Department of Dermatology


The Department of Dermatology, Leprosy and Venereology is one of the pioneer department which exels in patient care and academic activities. The Department provides a comprehensive Out Patient services in Dermatology, Venereology, Leprosy and Paediatric Dermatology.Besides it also takes pride in having a seperate Paediatric Dermatology outpatient department. .It also which has inpatient facilities. The Department also provides wholesome care to patients with Psoriasis, Pigmentary disorders, Contact dermatitis, Leprosy, Autoimmune disorders. The Department also runs a cosmetology unit with chemical peels, dermabarasion and LASERS.


  • To impart evidence based medical education, quality patient care and ethical clinical research to become globally recognized centre of excellence in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy.


  • To inculcate clinical skills, professionalism, teaching and leadership skills among undergraduates & postgraduates in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy.
  • To take part in interdisciplinary activities and develop effective patient collaboration and provide comprehensive health care.
  • To strive for excellence in quality patient care and treatment.
  • To take active part in implementation of community & national level health programs in leprosy and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • To promote clinical research among undergraduates, postgraduates and faculty.

Program Specific Outcomes

UG – Department of Dermatology,Venereology and Leprosy

Generic outcome

To impart knowledge and skills that may enable the students to diagnose and treat common disorders and refer rare diseases or complications/unusual manifestations of common diseases in Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy.

Program Specific Outcome

1. Understanding of the principles in diagnosis in diseases of the skin, hair, nail and mucosa.

2. Ability to recognize ,diagnose , order appropriate investigations and treat common diseases of the skin including leprosy in primary care setting and refer as appropriate.

3. A syndromic approach to the recognition, diagnosis, prevention, counseling, testing and management of common sexually transmitted diseases including HIV based on national health priorities.

4. Ability to recognize and treat dermatological emergencies including drug reactions and refer as appropriate.

PG – (M.D) Department of Dermatology

At the end of 3 years of post graduate training in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy.

1. Student should have knowledge of basic sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology and Pharmacology) as applied to Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy.

2. The Student should acquire in-depth knowledge of his subject including recent advances.

3. The student should be fully conversant with the bedside procedures(diagnostic and therapeutic) and having knowledge of latest diagnostics and therapeutics available.

4. Student should have acquired practical and procedural skills related to the subject.

5. Critically evaluate, initiate investigation and clinically manage cases in Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy with the help of relevant investigations.

6. Should plan and advise measures for the prevention and rehabilitation of patients with various dermatological conditions.

7. Able to ensure the implementation of National Health Programmes, particularly in sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and leprosy.

8. Acquire training skills in research methodology, professionalism, attitude and communication skills.

9. Student should learn the basic methodology of teaching and develop competence in teaching medical/paramedical students.

10. Should develop problem solving skills to deal with complex problems that arise in management of dermatological disorders.

Faculty List

Name Designation
Dr. Karthikeyan. K Professor
Dr. Ramchander Darak Professor
Dr.Vijayasankar. P Assistant Professor
Dr. M.S. Gowtham Assistant Professor
Dr. Aravind Baskar. M Assistant Professor
Dr. Suganya. R Senior Resident
Dr. Abishek Kumar Senior Resident
Dr. Alla Akhila Junior Resident
Dr. Ragul Raj E Junior Resident
Dr. Sivasankari R Junior Resident
Dr. Varshini A Junior Resident
Dr. Mira Tharani S Junior Resident
Dr. Pavithren T Junior Resident
Dr. Soumiya @ Amirdambigai I Junior Resident
Dr. Youvalakshmi S Junior Resident
Dr. Bhuvana Junior Resident
Dr. Shruti Ganesh Junior Resident
Dr. Pulimi Manogna Junior Resident
Dr. Vanila. M Junior Resident


The Department offers Comprehensive out-patient and in-patient care for all diseases affecting the skin and mucosae, and systemic diseases with skin manifestations. The Outpatient department runs from 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. and provides care in various dermatological diseases.

A comprehensive care is given to various dermatological disorders ranging from common dermatological ailments to cosmetological problems with the various diagnostic facilities and instruments available.

Instruments Available Diseases Treated
PUVA chamber, Narrowband UVB, Spot NBUVB Comb Psoriasis , vitiligo etc
Electro Cautery Chemical Cautery Liquid Nitrogen Cryotherapy Warts, molluscum
Punch grafting and suction blister equipments Vitiligo
Dermabrasion Unit Acne scars
Iontophoresis Unit Palmoplantar hyperhidrosis
Dermojet Keloids
PRP - Centrifuge Acne scars, Chronic nonhealing ulcers, Androgenetic alopecia
LASERS - Fractional Co2 Laser, Diode Laser and NdYAG Laser Acne scars, hair removal, tattoo removal
Facility for staining for AFB ( Mycobacterium Leprae) Facility for various staining techniques – Tissue / fluid smears
Woods Lamp
Facility for Patch Testing
Derma scope
Dark ground microscopy


The department provides a comprehensive cosmetology care which includes a wide spectrum of dermatological problems

The Lasers and peels provides a cost effect cosmetology care. The cosmetology problems treated include

  • Acne scars
  • Scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Melasma
  • Vascular nevus
  • Nevus
  • Hair removal
  • Facial rejuvenation
  • Facial dystrophy

The Vitiligo surgery is a special unit which takes care of surgical management of vitiligo.

1 Triple Wave Length Diode Laser With Pico
2 Akira – Q – Switched Nd Yag Laser
3 Futura Rf 30 Rf Excited Co2 Laser
4 Sakura Diode Laser
5 Photo Therapy Hole Body
6 Spot Nbuvb
7 Computer
8 Medical Microscope ( Olympus)
9 Radio Frequency
10 Prp Centrifuge
11 Motorise Derma Brader With Variable Foot Switch
12 Microscope
13 Microdermbrasion Dermopeal Gold
14 Suction Bliser Apparatus
15 Electrocautery
16 Digital Iontophoresis
17 Dark Filed Condensor
18 Dermajet
19 Liquid Nitrogen Cryo Mini Ml Double Seal System
20 Needle Burner
21 O – H Projector
22 Sterlizer
23 Weighing Machine

Special Clinics

Special clinics function on certain specific days to give special care to certain common diseases such as vitiligo, psoriasis, leprosy, contact dermatitis. The schedule is as follows.

Name of the Clinic Weekday/s
1) Vitiligo Clinic Monday
2) Psoriasis Clinic Thursday
3) Autoimmune disease clinic Tuesday
4) Vesiculobullous diseases Friday
5) Hansen’s clinic Tuesday
6) STD Clinic Daily
7) Pigmentary Clinic Monday
8) Any other Allergic contact dermatitis Wednesday


Department Activities

Undergraduate training

Includes both clinical classes and didactic lectures based on the syllabus prescribed by the NMC. The didactic lecture are scheduled weekly on 6th & 7th Semester.

6th Semester Wednesday& Saturday
7th Semester

Clinical posting

The clinical postings are as scheduled as follows

4th Semester 2 weeks
6th Semester 2 weeks
8th Semester 2 weeks

The didactic lectures cover varied topics as prescribed by the National Medical Council. Besides lecture other methodology of teaching as role play, clinical quiz and group discussion are adopted to inpatient student’s better knowledge of subject. Further modular teaching on Venereology, HIV, Leprosy, Connective tissue disorders is conducted to impart comprehensive knowledge to students. Image based teaching is another novel idea which has received wide acclaim.

Internship training

The interns are trained in proper clinical examination; elicit and interpret physical finding, and diagnose common dermatological disorders. They are also trained to perform simple, routine investigative procedures for making bedside diagnosis, specially the examination of scraping for fungus, preparation of slit smears and staining for AFB for leprosy patient and for STD cases. They are also trained to take a skin biopsy for diagnostic purpose. Manage common diseases recognizing the need for referral for specialized care in case of inappropriateness of therapeutic response.

Post Graduate training

Training of Postgraduates is an important part of departmental activates. The post graduates undergo full time residency program. The objective of the training course in MD Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy are –

  • Diagnose and manage independently common skin disease, sexually transmitted disease and leprosy.
  • Manage independently and efficiently all medical emergencies related with skin, leprosy and venereal disease.
  • Adopt preventive measures at individual and community levels against communicable and non – communicable skin, Venereal disease and leprosy.
  • Teach requisite knowledge to the under graduate medical students.
  • To teach laboratory skills to other medical / paramedical team members.
  • Adopt a compassionate attitude towards the patients (and their families) under his / her charge.
  • To inculcate the principles of research methodology, so as to enable the resident to write scientific paper for thesis, publication in reputed journals and presentation in national and international conferences.

Teaching program

Academics are of paramount importance in our postgraduate residency program. Acquisition of practical competencies being the keystone of postgraduate medical education, postgraduate training is skill – oriented. Learning in postgraduate programe is essentially self-directed and primarily emanating from clinical and academic work. The formal sessions are merely meant to supplement this core effect.

Teaching methods

  • Bedside Teaching Round
  • Histopathology session
  • Seminar
  • Symposium
  • Journal Club
  • Case Discussion
  • Short talks
  • Group discussion
  • Drug review
  • Central session (held in hospital auditorium regarding various topics like CPC, Guest lectures, Student seminars, Grand Round, Sessions on basic sciences, Biostatistics, Research Methodology, Health economics, medical ethics and legal issues)

Teaching Schedule

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
I week Symposium Symposium Long case presentation Short talk
II week Seminar Journal club Short case presentation Dermatopathology
III week Symposium Symposium Spotter discussion Drug review
IV week Seminar Journal club Dermatopathology QUIZ
  • All sessions are supervised by faculty members. It is mandatory for all postgraduates to attend the sessions.
  • All the teaching sessions are assessed by the faculty members and the peers at the end of the session.


