
The classification of ovarian tumour is primarily morphologic and based on cytological features of tumour cells. The ovary contains 4 major types of tissues: Epithelium, Germ cells, Sex cords and Ovarian stroma; all of which can give rise to a variety of neoplasms.

Case Details:

72 year old female with Unhealthy cervix; USG showing Heterogenous lesion noted in midline ? Malignancy. MRI: Left ovarian malignant solid cystic neoplasm T2bN1bMx. Intra-op details: Ascites 300 ml; 8 x 6 cm hard irregular mass arising from the left ovary involving sigmoid colon and adherent to Left pelvic wall; closely adherent to Left ureter.


We received a Total Abdominal Hysterectomy with Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with bilateral Pelvic Lymph node dissection with partial sigmoidectomy specimen. Left ovary mass with sigmoid colon showed solid areas with papillary projections and cystic areas with mucoid material


Right and left ovaries and fallopian tubes and uterus intact. Histologic type- Transitional cell carcinoma. Grade G3 poorly differentiated; No definite atypical cells in ascitic fluid, among 22 lymph nodes, 10 were involved; among which 5 were < 10mm; and 5 were > 10mm. pTNM Classification: pT1a (tumour limited to one ovary) N1b ( metastatic deposit > 10mm in greatest dimension). FIGO Stage IIIA1 (ii) – Tumour limited to one ovary with one retroperitoneal lymph node involvement > 10mm in greatest dimension.