histomorphological evaluation of lichen planus in a rural population “ A retrorespective hospital based study”; Indain journal of pathology; Research and practice; Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2018, Pages 935-943
  • Siva K ,Ramya G . “A study to determine the diagnostic accuracy of endometrial aspiration cytology with Histopathological correlation at rural tertiary health care hospital” Annals of pathology and laboratory medicine; Volume 08, Issue 11, November 2018 page;916-922.


S. No Title of the paper Name of the author (First/corresponding) Department Name of the journal Date of Acceptance Date of publication ISSN number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Name of the indexing database Type
1 Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio, Platelet and Lymphocyte Counts in Assessing the Severity of Disease in Valvular Heart Diseases Yogita Devi, Kalaivani Selvi ‘ Pathology Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research 2.2.2019 2.2.2019 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Index Copernicus,Crossref International
2  A study of High Risk Operational Link for Gastritis Assessment (OLGA) Stages in South Indian Subjects. Keloth T, Ambroise MM, Alexander T, Kurian SS. Pathology Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 6.6.2018 29.11.2019 ISSN 2278-148X Index Copernicus, Google scholar National
3 Cutaneous granular cell tumor clinically mimicking ectopic breast diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology Keloth T, Sreerekha J, Gochhait D, Kekade S, Siddaraju N, Sistla S. Pathology  Diagn Cytopathol 18.12.2018 01.04.2019  ISSN 10970339, 87551039 Indexed for medline,Pubmed National
4 “Anusual presentation of follicular dendritic cell sarcoma as a cystic neck swelling case reports”. Case Reports in Oncological Medicine Volume 2018, Article ID 4038250, 6 pages G. Chidananda-Murthy, P. Babu, J. Chandran, G. Raja Pathology Case reports in Oncological Medicine 10.9.2018 24.10.2018 ISSN 2576-3857 Google scholar National
5  Liquid-based cytology of pigmented phaeohyphomycotic lesion of the palm masquerading as a metastatic tumor. Keloth T, Gochhait D, Sivaranjani S, Siddaraju N. Pathology Diagn Cytopathol 2019 22.4.2019 ISSN 10970339, 87551039 Indexed for medline, Pubmed National
6  Diagnostic Problems Created by Dysplastic Follicular Dendritic Cells in Castleman’s Disease on a Trucut Biopsy.  Keloth T, Sreerekha J, Srinivas BH, Gochhait D, Basu D, Pottakkat B. Pathology Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus 15.12.2019 29.11.2019 ISSN 09714502, 09740449 Google scholar National
7  Cytology of Extramedullary hematopoiesis (EMH) – a rare unanticipated finding in the lymph node of an undiagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia case. Devi D, Keloth T, Manivannan P, Gochhait D, Kekade S, Gudivada V, Siddaraju N. Pathology Cytopathology 3.1.2019 27.1.2019 ISSN 13652303, 09565507,haemogram%2C%20peripheral%20blood%20smear%2C%20and Indexed for medline, Pubmed National
8  Plasmacytoid morphology of poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma: Diagnostic approach with a brief review of the literature Gochhait D, Edura P, Ganesh NR, Siddaraju N, Rangarajan V, Keloth T. Pathology  Cytopathology 21.11.2018 21.1.2019 ISSN 13652303, 09565507 Indexed for medline, Pubmed National
9 Intraosseous ganglion diagnosed on cytology: A familiar entity in an exotic location Selvaraj S, Keloth T, Stephen SN, Gochhait D, Siddaraju N Pathology  Cytopathology 23.4.2019 29.7.2019 ISSN 13652303, 09565507,may%20not%20be%20very%20useful. Indexed for medline, Pubmed National
10 Microfilaria and Strongyloides larva diagnosed in cerebrospinal fluid and ascitic fluid respectively: Approach to their morphology on cytology Keloth T, Rajkumari N, Gochhait D, Gudivada V, Toi PC, Siddaraju N Pathology Diagn Cytopathol 18.6.2019 29.11.2019 ISSN 10970339, 87551039 Indexed for medline, Pubmed National
11  Nitroblue tetrazolium test as an assay of neutrophil function in diabetes mellitus. Srivani S, Arnold APJ, Varadarajan U. Pathology J Evol Med Dent Sci 2019 12.2.2019 ISSN 2278-4802–june-24-O.pdf Google scholar National
12 Histopathological Evaluation of Collagen Profiles in Spongiotic Dermatitis Anjali Patankar, Ramya Gandhi, Erli Amel Ivan, Pathology  JMSCR 2019 3.3.2019 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Crossref National


