Department of Anaesthesiology


The Department of Anaesthesiology is a working asset for SMVMCH.

Our team of extremely skilled and well experienced anaesthesiologists aims to provide evidence-based quality patient care not only in the Operation Theatres but also beyond it by optimizing pre- operative status and providing comprehensive patient care during the post-operative period.

Department is well equipped with talented and experienced teachers who are exposed to advances in the specialties of perioperative anaesthesia, trauma, pain management and super specialties providing an additional platform in managing almost all complicated patients and also train the students in developing their skills in trauma and resuscitation.


  • To provide safe anaesthesia, high quality medical education, and ethical research in anaesthesia.


  • To Provide safe, compassionate, prompt and clinically advanced care to every patient.
  • To impart high quality undergraduate and post graduate medical education along with well-organized residency programme in anaesthesia
  • To achieve excellence in evidence based clinical care and research in anaesthesia.

Program Specific Outcomes

Generic Outcomes

To understand basic principles in anesthesiology and its usage in clinical practice.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-UG

1. The students should have a fair knowledge of basic sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Statistics and Physics) as applied to Anaesthesia. He / She should be fully conversant with the bedside procedures (diagnostic and therapeutic) and have knowledge of latest diagnostics and therapeutic procedures.

2. The student should learn the basic methodology of teaching and develop competence in teaching medical/paramedical students. The student should be familiar with the latest teaching (computer and power point presentations) modes including simulators training and evidence based medical education.

3. The students should develop attitude that leads to appropriate communication with colleagues to function in a group in a group in Operating room /Intensive Care Unit and develop the ability to function as a leader in the operating room.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-PG

1. Postgraduate course requires the student to have fair knowledge of basic sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Statistics and Physics) as applied to Anaesthesia. He/she should be fully conversant with the bedside procedures (diagnostic and therapeutic) and have knowledge of latest diagnostics and therapeutics procedures.

2. The student should learn the basic methodology of teaching and develop competence in teaching medical/paramedical students. The student should be familiar with the latest teaching (computer and power point presentation) modes including simulators training and evidence based medical education.

3. The student should learn the basic methodology of teaching and develop competence in teaching medical/paramedical students. The student should be familiar with the latest teaching (computer and power point presentation) modes including simulators training and evidence based medical education.

PG – (M.D) Department of Anaesthesiology

1. Postgraduate course requires the student to have fair knowledge of basic sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Statistics and Physics) as applied to Anaesthesia. He/she should be fully conversant with the bedside procedures (diagnostic and therapeutic) and have knowledge of latest diagnostics and therapeutics procedures.

2. The student should learn the basic methodology of teaching and develop competence in teaching medical/paramedical students. The student should be familiar with the latest teaching (computer and power point presentation) modes including simulators training and evidence based medical education.

3. Competent to anaesthetize all categories of patients from ASA-I to V with medical problems for every type of elective and emergency surgery.

4. Should be able to diagnose and treat acute and chronic pain conditions.

5. Should be competent to manage critically ill patients in emergency and ICU requiring routine to advanced monitoring, mechanical ventilation and other interventions.

6. Should be aware of the recent advances and developments in medical sciences as related to anaesthesia, analgesia and critical care.

7. Should be oriented to principles of research methodology.

Faculty List

Name Designation
Dr. Suneeth P. Lazarus Professor
Dr. Prasath. C Professor
Dr. Ranjan. R.V Professor
Dr. Dilip Chandar Professor
Dr. Ramya. N Associate Professor
Dr. Srinivasan. R Associate Professor
Dr. Arulmani. A Assistant Professor
Dr. Vigneswaran. J Assistant Professor
Dr. Udhaya Sankar. S Assistant Professor
Dr. Sargunaraj. A Assistant Professor
Dr. Balapriya. B Assistant Professor
Dr. Rajarajacholan. D Assistant Professor
Dr. Ramki. J Assistant Professor
Dr. Sudha. S Senior Resident
Dr. Mugunda Raj. M Senior Resident
Dr. Subalakshmi. A Senior Resident
Dr. Kirpashree Senior Resident
Dr. Madhubala Senior Resident
Dr. Ram Prasath Senior Resident
Dr. Eshvanthni V Junior Resident
Dr. Jaisima Balaji S Junior Resident
Dr. Pavithra. S Junior Resident
Dr. Sandeep R Junior Resident
Dr. Senthil Kumar B Junior Resident
Dr. Sneha T Junior Resident
Dr. Ajalraj C Junior Resident
Dr. Amreen Mehnaz A Junior Resident
Dr. Harish G Junior Resident
Dr. Joe Stalon Junior Resident
Dr. Muthukumaran P Junior Resident
Dr. Neelavannan @ Prasanthvedha B Junior Resident
Dr. Parghavi V Junior Resident
Dr. Ramachandran R Junior Resident
Dr. Savitha S Junior Resident
Dr. Senthilkumar S Junior Resident
Dr. Sri Priyadharshini B R Junior Resident
Dr. Thameem Ahamed M Junior Resident
Dr. T. G Khaar Mugilan Junior Resident
Dr. Kalaranjani. K Junior Resident
Dr. Shareefa Akhtar. S Junior Resident
Dr. Sniya Junior Resident
Dr. Durgapriya. G Junior Resident
Dr. Sushrutha. R Junior Resident
Dr. Vasanthi. V Junior Resident
Dr. R. P Ashwin Kumar Junior Resident
Dr. Revathi Manogaran Junior Resident
Dr. Kathiravan. K Junior Resident
Dr. Riyas Mohideen. M S Junior Resident
Dr. Abelash Junior Resident


  • Air-conditioned department Seminar Halls with wall projector, Desktop with internet connectivity.
  • Research laboratory
  • Museum
  • Department Library
  • Skill lab for training of ACLS, BLS, Regional Anaesthesia, airway management with mannequin and instruments.
  • 8 bedded Critical care unit
  • 24X7 Monitored SICU and Post-operative recovery room.

Special Clinics

Pre Anaesthetic Clinic:

Located in Surgical OPD Wing to ensure proper pre-operative assessment, evaluation, planning, discussing the anaesthetic plan with the patients to abide standards of American Society of Anaesthesiologists and World Health Organization.

