College Day

Our Institutions College Day celebration was held on 25th Feb 2016 – 27.02.2016. Dr. Iraianbu, IAS., Principal Secretary to the Department of Economics & Statistics was the Chief Guest of the Function [Dignitaries].

In his address to the gathering, he said Interdisciplinary Cross pollination of ideas is essential for Innovation and Inventions.He also said to consult professors after class hours to clarify doubts and acquire more knowledge.He said in life we must learn to acquire knowledge and not to go behind imaginary achievements like compliments, marks, wealth, power.

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He then spoke about the great achievements made by age old Indian Physicians like Sushrutha, Charaka in the field of medicine and surgery.On a lighter note, he said he pities the Day scholars as Hostel is the place where one learns to share, care for others and comes to know ground realities and value of friendship.He then gave away Academic Prizes to the Prize winners.After the Academic prize distributions, SMVMCH students proved their multifaceted talents in the cultural events.