S.No Title of the paper Name of the author (First/corresponding) Department Name of the journal Date of Acceptance Date of publication ISSN number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Name of the indexing database Type
1 Analysis of histomorphological study in Hansen’s disease: A hospital based study done in rural population, Dr. Ramya Gandhi, Dr. Erli Amel Ivan, Dr. Shafna Azeez and Dr. Sriram V Pathology International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology 16.9.2020 2020 ISSN (P): 2617-7226,ISSN (E): 2617-7234 Index Copernicus. International
2 Histopathological Study of Gastric Endoscopic Biopsies, Srivani Saravanan, N Gandhi Pathology Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 29.02.2020 January – April 2020 ISSN 0975-2366 Google Scholar National
3 Immunohistochemical subtyping of Hashimoto thyroiditis with Respect to IgG4 Marker Revathi G, Erli Amel Ivan, Vimal M Pathology Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 26.04.2020 2020 p-ISSN-2278-148X SCOPUS Indexed journal,Journal Indexed in Index Copernicus National
4 Motivating and deterring factors for repeat blood donation among donors of blood Bank Mourouguessine Vimal,, Bhuvana J, Anandabaskar Nishanthi Pathology IP Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology 30.11.2019 2020 2581-3714 Scholarly International
5 Comparison of cell based and solid phase assays in detecting pre transplant donor specific antibody and impact of its results on graft outcome,  Mourouguessine Vimal, Mary Purna Chacko, Basu Gopal and Dolly Daniel, Pathology International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology 3.12.2019 2020 ISSN (P): 2617-7226,ISSN (E): 2617-7234 Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Open Academic Journal Index[OAJI] International
6 Mural nodule of anaplastic carcinoma in an ovarian mucinous Cystadenoma- A rare case report, K. Subashree, Lavanya M., C. Jayanthi, Maria Pathology Tropical Journal of Pathology & Microbiology 01/04/2020 ISSN: 2456-9887, Online ISSN: 2456-1487 Index Copernicus. National
7 Bilateral Axillary Accessory Breast tissue in a Male- A Case Report Jayanthi C Pathology Indian Journal of Medical Case reports July-December 2020 ISSN: 2319-3832 Google Scholar, Thompson Reuters National
8 Monocyte CD36 expression associates with atherosclerotic burden in diabetes mellitus Jayanthi Chandran, Neelam Wadhwa, S.V. Madhu, Rajive Kumar, Satendra Sharma Pathology Diabetes research and clinical practice 14.04.2020 22.04.2020 ISSN: 0168-8227 PubMed/Medline, Elsevier BIOBASE, BIOSIS Citation Index, Scopus International
9 Histopathological patterns of ovarian lesions in various age groups-3 year study in a rural population Dr. Ramya Gandhi, Dr. Sriram V, Dr. Jayanthi. C and Dr. Erli Amel Ivan Pathology International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology 22.06.2020 2020 ISSN (P): 2617-7226 Google Scholar, Crossref, J Access International
10 A study to assess the completeness of informed consent documents for biomedical research on human participants submitted to the institutional ethics committee of a tertiary care hospital Nishanthi Anandabaskar1, Mourouguessine Vimal, Amol Rambhau Dongre3, Rajendrakumar Nivaratirao Kagne4 Pathology International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 5.12.2019 9.1.2020 pISSN 2319-2003 | eISSN 2279-0780 Scholarly International
11 Sunrays and Granules: Rare Presentation of a Great Mimicker Mourouguessine Vimal, Abinizha Satchidanandam, Aishwarya R Pathology Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences 8.9.2020 20.9.2020 ISSN 0972-5997 Scopus International
12 Cystic Primary Ovarian Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumour Jayanthi C, Priyadharshini Dehuri, Giridhar CM Pathology Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences 20.11.2020 20.12.2020 ISSN 0972-5997 Scopus International
13 Study of Association Between Human Epidermal growth factor receptor2/neu Expression with modified bloom richardsons grading in Breast cancer at A Tertiary Care Hospital Puducherry Pooja K, Ramya G, Erli Amel Ivan Pathology IJPRP 26.4.2020 January – April 2020 p-ISSN-2278-148X SCOPUS Indexed journal,Journal Indexed in Index Copernicus International
14 Categorisation and Risk Stratification of Salivary Gland FNA using the Milan system for Reporting Salivary Gland Cytopathology Hemavathy R, Sriram V, Erli Amel Ivan Pathology IJPRP 20.4.2020 January – April 2020 p-ISSN-2278-148X SCOPUS Indexed journal,Journal Indexed in Index Copernicus International