Pain & Palliative Clinic:

Located in the Surgical OPD to provide pain free times for patients suffering pain due to Cancers, Chronic Pain, end of life pain etc.

Operation Theatre Facility:

Fifteen well equipped State of Art Operation Theatres with Laminar flow air conditioning system.

Post Anaesthesia Care Unit:

Well equipped Post Anaesthesia Care unit monitored round the clock by Anaesthesiologists and well trained Staff Nurses.

Critical Care Unit:

Our Critical Care Unit with Ultra-Modern Equipments managed round the clock by Anaesthesiologists trained in Critical Care to provide critical care services of International Standards.

Anaesthesia Services inside O.R (Operation Room)

Types of Anaesthesia provided:

  • General Anaesthesia
  • Spinal Anaesthesia
  • Epidural Anaesthesia
  • Caudal Anaesthesia
  • Combined techniques – General Anaesthesia + Epidural Anaesthesia , Combined Spinal + Epidural Anaesthesia
  • Nerve blocks (Regional)
  • Total Intravenous Anaesthesia
  • Monitored Anaesthesia Care
  • IVRA


Epidural Anaesthesia


Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy


Caudal Anaesthesia


General Anaesthesia


Nerve Blocks (Ultrasound Guided)




Spinal Anaesthesia

Varieties of surgical Specialities

  • General Surgery
  • Obstetrics & Gynaecology and IVF
  • Laparoscopic surgeries ( OBG and General Surgery)
  • Orthopaedics (Spine, Joint replacement, Arthroscopy)
  • ENT (Microscopic surgeries, Endoscopic , UVPP)
  • Ophthalmic surgeries
  • Faciomaxillary & Dental surgeries
  • Diagnostic & therapeutic Bronchoscopy.
  • Diagnostic & Therapeutic Upper and Lower Gastro Intestinal Endoscopic Procedures (ERCP).
  • CT, C-Arm, Nerve stimulator, Ultrasound Guided guided therapeutic procedures for acute and chronic pain management by Anaesthesiologists.

Varieties of Surgical Super specialities

  • Urology
  • Paediatric Surgery
  • Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
  • Neurosurgery
  • Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
  • Oncosurgery

Anaesthesia services Outside O.R (Operation Theatre)

  • Pre Anaesthetic evaluation clinic
  • Pain Clinic
  • Ventilator management in CCU, Medical and Surgical ICU, Casualty, ICCU, PICU &NICU.
  • Anaesthesia for radiological suites- MRI,CT scan
  • Anaesthesia for cardiac cath lab procedures.
  • Central line for CVP monitoring and Dialysis etc.
  • Labour Analgesia
  • Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry
  • Anaesthesia for Modified Electro Convulsive Therapy(M-ECT)

Operation Theatre Equipments

  • Modern Anaesthesia workstations
  • Boyle’s Apparatus
  • Oxygen & Gas analysers
  • Multipara monitors
  • MRI Compatible monitor
  • Electronically adjustable Operation theatre table
  • C-Arm compatible OR Table
  • Laparoscope
  • Ambu bags
  • Tech 7 vaporizers
  • Fluroscopy
  • Fiber optic – Laryngoscope
  • Fiber-optic bronchoscope,Videolarynscope
  • Ultra Modern Ultrasound machine with 2D ECHO facility.
  • Syringe pumps & infusion pumps
  • Blood and fluid warmers
  • Intra aortic Balloon Pump
  • TEE – Trans Oesophageal Echocardiography
  • Pacemaker
  • Radiant warmers for Newborns
  • Neuromuscular monitor
  • Defibrillators
  • ACT

All other equipments for Anaesthesia & resuscitation:

  • Supraglottic Airway devices (LMA – Classic, Supreme, Baska Mask, Block buster LMA) , Difficult Airway Cart
  • Bougies, (Adult & Paediatric ventilating Bougie)
  • Nerve locator (Braun)
  • Liquid Oxygen Plant.
  • Fibreoptic Bronchoscope
  • Video-laryngoscope

Manifold Room

It is well equipped with Manifold technicians and

  1. Liquid Medical Oxygen
  2. D type O2 and N2O cylinders connected in series and with automatic switch over mechanism.
  3. Vacuum generators and compressor with outlet central supply lines for O2, N2O and vacuum ports in the wards, ICUs and operation theatres.
  4. Central Sterilization & Supply Department (CSSD)

Equipped with well-trained staffs round the clock and with adequate sterilization Equipment including ETO (Ethylene Oxide)


Undergraduate (MBBS)

First MBBS Foundation Course BLS Workshop (In batches).

The didactic lectures are scheduled as follows:

6th Semester Tuesday 8.30am -9.30am


Two weeks (15 days) of compulsory training period.

Regular CPR workshop for all the interns once in a year.

PG Lecture classes.

I week II week III week IV week
Monday Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar
Tuesday Faculty class Scientific Society Meeting Faculty class Tutorial
Wednesday Case Presentation Case Presentation Tutorial Death Audit
Thursday Tutorial Group discussion Group discussion Group discussion
Friday Journal Club Tutorial Journal Club Faculty class
Saturday Review meet Group discussion Internal Assessment Department Meeting

Teaching Learning methods:

  • PG Seminars
  • Journal clubs
  • Case Presentation
  • Tutorials
  • Group Discussion
  • Monthly – Internal Assessment for PGs (written, Oral , Clinicals)
  • CPR classes for UG Students, CRRI, PGs and Residents.
  • Simulator and Manikin assisted Basic Life Support (BLS) workshop (hands on) for UG students, CRRI, PGs and Residents.