S. No Title of the paper Name of the author (First/corresponding) Year of Publication Name of the journal Date of Acceptance Date of publication ISSN number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Name of the indexing database Type
1 Treatment of scabies: newer perspectives. Karthikeyan K · 2005 Postgrad Med J 12.04.2004 07.01.2005 Print ISSN 0022-3859, CD ISSN 0972-2823 Embase Medline PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of science International
2 Scabies in children Karthikeyan K · 2007 Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed - - 0003 -9888  (print) 1468-2044 (web) Medline PubMed Central SCOPUS EMBASE International
3 Recent advances in management of genital ulcer disease and anogenital warts Karthikeyan K · 2008 · Dermatol Ther - 28.06.2008 ISSN 1396-0296 Medline PubMed EBSCO Embase International
4 Tonsuring: Myths and facts Karthikeyan K. · 2009 Int J Trichology - Jan-Jun 2009 0974 - 7753, 0974 - 9241 DOI: 10.4103/0974-7753.51927 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS International
5 Rural child health Bell E, Merrick J. · 2009 · Int J Child Health and Hum Dev - - ISSN: 1939-5965 Volume 2, Issue 2-Spec, pp. 85-87 Medline PubMed Central SCOPUS EMBASE EBSCO International
6 Crusted scabies Karthikeyan K · 2009 Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol - July-August 2009 ISSN 0378-6323, E-ISSN 0973-3922 DOI: 10.4103/0378-6323.53128 SCOPUS Medline EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
7 Norwegian scabies in a malnourished young adult: a case report. Subramaniam G, Karthikeyan K, Duraipandian J, Rengasamy G. · 2010 · .J Infect Dev Ctries 15.01.2010 05.09.2010 1972-2680 DOI: PubMed Medline SCOPUS International
8 Madarosis: a marker of many maladies Kumar A, Karthikeyan K · 2012 Int J Trichology - Jan-Mar 2012 0974 - 7753, 0974 - 9241 DOI: 10.4103/0974-7753.96079 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS International
9 Double trouble: a case of von Recklinghausen's disease with coexistent lepromatous leprosy Karthikeyan K, Latchoumibady K, Sowmya S. · 2012 · J Infect Dev Ctries 18.10.2010 30.11.2011 1972-2680 DOI: PubMed MEDLINE SCOPUS International
10 Doxycycline induced generalized bullous fixed drug eruption - A case report. Nitya S, Deepa K, Mangaiarkkarasi A, Karthikeyan K. · 2013 J Young Pharm 03.12.2013 Available online 25 December 2013 Print ISSN 0975-1483 Online ISSN 0975-1505 doi: 10.1016/j.jyp.2013.12.001 EBSCO Indian
11 Integrated modular teaching in undergraduate medicine Karthikeyan K, Kumar A, Rajagovindan D. · 2014 · The National Medical Journal of India - March 2014 0970-258X PubMed Indian
12 Integrated modular teaching in dermatology for undergraduate students: A novel approach Karthikeyan K, Kumar A 2014 Indian Dermatol Online J - July-September 2014 2249-5673 DOI: 10.4103/2229-5178.137774 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
13 A typical Becker's nevus at an atypical site in a female child Kumar GR, Karthikeyan K, Sengottian KL, Tejaswi C 2014 Indian JPaed Dermatol - September-December 2014 ISSN: Print- 0019-5154, Online - 1998-3611 DOI: 10.4103/2319-7250.143668 DOAJ Web of Science Indian
14 Role of Clinical Images Based Teaching as a Supplement to Conventional Clinical Teaching in Dermatology Kumar GR, Madhavi S, Karthikeyan K, Thirunavakarasu MR. 2015 Indian J Dermatol July 2015   Print- 0019 - 5154 DOI: 10.4103/0019-5154.169125 SCOPUS Medline EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
15 Giant café au lait macule in an infant Tejaswi C, Rangaraj M, Karthikeyan K 2015 Indian JPaed Dermatol - Oct-Dec 2015 ISSN:  Print- 0019-5154, Online - 1998-3611 DOI: 10.4103/2319-7250.165672 DOAJ Web of Science Indian
16 Necessity of Compulsory Screening of Adolescents for Color Vision Deficiency in Schools Kumar A, Kalaiselvan G, Karthikeyan K 2015 Journal of the Indian Medical Association - September 2015 ISSN 0019-5847 Journal of the Indian Medical Association, Vol. 113, No. 9, September 2015 Index Meducs (USA) Scopus Indian
17 Ram's Horn Nail - Giant Onychomatricoma Treated by Complete Surgical Excision- A Rare Case Report. Saranya M, Saritha M, Karthikeyan K 2015 Indian J Dermatol August 2014 - Print- 0019-5154 DOI: 10.4103/0019-5154.164442 SCOPUS Medline EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
18 A retrospective analysis of dermatoses in the perimenopausal population attending a tertiary care centre in South India. Aboobacker S, Saritha M, Karthikeyan K 2015 J Midlife Health - Jul-Sep 0976 - 7819, 0976 - 7800 DOI: 10.4103/0976-7800.165591 DAOJ PubMed SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
19 Double trouble: Cyclosporine-induced thrombocytosis in a patient with methotrexate toxicity: Are they related? Tejaswi C, Mohanan S, Murugaiyan R, Karthikeyan K 2015 J Pharmacol Pharmacother 22.01.2015 July-September 2015 0976 - 500X, 0976 - 5018 DOI: 10.4103/0976-500X.162005 SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
20 Osler's sign revisited Kumar A, Karthikeyan K, Vyas MT 2015 Indian Dermatol Online J - July-August 2015 2249-5673 DOI: 10.4103/2229-5178.160302 DOAJ Web of Science PubMed Central SCOPUS Indian
21 Histoid leprosy Karthikeyan K 2015 Am J Trop Med Hyg - - 0002-9637 doi:10.4269/ajtmh.14-0658 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
22 Telmisartan aggravates pustular psoriasis Keerthi S, Rangaraj M, Karthikeyan K 2015 J Pharmacol Pharmacother 31.10.2014 April-June 2015 0976 - 500X, 0976 - 5018 DOI: 10.4103/0976-500X.155492 SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
23 Crusted scabies presenting as palmoplantar psoriasis in Down's syndrome Murugaiyan R, Sengottian KL, Karthikeyan K. 2015 Indian Dermatol Online J - - 2249-5673 DOI: 10.4103/2229-5178.153025 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
24 Dermatitis neglecta-to be remembered, not neglected! Saritha M, Karthikeyan K 2015 Indian Dermatol Online J - - 2249-5673 DOI: 10.4103/2229-5178.153024 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
25 Talon noir: A mirage of melanoma Keerthi S, Madhavi S, Karthikeyan K 2015 Pigment Int - - P-ISSN: 2349 - 5782 DAOJ International
26 Penile cutaneous horn: An enigma-newer insights and perspectives. Karthikeyan K 2015 Indian J Sex Transm Dis AIDS. - - 0253-7184  (print) 1998-3816 (web) DOI: 10.4103/0253-7184.156692 SCOPUS PubMed Central Web of Science Medline Indian
27 Dowling – Degos disease with mutations in POFUT1 is clinicopathologically distinct from reticulate acropigmentation of Kitamura Kono M, Suganuma M, Takama H, Zarzoso I, Saritha M, Bodet D, Aboobacker S, Karthikeyan K, Suzuki T, Tomita Y, Sugiura K, Akiyama M. 2015 Br J Dermatol - 01.08.2015 0007 - 0963, 1365 - 2133 Medline PubMed (NLM) EBSCO Embase International
28 Pregnancy-Associated Sweet's Syndrome: A Rare Clinical Entity. Sankar M, Karthikeyan K 2016 J Obstet Gynaecol India 29.10.2015 online: 17 December 2015 0975-6434 DOI 10.1007/s13224-015-0816-4 EBSCO EMBASE Indian
29 Assessment of the quality of life indices in adolescents with Acne vulgaris Cherukuri T, Murugaiyan R, Karthikeyan K 2016 International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health 03.04.2016 - 2277-338X (Online) doi: 10.5455/ijmsph.2016.15032016458 PubMed Medline International
30 Cutaneous manifestations of chronic alcoholism: a cross sectional study in a tertiary care center in South India Sengotuven KL, Murugaiyan R, Karthikeyan K 2016 India. Int JResearch 01.10.2016 October-December 2016 2454-8707 DOI: Index Corpernicus International
31 Weekly injection of histaglobulin produces long-term remission in chronic urticaria: A prospective clinical study Rajesh G, Keerthi S, Karthikeyan K Venkatesan M 2016 Indian J Pharmacol 20.04.2016 - 0253-7613 DOI: 10.4103/0253-7613.182884 Medline SCOPUS PubMed Web of Science Indian
32 Drawstring lichen planus: A unique case of Koebnerization Kumara L, Rangaraj M, Karthikeyan K. 2016 Indian Dermatol Online J - May – June 2016 2249-5673 DOI: 10.4103/2229-5178.182368 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
33 Disseminated Herpes Zoster-A Case Report Saranya M, Karthikeyan K, Rajesh G 2016 RGUHS Journal of Medical Sciences 17.04.2016 30.04.2016 2581-7248 DOI:10.26463/rjms.6_2_1 - Indian
34 One Drug-Two Similar Reactions. Report of cases of Ciprofloxacin induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Bullous fixed drug eruption. Nagakeerthana S, Rangaraj M, Karthikeyan K 2016 Journal of Young Pharmacists - Apr-Jun, 2016 0975-1483 0975-1505 DOI: 10.5530/jyp.2016.2.22 EBSCO Indian
35 Apocrine hidrocystoma arising from nevus sebaceous on the scalp Tejaswi C, Rangaraj M, Karthikeyan K. 2016 Indian Dermatol Online J. - Mar-Apr 2016 2249-5673 doi: 10.4103/2229-5178.178088 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
36 Paracetamol suppository induced allergic contact dermatitis. Murugaiyan R, Karthikeyan K 2016 Indian J Paed Dermatol - - 2319-7250 DOI: 10.4103/2319-7250.173148 DOAJ Web of Science Indian
37 Response Shift Bias in Pre- and Post-test Studies. Gurumoorthy Rajesh Kumar, Sankar Madhavi, Karthikeyan K, MR Thirunavakarasu 2016 Indian J Dermatol November 2015 - Print- 0019-5154, Online - 1998-3611 doi: 10.4103/0019-5154.174038. SCOPUS Medline EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
38 Propylthiouracil in treating psoriasis, a promise that failed: A hospital-based prospective study of propylthiouracil in the treatment of psoriasis. Rangaraj M, Karthikeyan K. 2016 Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results - Jan-Dec 2016 Print -0976-9234, Online - 2229-7723 DOI: 10.4103/0976-9234.177046 SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
39 A Lagging Lock: Hair Cycle Abnormalities in Follicular Vitiligo? Gopinath H, Karthikeyan K, Valeti M 2017 Int J Trichology - July - September 2017 0974-7753 DOI: 10.4103/ijt.ijt_42_17 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS International
40 Paederus dermatitis Karthikeyan K, Kumar A. 2017 Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol June 2016 luly-August 2017   doi: 1 0.4 1 0310378-6323.198441 SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
41 Laugier-Hunziker syndrome: A diagnostic dilemma?. Aboobacker S, Karthikeyan K, Naha S, Nair LV, Bava A, Sherjeena B. 2017 Journal of Surgical Dermatology 17.02.2017 04.05.2017 2424-9165 doi: 10.18282/jsd.v2.i3.120 National Library Board International
42 Ichthyosis Follicularis, Alopecia, and Photophobia Syndrome. Nagakeerthana S, Rangaraj M, Karthikeyan K. 2017 Int J Trichology - April-June 2017 0974-7753 DOI: 10.4103/ijt.ijt_69_16 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS International
43 Bowen's disease: Two case reports of a giant and dwarf lesions Nagakeerthana S, Rajesh G, Madhavi S, Karthikeyan K. 2017 J Cancer Res Ther - April-June 2017 0973-1482 (print) 1998-4138 (web) DOI: 10.4103/0973-1482.187237 DOAJ SCOPUS Web of Science MEDLINE Indian
44 Changing trends of leprosy in post elimination Era-A study from an endemic area. Murugaiyan R, Saravanan G, Karthikeyan K 2017 Indian J Lepr 30.12.216 - 2549395 SCOPUS Indian
45 Papulonecrotic tuberculid Meghana V, Saravanan G, Karthikeyan K 2017 Am J Trop Med Hyg - 08.11.2017 0002-9637 doi:10.4269/ajtmh.17-0377 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
46 A case control study of vitamin D levels in patients with vitiligo. Prakash D, Karthikeyan K. 2017 Int J Res Dermatol 23.12.2016 January-March 2017 2455-4529 DOI: Index Corpernicus Google Scholar International
47 Melasma and hypothyroidism: conflicting coexistence. Aboobacker S, Karthikeyan K 2017 J Clin Exp Dermatol 23.10.2017 27.10.2017 03076938, 13652230. DOI: 10.4172/2155-9554.1000429 PubMed Medline EBSCO International
48 Ichthyosis Follicularis, Alopecia, and Photophobia Syndrome Nagakeerthana S, Rangaraj M, Karthikeyan K. 2017 Int J Trichology - April-June 2017 0974-7753 DOI: 10.4103/ijt.ijt_69_16 PubMed Central DOAJ SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
49 A clinical study of cutaneous and mucosal manifestations in patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis. Mohamed Rafeek M, Karthikeyan K 2017 IntJ Research 18 February 2017 23.02.2017 ISSN: 0342-5282 ; Online ISSN: 1473-5660 DOI: Index Corpernicus Google Scholar International