S. No Title of the paper Name of the author (First/corresponding) Department Name of the journal Date of Acceptance Date of publication ISSN number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Name of the indexing database Type
1 Study to know the utility of HBME 1 and CK 19 in thyroid neoplasm: A tertiary care hospital and study Dr. Ramya Gandhi, Dr. Erli Amel Ivan, Dr. Vigneswaramoorthi V and Dr. Sriram Pathology Internation Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology 12.12.2020 2021 ISSN (P): 2617-7226 Google Scholar, Crossref, J Access International
2 Drug utilization pattern and factors associated with poly pharmacy and excessive poly pharmacy in geriatricmedical out‑patients at a rural health training centre in India S. Nitya1, G. Ramya2, Sivagourounadin Kiruthika1, R. Meenakshi1, Jayabalan Nalini Devi3, Ganesan Suganya4, S. Pravin5 Pathology  Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 8.1.2021 2021 ISSN: 2249-4863 Online ISSN: 2278-7135 Pubmed National
3 Lymphangioma of popliteal fossa, masquerading as Baker’s cyst, Padmanaban et al. Elamparidhi Padmanaban1* , Sanika Suryawanshi1, Umamageswari Amirthalingam1, Thara Keloth2 and Rintu George1 Pathology Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 07.06.2021 17.6.2021  0378603X, 20904762 Springer open International
4 Sero prevalence of transfusion transmitted infections in healthy blood donors in a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry Sriram.V, Ramya Gandhi, Erli Amel Ivan Pathology International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology 20.3.2021 2021 ISSN (P): 2617-7226 ISSN (E): 2617-7234 Google Scholar, Crossref, J Access International
5 Student support system for medical undergraduates: A qualitative exploration of stakeholder perspectives, Vimal.M Pathology Journal of education and health promotion 20.11.2020 20.5.2021 ISSN 22779531, 23196440 Index Copernicus, PubMed Central, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOPUS, Web of Science National
6 Professionalism and Bioethics Vimal.M Pathology Chrismed Journal of Health and research 29.11.2020 18.6.2021 2348-3334 E-ISSN 2348-506X Google Scholar National
7 Evolution of ICMR ethical guidelines for Biomedical Research Vimal.M Pathology International journal of pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research 26.5.2021 30.6.2021 ISSN -0975-2366 Google Scholar, PubMed International
8 Thyroid in the Thigh – A rare presentation of Follicular Carcinoma Vimal.M Pathology Online J Health Allied Scs 30.7.2021 25.8.2021 ISSN 0972-5997 URL: Google Scholar National
9 Metaplastic Carcinoma with Mesenchymal Differentiation –A Rare Tumor of Breast with Unique Presentation Jayanthi.C, Abinizha.S Pathology JMSCR 9.9.2021 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Crossref – DOI National
10 Segmental leiomyoma: A report of two cases Arumugam Iswarya1Palaniappan Vijayasankar1Kaliaperumal Karthikeyan1Vijayaraghavan Sriram2 Pathology Turkish Journal of Dermatopathology 9.8.2021 25.10.2021 SSN: 1018 – 5615 E-ISSN: 1309 – 5730 Photon, Photon Ignitor, World PubMed Archive, Academic Research Library, Academic Research Bank, Journal Resource and Public Library For Journals. International
11 Course of Hyposmia and Hypogeusia and their Relationship with Severity of COVID-19 Disease among Indian Population Vimal.M, Pathology Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.. 10.8.2021 ISSN 0973-7707 National
12 Complete small bowel with a dysplastic foci in mature cystic teratoma of the ovary: Case report, Dr. Fernandez Vinola S, Dr. Erli Amel Ivan and Dr. Sriram V Pathology International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology 23.6.2021 2021 ISSN (P): 2617-7226 ISSN (E): 2617-7234 Google Scholar, Crossref, J Access International
13 Retroperitoneal Leiomyosarcoma Masquerading as Renal Cell Carcinoma—a Diagnostic Dilemma Neha Sikdar, Kalaivani Selvi Subramanian, Erli Amel Ivan & Maruthavanan Pathology Indian Journal of Surgery. 25.9.2021 16.10.2021 ISSN 0972-2068 Google Scholar National
14 Primary Neuroectodermal Tumour of Base of Tongue – Case report of rare site of origin RAVISANKAR PALANIAPPAN1 DAMODARAKUMARAN 2 JAYANTHI CHANDRAN3 SRINIVAS GEDALA4 Pathology Jour Med Health Science 15.2.2021 12.3.2021 ISSN 0972-5997 ( Scopus National
15 Xanthogranulomatous Osteomyelitis Masquerading as Neoplasm in a Rare Site, Jayanthi.C Pathology Journal of Health and Allied Sciences 1.10.2021 31.10.2021 ISSN 0972-5997 Scopus National
16 Ovarian teratomas : One year experience in a rural teritary health care centre Dr.Sriram, Dr. Savithri, Dr.Vigneswaramoorthi, Dr.Ramya,Dr.Erli Amel Ivan Pathology International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology 27/08/2021 2021 ISSN (P): 2617-7226 ISSN (E): 2617-7234 DOI: Google Scholar, Crossref, J Access International