Name of the Postgraduate Programme Topic Awarded
Dr.Girimurugan PONCON 2014 Annual state conference Free paper presentation 2nd Prize
Dr.Girimurugan & Dr.Arish PONCON 2014 Quiz 2nd Prize
Dr.A.Arulmani ISACON 2015 Nation conference Jaipur ISH NARANI MEMORIAL POSTER Best Poster
Dr.Arulmani Annual Scientific Society Meet 2016 Original Article 1 st Prize
Dr.Nithish Mukunthan Annual Scientific Society Meet 2016 Original Article 2nd Prize
Dr.A.Arulmani Dr.Nithish Mukunthan PONCON 2016 Annual state conference Quiz 3rd Prize
Dr. Guru Avinash ISACON PONDY 2019 Free Paper 1st Prize
Dr. Elizabeth Nishi Vijayakumar ISACON PONDY 2019 Free Paper 2nd Prize
Dr.Guru Avinash (2017-2020) TN JHA Best Free Paper award Category (one among the 15 participants of all over India)   Best Free Paper Award Category ISACON 2019 at Bengaluru
Dr.Aishwarya Prasad (2020-2023) SIMULATION competition-SMVMCH   First Prize 
Dr.Sharmila (2020-2023) Second Prize SIMULATION competition-SMVMCH   Second Prize
Name of the Post graduate Batch University exam medal
Dr.Nithish Mukunthan (2015-2018) Gold Medal
Dr.Elizabeth Nishi (2018-2021) Gold Medal
Dr.Abi Meenashy (2018-2021) Gold Medal

Achievements of the students at the National/ level.

Sl.No Name course year Title of the Event No. of awards Date
1 Dr.Guru Avinash (2017-2020) MD Anaesthesiology 2017-2020 TN JHA Best Free Paper award Category (one among the 15 participants of all over India) Best Free Paper Award Category ISACON 2019 at Bengaluru 28.11.2019


Outward No. 1171 /SMVMCH/ANAES/2024

Date: 09.01.2024

Report : MACE -2024 (Manakula Anaesthesia Continuing Education)

A one day workshop cum continuing Medical Education Programme (CME ) event was organized on 7.01.2024 in our institute in association with Indian Society of Anaesthesiologist (ISA) puducherry Branch. various national and international level speakers participated as guest Faculty in the event. Nearly 200 delegates attended the CME and 84 delegate attended the workshop.

The theme of workshop was working principles of Anaesthesia workstation. Tamil Nadu Medical Council awarded 2’ credit hours for the event.


  • Comparative study of two doses of intrathecal buprenorphine as adjuvant to 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine in subarachnoid block in patients undergoing lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries – Dr. Abi Meenashy.
  • Comparative study of intravenous sodium thiopentone 2.5%, 3mg/kg versus etomidate 0.2mg /kg in modified electroconvulsive therapy electroconvulsive therapy – Dr. Balapriya
  • Laryngoscopy & Intubation with Head elevation for optimal laryngeal Exposure – Dr.Elizabeth Nishi
  • Efficacy of intravenous dexmedetomidine with hyperbaric Bupivacaine on spinal anaesthesia for lower limb orthopaedic surgeries – Dr.Kaussikasri.K
  • A Study of comparison of changes in postoperative renal function between on pump and off-pump cardiac surgeries. – Dr. Mannare Mannane M.K
  • Comparison of 0.1% Ropivacaine & 0.0625% Bupivacaine with fentanyl as an adjuvant for labour Analgesia – Dr.Ranganaayaki.G


  • A Randomized controlled study on Post-Operative Analgesic efficacy of USG Guided PEC I and PEC-II Block in Modified Radical Mastectomy – Dr.Arun Kumar.S
  • Comparison study between BASKA mask and LMA supreme for surgical procedures under General Anaesthesia a Randomized control trial- Dr. Gautham Prabhu
  • The effect of different doses of Chlorprocaine 1% on Spinal Anaesthesia in elective urology surgical procedures of short duration – Randomised controlled trial- Dr.Kavya D.C.
  • Ultrasound Assessment of Residual Gastric content in patients posted for elective surgery – A Prospective observational Study – Dr. Manju.D
  • Lower limb arterial changes following femoral artery cannulation for pressure monitoring, an observational study – Dr.Swati.N
  • Comparative study between 0.125% bupivacaine and 0.2% Ropivacaine in ultrasound guided supraclavicular brachial plexus using perineural catheter for post-operative analgesia in upper limb surgeries – Dr. Syed Arafath Ahmed


  • Comparison of levobupivacaine and levobupicaine with dexamethasone in ultrasound guided supraclavicular brachial plexus block for postoperative analgesia in upper limb surgeries a double blinded randomized control trial – Dr. Aishwarya Prasad
  • Effect of preoperative Low dose transdermal Buprenorphine in Spinal anaesthesia- A Randomized Control Study – Dr. Gomathi
  • Comparison of the effect of preoperative nebulisation of dexmedetomidine and clonidine on post-operative sore throat- Dr. Mithra. R
  • Comparison of Buprenorphine and morphine as an adjuvant to 0.25% Bupivacaine for post-operative analgesia with ultrasound guided trans versus abdominis plane block in cesarean – Dr. Mugunda Raj. M
  • Comparison of Thoracic paravertebral Block and Erector Spine Plane Block for Postoperative pain relief in Percutaneous nephrolithotomy – a Randomized parallel group trial – Dr. Ramprasath
  • Comparative randomized controlled trial of midline versus paramedian approaches to lumbar epidural catheter insertion for lower abdominal surgeries – Dr. Sharmila A.
  • Comparison of Erector spine Plane Block and Incision site infiltration with local anaesthesia for post-operative analgesia in Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy. Randomised controlled Trial – Dr. R. Srinivasan , Assistant Professor
  • Effect of intravenous dexamethasone. intravenous dexmedetomidine and combined intravenous dexamethasone and dexmedetomidine on duration of postoperative pain relief after supraclavicular brachial plexus block – A randomized controlled trial – Dr. Kavya D.C
  • Comparison of postoperative pain relief following ketorolac and 0.25% Bupivacaine infiltration at wound site in patients undergoing Percutaneous Lithotripsy – Dr. Swati.N
  • Effect of Local Anaesthetics in calculated QTc interval in upper limb regional anaesthesia – A Prospective Observational Study – Dr. Manju.D
  • Comparative study of cuff pressure monitoring between Classic LMA and Proseal LMA in Short duration surgeries requiring General Anaesthesia – Dr. Syed Arafath Ahmed




  • Comparative study of Hyperglycemic response in well controlled diabetic patients undergoing general and regional Anaesthesia- Suneeth P Lazarus – International Journal of Recent trends in science & Technology Dec 2014, 2277-2812 Index Copernicus
  • “Ambulatory Anaesthesia – an overview” – Vishwanath R Hiremath -CIB Tech Journal of Surgery ISSN 2319-3875, 2014, vol 3 (1) Jan-April43-45
  • Anaesthetic management of patient with Low Ejection Fraction – Vishwanath R Hiremath International Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Sciences ISSN2277-2103; 2014 Vol4(2) May- Aug 8-11