50 Tackling scabies: novel agents for a neglected disease. Gopinath H, Aishwarya M, Karthikeyan K. 2018 Int J Dermatol - Epub 2018 Apr 16. 00119059, 13654632. doi: 10.1111/ijd.13999 MedLine Pubmed EBSCO Publishing International
51 LEOPARD syndrome with late onset lentigines: A rarity. Nagakeerthana S, Madhavi S, Karthikeyan K. 2018 Indian JPaedDermatol - July-September 2018 2319-7250 DOI: 10.4103/ijpd.IJPD_4_17 DAOJ Web of Science Indian
52 Occult dysraphism presenting with acro-osteolysis Gopinath H, Valeti M, Karthikeyan K 2018 Pediatr Dermatol - 06.04.2018 1525 1470 , 0736 8046 PubMed Medline Embase International
53 Hypotrichosis in a Child with Olmsted Syndrome. Polly D, Gopinath H, Karthikeyan K. 2018 Indian Dermatol Online J September 2017 January‑February 2018 2229 - 5178 DOI: 10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_10_17 DAOJ Web of Science Indian
54 Acral porokeratosis associated with anonychia. Rajesh G, Devan P, Keerthi S, Karthikeyan K. 2018 Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol June 2017 January-February 2018 Print ISSN - 0378 - 6323 E - ISSN - 0973 - 3922 DOI: 10.4103/ijdvl.IJDVL_940_16 SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
55 Turmeric: A condiment, cosmetic and cure Gopinath H, Karthikeyan K 2018 Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol August 2017 January-February 2018 Print ISSN - 0378 - 6323 E - ISSN - 0973 - 3922 DOI: 10.4103/ijdvl.IJDVL_1143_16 SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
56 Prevalence and molecular characterization of human herpes virus 6 and 7 in patients with pityriasis rosea using polymerase chain reaction in a tertiary care hospital, Puducherry R Murugaiyan, Karthikeyan K, B Rangasamy 2019 International Journal of Research in Dermatology 10.10.2019 October - December 2019 2455 - 4529 DOI: Index Copernicus International
57 Oral lichen planus with linear lichen planus: a rare association N. Padmapriya, Karthikeyan K 2019 International Journal of Research in Dermatology 07.02.2019 April - June 2019 2455 - 4529 DOI: Index Copernicus International
58 Spontaneously regressing acral congenital leucoderma Lavanya Baby Mathew , Hima Gopinath , Karthikeyan K 2019 Australasian Journal of Dermatology - Epub 2019 Apr 14 1440 - 0960 doi: 10.1111/ajd.13055 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
59 Evaluation of Vitamin D Status, Selenium & CRP Level in Psoriasis. Highlights on Medicine and Medical Science. S. Sumathi, S. Vinod Babu, Karthikeyan K 2019 International Journal of Research in Dermatology 23.10.2019 January - February 2020 2455 - 4529 DOI: Index Copernicus International
60 How Atopic is Prurigo in the Tropics?: An Etiological Survey in South India M. Saranya, M. Saritha, Karthikeyan K, T. Mangaiyarkarasi 2019 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 01-05-2018 04.11.2019 2229 - 5178 doi: 10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_82_18 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus Indian
61 Summer-Associated Dermatitis: A Cross-Sectional Study of a Unique Eczematous Dermatosis in South India Gurumoorthy Rajesh, Mohamed Rafeek, Karthikeyan K 2019 Indian Journal of Dermatology 01-08-2018 04.11.2019 Print ISSN - 0019 - 5154 Online ISSN - 1998 - 3611 doi: 10.4103/ijd.IJD_668_16 SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
62 Kissing Lesions in Paederus Dermatitis Vijayasankar P Gopinath H, Karthikeyan K 2019 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygine - 24.02.2019 14761645 , 000029637 doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.19-0109 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
63 Correlation Of Acanthosis Nigricans And Acrochordons With Insulin Resistance-A Case Control Study G Subramanian, TV Teja, Karthikeyan K 2019 Paripex - Indian Journal of Research - 01-09-2019 2250 - 1991 DOI : 10.36106/paripex Index Medicus Indian
64 Wonder drug for worms: A review of three decades of ivermectin use in dermatology Gowtham S Karthikeyan K 2019 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy 01-05-2019 04.11.2019 Print ISSN - 0378 - 6323 E - ISSN - 0973 - 3922 doi: 10.4103/ijdvl.IJDVL_840_18 SCOPUS MedLine EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
65 A cross-sectional study of sweat-induced dermatitis during a South Indian summer: a glimpse of sweat gland-mediated cutaneous inflammation Gopinath H, Karthiga R, Karthikeyan K 2019 International Journal Dermatology - 12.06.2018 0011 - 9059 , 1365 - 4632 doi: 10.1111/ijd.14088 MedLine Pubmed EBSCO Publishing International
66 Topical proline therapy in prolidase deficiency Karthikeyan, K.; Polly, D.; Asmathulla, S.; Balamurugan, R.; Kaviraj, M 2019 Clinical Experimental Dermatology 17.02.2018 01.04.2019 Online ISSN:1365-2230 PubMed MEDLINE Embase EBSCO International
67 Laugier-Hunziker syndrome: A diagnostic dilemma? Shamma Aboobacker, Karthikeyan K , Shiraz Naha, Laxmi V Nair, Aneesh Bava, Beegum Sherjeena 2020 Journal of Surgical Dermatology 27.04.2020 09.05.2020 2424 - 9165 Google Scholar National Library Board of Singapore International
68 Insect tattoos Meghana V, Gopinath H, Karthikeyan K 2020 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy 01-02-2019 - Print ISSN - 0378 - 6323 E - ISSN - 0973 - 3922 Accessed 2 Sept. 2023. SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
69 For the love of color: Plant colors and the dermatologist. Gopinath H, Karthikeyan K, Veleti Meghana 2020 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy 01-04-2020 09.10.2020 Print ISSN - 0378 - 6323 E - ISSN - 0973 - 3922 doi: 10.4103/ijdvl.IJDVL_402_19 SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
70 Face and Neck Pigmentary Alterations in Hair Dye Users: A Cross-sectional Study from South India Valeti Meghana, Gopinath H Karthikeyan K Vinayagamoorthy Venugopal 2020 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 19.12.2019 19.12.2020 2229 - 5178 doi: 10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_313_19 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
71 Traditional threads tied on children in india trigger dermatitis and may contain carcinogens Vijayasankar P, Gopinath H, Karthikeyan K 2020 Paediatric Dermatology - 14.09.2020 15251470 , 07368046 PubMed Medline Embase EBSCO International
72 For the love of color: Plant colors and the dermatologist. Gopinath H, Karthikeyan K, Veleti Meghana 2020 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy 01-04-2020 09.10.2020 Print ISSN - 0378 - 6323 E - ISSN - 0973 - 3922 doi: 10.4103/ijdvl.IJDVL_402_19 SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
73 Leaves that leave their mark: A case series of pediatric Piper Betle-induced leukomelanosis Karthikeyan K, Gopinath H, Vijayakumar Kaleeswaran MBBS ,Mourouguessine Vimal 2020 Paediatric Dermatology - 04.07.2020 15251470 , 07368046 PubMed Medline Embase International
74 Genital scabies: Haven of an unwelcome guest Gopinath H, Karthikeyan K 2020 Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Aids 30.12.2019 18.06.2020 25890565 , 25890557 doi: 10.4103/ijstd.IJSTD_69_17 SCOPUS Web of Science PubMed Central Indian
75 Perineal Acute Irritant Contact Dermatitis in Kerosene Poisoning: An Intriguing Presentation Vijayasankar P, Karthikeyan K 2021 Annals of the Romaian Society for Cell Biology - 12.03.2021 1583 - 6258 SCOPUS International
76 Discoid lupus erythematosus of eyelids - Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges Vijayasankar P, Karthikeyan K 2021 Saudi J Ophthalmol 18.04.2021 13.06.2022 13194534 , 25426680 doi: 10.4103/sjopt.sjopt_34_20 PUBMED SCOPUS Web of Science International
77 Competency based medical education in dermatology: Undergraduate curriculum - a cauldron of commendations, contradictions and controversies Karthikeyan K, Prarthana M 2021 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy 01-07-2021 2022 - 04 Print ISSN - 0378 - 6323 E - ISSN - 0973 - 3922 doi: 10.25259/IJDVL_216_2021 SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
78 Linezolid-induced black hairy tongue Iswarya A, Karthikeyan K 2021 Indian Journal of Drugs in Dermatology 11.10.2021 14.12.2021 2455 - 3972 DOI: 10.4103/ijdd.ijdd_48_20 DOAJ Indian
79 'Learning from home': role of e-learning methodologies and tools during novel coronavirus pandemic outbreak Velusami Deepika, Krishnamurthy Soundariya, Karthikeyan K, Ganapathy Kalaiselvan 2021 Postgraduate Medical Journal 24.09.2020 05.11.2020 Online ISSN - 1469 - 0756 Print ISSN - 0032 - 5473 Embase MEDLINE SCOPUS PubMed Central Web of science International
80 The Malady of Microbes and Maggots Karthikeyan K, Prarthana M 2021 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygine 30.06.2021 30.08.2021 14761645 , 000029637 doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0641 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
81 Neem in dermatology: Shedding light on the traditional panacea Gopinath H, Karthikeyan K 2021 Indian Journal of Dermatology 01-08-2021 18.02.2022 Print ISSN - 0019 - 5154 Online ISSN - 1998 - 3611 doi: 10.4103/ijd.ijd_562_21 SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
82 Segmental leiomyoma: A report of two cases Iswarya A, Vijayasankar P, Karthikeyan K 2021 Turkish Society of Dermatology 09.08.2021 29.09.2021 1308 - 6294 DOI: 10.4103/tjd.tjd_50_21 DOAJ SCOPUS EMBASE International
83 Cynidae Pigmentation Prarthana M, Karthikeyan K 2021 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 23.07.2021 27.09.2021 14761645 , 000029637 doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0381 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
84 Images in Clinical Tropical Medicine. Lupus Vulgaris Vijayasankar P, Raveendran Premjith, Karthikeyan K 2021 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 27.07.2021 13.09.2021 14761645 , 000029637 doi:10.4269/ajtmh.21-0661 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
85 Cauliflower Ear in Lepromatous Leprosy Palaniappan V, Karthikeyan K 2021 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygine - 23.07.2021 14761645 , 000029637 doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0661 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
86 Papular-Vesicular Rash in COVID-19 Palaniappan V, Keerthi Subramaniam, Karthikeyan K 2021 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygine 17.06.2021 16.07.2021 14761645 , 000029637 doi:10.4269/ajtmh.21-0578 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
87 Pediculosis Capitis with Id Reaction and Plica Polonica Sadhasivamohan A, Karthikeyan K, Vijayasankar P 2021 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygine 29.04.2021 12.07.2021 14761645 , 000029637 doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0271 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
88 Melanoacanthoma: a mirage of melanoma Premjith R, Karthikeyan K, Prathana M 2021 Pigment International 15.04.2021 28.07.2021 2349 - 5847 DOAJ International
89 Fragrance, Sunscreens, Botanicals, and Potential Allergens in Bestseller 'Fairness' Creams in the Indian Market: A Consumer Exposure Study Gopinath H, Bodicharla Manjula, Karthikeyan K 2021 Indian Journal of Dermatology 01-03-2021 14.07.2021 Print ISSN - 0019 - 5154 Online ISSN - 1998 - 3611 doi: 10.4103/ijd.IJD_500_19 SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
90 Reversible hyperpigmentation of vitamin B12 deficiency Vijayakumar K, Gopinath H 2021 The Indian Journal of Medical Research 20.11.2019 11.06.2021 0971 - 5916 doi: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_2382_19 SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
91 The Night is Dark and Full of Itches Karthikeyan K, Prarthana M 2021 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygine 29.03.2021 15.06.2021 14761645 , 000029637 doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0206 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
92 Crusted Scabies Palaniappan V, Gopinath H, Karthikeyan K 2021 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygine - 15.10.2020 14761645 , 000029637 doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.20-1334 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
93 Polymorphous Light Eruption- An Indian Scenario Vijayasankar P, Gopinath H, Karthikeyan K 2021 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 23.07.2021 27.09.2021 2229 - 5178 doi: 10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_434_20 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