S.No Title of the paper Name of the author (First/corresponding) Department Name of the journal Date of Acceptance Date of publication ISSN number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Name of the indexing database Type
1 Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma with rare distant metastasis Thara Keloth, Bheemanathi Hanuman Srinivas1, Rajesh Nachiappa Ganesh, Andi Sadayandi Ramesh, Pathology Indian journal of pathology and microbiology 7.7.2021 27.4.2022 ISSN 03774929, 09745130 Google scholar National
2 A rare synchronous primary tumour of female genital tract S Srivani, C Jayanthi and V Vigneswaramoorthi, Meera, Pathology International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology 16.5.23 2022 ISSN (P): 2617-7226 ISSN (E): 2617-7234  Google Scholar International
3 Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma – A Rare Challenging Cytological Diagnosis Saravanan Srivani, Mourouguessine Vimal, Jayanthi Chandran, Rajkumar Subramaniam Pathology Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports 8.8.2022 19.8.2022 ISSN 2347-9507 (Print) | ISSN 2347-6559 (Online) Google scholar National
4 A study on correlation of hematological parameters with computed tomography severity score in COVID-19 patients in a Tertiary Care Center Chandran J, Amirthalingam U, Abinizha S, Sindhuri R. Pathology Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth 17.6.2022 30.11.2022 ISSN: 2589-8302 Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOPUS National
5 Mucormycosis of Forearm Masquerading as Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports, S. Srivani, S. Fernandez Vinola, Abinizha, Pathology Scholars Journal of Medical Case Reports, 20.10.2022 29.10.2022 ISSN 2347-9507 (Print) | ISSN 2347-6559 (Online) Scholar National
6 Bilateral Testicular Metastases from Adenocarcinoma Prostate: A Rare Case Report with Review of Literature Jayanthi Chandran, Ravisankar Palaniappan, Damodarakumaran Purushotaman, Bilateral Pathology Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth | Published by Wolters Kluwer – Medkno, 18.9.2021 15.2.2022 ISSN: 2589-8302 DOAJ, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOPUS National
7 Rare and Aggressive Primary Amelanotic Melanoma in Anorectal Region: A Case Series . Elancheran M, Kaliyamoorthy K, Sriram V, Archana V, Ragavendran S. Pathology Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 4.10.2022 1.11.2022  ISSN – 0973-709X , Print : 2249-782X. Google scholar National
8 Clinical significance of repeat fine-needle aspiration in managing patients with suppurative lesion Elancheran M, Siva K, Sriram V, Archana V, Ragavendran S Pathology Current Medical Issues 2022 Jan-23 ISSN 0973-4651. DOAJ National


S. No Title of the paper Name of the author (First/corresponding) Department Name of the journal Date of Acceptance Date of publication ISSN number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Name of the indexing database Type
1 Rare histological types of bladder carcinoma from a tertiary care hospital: Case reports Revathi Govindasamy, Kalaivani Selvi S, Srivani S and Erli Amel Ivan, Pathology J Med Sci Res 2023 2023 2347-176X (E) / 2455-0450 (P) Google scholar National
2 Diagnostic Utility of Breast FNAC in the evaluation of Palpable Masses – a tertiary centre study Dr. K. S. Sai Sri Ram Rao, Dr. Erli Amel Ivan, Dr Madhu Kumar R, Dr G V Saikumar, Dr Sirisha P Pathology  International Journal of Scientific Research 01/04/2023 Apr-23  2277 – 8179–a-tertiary-centre-study_April_2023_1699804240_8414330.pdf Google scholar, Crossref,DRJI International
3 An unusual presentation of mature ovarian teratoma in a young girl: A rare case report, Dr. Sriram, Dr. Arunagiri Raja, Dr. G. Revathi, Dr. Erli Amel Ivan, Dr. Ramya.G and Dr. Vigneswaramoorthi, Pathology  International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic pathology 14/02/2023 21/03/2023 ISSN (P): 2617-7226 ISSN (E): 2617-7234 Google Scholar International
4  Rare variant of renal cell carcinoma: A case report from rural tertiary care centre, Dr. Keerthyraj N, Dr. V Sriram, Dr. Revathi G, Dr. V Vigneswaramoorthi, Dr. Erli Amel Ivan and Dr. Ramya G Pathology International Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Pathology 04/04/2023 10/05/2023 ISSN (P): 2617-7226, ISSN (E): 2617-7234 Google Scholar International


Faculty :

Dr.Vimal : (Fellowship)

Fellowship in education & Leadership development for the FAIMER INSTITUTE Program at PSG FAIMER Regional Institute, Coimbatore, India and has a completed it with Distinction from April 2018- June 2020.

Dr.Ramya : (Advance Course)

Advance Course in Medical Education having successfully met all the requirements for the course, this certificate is awarded to her on 14.11.2021.SRMC&RI Chennai.

Dr.Abinizha : (DNB Degree)

DNB in Pathology on examination conducted on June 2019 by National Board of Examination. Dr.Thara: (Fellowship) Fellowship in Oncopathology from 06.09.2021 to 05.09.2022 .