  • Midazolam premedication for ketamine induced emergence phenomenon- A prospective observational study- Deepa kameshwari Perumal, Mangaiarkarasi Adhimoolam, Nitya selvaraj, Suneeth Pullikotil Lazarus, Meher Ali Raja Mohammed – Journal of research in pharmacology Practice Pub med Index 2319-9644 April 2015
  • A preliminary study of a novel technique of suprascapular nerve block in treating chronic shoulder pain – Mayank Chansoria,Gautam Das, Neelesh Mathankar,Dilip ChandarNeha Vyas, Sachin Updhyay – Indian Journal of Pain0970-5333Index Copernicus CNKIEBSCO May – August 2015
  • Evaluation of post dural puncture headache using various sizes of spinal needles – D Dinesh babu, D Dilip chandar,CS Prakash, S Balasubramanian, K Suresh kumar – International Journal of Scientific study 2321-6379 Index Medicus, Index Copernicus December 2015.
  •  Efficacy of Clonidine as an adjuvant for caudal block in children undergoing infraumbilical surgery – Dilip Kumar, Dr. Vishwanath R Hiremath -Journal of Evaluation of Medical and Dental Sciences ISSN2278-4748,2278-4805;2015 Oct 12 2015
  • Dexmeditomidine and Fentanyl for endotracheal intubation – Vishwanath R Hiremath, Dr.Gnansekar -Journal of Evaluation of Medical and Dental Sciences ISSN2278-4748,2278-4805;2015,Vol4 Oct 15,
  • Effect of N –acetyl cysteine on oxidative stress in patients undergoing off pump coronary artery bypass grafting – Jalakandhan, Dr.Bhaskar Dr.Vishwanath R Hiremath Journal of Evaluation of Medical and Dental Sciences ISSN 2278-4748,2278-4805;2015,Vol4,Issue 79 Oct.1201513754-13763


  • Effect of Dexamethasone as an adjuvant to local anaesthetic in supraclavicular brachial plexus block International Journal of Scientific Study- B.T Arish,D.Dinesh Babu, Suneeth P Lazarus, D.Dillip Chandar, S.Balasubramanian K.Suresh Kumar- January 2016, 2321- 6379 Index Medicus, Index Copernicus.
  • Comparison of Ropivacaine and Ropivacaine with Clonidine for caudal analgesia in paediatric patients for lower abdominal surgeries- S Balasubramanian, K .Sanmuga priya, K Sureshkumar, A.Arulmani,A Sivashanmugam – International Journal of Scientific study, January 2016
  • Randomized controlled study to compare the efficacy of intravenous Palonosetron and intravenous Ondansetron in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting in laprascopic surgeries- K Sureshkumar, A Sivashanmugam, N Girimurugan, Suneeth P Lazarus, M Nithish Mukunthan- International journal of Scientific study, 2321-6379 Index Medicus, Index Copernicus, March 2016
  • Comparison of three different doses of Magnesium sulphate as adjuvant to Bupivacaine in spinal anaesthesia for abdominal hysterectomies – Lokesh K Nety, Dilip chandar Sandeep Rathore, Gopal Maravi, R Mahindra- Journal for research analysis, 2277-8160 Index, Copernicus March 2016.
  • Bacterial colonization of epidural catheters used for short-term postoperative analgesia:a microbiological examination and risk factor analysis – Mayank Chansoria, Dilip chandar – International Journal of medical science and public health 2320-4664, Index Medicus, Index Copernicus, Scope Med 2016/ volume 5/ Issue 02.
  • Effect of Butorphanol as an adjuvant in Epidural Analgesia for Inguinal Hernia Surgery- S Yogeshwaran, S Balasubramanian, K Sanmugapiriya, Suneeth P Lazarus, SSS Kartheek Hajeebu, A.Arulmani – International Journal of Scientific study2321-6379, Index Medicus, Index Copernicus 17th May 2016- 30 June 2016.


  • Effect of Dexamethasone as an adjuvant to local anaesthetic in supraclavicular brachial plexus block International Journal of Scientific Study- B.T Arish,D.Dinesh Babu, Suneeth P Lazarus, D.Dillip Chandar, S.Balasubramanian K.Suresh Kumar- January 2016, 2321- 6379 Index Medicus, Index Copernicus.
  • Comparison of Ropivacaine and Ropivacaine with Clonidine for caudal analgesia in paediatric patients for lower abdominal surgeries- S Balasubramanian, K .Sanmuga priya, K Sureshkumar, A.Arulmani,A Sivashanmugam – International Journal of Scientific study, January 2016
  • Randomized controlled study to compare the efficacy of intravenous Palonosetron and intravenous Ondansetron in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting in laprascopic surgeries- K Sureshkumar, A Sivashanmugam, N Girimurugan, Suneeth P Lazarus, M Nithish Mukunthan- International journal of Scientific study, 2321-6379 Index Medicus, Index Copernicus, March 2016
  • Comparison of three different doses of Magnesium sulphate as adjuvant to Bupivacaine in spinal anaesthesia for abdominal hysterectomies – Lokesh K Nety, Dilip chandar Sandeep Rathore, Gopal Maravi, R Mahindra- Journal for research analysis, 2277-8160 Index, Copernicus March 2016.
  • Bacterial colonization of epidural catheters used for short-term postoperative analgesia:a microbiological examination and risk factor analysis – Mayank Chansoria, Dilip chandar – International Journal of medical science and public health 2320-4664, Index Medicus, Index Copernicus, Scope Med 2016/ volume 5/ Issue 02.
  • Effect of Butorphanol as an adjuvant in Epidural Analgesia for Inguinal Hernia Surgery- S Yogeshwaran, S Balasubramanian, K Sanmugapiriya, Suneeth P Lazarus, SSS Kartheek Hajeebu, A.Arulmani – International Journal of Scientific study2321-6379, Index Medicus, Index Copernicus 17th May 2016- 30 June 2016.