94 Café au lait macules and vitiligo: A conflicting coexistence Vijayasankar P, Karthikeyan K, Jeyalakshmi Sankarapandian 2022 Pigment International 12.07.2022 16.09.2022 2349 - 5847 10.4103/pigmentinternational. pigmentinternational_28_22 DAOJ International
95 An asymptomatic scaly plaque over the glans penis in an elderly male Vijayasankar P, Premjith Raveendran, Karthikeyan K, Ramya Gandhi 2022 Iranian Journal of Dermatology 04.05.22 04.12.22 ISSN - 2717 - 0721 DOI: 10.22034/IJD.2022.298126.1414 SCOPUS EBSCO Index Copernicus International
96 Publication Preview Source Resistance to anti - leprosy drugs: A cross - sectional study from a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry KK Bodicharla Manjula, Hima Gopinath, Karthikeyan K 2022 Indian Journal of Dermatology 01-09-2022 01-04-2023 Print ISSN - 0019 - 5154 Online ISSN - 1998 - 3611 doi: 10.25259/IJDVL_252_2022 SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
97 An elderly man with an asymptomatic plaque on the scalp Premjith R, Karthikeyan K, Vijayasankar P 2022 Iranian Journal of Dermatology 21.03.2021 01-09-2022 ISSN - 2717 - 0721 DOI: 10.22034/IJD.2021.271292.1314 SCOPUS EBSCO Index Copernicus International
98 Tuberculous chancre in the present - day scenario: a case report Vijayasankar P, Saravana Gowtham, Karthikeyan K 2022 Iranian Journal of Dermatology 21.03.2021 01-09-2022 ISSN - 2717 - 0721 DOI: 10.22034/IJD.2021.247769.1214 SCOPUS EBSCO Index Copernicus International
99 Disseminated linear porokeratosis: a case report and literature review Karthikeyan K, Iswaraya Arumugam, Vijayasankar P 2022 Iranian Journal of Dermatology 26.09.2020 01-09-2022 ISSN - 2717 - 0721 SCOPUS EBSCO Index Copernicus International
100 Leonine facies and madarosis in lepromatous leprosy. Palaniappan V, Karthikeyan K 2022 Postgraduate Medical Journal 18.09.2021 29.09.2021 Online ISSN - 1469 - 0756 Print ISSN - 0032 - 5473 Embase MEDLINE SCOPUS PubMed Central Web of science International
101 Hypermobile Ehlers - Danlos syndorme: a video demonstration of Beighton score Anusuya Sadhasivamohan, Vijayasankar P, Karthikeyan K 2022 BMJ Case Report 03.09.2022 30.11.2022 1757 - 790X DOI:10.1136/bcr-2022-252690 Medline PUBMED SCOPUS Embase International
102 Nights, Bites, and Cries Karthikeyan K, Parathana M 2022 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygine 20.06.2022 12.09.2022 1476 1645 , 00002 9637 doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0982 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
103 Turmeric: The Yellow Allergen Palaniappan V, Karthikeyan K 2022 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 24.07.2022 21.10.2022 2229 - 5178 doi: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_340_22 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
104 Hijama Blister Karthikeyan K, Anusuya S 2022 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 19.07.2021 21.10.2022 2229 - 5178 doi: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_407_21 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
105 Nairobi eye–“Wake and see” disease Sadhasivamohan A, Vijayasankar P, Karthikeyan K 2022 Oman J Ophthalmol 03.08.2021 02.11.2022 09747842 , 0974620X DOI: 10.4103/ojo.ojo_145_21 PUBMED SCOPUS DOAJ International
106 Chocolate and Skin: The Impact of an Insatiable Indulgence Sadhasivamohan A, Karthikeyan K 2022 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 08.07.2022 21.10.2022 2229 - 5178 doi: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_238_22. eCollection 2022 Nov-Dec. DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
107 Acquired fibrokeratoma: A retrospective study in a tertiary center in South India Palaniappan V, Anusuaya S, Karthikeyan K, Jeyalakshmi Sankarapandian 2022 Indian Journal of Dermatology 01-03-2022 01-05-2022 Print ISSN - 0019 - 5154 Online ISSN - 1998 - 3611 DOI: 10.4103/ijd.ijd_239_22 SCOPUS MEDLINE EMBASE Index Medicus Indian
108 Papulonecrotic tuberculid Palaniappan V, Anusuaya S, Karthikeyan K 2022 Clinical and Experimental Dermatology - 16.06.2022 2581 - 4710 DOI: 10.1111/ced.15302 PUBMED Medline EBSCO Embase International
109 Potassium permanganate: a 'desert island drug' in dermatology Palaniappan V, Karthikeyan K 2022 Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 13.05.2022 01.09.2022 2581 - 4710 PUBMED Medline EBSCO Embase International
110 Zidovudine induced hyperpigmentation Premjith R, Karthikeyan K 2022 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 24.10.2021 05.05.2022 2229 - 5178 DOI: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_449_21 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
111 Metamorphosis of “traditional grand rounds” to “virtual grand rounds”amidst the COVID‑19 pandemic: Across‑sectional survey among the dermatology postgraduates Palaniappan V, Keerthi Subramaniam, Karthikeyan K 2022 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 12.10.2021 05.05.2022 2229 - 5178 doi: 10.4103/idoj.IDOJ_392_21 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
112 A retrospective analysis of pigmented basal cell carcinoma in a tertiary care center Sadhasivamohan A, Vijayasankar P, Karthikeyan K 2022 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 23.01.2022 05.05.2022 2229 - 5178 DOI: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_546_21 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
113 Image based teaching and computer assisted – image based assessment for undergraduate medical students in dermatology clinics amidst the COVID‑19 Pandemic: Students’ Palaniappan V, Keerthi Subramaniam, Karthikeyan K, Raghavan Sindhuri 2022 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 13.12.2021 05.05.2022 2229 - 5178 doi: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_470_2 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science Indian
114 Microscopic (video) demonstration of Sarcoptes scabiei mite Sadhasivamohan A, Vijayasankar P, Karthikeyan K, Jayapratha Selvaarasan 2022 BMJ Case Report 29.03.2022 07.04.2022 1757 - 790X doi:10.1136/bcr-2022-250151 Medline PUBMED SCOPUS Embase International
115 Bullous Cutaneous Larva Migrans of the Palm Vijayasankar P, Karthikeyan K, Ragavi Subramaniam 2022 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 21.01.2022 07.03.2022 14761645 , 000029637 doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-1299 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
116 Dermatosis neglecta Palaniappan V, Anusuaya S, Karthikeyan K 2022 Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 14.03.2022 01.07.2022 2581 - 4710 PUBMED Medline EBSCO Embase International
117 Visibly enlarged feeder nerve in Hansen disease. Neurol India Palaniappan V, Karthikeyan K 2022 Neurological Society of India 12.12.2021 03.05.2022 0028 - 3886 PubMed EBSCO Medline Embase Indian
118 Effectiveness of Topical 0.5% Ivermectin Shampoo in the Treatment of Pediculosis Capitis among School-going Female Children Karthikeyan K, Manju Aishwarya, Suguna Elayapermual 2022 International Journal of Trichology 14.10.2021 04.04.2022 0974 7753 , 0974 9241 doi: 10.4103/ijt.ijt_157_20 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS International
119 Raynaud's phenomenon and splinter hemorrhage: an early telltale sign of cannabis arteritis Palaniappan V, Karthikeyan K, Anusuya Sadhsivamohan 2022 International Journal of Dermatology - 20.03.2021 0011 9056 , 1365 4632 PubMed International
120 Bowen's disease Palaniappan V, Karthikeyan K 2022 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 04.12.2021 03.03.2021 2229 - 5178 doi: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_257_21 DOAJ PubMed Central SCOPUS Web of Science MedLine Indian
121 Flaky Paint Dermatosis in Kwashiorkor Vijayasankar P, Karthikeyan K 2022 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 18.08.2021 04.10.2021 1476 1645 , 00002 9637 doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0487 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
122 Borderline Tuberculoid Hansen Disease Presenting as Chronic Macrocheilia Sadhasivamohan A, Vijayasankar P, Karthikeyan K 2022 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygine - 23.08.2021 1476 1645 , 0000 29637 doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0632 Medline PubMed Central Index Medicus International
123 Salt and skin Prarthana M, Karthikeyan K 2022 International Journal of Dermatology - 22.04.2021 0011 9056 , 1365 4632 Med Line PubMed International
124 Ainhum: revisited. Prarthana M, Karthikeyan K 2022 Postgraduate Medical Journal 28.01.2021 24.02.2021 Online ISSN - 1469 - 0756 Print ISSN - 0032 - 5473 DOI: 10.1136/postgradmedj-2020-139674 Embase MEDLINE SCOPUS PubMed Central Web of science International
125 Black eyelid Srinivasan Nivveditha, Karthikeyan K 2022 Postgraduate Medical Journal 19-12-2020 15.01.2021 Online ISSN - 1469 - 0756 Print ISSN - 0032 - 5473 Embase MEDLINE SCOPUS PubMed Central Web of science International
126 Dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria Aravind B. Palaniappan V, Karthikeyan K, Varshini Anbarasan 2023 International Journal of Dermatology - 27.08.2023 0011 9056 , 1365 4632 Med Line PubMed International
127 Dermatological adverse effects of hair dye use: A narrative review. Palaniappan V, Karthikeyan K, Anusuya S. 2023 Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy 22.05.2023 27.07.2023 Print ISSN - 0378 - 6323 E - ISSN - 0973 - 3922 doi: 10.25259/IJDVL_745_2022 SCOPUS, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Index Medicus Indian
128 A Clinico-Epidemiological Study of Paederus Dermatitis in a Tertiary Care Center in Puducherry, India Palaniappan V, Karthikeyan K 2023 Indian Dermatology Online Journal - 25.05.2023 2229 - 5178 doi: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_451_22 DOAJ, PubMed Central, SCOPUS, Web of Science Indian
129 Dermoscopic patterns of dyschromatosis universalis hereditaria with acral involvement Haripraba A, Karthikeyan K, Kaleeswaran V 2023 Clinical Experimental Dermatology - 04.07.2023 Online ISSN:1365-2230 PUBMED, Medline, EBSCO, Embase International
130 Contact sensitizers in commercial hair dye products in the Indian market: A consumer exposure study Vijayasankar Palaniappan, Aravind Baskar Murthy, Anusuya Sadhasivamohan, Karthikeyan K 2023 Contact Dermatitis 15.05.2023 29.05.23 0105 - 1873 1600 - 0536 Embase, Medline Pub Med International
131 Mass drug administration in neglected tropical diseases: beyond elimination Karthikeyan K 2023 Lancet Global Health - 01-06-2023 2214-109X Pubmed Embase Scopus , Medline International
132 Pitted keratolysis Vijayasankar P, Jayapratha Selvarasan, Aravind Murthy, Karthikeyan K 2023 Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 02.05.2023 08.05.2023 2581 - 4710 PUBMED, Medline, EBSCO, Embase International
133 Mind Mapping as a Novel Method in Teaching the Morphology of Skin Lesion: A Quasi - Experimental Study Vijayasankar P, Karthikeyan K, Reena Mohan 2023 Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionlism 19.02.23 01-04-2023 2322 - 2220 2322 - 3561 doi: 10.30476/JAMP.2023.97240.1750 Scopus, Pub Med Central, DOAJ, EBSCO International
134 Linear focal elastosis Vijayasankar P, Jayapratha Selvarasan, Aravind Murthy, Karthikeyan K 2023 Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 10.11.22 03.03.23 2581 - 4710 PUBMED, Medline, EBSCO, Emba se International
135 Widespread Polymorphous Pruritic Eruptions: The Neglected Parasitic Imitator Saravanan G, Hima Gopinath, Kaliapermual Karthikeyan, Valeti Meghana 2023 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 22.09.2023 23.02.23 2229 - 5178 DOI: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_389_22 DOAJ, PubMed Central, SCOPUS, Web of Science Indian
136 Miliaria crystallina Vijayasankar P, Anusuya Sadhasivamohan, Jeyalakshmi Sankarapandian, Karthikeyan K 2023 Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 18.01.23 03.03.2023 2581 - 4710 Pubmed, Medline, EBSCO, Embase International
137 Acquired cutaneous lymphangiectasia of vulva: A novel dermoscope finding Jayapratha Selvaarasan,Vijayasankar Palaniappan,Karthikeyan K 2023 Indian Dermatology Online Journal 03.04.2022 18.07.2022 2229 - 5178 DOI: 10.4103/idoj.idoj_133_22 DOAJ, PubMed Central, SCOPUS, Web of Science Indian