Academic achievements of Undergraduates:

Batch Pass Percentage Distinctions University Ranks
2011 96 44 Ist rank
2012 80 33
2013 82 12
2014 91 06
2015 97 20
2016 89 16
2017 98 38
2018 93 14
2019 94 29
2020 89 6

Academic achievements of Postgraduates:

Name of the Post graduate Batch University exam medal
Dr.Ramya.G 2011 2nd rank
Dr.Ronald R. Bosco 2012 1st rank
Dr. Mutharasu 2013 2nd rank
Dr.Ketav Rohit Desai 2014 1st rank
Dr. Sowmya Devi.A 2015 1st rank
Dr. Nivethiyasree.J 2016 1st rank
Dr. Fernantez Vinola 2019 2nd rank


Report on “AI IN MEDICAL CARE” –Digital arts Competition

Date: 05.12.2024 (Tuesday)
Venue: , Lecture Hall –IV, College block.
Name of the organizing department: Department of Pathology

Organizational Team
  • Organizing Chairperson: Dr. Erli Amel Ivan
  • Organizing Secretary: Dr. Ramya. G, Dr. Revathi. G

Nature of Delegates: MBBS PHASE II students.

Name of the sponsoring agency: Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital

Sessions Conducted:

On the occasion of first Research week celebration 2024, Department of Pathology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry has conducted Digital arts competition titled “AI IN MEDICAL CARE” on 5th December 2024.

Description of the Report:

As per the schedule, on 5th December at 2.00 pm, the digital arts competition was conducted on the title “AI IN MEDICAL CARE” in Lecture Hall – IV. Forty-one students participated in the competition. The assessment was done by Dr. Sanjay.P, Dean Research and Dr.Thambi Cherian, HOD, Department of ENT, SMVMCH based on the Creativity, Innovation, Future oriented thinking and Presentation skills of the participants. Dr.R.N.Kagne Dean, SMVMCH felicitated the judges. Dr.Sanjay and Dr.Thambi Cherian congratulated the winners and distributed the prizes. Certificates were given to all the participants.

Report on Day 1 World Blood Donor Day Celebration

Date: 11.06.2024 (Tuesday)

Venue: Department of Pathology, SMVMCH

Name of the organizing department: Department of Pathology

Organizational Team

  • Organizing Chairperson: Dr. Erli Amel Ivan
  • Organizing Secretary: Dr. Sriram.V

Nature of Delegates: MBBS PHASE II students.

Name of the sponsoring agency: Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital

Sessions Conducted:

The Department of Pathology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry has celebrated “ World Blood Donor Day – 2024” on 11th June 2024. Under the topic “Basics in Immunohaematology”, an Online Qiuz competition was conducted.

Description of the report:

Online Quiz

As per the schedule, on11th June at 8.30am, the Online Quiz competition was conducted on the theme “Basics in Immunohaematology “in Lecture Hall – II. .Around 132 students participated in the competition. The assessment was done by Dr.Abinizha.S, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, SMVMCH, based on the results of the participants.

Report on Day 2 World Blood Donor Day Celebration

Date: 12.06.2024 (Wednesday)

Venue: Blood Centre, SMVMCH

Name of the organizing department: Department of Pathology

Organizational Team

  • Organizing Chairperson: Dr.Ramya G
  • Organizing Secretary: Dr. Sriram. V

Nature of Delegates: B.Sc., M.L.T Students, Allied Health Science

Name of the sponsoring agency: Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital

Sessions Conducted:

The Department of Pathology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry has celebrated “World Blood donor Day – 2024”on 12th June 2024. The workshop on Quality assurance & Safety practices in Blood banking was conducted.

Description of the report:


As per the schedule, on12th June 2.00 pm onwards, the workshop was conducted on the topic of “Quality assurance & Safety practices in Blood banking” in Blood Centre, SMVMCH. Eighteen students were participated in the Workshop. The Workshop was conducted under the supervision of Dr.Sriram.V, Professor and Mr.Ganesh V ,Techanical Suprvisor ,Blood Centre, SMVMCH. Mrs Mohana ANS from HIC had an interaction and gave talk on Safety practices in Blood banking.

Report on Day 3 World Blood Donor Day Celebration

Date: 13.06.2024 (Wednesday)

Venue: MIT Auditorium.

Name of the organizing department: Department of Pathology

Organizational Team

  • Organizing Chairperson: Dr. Erli Amel Ivan
  • Organizing Secretary: Dr. Sriram

Nature of Delegates: MIT II year students.

Name of the sponsoring agency: Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital

Sessions Conducted:

The Department of Pathology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry has celebrated “World Blood donor Day – 2024”on 13th May2024. Under the theme “Awareness Talk on Voluntary Blood Donation”, was conducted.