  • Prospective observational study on the incidence of postoperative sore throat in patients undergoing Endotracheal intubation under General Anaesthesia- Kartheek Hajeebu.S.S .S Shanmugam Balasubramanian, Kuppusamy Suresh Kumar, Suneeth.P Lazarus – Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2018, Index Copernicus.
  • Comparison of Nalbuphine Verus Buprenorphine as an Adjuvant to Intrathecal Bupivacaine for postoperative Analgesia in Lower abdominal and Lower limb Surgeries- R.Krishna Prabu,Manchireddy Manish- Indian Journal Anaesthesia and Analgesia,2018,998-1013.
  • Intravenous Dexmedetomidine versus Dexmedetomidine and Midazolam combination for Paediatric Anaesthesia and Analgesia – Krishna Prabu.R, Stanley Sebastian-, Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 2018, 246-252.


  • Comparative study of LMA supreme vs I-gel in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgeries with positive pressure ventilation -Arulmani A, Suresh Kumar K, Balasubramanian S, Suneeth.P Lazarus, Sanmuga Piriya K, Rajprasath R- Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia 02.02.2019 ,Index Copernicus.
  • Table Tilt Versus Pelvic Tilt Position for Preventing Hemodynamic changes During Spinal Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section- Badrinath, Balasubramanian. Suresh Kumar,Suneeth.P Lazarus, Rajprasath-Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2019:6(2) (Part – I): 399-405.
  • Microcuff Pediatric Endotracheal Tubes: Evaluation of Cuff Sealing, Pressure, Fibre – Optic Assessment of Tube Tip, and Cuff Position by Ultrasonography- Srinivasan Ramachandran, Sandeep Kumar Mishra, Hemavathi Balachandr, Prasanna Udupi Bidkar , Savitri Velayudhan. Satyen Parida, Muthapillai Senthilnathan -Anaesthesia Essays and Researches: Volume 13, Issue 3 July – September 2019, 13:596-600.
  • A Comparative study on the Endotracheal Tube cuff pressure changes between supine and prone in patients undergoing prone position surgeries. -A.Murshid Ahamed K.Suresh kumar – Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia, (IJAA) pISSN: 2349-8471, eISSN:2455- 6238 Index Copernicus. 11.07.2019.
  • Comparison of Laryngoscopic view obtained by conventional head view to that obtained by Horizontal alignment of External Auditory meatus and Sternal Notch – Laba Kumar Nayak, Dilip Chandar, Desingh , Neeraj Narang N, Ashish Seth- Anaesthesia Essays and Research, Anesth Essays Res 2019;13:535-8, Pumped Indexed. Print ISSN – 0259-1162, Online ISSN- 2229-7685.
  • Comparison of Post-operative analgesia following Epidural bupivacaine and Epidural – bupivacaine with verapamil in orthopaedic lower limb surgeries. – K.Sureshkumar, D.Dilip Chandar D, Deepa Lakshmi, Shanmuga Priya K, Meenakshi R- Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia (IJAA) pISSN: 2349-8471, eISSN: 2455-6238.Index Copernicus. 16.08.2019.


  • A study on the Effect of Lateral and Sitting Positions in Spinal Anaesthesia for Ceserean Sections – D.Dinesh Babu, S.Vidjai Vikram, S.Balasubramanian, Suneeth P Lazarus, K.Suresh Kumar, Rajprasanth Rajaraman. Indian Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia.10.21088/ (IJAA) 2349, 8471.7119.5. January – February 2020
  • Jiju Antony A, Sanmuga Priya K, Suneeth P Lazarus, Suresh Kumar.K, Suresh Anand BS A Study to Compare the effect of postoperative analgesia between intraperitoneal instillation of ropivacaine and bupivacaine in laparoscopic surgeries Medpulse International Journal of Anaestheiology pISSN: 2579-0900, eISSN: 2636-4654. September 2020, 15(3):140-144.
  • Sanmuga Piriya K, Ramya N, Balasubramanian S, Vigneswaran.J, Suresh Kumar K, Suresh Anand BS, A Comparison of Hemodynamic Profile of Intraperitoneal Instillation of Ropivacaine versus Bupivacaine in Laparoscopic Surgeries. Indian Journal of Clinical Anaesthesia (IJCA) pISSN: 2394-4781, eISSN: 2394 – 4994 Index Copernicus, Acceptance date 9.10.2020.
  • Adiththan AB, Natarajan R, Krishnan SP,et al. Paracetamol versus diclofenac asintravenous post-operative analgesia inpatients after laparoscopic surgeries. JEvid Based Med Healthc2021; 8(11):0000-0000. DOI:10.18410/jebmh/2021/000


Modes of Mechanical Ventilation

Event Name:  Modes of Mechanical Ventilation
Organized By:   Dept of Anaesthesiology
Venue:   Skill Lab College block
Date:  11-02-2025
Time:  12:00 P.M – 4:00 P.M


A workshop on “Modes of Mechanical Ventilation” was conducted on February 11, 2024, at the Skill Lab, featuring Dr. P.S. Jaganathan from Hamilton Medicals as the keynote speaker. The event was aimed at enhancing the knowledge and practical skills of healthcare professionals in understanding and applying various mechanical ventilation modes.


To provide an in-depth understanding of different modes of mechanical ventilation.
To discuss the indications, advantages, and limitations of each mode.
To demonstrate the practical application of ventilation modes using advanced medical equipment.

Workshop Highlights

Overview of Mechanical Ventilation:  Dr. Jaganathan began by explaining the basics of mechanical ventilation, including its purpose, indications, and the physiological principles involved.

Modes of Mechanical Ventilation: The workshop covered the following key modes:

Volume-Controlled Ventilation (VCV): Ensures a set tidal volume with each breath.
Pressure-Controlled Ventilation (PCV): Delivers a set pressure, allowing variable tidal volume.

Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV): Assists spontaneous breaths with preset pressure.

SIMV (Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation): Combines mandatory breaths with spontaneous breathing.

Adaptive Support Ventilation (ASV): Automatically adjusts to patient needs for optimal ventilation.

Indications and Clinical Applications:
Detailed discussions on selecting appropriate modes based on patient condition, including ARDS, COPD, and post-operative care.

Hands-on Demonstration:
Practical demonstrations using Hamilton ventilators were conducted, allowing participants to experience real-time adjustments and observe patient responses.