Awards (Faculty – Awarded, University Ranks / Gold medals)

Faculty Achievements:

Chapter publication by Dr. K. Karthikeyan

  • Karthikeyan K et al. Recent advances in Scabies and pediculosis. Recent advances in pediatric dermatology. 1st edition. editor. Jayapee publications 2011.
  • Karthikeyan et al. Diseases caused by arthropods. Indian Association of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy Text Book. Fourth Edition, S. Sacchidanand editor. Bhalani Publications.
  • K. Karthikeyan written a chapter on Selection of Journal and Responding to Reviewer’ Comment / Rejection. IADVL Research Compendium, CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.,
  • K. Karthikeyan written a Tamil book on skin diseases.

Faculty Awards

Name of the Faculty Programe Topic Awarded
Dr. K. Karthikeyan Saradarilal memorial oration in CUTICON – Pondicherry
Recognition as PhD, guide
Pondicherry University – Member of the School Board in Medical Sciences
Chief Editor IADVL handbook on nutritional dermatosis
Dr. Hima Gopinath Awarded to the scholarship “World Congress Dermatology” held on 10th to 15th June 2019 at Milan.
Dr. P. Vijayasanakr Selected for the 2nd International Training Program on Leprosy for Developing Countries from September 3, 2023 to September 17, 2023 at Shandong Provincial Institute of Dermatology Venereology, China.

Postgraduates Achievements

Name of the Postgraduate Batch Programe Topic Awarded
Dr. Keerthi Subramaniam 2012 to 2015 SIMSCON 2013 Case Presentation 1st Prize
Dermatopathology 2015 Quiz 1st Prize
Dr. Kumara Lakshmanan Dermatopathology 2015 Quiz 1st Prize
Dr. Tejaswi Cherukuri 2013 to 2016 SIMSCON 2014 Case Presentation 1st Prize
Dr. Sandra Premkumar CUTICON 2015 IADVL Quiz 2nd Prize
Dr. Saranya CUTICON 2015 IADVL Quiz 2nd Prize
Dr. Nagakeerthana 2014 to 2017 DERMKID 2016 QUIZ 3rd prize
CUTICON Puducherry - 2017 Original article 1st Prize
Dr. Devan Prakash Scientific society 2017 Original article 2nd Prize
Dr. M.S.Gowtham 2015 to 2018 SIMSCON 2015 Case Presentation 1st Prize
CUTICON 2016 Case Presentation 1st Prize
QUIZ 2nd Prize
CUTICON Puducherry - 2017 Case Study 2nd Prize
IADVL Quiz 1st Prize
Paediatric Dermatology 2017 QUIZ 2nd prize
Dr. Manju Aishwarya PULSE CONFERENCE 2015 QUIZ 3rd prize
CUTICON 2016 QUIZ 2nd Prize
DERMKID 2016 QUIZ 3rd prize
CUTICON Puducherry - 2017 IADVL Quiz 1st Prize
Paediatric Dermatology 2017 QUIZ 2nd prize
Dr. Thekkinadeth DaviPolly SIMSCON 2016 Case presentation 3rd prize
Name of the Postgraduate Batch Programe Topic Awarded
Dr. R. Karthiga 2016 to 2019 DERMASOUTH ZONE 2016 Poster 3rd Prize
CUTICON Puducherry - 2016 Case presentation 2nd prize
CUTICON Puducherry - 2017 Case presentation 2nd prize
Dr. Valeti Meghana Annual Scientific Society Original Article 1st Prize
Dr. P. Vijayasankar 2017 to 2020 CUTICON Puducherry – 2018 Case presentation 1st Prize
CUTICON Puducherry – 2019 Original Article 3rd Prize
Annual Scientific Society - 2019 Case Report 1st Prize
CUTICON Puducherry – 2019 QUIZ 1st Prize
Annual Scientific Society Original Article 1st Prize
Dr. A. Sakthi Megalai CUTICON Puducherry – 2019 QUIZ 1st Prize
Dr. V. Kaleeswaran 2018 to 2021 Annual Scientific Society - 2020 Case Report 1st Prize
IADVL GSK National PG Dermatology Quiz 1st Prize
Update on Leprosy 2019 best Poster Presentation 2nd Prize
Dr. R. Suganya Annual Scientific Society Case Report 1st Prize
Dr. A. Hari Praba IADVL GSK National PG Dermatology Quiz 1st Prize
Dr. Bodicharla Manjula National Conference of IADVL Dr. F. Handa Award on Leprosy
Name of the Postgraduate Batch Programe Topic Awarded
Dr. M. Prarthana 2019 to 2022 Annual Scientific Society - 2022 Original Article 2nd Prize
Dr. S. Anusuya 2020 to 2023 IADVL Post graduates Lecture Series Online Quiz 3rd Prize
CUTICON Puducherry – 2021 Case Report 2nd Prize
CUTICON Puducherry – 2022 Original Report 1st Prize
21st International Leprosy Congress- India IADVL Telangana State Scholarship Rs. 11800/-
Annual Scientific Society - 2022 Case Report 1st Prize
Dr. B. Ragavi E-Cuticon Puducherry - 2020 Case Report 3rd Prize
21st International Leprosy Congress- India IADVL Telangana State Scholarship Rs. 5000/-
Dr. S. Jayapratha Annual Scientific Society - 2022 Case Report 2nd Prize
Dermacon International - 2023 Awarded International Conference, Mumbai Scholarship Rs. 11000/-
Dr. M.S.Jeyalakshmi Dermacon International - 2023 Awarded International Conference, Mumbai Scholarship Rs. 11000/-
Dr. Alla Akhila 2021 to 2024 CUTICON Puducherry – 2022 Case Report 2nd Prize
Dr. Youvalakshmi. S 2022 to 2025 Workshop on Research Methodology, 2023 Assessment Examination 2nd Prize

Postgraduate Inter Departmental Achievements

Name of the Postgraduate Programe Topic Awarded
Dr. P. Vijayasankar Inter departmental Quiz Program Hair 1st Prize
Biologicals - Quiz 1st Prize
Dr. R. Suganya Inter departmental Quiz Program Infections 1st Prize
Dr. M. Prarthana Inter departmental Quiz Program Leprosy 1st Prize
Inter departmental Quiz Program Hair 1st Prize
Dr. S. Anusuya Essay Competition on World Vitiligo day 1st Prize
Inter departmental Quiz Program Leprosy 1st Prize
Quiz Competition in Psoriasis 1st Prize

Under graduates Achievements:

Batch 2019 - 2024 Quiz Competition in Psoriasis -
Batch 2018 - 2023 Slogan contest conducted on World Vitiligo Day -

Student Name : Mr. Sheshagopalan & Mr. Surya (Batch: 2018)

Participated in the Finals of the National IADVL Undergraduate Quiz Program 2022.


University Medals

Name of the Post graduate Batch University exam medal
Dr. Keerthi Subramanian 2012 - 2015 Gold
Dr. Tejaswi Cherukuri 2013 - 2016 Gold
Dr. Nagakeerthana 2014 - 2017 Gold
Dr. M.S.Gowtham 2015 - 2018 Gold
Dr. Valeti Meghana 2016 - 2019 Gold
Dr. P. Vijayasankar 2017 - 2020 Gold
Dr. M. Prarthana 2019 - 2022 Gold


Community visited Thiruvennainallur Rural Health Training center every Tuesday between 8.00 am to 1.00 pm.


Derma Launch 2025 Report

Organized by: Organizing committee, Derma Launch 2025
Nature of the Program: Offline
Date: March 14th , 2025 (Friday)
Time: 8.30 AM to 4.00 PM
Venue: I floor, Own book reading hall, College block, SMVMCH

  • Faculties: 9 from various institutions
  • Attendees: DVL residents from various institutions

Total number of entries – 70
Number of residents who attended the event – 64

  1. Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital
  2. Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences
  3. Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre
  4. JIPMER, Puduchery
  5. Indhra Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
  6. Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Medical College and Hospital
  7. Madras Medical College and Hospital
  8. Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
  9. Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences
  10. Aarupadai Veedu Medical College and Hospital
  11. Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
  12. Government Cuddalore Rajah Muthiah Medical College
  13. Saveetha Medical College, Chennai
  14. Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research
  15. Stanley Medical College, Chennai
  16. SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Organizing Team
  • Organizing chairperson : Dr. K.Karthikeyan
  • Organizing Secretary: P.Vijayasankar
  • Organizing Joint Secretary: Dr.R.Logamoorthy
  • Scientific Committee Chairperson: Dr.R.Suganya
  • Scientific Committee Co- Chairperson: M. V. Ariharasudhan
  • Organizing chairperson : Dr. K.Karthikeyan
  • Organizing Secretary: P.Vijayasankar
  • Organizing Joint Secretary: Dr.R.Logamoorthy
  • Scientific Committee Chairperson: Dr.R.Suganya
  • Scientific Committee Co- Chairperson: M. V. Ariharasudhan

DERMALAUNCH was a comprehensive orientation program designed for first-year dermatology postgraduates, with 64 participants from various institutes. The event provided an essential overview of core topics, including history taking in dermatology, venereology, and leprosy. It also covered fundamentals in dermatopathology, dermatosurgery, and dermatology research. The sessions were interactive and facilitated by experienced faculty, offering valuable insights to build a strong academic foundation. Well-received by attendees, DERMALAUNCH fostered a collaborative learning environment, encouraging active participation and knowledge exchange. The program effectively equipped the participants with the necessary skills and confidence for their postgraduate journey in dermatology.

World Leprosy Day 2025

Event Name: World Leprosy Day 2025
Organized By: Dept. of Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy (DVL)
Venue: Hospital Premises
Date:  30-01-2025
Time:  9:30 A.M

  • Faculty and postgraduates from the Department of DVL, SMVMCH
Quiz Master:

Dr. R. Logamoorthy


Leprosy quiz for Postgraduates – 30.01.25


On behalf of World Leprosy Day 2025, a quiz was planned for DVL Postgraduates by the department of DVL, SMVMCH. A preliminary round was conducted on the 30th of January, at 12.00 PM wherein a written set of questions was handed over to each postgraduate, out of which, 3 finalists were chosen. The final quiz session was conducted in the afternoon session at 2.30-3.30 PM. There were a total of 6 rounds, at the end of which, based on points acquired, 1st,2nd and 3rd prizes were announced. The winners and runner-ups were felicitated by the head of the department Dr.K.Karthikeyan sir and Quiz master Dr.R.Logamoorthy sir, Assisitant professor, department of Dermatology, SMVMCH. The program offered knowledge and encouragement to the post-graduates.