Description of the report:

Awareness Talk

As per the schedule, on13th June at 10.30 am, the Awareness talk was conducted on the topic of “Voluntary blood donation” in MIT Auditorium. 150 students are participated in the talk and given willingness for voluntary blood donation. The awareness talk was given by Dr.Narayana Vadivoo.R, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, SMVMCH.

Report on World Thalassemia Day Celebration

Date: 08.05.2024 (Wednessday)

Venue: Lecture hall II, college block, SMVMCH

Name of the organizing department: Department of Pathology

Organizational Team

  • Organizing Chairperson: Dr. Erli Amel Ivan
  • Organizing Secretary: Dr. Thara K

Nature of Delegates: MBBS PHASE II students, Post Graduates, and faculty.

Name of the sponsoring agency: Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital

Sessions Conducted:

The Department of Pathology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry has celebrated “World Thalassemia Day – 2024” on 8th May 2024. A guest lecture was conducted on the topic “Lab diagnosis and management of Thalassemia”.  The guest lecture was delivered by Dr. Arul Kumaran, Professor of Paediatrics, SMVMCH

Description of the report:

As per the schedule, on 8th May at 9.30 am, the guest lecture was conducted on the topic “Lab diagnosis and management of Thalassemia” in Lecture Hall – II. The lecture was delivered by Dr. Arul Kumaran, Professor, Department of Paediatrics, SMVMCH. A total of 170 people including MBBS students, postgraduate students and faculty attended the session. Dr.R.N.Kagne, Deputy Director & Dean, SMVMCH felicitated the speaker with Certificate and momento.

Report on World Hemophilia Day Celebration

Date: 07.05.2024 (Tuesday)

Venue: Department of Pathology, SMVMCH

Name of the organizing department: Department of Pathology

Organizational Team

  • Organizing Chairperson: Dr. Erli Amel Ivan
  • Organizing Secretary: Dr. Revathi.G

Nature of Delegates: MBBS PHASE II students, Post Graduates.

Name of the sponsoring agency: Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital

Sessions Conducted:

The Department of Pathology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry has celebrated “World Hemophilia Day – 2024” on 7th May 2024. Under the theme “Equitable access for all: recognizing all bleeding disorders”, E-Poster competition was conducted.

Description of the report:

E-Poster Competition

As per the schedule, on 7th May at 8.30 am, the E-Poster competition was conducted on the theme “Equitable access for all: recognizing all bleeding disorders” in Lecture Hall – II. Seven students participated in the competition. The assessment was done by Dr.Preethi, Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, SMVMCH, based on the Uniqueness of the case, Content knowledge, Legibility,Clarity and Presentation skills of the participants. Dr.D.Rajagovindan Director, SMVMCH felicitated the winners of the competition (I, II and III) with
Medals and Certificates were given to all the participants.

Workshop on Laboratory Evaluation Hemostasis & Workshop on Coagulation Studies

Workshop on – Laboratory Evaluation Hemostasis & Workshop on Coagulation Studies was conducted by Department of Pathology on 22.05.2024 from 2.00-4.00pm at Haematology Lab. It was delivered by Mr. Devasigamani from Diagnostica Stago gave a brief talk above about laboratory evaluation of hemostasis & basic coagulation studies. The faculty, Postgraduates and lab technicians attended the Programme. Followed by workshop on coagulation studies at haematology lab which was attended by post graduates and lab technicians. Welcome address was given by Dr.Erli Amel Ivan, Professor & HOD, Department of Pathology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr.Jayanthi, Professor, Department of Pathology.

a. Conference- Update in Pathology Recent trends and Concepts

Update in Pathology Recent trends and Concepts – 2019 was conducted by Department of Pathology on 23 &24th Aug 2019 from 9.00am to 4.00pm at SMVMCH Auditorium. The academic sessions on-‘Bone marrow-Interpretation’ was given by Dr.Debdatta basu followed by academic sessions on ‘Dr. Krishna M Bhargav Memorial Oration’, was given by Dr. Shashikala.P. The Endoscopic Biopsy interpretation upper GIT’ was delivered by Dr.Rajendiran.S. session on ‘Autopsy on Brain- was delivered byDr. Anita Mahadevan.A session on ‘Slide seminar on Lymphoma was delivered by Dr.C.S. Premalatha. The topic “Bone tumour and synovial biopsy” was delivered by Dr. C.N Srinivas. Oral and Poster presentations were done by postgraduates. 163 delegates including faculty and Postgraduates attended the Programme. Welcome address was given by HOD, Department of Pathology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. N.Gandhi, Department of Pathology. Feedback given by the delegates are discussed and action has been taken.