MACE -2025 (Manakula Anaesthesia Continuing Education)

Event Name:   Manakula Vinayagar Anaesthesiology Continuing Education

Organized By:   Dept of Anaesthesiology
Venue:   Lecture Hall – V &Own book Reading Hall
Date:   26-01-2025
Time:   8:00 A.M – 5:00 P.M

A one day workshop cum continuing Medical Education Programme (CME ) event in association with Anatomy Department and plastic surgery  Under the auspices of Indian society of Anaesthesiologists puducherry, was  organized on 26.01.2025 in our institute.  Various speakers participated as guest Faculty in the event. Nearly 84 delegates attended the CME and 84 delegates attended the workshop.

The theme of workshop was Learning Basics & Beyond in Brachial Plexus: Demonstration of Cadaveric Anatomy & Sonoanatomy. Tamil Nadu Medical Council awarded 2’ credit hours for the event.

Allowing for a rich exchange of ideas and experiences among faculty and postgraduate participants. Nearly 84 delegates  including postgraduates and Faculties from various Medical College in Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry participated in it. Key points covered included the fundamental principles of Learning Basics & Beyond in Brachial Plexus: Demonstration of Cadaveric Anatomy & Sonoanatomy,

In conclusion, Learning Basics & Beyond in Brachial Plexus: Demonstration of Cadaveric Anatomy & Sonoanatomy was a significant educational event, contributing valuable insights and practical skills to attendees. The expertise of Dr.Saravanakumar Government Medical College Tiruvallur, Dr.Nagalakshmi P, SMVMCH, Dr.Ranjan, SMVMCH, Dr.B.T.Arish,PIMS, and Dr.Sivashanmugam, MGMC&RI, Dr.Dilipchandar, SMVMCH, Dr.Anis Fathima.M, PIMS, ensured a comprehensive learning experience for all participants. The program successfully met its objectives of advancing knowledge and enhancing the practice of Anesthesiology.

World Anaesthesia Day 2024

Description of the Event

“World Anaesthesia Day” was celebrated on 16.10.2024. As a part of the  occasion various events were conducted.

A public display ( Poster) about the field of Anaesthesia to create awareness among public was done in the Hospital.

A social outreach activity was conducted in Around 80 people were sensitized & demonstrative how to give basic life support. (BLS)

A talk by Postgraduates on Pioneers of Anaesthesiology was conducted from 11.00 PM to 4.00 PM in the Department.

Master Class on “low flow Anaesthesia”

The Master Class on Low Flow Anaesthesia, held on September 14, 2024, at the Simulation Center, was a Continuing Medical Education (CME) program designed to enhance knowledge and skills in anesthesiology. The event was organized by the Department of Anesthesiology, featuring leading experts in the field. The simulation center provided an interactive and hands-on learning environment, allowing for a rich exchange of ideas and experiences among faculty and postgraduate participants. Nearly 70 delegates including postgraduates and Faculties from various Medical College in Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry participated in it. Key points covered included the fundamental principles of Low Flow Anaesthesia, including its benefits such as decreased consumption of volatile anesthetics and reduced exposure to waste gases.

Detailed discussions on various techniques for implementing low flow rates, including adjustments in gas flow and monitoring parameters, were provided, along with practical applications and considerations for different types of surgeries. The resource faculty highlighted the clinical implications of adopting Low Flow Anaesthesia, emphasizing its role in improving patient outcomes and optimizing resource use.

Hands-on training was facilitated by the Simulation Center, where participants could practice low flow techniques under the guidance of the experts. This interactive component was crucial for reinforcing theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

In conclusion, the Master Class on Low Flow Anaesthesia was a significant educational event, contributing valuable insights and practical skills to attendees. The expertise of Dr.Nagalakshmi P, Dr.Prasanna Bidkar, and Dr.Hemanth Kumar, combined with the interactive environment of the Simulation Center, ensured a comprehensive learning experience for all participants. The program successfully met its objectives of advancing knowledge and enhancing the practice of anesthesiology.

Post – operative care of neurosurgical patients

Event Name: Post – operative care of neurosurgical patients
Organized By: Department of Anaesthesia
Venue: Conference hall 4th floor
Date: 08-04-2024
Time: 02.00 PM – 04.00PM

On behalf of Department of Anaesthesia. World Neurosurgeons day celebrated on April 8th – 2024. As a part of it a lecture on “Post – operative care of neurosurgical patients” was conducted on 4th floor lecture hall. Dr. Prasanna Bidkar professor and Head of Neuroanaesthesia department JIPMER delivered the lecture. Nearly 50 postgraduates and 20 faculties participated in the lecture.

MACE -2024 (Manakula Anaesthesia Continuing Education)

A one day workshop cum continuing Medical Education Programme (CME ) event was organized on 7.01.2024 in our institute in association with Indian Society of Anaesthesiologist (ISA) puducherry Branch. various national and international level speakers participated as guest Faculty in the event. Nearly 200 delegates attended the CME and 84 delegate attended the workshop.

The theme of workshop was working principles of Anaesthesia workstation. Tamil Nadu Medical Council awarded 2’ credit hours for the event.

World Regional Anaesthesia Day


As a part of world Regional Anaesthesia Day in guidance of IQAC celebration. A guest Lecture on ” INTRECACIES OF TRUNCAL BLOCKS” was delivered by Dr.ArishB.T on 29.01.2024 in skill lab lecture hall.Sixty delegates from various medical college attended the lecture.