UG Leprosy Quiz

Organized by: Department of DVL, SMVMCH
Program Type: Offline
Date: 30.01.2025
Time: 10.30 AM to 11.30 AM

  • Faculty and postgraduates from the Department of DVL, SMVMCH
  • Undergraduates – 2nd year MBBS students, interns from various departments
Quiz Master :

 Dr. P. Vijayasankar 


Leprosy quiz for interns – 30.01.25


On behalf of World Leprosy Day 2025, a quiz was planned for CRMIs by the department of DVL, SMVMCH. A preliminary round was conducted on the 28th of January, wherein a written set of questions was handed over to each team, having two members each, out of which, 3 finalist teams were chosen. The final quiz session took place in Basement auditorium, hospital block on January 30th. There were a total of 7 rounds, at the end of which, based on points acquired, 1st,2nd and 3rd prizes were announced. The winners and runner-ups were felicitated by the head of the department Dr.K.Karthikeyan sir and Quiz master Dr.P.Vijayasankar sir, Assistant professor, department of Dermatology, SMVMCH. The program was well received and offered encouragement and knowledge to the participants and audience.

Leprosy Camp

The Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy has organized Leprosy awareness Camp in RHTC, Thiruvennainallur Villupuram district  Tamil Nadu as a part of World Leprosy Day on 28th January 2025 between 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. The Awareness program started with a brief introduction, special emphasis and treatment on Leprosy by Dr. Logamoorthy , Assistant Professor Department of DVL SMVMCH. Pamplet distribution was done by Postgraduate      Dr. Mira Tharani . Around 50 common public & patients attended the awareness program and they were later examined for any signs and symptoms of leprosy and managed accordingly.

Online Webinar on the “Carrier guidance for Post graduates”

Organized by: Department of DVL, SMVMCH
Program Type: Online
Date: 20.12.24 (Friday)
Time: 11.45 am to 12.45 am
Venue: Seminar Room, Clinical Department, 2nd Floor
Faculties: Six faculty from the Department of DVL, SMVMCH
Attendees: Eight Postgraduates  & CRMI Posted from the Department of DVL, SMVMCH

  1. “Carrier guidance for Post graduates”

The Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy has organized an online webinar ” Career guidance for postgraduates ” on 20 December 2024, between 11:45 AM-12:45AM. Guest speaker of the event was Dr. Kumara Lakshmanan, Consultant at Royal care super specialty hospital and VS Skin and Laser Clinic , Coimbatore. The event started with welcoming the guest speaker by Dr. R.Suganya, Assistant Professor , Department of DVL , SMVMCH followed by an elaborative talk which covered the various options and up to date aspects of career guidance after completion of postgraduation by the guest speaker. The duration of the meet was 1 hour. Around 20 participants attended the meet which included faculties, postgraduates and CRRI from the Department of DVL .The session was moderated by Dr.Suganya Assistant professor Department of DVL SMVMCH. The session ended with vote of thanks.

World Aids Day 2024 Report

Organized by: Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy (DVL), SMVMCH
Program Type: Offline
Date: 03.12.2024
Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Venue: Hospital Lobby, SMVMCH

  • Faculty and Postgraduates: Department of DVL, SMVMCH
  • Undergraduates: 2nd to 4th year MBBS students, interns from various departments
  • Attendees: Patients and the general public
Quiz Masters:
  • Dr. P. Vijayasankar
  • Dr. V. Ariharasudhan
  1. Awareness Program – 03.12.2024:

Aimed at educating patients and the general public about AIDS, its prognosis, course, and available treatments. Informative pamphlets were distributed to reinforce key messages.

  1. AIDS Quiz for Undergraduates – 09.12.2024:

A multi-stage competition beginning with a preliminary written round on December 5th, 2024. Four finalist teams were selected to participate in a dynamic nine-round final session held on December 9th, 2024.

Summary of Events

To commemorate World AIDS Day 2024, the Department of Dermatology at SMVMCH organized a series of events to raise awareness and promote education about HIV/AIDS.

Awareness Program (03.12.2024)

Held in the hospital lobby, this program provided patients and the general public with essential knowledge about the spectrum of AIDS-related disorders, including its prognosis, progression, and treatment options. Informative pamphlets were distributed to enhance understanding and reinforce the importance of early diagnosis and adherence to treatment. The session was well-received, fostering a deeper awareness among attendees.

AIDS Quiz for Undergraduates (09.12.2024)

The quiz aimed to engage and educate undergraduate MBBS students on HIV/AIDS. The event began with a written preliminary round on December 5th, 2024, where four finalist teams were shortlisted. These teams competed in an intense nine-round finale on December 9th, showcasing their knowledge on various aspects of HIV/AIDS. The winners were awarded trophies for the First Place, First Runner-Up, and Second Runner-Up positions. Both events were highly successful, with active participation from students, faculty, and the general public. The initiative not only heightened awareness about HIV/AIDS but also encouraged meaningful conversations around prevention, treatment, and stigma reduction.

Research Week Celebration – Topic: Hands - on- Workshop Case Report Writing for Postgraduates”

Organized by: Department of DVL, SMVMCH
Program Type: Offline
Date: 05.12.24 (Thursday)
Time: 2.15 to 3.30 pm
Venue: Seminar Room, Clinical Department, 2nd Floor

  • Facilitator: Six faculty from the Department of DVL, SMVMCH
  • – Attendees: Eight Postgraduates from the Department of DVL, SMVMCH
Research Co-ordinator:

Dr. P. Vijayasankar

  1. “Hands – on- Workshop Case Report Writing for Postgraduates”

Our department recently conducted an interactive workshop aimed at enhancing the skills of dermatology postgraduates in writing case reports. The session was designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the structure, content, and nuances of a well-crafted dermatology case report.

The workshop included practical, step-by-step guidance on how to effectively present clinical cases, from selecting appropriate cases to writing clear and concise narratives. Participants were also trained on how to document important clinical findings, include relevant diagnostic tests, and present treatment outcomes in a systematic manner.

Throughout the session, attendees actively engaged in group discussions, analyzing sample case reports, and working on real-world cases. By the end of the workshop, participants had gained valuable insights into the essentials of academic writing in dermatology, with the aim to encourage more original contributions to dermatological literature.

World Psoriasis Day 2024 Report

Organized by: Department of DVL, SMVMCH
Program Type: Offline
Date: 29.10.2024
Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Venue: Hospital Lobby, SMVMCH

  • Faculty and postgraduates from the Department of DVL, SMVMCH
  • Attendees: Patients and the general public

Quiz Master: Dr. P. Vijayasankar 



  1. Quiz on “Treatment of Psoriasis” for postgraduates – 28.10.2024
  2. Awareness Program – 29.10.2024


World Psoriasis Day 2024, organized by the Department of Dermatology, SMVMCH, took place on October 29, 2024, in the hospital lobby at SMVMCH.

On October 28, a quiz focused on “Therapy in Psoriasis” was held for postgraduates. A preliminary written round selected three finalists, who then participated in a six-round final session. The finalists were awarded first place, first runner-up, and second runner-up positions.

On October 29, an awareness program was conducted to educate patients about the prognosis and course of psoriasis. Informative pamphlets were distributed to reinforce the key points. The awareness program primarily aimed to enhance the knowledge of patients and the general public. The event was well-received and offered valuable insights, helping attendees gain a better understanding of the psoriasis spectrum of disorders

Organized by: Organizing committee, CUTICON 2024
Nature of the Program: Offline
Date: October 6, 2024 (Sunday)
Time: 9:00 AM to 6.00 PM
Venue: SMVMCH Auditorium


  • Faculties: 14 from various institutions
  • Attendees: DVL residents from various institutions

Total number of entries – 133

Number of residents who attended the event – 111

Number of residents who attended the event – 111

  1. Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital
  2. Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences
  3. Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre
  5. Indhra Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
  6. Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Medical College and Hospital
  7. Madras Medical College and Hospital
  8. Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
  9. Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences
  10. Aarupadai Veedu Medical College and Hospital
  11. Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
  12. Government Cuddalore Rajah Muthiah Medical College
  13. Saveetha medical college, Chennai

Organizing Team

  • Organizing chairperson : K.Karthikeyan
  • Organizing Secretary: P.Vijayasankar
  • Scientific chairperson : R.Logamoorthy
  • Scientific co-chairperson :R.Suganya
  • Organizing joint secretary : Abishek Kumar


  1. Scientific presentations – Free paper and E poster
  2. Lecture : Cognitive biases : erring in the era of AI – by Dr.Hima Gopinath
  3. Lecture : Blue light laser therapy in acne vulgaris – Dr.Gowtham.M.S
  4. Sardarilal memorial oration – Dr. Kaviarasan
  5. Panel discussion on women dermatology
  6. YUVA DERMA sessions – Scientific presentations by LM Pondicherry
  7. Award paper presentation
  8. Valedictory function
  9. Cultural events


CUTICON 2024, organized by the Department of Dermatology, SMVMCH, in collaboration with IADVL Pondicherry, took place on October 6th, 2024 at MIT auditorium, SMVMCH. The event saw a total of 133 participants, including 86 residents and 25 faculty members. The program commenced at 9:00 a.m. and concluded at 6:00 p.m.

The primary objective was to enhance the knowledge of residents and introduce them to novel aspects and recent advancements in clinical dermatology. Faculty members from various institutions led the sessions, providing expert insights. Dr. K. Kaviarasan was honored with the Sardarilal Memorial Award, and he delivered the prestigious Sardarilal Oration.

A compendium of narrative reviews, written by faculty, alumni, and postgraduates, was released, and the contributors were honored during the event.

There were 10 award paper presentations, 22 free paper presentations, and 60 e-poster presentations, all contributed by postgraduate students.All participants were awarded 1 credit hour of TNMC credit points.

The program offered practical strategies and approaches aimed at improving participants’ clinical acumen. The event was well-received, providing valuable insights that will significantly contribute to the residents’ diagnostic and management skills.

Department of Dermatology,Venereology and Leprosy PG Clinics 2024 Report

Organized by: Organizing committee, PG clinics 2024
Nature of the Program: Offline
Date: August 8 and 9, 2024 (Thursday and Friday)
Time: 9:00 AM to 4.00 PM
Venue: Study hall, 1st  Floor, College block, SMVMCH


  • Faculties: 14 from various institutions
  • Attendees: 80 final year DVL residents from various institutions

Total number of entries – 84 + 12 (SMVMCH) – 96
Number of residents who attended the event – 80

  1. Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital
  2. Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center
  3. Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital
  4. Madras Medical College and Hospital
  5. Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
  6. Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences
  7. Madurai Medical College
  8. Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences
  9. Sree Balaji Medical College
  10. Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences
  11. Aarupadai Veedu Medical College and Hospital
  12. Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
  13. Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research
  14. Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre
  15. SRM , Trichy
  16. Indhra Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
  17. JIPMER
  18. Vinayaka Mission’s Kirupananda Variyar Medical College and Hospital
  19. Karpagam Faculty of Medical Sciences and Research
  20. Cuddalore Medical College
  21. Chengalpet Government Medical College and Hospital

Organizing Team

  • Organizing chairperson : Dr. K.Karthikeyan
  • Organizing Secretary: P.Vijayasankar
  • Scientific committee chairperson : Dr.R.Logamoorthy

Topics Covered:

Day 1

    • Introduction to exam – Dr. Karthikeyan  K
    • Spotters – Sheela Kuruvilla
    • Short case – Vaginal discharge – Dr. Remya Raj R
    • Long case – Immunobullous disorder – Dr. Laxmisha Chandrashekar
    • Spotters –II – Dr. Rajkumar K
    • Long case – Erythroderma – Dr. Anandan S
    • Topical drugs in dermatology – Dr. Suganya R
    • Systemic drugs in dermatology – Dr. Vijayasankar P

Day 2

  1. Long case – Systemic sclerosis – Dr. Karthikeyan K
  2. Long case – Systemic lupus erythematosus – Dr. Rashmi Kumari
  3. Spotters – III – Dr. Indradevi R
  4. Short case – Genital ulcer – Dr. Rangaraj. M
  5. Leprosy – Dr. Kaviarasan P K
  6. Instruments – Dr. Abishek Kumar K V
  7. Dermatopathology – Dr. Logamoorthy R


PG clinics 2024, organized by organizing committee, department of Dermatology, SMVMCH happened on August 8th and 9th 2024 at 1st floor study hall, college block, SMVMCH. There were around 96 entries, out of which 80 residents attended the program. On both days, the program started around 9.00 am and ended around 4.00 pm.