b. Guest Lecture – Safe Transfusion Save lives

Gust lecture on – Safe Transfusion Save lives was conducted by Department of Pathology on 29.10.2019 from 2.15 pm onwards. It was delivered by Dr.Kingsley about Safe Transfusion Save lives. The faculty, Postgraduates from various clinical departments and blood bank technical staff attended the Programme. Welcome address was given by HOD, Department of Pathology. Director Dr. Rajagovindan, Medical Superintendent Dr. Pragash, and Deputy Medical Superintendent Dr. Girirja were present for the scientific session. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr.Ramya.G, Department of Pathology. Feedback given by the delegates are discussed and action has been taken.

c. Webinar: Apheresis in current clinical practice- Removal, Replacement and Restoration of blood and Blood components

Webinar on – Apheresis in current clinical practice- Removal, Replacement and Restoration of blood and Blood components was conducted by Department of Pathology on 17.11.2020 from02.00-4.00pm. It was delivered by Dr.Kingsley, PIMS about the topic. The faculty, Postgraduates attended the Programme. Welcome address was given by HOD, Department of Pathology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr.Ramya, Department of Pathology. Feedback given by the delegates are discussed and action has been taken.

d. Webinar –Brain Autopsy

Webinar on – Brain Autopsy Technique was conducted by Department of Pathology on 27.1.2021 from12.00-1.00pm. It was delivered by Dr.P.Rajalakshmi about Introduction and brain autopsy techniques and important brain lesions. The faculty, Postgraduates attended the Programme. Welcome address was given by HOD, Department of Pathology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr.Ramya, Department of Pathology. Feedback given by the delegates are discussed and action has been taken.

e. Webinar – Cytology of matrix producing salivary gland

Webinar on – Cytology of matrix producing salivary gland was conducted by Department of Pathology on 22.2.2021 from12.00-1.00pm. It was delivered by Dr.P.Neelliah Siddaraju about cytology of matrix producing salivary gland tumours with approach to diagnosis of salivary gland lesions. The faculty, Postgraduates attended the Programme. Welcome address was given by HOD, Department of Pathology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr.Srivani, Department of Pathology. Feedback given by the delegates are discussed and action has been taken.

f. Breast and cervical cancer screening Programme

Breast and cervical cancer screening Programme was conducted by Department of Pathology along with Department of OBG from to 20.3.21.The programme was conducted in OBG OPD where screening was done for breast and cervical cancers FNAC and PAP smears were taken. The faculty, Postgraduates attended the Programme. Welcome address was given by HOD, Department of OBG. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr.Ramya, Department of Pathology. Feedback given by the patients are discussed and action has been taken.

g. Webinar – Thromboelastogram

Webinar on – Thromboelastogram was conducted by Department of Pathology on 14.6.21 from 2.00-4.00pm. It was delivered by Dr.B.Abhishekh about introduction and interpretation of thromboelastogram and its uses in patient management. The faculty, Postgraduates attended the Programme. Welcome address was given by HOD, Department of Pathology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr.Vimal, Department of Pathology. Feedback given by the delegates are discussed and action has been taken.

h. Webinar – Strategies for safe blood transfusion

Webinar on – Strategies for safe blood transfusion was conducted by Department of Pathology on 27.10.2021 from 11.30am-1.00pm. It was delivered by Dr.Kingsley about Strategies for safe blood transfusion and transfusion transmitted infections. The faculty, Postgraduates attended the Programme. Welcome address was given by HOD, Department of Pathology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr.Jayanthi, Department of Pathology. Feedback given by the delegates are discussed and action has been taken.

i. CME on Basics in immunohematology and Blood banking.

CME on Basics in immunohematology and Blood banking was conducted by Department of Pathology on 11/06/2022 from 9.00am to 4.00pm. It included poster presentation by postgraduates, followed by two academic sessions by Dr.Kingsley and Dr.Abishekh about Basics in immunohematology and Blood banking. Finally a quiz was conducted for postgraduates. The faculty, Postgraduates attended the Programme. Welcome address was given by HOD, Department of Pathology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr.Sriram, Department of Pathology. Feedback given by the delegates are discussed and action has been taken.

j. Conference- Haem fest- 2022

Haem fest- 2022 was conducted by Department of Pathology on 27.8.2022 from 9.00am to 4.00pm at SMVMCH Auditorium. The academic sessions on-‘Morphology and beyond in blood and marrow- case based approach’ was given by Dr.Debdatta basu followed by academic sessions on ‘Surviving good the flow- case based learning in haematology’, ‘The haematology puzzle- missing thesis of flags and alarms’ was delivered by Dr.C.N.Srinivas.A session on ‘Basic and new concepts in coagulation- case based discussion’ and a session on ‘Quality assurance in hematology’ was delivered by Dr.Febe Renjitha Suman and by Dr.Moses Ambroise respectively. Poster presentations were done by postgraduates. 131 delegates including faculty and Postgraduates attended the Programme. Welcome address was given by HOD, Department of Pathology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr.Jayanthi, Department of Pathology. Feedback given by the delegates are discussed and action has been taken.

k. Webinar – World blood donor day 2023

Webinar on –Safe blood transfusion practice was conducted by Department of Pathology on 13.6.2023 from 11.00 am-1.00pm. It was delivered by Dr.Kingsley about Safe blood transfusion practices and transfusion reactions. The faculty, Postgraduates and Undergraduates attended the Programme. The Undergraduates did e-poster presentations. Welcome address was given by HOD, Department of Pathology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr.Abinizha, Department of Pathology. Feedback given by the delegates are discussed and action has been taken.