World Anaesthesia Day


  • “World Anaesthesia Day” was celebrated on 16.10.2023. As a part of the occasion various events were conducted.
  • A public display ( Poster) about the field of Anaesthesia to create awareness among public was done in the Hospital.
  • A Poster Competition for Allied Health Sciences was conducted and cash prize was awarded to the Best Poster.
  • A social outreach activity was conducted in Government Boys Higher Secondary School Valavanur. Public Awareness about the field of Anaesthesia was created among the Higher Secondary School Students and Basic life supporting training was given to interested students in the Campus. Around 200 students were sensitized about basic life support.
  • A workshop on Peripheral Venous Cannulation was conducted for Paramedical Staff and Nursing Staff was conducted in Hospital Permises.
  • A talk by Postgraduates on Pioneers of Anaesthesiology was conducted from 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM in the Department.
S.No Date Nature of the Programme
1 07.03.2010 Regional Symposium on Mechanical Ventilation
2 16.10.2013 World Anaesthesia Day
3 08.11.2014 to 09.11.2014 Conference – 5th Annual State Conference of ISA Puducherry
4 26.06.2015 to 28.06.2015 SIMSCON 2015 - CPR WORKSHOP
5 19.10.2015 World Anaesthesia day Celebration-2015
6 29.11.2015 PG Assembly- Airway
7 13.05.2016 Interdepartmental Meet (Guest Lecture) with department of Cardiology
8 27.06.2016 Interdepartmental meet with department of OBG regarding LABOUR ANALGESIA 
9 28.07.2016  to 30.07.2016 SIMSCON 2016 - CPR WORKSHOP
10 30.08.2016 Guest lecture on Interventional Pain Management
11 23.09.2016 Guest Lecture Neuro Anaesthesia
12 17.10.2016 World Anaesthesia day Celebration-2016
13 29.06.2017 SIMSCON 2017 - CPR WORKSHOP
14 22.03.2018 Guest Lecture “Interventional Pain Management
15 28.01.2018 CPR workshop
16 22.06.2018  to 23.06.2018 SIMSCON 2018 - CPR WORKSHOP
17 01.03.2019 Guest Lecture- Ultrasound in anaesthesia
18 20.03.2019 Guest Lecture - Anatomical Dissection of the Heart 
19 25.04.2019 Guest Lecture -“Backache awareness”.
20 28.01.2019 CPR workshop- CRRI Orientation Program
21 23.6.2019 1 Day conference with quiz for PG Comprehensive Pediatric Anaesthesia Care –CPAC 2019
22 04.07.2019 to 06.07.2019 SIMSCON 2019- CPR WORKSHOP
23 28.08.19 to 31.08.19 CPR workshop
24 04.09.19 to 07.09.19 CPR workshop
25 11.10.19 Workshop- Advance Airway, Cadaveric Workshop on USG Guided Truncal Blocks
26 12.10.19 CME – Geriatric Anaesthesia
27 13.10.19 Conference – 10th Annual State Conference of ISA Puducherry
28 22.01.20 Guest Lecture – On Practical TIPS for successful FOB guided intubation
29 09.06.20 CME –Webinar Indian Society of Anaesthesiologist
30 05.12.20 to 06.12.20 Conference – Webinar 11th Annual State Conference of ISA Puducherry, ISACON 2020
31 20.01.21  to 22.01.21 ACLS - Workshop
32 05.02.21 Guest Lecture – Practical Demonstration of Ultra Sound Guided Para vertebral block and cadaveric dissection
33 13.02.21 27.02.21 13.03.21 I MBBS - Foundation Course- Workshop
34 16.01.21 Word Anaesthesia day – Online guest lecture – Dr. Anand
35 07.05.22 21.05.22 I MBBS - Foundation Course- Workshop
36 20.07.22 21.07.22 Interns – BLS, CRRI Workshop
37 29.07.22 Guest Lecture Perioperative Rush Protocol Rapid Ultrasound in shock and hypotension
38 19.02.2023 MACE 2023
39 04.02.2023 18.02.2023 04.03.2023 18.0.2023 01.04.2023 06.05.2023 I MBBS - Foundation Course- Skills Module, 2022-23 BATCH
40 23.06.2023 Guest Lecture-Nutrition and critical care, Dr.Senthilnathan, Associate Professor, JIPMER
41 31.08.2023 Guest Lecture- Chronic pain-clinical approach and management” was delivered by Dr. Madhan Pandian Professor & Head, IGMC.


Dissection Classes – Cadaveric Workshop

Guest Lecture 2020:

Department of Anaesthesiology had organized a guest lecture programme in the month of January,2020- “Practical Tips for successful FOB guided intubation” was delivered by Dr.LeninBabu, Additional Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, JIPMER, Puducherry, on 22.01.2020

Dissection Classes – Cadaveric Workshop

Guest Lecture 2021:

Department of Anaesthesiology had organized a guest lecture programme in the month of February 2021- “Practical demonstration of Ultra sound Guided Para vertebral block and cadaveric dissection “was delivered by Dr.Sivashanmugam, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, MGMC&RI on 05.02.2021

Guest Lecture 2022:

Department of Anaesthesiology had organized a guest lecture programme in the month of July 2022- “Peri Operative Rules Protocols Rapid Ultrasound in shock and Hypertension “was delivered by Dr.Arunsundar, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, Government Villupuram Medical College, Villupuram. on 29.07.2022

Conference Report – MACE -2023:

A one day continuing Medical Education Programme (CME) was conducted at Auditorium on 19.02.2023 in association with Indian Society of Anaesthesiologist (ISA) puducherry Branch. Seven national / international level speakers who were experts in their subspeciality of Anaesthesia were invited to deliver lecture on updates of various sub-specialities of Anaesthesia nearly 210 candidates including postgraduates & faculties from other states participated in the CME. The CME accreditation requested from Tamil Nadu Medical Council and obtained. The details of the speaker attached below.


  1. Dr. Subbiah Chelliah, Senior Consultant ,KMCH, Coimbatore,
  2. Dr. Vasanthi Vidyasagaran, Former Director Of Madras Medical College, Chennai
  3. Dr. Arunaparameswari, Professor & Head, Sri Ramachandra Institute Of Higher Education, Chennai
  4. Dr. S. Ramesh. Senior Consultant, Kanchi Kamakoti ,Childs Trust Hospital, Chennai, India
  5. Dr. Pankaj Kundra, , Professor, Dean Academic, JIPMER, Puducherry.
  6. Dr. T. Sivashanmugam, Professor , Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & RI, Puducherry.
  7. Dr.Joseph Raajesh I, Medical Superintendent and Professor IGMCRI, Puducherry.