The primary focus was to enhance the knowledge of residents and revice significant aspects of clinical dermatology, with specific guidance on practical examination.

Faculties from various institutions led the sessions and covered all segments of final practical examination – long case, short case, spotters, topical and systemic drugs in dermatology, dermatopathology and instruments in dermatology.

All the participants were awarded with TNMC credit points of 3 credit hours.

The program provided practical strategies and approaches , aiming to improve the clinical acumen of the participants. The event was well-received, offering valuable insights that will aid in enhancing the residents’ skills of diagnosing and management practices.

Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy Report

“Skin care in adolescents” as a part of Gender equity programme”
Organized by: Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy
Nature of the Program: Offline
Date: August 2nd, (Friday)
Time: 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM
Venue: Basement auditorium, hospital block , SMVMCH


  • Attendees: Postgraduates, Inters and Undergraduates from Dermatology
  • Faculties: From department of dermatology

Organizing Team

  • Organizing secretary: R. Suganya

Topics Covered

  • “Skin care in adolescents”


The Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy has organized a CME on the topic SKIN CARE IN ADOLESCENTS as a part of gender sensitization program on 02nd August 2024 between 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Guest speaker of the event was Dr.Damayandhi, Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy Aarupadai veedu medical college and hospital, Puducherry. The event started with a brief introduction about the seminar “Skin care in adolescents “by Dr. Karthikeyan K professor and Head, Dept of DVL SMVMCH. This was followed by an elaborative talk which covered the basics and up to date aspects of skin care in Adolescents by our guest speaker.

The duration of the CME was 45 minutes. Around 40 Participants attended the CME which included faculties from other specialties, postgraduates from the Department of DVL and undergraduates, and CRMI. The session was moderated by Dr.Suganya Assistant professor Department of DVL SMVMCH. The session ended with a vote of thanks. At the end of the program, Google Forms were sent to the participants for feedback and an e-certificate of participation was generated.

Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy Report

“A Colloquium in Scleroderma – World scleroderma awareness month 2024”

Organized by: Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy
Nature of the Program: Offline
Date: June 28, 2024 (Friday)
Time: 2.15PM to 3.15pm
Venue: Basement auditorium, hospital block , SMVMCH


  • Attendees: post-graduates from dermatology , pulmonary medicine and general medicine
  • Faculties: From department of pulmonary medicine, dermatology , general medicine

Organizing Team

  • Organizing secretary: Dr..R.Logamoorthy

Presentors :

  1. Varshini – Third year postgraduate in Department of dermatology, venereology and leprosy.
  2. Dr..Vijayasuruthe – Third year postgraduate in Department of pulmonary medicine .

Topics Covered

  1. Case discussion :
  • Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Systemic sclerosis: A double trouble
  • Systemic sclerosis with fibrotic Interstitial lung disease : A diagnostic dilemma


The Department of dermatology , venereology and leprosy organized the colloquium on June 28, 2024 held in the hospital basement auditorium at SMVMCH, the event took place from 2:15pm to 3:15pm.

The session started with the case discussion the first case was presented by Dr. Varshini on “Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Systemic sclerosis: A double trouble “.The case history and examination, diagnosis and management of the case were discussed among postgraduates by faculties. The differential diagnosis , systemic symptoms and signs , management, newer drugs in scleroderma were discussed.

The second case presentation was done by Dr.Vijayasuruthe on case titled “Systemic sclerosis with fibrotic Interstitial lung disease: A diagnostic dilemma”. After the presentation, brief discussion was done on interstitial lung disease, other pulmonary manifestations of scleroderma and management and newer drugs in interstitial lung disease associated with scleroderma.

The presentation provided better understanding of Scleroderma ,its systemic features and management. The presentors were felicitated by certificates .The event ended with the vote of thanks and was well received among the participants.

World Vitiligo Day Celebration

Organized by: Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy
Nature of the Program: Offline
Date: June 27/06/2024 (Thursday)
Time: 12.00 PM to 1:00 PM
Venue: Basement Auditorium , SMVMCH

Participants :

  • Attendees: 4 teams from undergraduate medical students , SMVMCH
  • Faculties: 5

Organizing Team :

  • Quiz master : Dr . Abishek Kumar . K.V
  • Assistant Quiz master : Dr . Vijayasankar . P

Topics Covered :

  • Vitiligo

Summary :

World vitiligo day celebration was conducted on 27/06/24 ( Thursday ) and in view of this quiz on topic vitiligo was conducted for undergraduates medical students in the basement auditorium at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital. Initially prelims wasconducted in which about 27 teams participated out of which top 4 teams were selected for finals. In the finals about 7 rounds were conducted and top three teams were given momentos and certificates following which the event came to an end

“Research Methodology – Topic: Manuscript writing to publication: Best Practices for indexed Journals”

Type of event: Guest Lecture
Date: 24.05.2024 (Friday)
Time: 2.15 to 3.15 pm
Venue: Basement Auditorium, Hospital Block.
Guest Name: Dr. S. Arun, Associate Professor,Department of Community Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute,Puducherry.

The Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy has organized a Guest lecture on the topic ‘’Manuscript writing to Publication- Best practices for indexed journals’’ as a part of Research Methodology on 24 th May 2024 between 2:00 pm and 3:30 pm. Guest speaker of the event was Dr.S. Arun, Associate Professor, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry. The event started with a brief introduction about the Guest lecture Research methodology by Dr. Vijayasankar Assistant professor, Dept of DVL SMVMCH. This was followed by an elaborative talk, which covered the basics and up to date aspects of writing a Manuscript to publication by our guest speaker. The duration of the Guest lecture was 45 minutes. Around 110 Participants attended the Guest lecture, which included faculties and postgraduates from other specialties. The session was moderated by Dr.K. Karthikeyan, HOD Dept of DVL SMVMCH and Dr. Sanjay (Dean Research). The session ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Suganya, Assistant Professor Department of DVL SMVMCH. At the end of the program google forms were sent to the participants for feedback and an e-certificate of participation was generated.

World Lupus Day Celebration -2024

The Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy has organized a CME on the         Topic RECENT ADVANCES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS as a part of WORLD LUPUS DAY celebration on 10th May 2024 between 2:15 pm to 3:30 pm. Guest speaker of the event was Dr. Sheetanshu Kumar, Assistant Professor, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research [JIPMER], Puducherry. The event started with a brief introduction about the seminar “RECENT ADVANCES IN THE MANAGEMENT OF LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS” by Dr. Karthikeyan, Professor and Head, Dept of DVL SMVMCH. This was followed by an elaborative talk which comprised of a brief introduction to SLE followed by conventional treatment options and recent advances in managing lupus erythematosus by our guest speaker. The duration of the CME was 45 minutes. Around 50 Participants attended the CME which included faculties and postgraduates from the Department of DVL and medicine. The session was moderated by Dr. Logamoorthy, Assistant professor, Department of DVL SMVMCH. The session ended with vote of thanks. At the end of the program google forms were sent to the participants for feedback and an e-certificate of participation was generated.


Skin Health Day

  • Type of event: Day Celebration
  • Event Name: “Skin Health Day”
  • Date: 12.04.2024 (Friday)
  • Time: 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
  • Venue: Ortho demo room, Hospital Block

The Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy celebrated SKIN HEALTH DAY on 12 th April 2024 between 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. The event started with a brief introduction about the celebration “SKIN HEALTH DAY” by Dr. Karthikeyan Professor and Head, Dept of DVL SMVMCH. A Speech competition was held among undergraduate students based on their awareness on skin health. Around 30 undergraduate students and 12 postgraduates attended the event and 9 undergraduates participated in the competition. The various topics which were discussed include Skin and Nutrition, Topical steroid damaged face, Skin care and youth. The competition was assessed by the Department faculties based on the presentation skills and awareness about the skin health. Top three participants were selected and prize was distributed. The session was moderated by Dr. Suganya Senior Resident Department of DVL SMVMCH.


Date: 05-APRIL-2024
Time: 02.15 PM – 03.15 PM
Venue: Conference hall 4th floor, CLINICAL DEPT, HOSPITAL BLOCK

The Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy has organized a CME on the Topic STD IN WOMEN as a part of gender sensitization program on 5th April 2024 between 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. Guest speaker of the event was Dr. Saritha Mohanan, Associate Professor, Indira Gandhi medical college and research institute, Puducherry. The event started with a brief introduction about the seminar “STD IN WOMEN” by Dr. Karthikeyan, Professor and Head, Dept of DVL SMVMCH. This was followed by an elaborative talk which covered the basics and up to date aspects of STD in females with discussion on interesting case scenario by our guest speaker. The duration of the CME was 45 minutes. Around 30 Participants attended the CME, which included female faculties from other specialties, postgraduates from the Department of DVL and OBG. The session was moderated by Dr. Suganya, Senior Resident Department of DVL SMVMCH. The session ended with vote of thanks. At the end of the program google forms were sent to the participants for feedback and an e-certificate of participation was generated.

Alumni webinar

  • Type of event: Alumni webinar
  • Event Name: “Biologics in Psoriasis”
  • Date: 28.03.2024 (Thursday)
  • Time: 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
  • Venue: II floor Seminar Hall, Clinical Department, Hospital Block

The Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy has organized an online webinar on the Topic BIOLOGICS IN PSORIASIS as a continuation of series of Alumni talk on 28th March 2024 between 11:00am to 12:00pm. Guest speaker of the event was Dr.Sandra Premkumar Specialist Dermatologist NMC Specialty hospital ABU DHABI. The event started with a brief introduction about the seminar “Biologicals in psoriasis“ by Dr. Karthikeyan K Professor and Head, Dept of DVL SMVMCH. This was followed by an elaborative talk which covered the basics and up to date aspects and also, she shared her personal experience of using biologics in Psoriasis. The duration of the CME was 60 minutes. Around 11 Postgraduates and four faculties from the Department of DVL attended the webinar. The session was moderated by Dr.Suganya Senior Resident Department of DVL SMVMCH. At the end of the program there was a discussion for 10 minutes with the postgraduates and faculties.


Genital Hygiene in Women – as a part of Gender Sensitisation programme – View Invitation

The Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy has organized a CME on the topic “GENITAL HYGIENE IN WOMEN” as a part of gender sensitization program on 14th February 2024 between 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. Guest speaker of the event was Dr. Sheela kuruvila, Professor & Head, Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy, Aarupadai veedu medical college and hospital, Puducherry. The event started with a brief introduction about the seminar “Genital hygiene in women “by Dr. Karthikeyan K Professor and Head, Dept of DVL, SMVMCH. This was followed by an elaborative talk which covered the basics and up to date aspects of genital hygiene in females by our guest speaker. The duration of the CME was 45 minutes. Around 70 Participants attended the CME which included female faculties from other specialties, postgraduates from the Department of DVL and students from Allied Health sciences. Dr. Ramya, professor Dept of Pathology, & Dean AHS supported our program. The session was moderated by Dr. Suganya Senior Resident Department of DVL SMVMCH. The session ended with vote of thanks. At the end of the program google forms were sent to the participants for feedback and an e-certificate of participation was generated.