PG Alumini

Year Name Designation Institution Email Id
2011 – 2014 Dr. Anand. M Associate Professor PIMS, Pondicherry [email protected]
Dr. Anandraj Vaithy. K Professor MGMCRI, Pondicherry [email protected]
Dr. Ramya. G Professor SMVMCH, Pondicherry [email protected]
2012 – 2015 Dr. Ronald J Bosco Associate Professor SRM Medical College & Hospital, Trichy [email protected]
Dr. Deepti Anne Jose Consultant Pathologist DDRC SRL Diagnostics pvt ltd, Ernakulam [email protected]
Dr. Sriram. V Associate Professor SMVMCH, Pondicherry [email protected]
Dr. Parvathi Pillai Associate Professor Azeezia Medical College& Hospital, Kollam [email protected]
Dr. Mutharasu. A Consultant Hematologist United Kingdom [email protected]
Dr. Sujitha. R Associate Professor Narayana Medical College, AP [email protected]
2013 – 2016 Dr. Aishwarya Sreenivas Consultant Pathologist Aruna Lab, Pondicherry [email protected]
Dr. Manoharan. A Associate Professor SLIMS, Pondicherry [email protected]
Dr. Nidhya. E Consultant Pathologist Ayush Health care Centre Pondicherry [email protected]
Dr. Saranya Bai. S Associate Professor ACS Medical College & Hospital, Chennai [email protected]
Dr. Siva. K Associate Professor AVMC-Pondicherry [email protected]
Dr. Brindha. S Associate Professor Annapoorna Medical College& Hospital, Salem [email protected]
2014 – 2017 Dr. Kandibanda Sai Sri Ram Rao Associate Professor, Mamata Medical College, Khammam, Telangana. [email protected]
Dr. Kanhaiya Lal Mishra Associate Professor Hindu Institute of Medical Sciences, UP [email protected]
Dr. Ketav Rohit Desai Residents UF Pathology Residency USA [email protected]
Dr. Neetu Vanapalli Consultant Pathologist Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad [email protected]
Dr. Rajesh Kumar. M Assistant Professor Meenakshi Medical college Hospital & Research Institute- Kanchipuram [email protected]
2015 – 2018 Dr. Avishesh Kumar Singh Associate Professor Chandulal Chandrakar Memorial Hospital Pvt. Ltd. Chhattisgarh [email protected]
Dr. Lavesh Ruprela Director Ruprela Diagnostics Private Limited, Chhattisgarh [email protected]
Dr. Priya. B Consultant Pathologist   [email protected]
Dr. Sarita Singh Consultant Pathologist   [email protected]
Dr. Shraddha Karn Associate Professor Mata Gujri Memorial Medical College Kishanganj, Bihar [email protected]
Dr. Sowmya Devi. A Assistant Pathologist Ras Al Khaimahmam Medical university, Dubai [email protected]
2016 – 2019 Dr. Srikanth Assistant Professor Panimalar Medical College, Chennai [email protected]
Dr. Nivethiyasree Assistant Professor Panimalar Medical College, Chennai sreedrnivethiya@gmail.
Dr. Neha Sikdar Consultant Pathologist   [email protected]
Dr. Ekta Pandey Consultant Pathologist   [email protected]
Dr. Anjali Patnakar Consultant Pathologist   [email protected]
Dr. Yogitadevi Consultant Pathologist   [email protected]
2017 – 2020 Dr. Revathi Assistant Professor SMVMCH, Pondicherry [email protected]
Dr. Hemavathi Consultant Pathologist   [email protected]
Dr. Pooja Assistant Professor Melmaruvathur Athiparasakthi Medical college  
2018 – 2021 Dr. Savithri.R Consultant Pathologist   [email protected]
Dr. Shafna Azeez Consultant Pathologist   [email protected]
Dr. Shanumga Sundari.A Assistant Professor Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical college, Trichy [email protected]
Dr. Vigneswaramurthy Assistant Professor SMVMCH,  Pondicherry [email protected]
2019 – 2022 Dr. Manikandan.N Assistant Professor SLIMS, Pondicherry [email protected]
Dr. Fernantez Vinola.S Assistant Professor ACS Medical college, Chennai [email protected]