Guest Lecture 2023

Department of Anaesthesiology had organized a guest lecture programme in the month of June 2023- “Nutrition and critical care “was delivered by Dr.Senthil Nathan Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, JIPMER, Puducherry on 23.06.2023

Foundation course Phase- I MBBS -2022-23 Batch

Basic Life Support – Skills Module – Resource Persons Schedule

Venue: Skills Lab -3rd Floor, College Block

S.No Date Faculties
1 04.02.2023 Dr.A.Sargunaraj Dr.D.Rajarajacholan
2 18.02.2023 Dr.S.Udhayasankar Dr.J.Ramki
3 04.03.2023 Dr.Sargunaraj Dr.B.Balapriya
4 18.03.2023 Dr.R.Srinivasan Dr.Prasanth
5 01.04.2023 Dr.N.Ramya Dr.J.Ramki
6 06.05.2023 Dr.B.Balapriya Dr.D.Rajarajacholan
Dissection Classes – Cadaveric Workshop

CRMI – Orientation program

Basic Life Support –Skill Training

Date: 27.06.2023

Venue: Simulation center, 3rd Floor, College Block

Overall Coordination:

Dr.C.Prasath, Professor

Dr.D.Dilipchandar, Associate Professor

Dr.R.Srinivasan, Associate Professor

1 04.07.2023 Afternoon Dr.C.Prasath Dr.R.Srinivasan Dr.D.Prasanth Dr.Sandeep Dr.Sripriyadharshini
2 05.07.2023 Afternoon Dr.Suneeth P Lazarus Dr.N.Ramya Dr.B.Balapriya Dr.Senthilkumar.B Dr.Savitha
3 06.07.2023 Afternoon Dr.D.Dineshbabu Dr.A.Sargunaraj Dr.Rajarajacholan Dr.Sneha Dr.Senthilkumar.S
4 07.07.2023 Morning Dr.S.Balasubramanian Dr.Vigneswaran Dr.J.Ramki Dr.Muthukumaran Dr.Harish
5 07.07.2023 Afternoon Dr.R.V.Ranjan Dr.D.Dilipchandar Dr.Udhayasankar Dr.Neelavannan Dr.Ajalraj
Dissection Classes – Cadaveric Workshop


Guest Lecture 2023

Department of Anaesthesiology had organized a guest lecture programme in the month of August 2023- “Chronic pain-clinical approach and management” was delivered by Dr.Madhan Pandian Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology and pain management, Indira Gandhi Government general hospital & Post graduate institute, Puducherry on 31.08.2023

PG Alumini

Batch Name Of The PG Designation/Institution (Current) Email Id
2016 – 2019 Dr.Abinaya M.D (Anesthesia) Phone: 9791584619 Email: Senior Resident PSG Hospital Avinashi road Masakalipalayam,Peelamedu Coimbatore Tamil Nadu641004 [email protected]
Dr.Jacob John M.D (Anesthesia) Phone: 9497875000 Email: Fellowship Emergency critical care (idcc) Mahatma Gandhi Medical College Puducherry [email protected]
Dr.Kishore M.D (Anesthesia) Phone: 9620543071 Email: Senior Resident Chettinad Hospital SH 49a, Kelambakkam, Chennai Tamil Nadu 603103 [email protected]
Dr.Vigneswaran.M.D (Anesthesia) Phone: 9486199430 Email: Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical college & Hospital , Kalitheerthalkuppam Madagadipet, Puducherry 605 107 Phone No:0413 2643000 [email protected]
2017-2020 Dr.Ashwanth.B.A 9962778530 Consultant, MGM. Hospital Chennai,  
Dr.Anwar Shakkeel .E.K 9497048391 Govt Medical Officer , Kerala [email protected]
Dr.Jiju Antony 9486901453   ICU Consultant , Saveetha Medical College, Chennai [email protected]
Dr.Vigneshwaran. C 9894883196 Senior Resident Sri Venkateshwara Medical College and Hospital Puducherry [email protected]
Dr.Gayathri.S 9488871582   Senior Resident Cardiac Anaesthesia Southern Railway hospital Madurai [email protected]
Dr.Guru Avinash.G 9442884752 Freelance Anaesthetist Perambalur [email protected]
2018-2021 Dr.Abi Meenashy 8531077324 Senior Resident Sri Lashmi Narayanan College and Hospital Puducherry [email protected]
Dr.Balapriya.B 9751871318 Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical college & Hospital , Kalitheerthalkuppam Madagadipet, Puducherry 605 107 Phone No:0413 2643000 [email protected]
Dr.Elizabeth Nishi VijayaKumar 9940062335 Junior Consultant Victoria Hospital Chennai [email protected]
Dr.Kaussikasri.K 7708103639 Senior Resident Dhanalakshmi Medical College Tiruchy [email protected]
Dr.Mannare Mannane M.K 9486230449 Senior Resident Vinayaka Mission Karaikal [email protected]
Dr.Ranganaayaki.G 9789709095  Senior Resident JIPMER [email protected]
2019-2022 Dr.Arunkumar M.D (Anesthesiology) Phone : 763948687, 8072536628 Senior Resident Vinayaka Mission Kaaraikal arunspash
Dr.Gautham Prabu M.D (Anesthesiology) Senior Resident Kavery Hospital  Salem [email protected]
Dr.Swati.N M.D (Anesthesiology) Phone : 8946036907/9489492374 Bansal Hospital, Chuna Bhatti Road, Manisha Market, Sector C, Shahpura, Bhopal, Madhyapradesh, India [email protected]
Dr.Syed Arafath.D, M.D (Anesthesiology) Phone: 9551087861 Registrar, Multi Disciplinary Critical Care Unit-MDCCU, Apollo Proton Cancer Centre Chennai [email protected]
Dr. Kavya, M.D (Anesthesiology) Phone: 9980182656 Registrar NHS’ Bristol United kingdom [email protected]
Dr.Manju Senior Resident, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Science, Puducherry [email protected]
2020-2023 Dr.Aishwaraya Prasad Senior Resident, Srinivasan Medical College & Hospital, Trichy [email protected]
Dr.Gomathi Senior Resident, Panimalar Medical College and Hospital , Chennai. [email protected]
Dr.Mithra Senior Resident, Balaji Medical College and Hospital , Chennai [email protected]
Dr.Mugundaraj Senior Resident, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical college & Hospital ,Kalitheerthalkuppam Madagadipet, Puducherry 605107 Phone No:0413 2643000 [email protected]
Dr.Sharmila Senior Resident, Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Chennai [email protected]
Dr.Ramprasath DM-Cardiac Anaesthesia MMM, Chennai [email protected]