Webinar – “Artificial Intelligence in DVL”

The Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy has organized an online webinar on the topic ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN DVL on 30th January 2024 between 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Guest speaker for the event was Dr. Aravind Baskar. M, Assistant professor, Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy SRM Medical college Pother. The event started with a brief introduction about the webinar on Artificial intelligence by Dr. Karthikeyan. K Professor and Head, Dept of DVL, SMVMCH. This was followed by an in-depth webinar on localizing specific lesions, Role of AI in cutaneous malignancy, its advantages and disadvantages in dermatology. The duration of the webinar was 45 minutes. Participants of the webinar include postgraduates from the Department of Dermatology of DVL and postgraduates from SRM Medical college. The session was moderated by Dr. Vijayasankar.P, Assistant professor, Department of Venereology and Leprosy.

World Leprosy day – 2024

On the occasion of World Leprosy Day, Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy organized various Departmental activities on the forenoon of 30th January 2024. The event was inaugurated by Medical Superintendent Dr. Pragash. M and Dr. Karthikeyan. K Professor and Head ,Dept of DVL, SMVMCH. Special activities of the event include Poster competition and exhibition, distribution of pamphlets to patients and free screening for OPD patients. Postgraduates from the Dept of Dermatology actively participated in the poster competition which was based on the theme “BEAT LEPROSY”. The poster competition was judged by Dr. Girija DMS -Medical and best poster was selected for prize distribution. Awareness speech was given to patients by postgraduates regarding nature of the disease, importance of early screening and proper adherence to treatment.

CME on Paediatric Urticaria – 2023

On the occasion of world urticaria day Department of Dermatology Venereology and Leprosy organized a CME on PAEDIATRIC URTICARIA in association with Department of Paediatrics. The programme was conducted on the afternoon of 17th November 2023 from 1:30pm -5:00pm. The event started with Quiz prelims followed by brief introduction about the CME by Dr.Karthikeyan K professor and Head Dept of DVL SMVMCH .The first talk was given by Dr.Tiroumourougane serane,Hon secretary IAP TNSC On Antihistamines use in paediatrics followed by Approach to pediatric urticaria by Dr.Sivaranjani Associate professor , Dept of DVL JIPMER. Acute urticaria in children was dealt by Dr.Manobalan Assistant professor, Dept of DVL JIPMER Karaikal followed by a Talk on Chronic childhood urticaria by Dr.Remya Raj Assistant professor Dept of DVL IGMC&RI.The final Quiz was conducted by Dr.Vijayasankar Assistant professor Dept of DVL SMVMCH and quiz winners were awarded prize by Dr.Karthikeyan K. Around 80 delegates and faculties from various department have attended the CME. The Event concluded with Vote of thanks by Dr.Bharath kumar professor and Head Dept of Paediatrics SMVMCH

World Psoriasis day – 2023

World Psoriasis Day was celebrated in Department of Dermatology on 26th October (Thursday) 2023. Pamphlets were distributed to patients to create awareness about the chronic nature of the disease and lifestyle adaptations to be followed. A session about various unique clinical presentations of psoriasis was conducted which was attended by postgraduates and faculties of the department.

PG Clinics 2023

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital organized PG Clinics on 16.03.2023 & 17.03.2023. PG Clinics 2023 was conducted by the department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy, Dr. K. Karthikeyan Professor & HOD and Dean (Academic) welcomed the gathering and conference was inaugurated by Dr. R.N. Kagne Deputy Director and Dean, Dr. M. Pragash Medical Superintendent and Dr. R. Remya Raj IADVL Secretary and the occasion felicitated by Dr. P. Vijayasankar Assistant Professor, Department of DVL and Dr. M. Aravind Baskar Senior Resident, Department of DVL. The academic program were planned in a way to equip residents with necessary knowledge about basic skills and attributes needed for appearing in final year post graduate exam. Various must know important topics including therapeutics in dermatology, spotters and dermatopathology were covered by expert dermatologists. About 64 final year postgraduates from various colleges in and around Puducherry and Tamilnadu attended the conference. The following faculty acted as resource persons.

S.No Faculty Name Designation
1 Dr. Sheela Kuruvilla Professor & Head, Arupadai Veedu Medical College and Hospital
2 Dr. Udayashankar C Professor & Head, IGMCRI
3 Dr. Manoharan Professor & Head, Balaji Medical College
4 Dr. Laxmisha C Professor, JIPMER
5 Dr. Rashmi Kumari Professor & Head, JIPMER
6 Dr. Kaviarasan P K Professor & Head, Cuddalore Medical College
7 Dr. Karthikeyan K Professor & Head, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital
8 Dr. Rangaraj M Professor , Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital
9 Dr. Vijayasankar P Assistant Professor, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital
10 Dr. Aravind Baskar M Senior Resident, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital

Program Schedule: Day 1 (16.03.2023)

Time Topic Faculty
9.00 – 9.15 am Introduction to Exam Dr. Karthikeyan K
9.15 – 10.00 am Long Case : Systemic Scleroderma Dr. Sheela Kuruvilla
10.00 – 10.15 am INAUGURATION AND TEA
10.15 – 11.00 am Vaginal discharge and Urethral discharge Dr. Udayashankar C
11.00 am – 1.00pm Spotters Dr. Manoharan
1.00 – 2.00 pm LUNCH
2.00 – 3.00 pm Immunobullous disorders Dr. Laxmisha

Program Schedule: Day 2 (17.03.2023)

Time Topic Faculty
9.00 – 9.45 am SLE Dr. Karthikeyan. K
9.45 – 10.30 am Erythroderma Dr. Rashmi Kumari
10.30 – 10.45 am TEA
10.45 – 11.30 am Genital Ulcer and Genital Warts Dr. Rangaraj M
11.30 – 1.00 pm Leprosy Dr. Kaviarasan P K
1.00 – 2.00 pm LUNCH
2.00 – 2.45 pm Drugs  Dr. Vijayasankar P
2.45 – 3.30 pm Dermatopathology Dr. Aravind Baskar M
3.30 – 4.00 pm Valedictory function and feedback

World Leprosy Day 2023 (CME)

Observing World Leprosy Day on January 30th 2023, awareness campaign was organized in Sri Manakula Vinayagar medical college wherein health education was given for public regarding the manifestations of Leprosy. Banners were exhibited depicting the common clinical features and deformities of Leprosy. Public were also educated about the early signs and symptoms of Leprosy to aid in early diagnosis and treatment. Common doubts by the public were addressed. CME on Uncommon manifestations of Leprosy was conducted on January 31, 2023. Clinical cases on uncommon manifestations of Leprosy were discussed and personal experiences were shared by the speaker. At the end of the session during the question-and-answer session, doubts were raised by the audience which were clarified.

World Leporsy Day Inauguration – 30.01.23

Online CME Program – 31.01.23

BIOs – CON – 2022

The Department of Dermatology, SMVMCH, Puducherry conducted BIOs – CON – 2022 on 11.12.2022 (Sunday) at SMVMCH Auditorium (Near MIT). The Conference mainly focussed on various biologics and newer small molecules used in different dermatological conditions. Around 80 delegates from across Tamilnadu and Puducherry participated in the conference. Many eminent speakers were invited to enlighten on topics namely Biologics & Biosimilars , Biologics in pemphigus, Biologics in psoriasis, Apremilast and newer drugs in dermatology, Tofacitinib in Dermatology, Queries from delegates were discussed and clarified at the end of each session.

Preliminary Quiz on Biologics and small molecules was conducted in which around 16 teams participated, followed by finals and the winners were awarded with cash prize and memento. The workshop is credited with (1 TNMC credit points).


World Psoriasis Day

Celebrating World Psoriasis day, various events were conducted in the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, in Sri Manakula Vinayagar medical college hospital to invoke awareness and widen knowledge on Psoriasis. Pamphlets were distributed to the patients enlightening them about the disease, the need for timely consultation, aggravating factors and the need for regular follow up. The effect of stress, smoking, alcohol consumption, and analgesic intake on exacerbation of psoriasis was stressed to the patients Counselling was given to patients on dealing with the psychological problems caused by the disease. Free samples were distributed to poor patients.

Podcast was given by department faculty in the institutional website on psoriasis awareness. Quiz programs on psoriasis were organised in which participated both undergraduates and postgraduates. It was conducted in two levels from which the top three teams were selected for the finals. CME was conducted on psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis engaging post-graduates and faculties of Orthopaedics and Dermatology departments, highlighting the importance of a holistic approach in a patient with psoriasis. There was a discussion on the various treatment modalities, challenges faced by clinicians, and recent updates. At the end of the session, Prizes were distributed to the winners of the quiz program.

UG Quiz Program & Certificates & Prizes distributions

PG Quiz Program & Certificates & Prizes Distribution

Interdepartmental Program – Psoriasis day (Dermatology & Orthopaedics)

Laser Inauguration 2022

The department of Dermatology, SMVMCH, Puducherry inaugurated its new laser earlier this week on the 12th of October 2022. The Laser was inaugurated by invoking the blessings of the almighty and lighting the lamp by the dignitaries, Director Dr. D. Rajagovindan, Dean Dr. R.N. Kagne, Medical Superintendent Dr. Pragash.M, and Dr. K. Karthikeyan Dean Academic and HOD, Department of Dermatology. The occasion was graced with the presence of many other senior faculties, assistant professors, senior residents, and postgraduates from the Department of Dermatology. The new laser is a DIPO+PICO laser, a one-stop solution for skin rejuvenation, tattoo removal, and whole-body hair removal procedures. With the latest laser technology, we hope to provide quality and cost effective treatment for all the above dermatological problems.


Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital organized PG Clinics on 10.02.2022 & 11.02.2022 PG Clinics was conducted by the department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy. Dr. K. Karthikeyan Professor & HOD and Dean (Academic) welcomed the gathering and conference was inaugurated by Thiru. M. Dhanasekharan Chairman & Managing Trustee. Dr.R.N.Kagne Deputy Director,Dr. G. Kalaiselvan Dean (Research), Dr. M. Pragash Medical Superintendent and Dr. P. Vijayasankar Assistant Professor Dept. of DVL attended the function. The academic programs planned in away to equip residents with necessary know-how of the subject, basic skill and attributes needed for appearing in final year postgraduates exam. About 42 final year Postgraduates from various colleges in and around Puducherry and Tamil Nadu attend the conference. The following Faculty acted as resource persons.

S.No Faculty Name Designation
1 Dr. Kaviarasan K Professor & Head, Cuddalore Medical College.
2 Dr.Sheela Kuruvila Professor & Head, PIMS.
3 Dr. Rangaraj M Professor, SMVMCH
4 Dr. Rashmi Kumari Additional Professor, JIPMER
5 Dr. Saritha M Associate Professor , IGMC
6 Dr. Anandan S Dean & Professor, SRMC.
7 Dr. Roshni Menon Professor & HOD, SVMCH
8 Dr. Malathi M Additional Professor, JIPMER
9 Dr. Karthikeyan K Professor & Head, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College.
10 Dr. Vijayasankar P Assistant Professor, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College.

Program Schedule: Day 1 (10.02.2022)

Time Topic Faculty
9.00 – 9.15 am Introduction to Exam Dr. Karthikeyan  K
9.15 – 10.00 am Scleroderma Dr. Sheela Kuruvilla
10.15 – 11.00 am Vaginal discharge and genital ulcer Dr. Roshni Menon
11.00 – 11.45 am Erythroderma Dr. Anandan  S
11.45– 1.00 pm Spotters I Dr.  Karthikeyan  K
1.00 – 2.00 pm LUNCH BREAK
2.00 – 3.30 pm Immunobullous disorders Dr. Malathi  M

Program Schedule: Day 2 (10.03.2021)

Time Topic Faculty
9.00 – 10.00 am Spotter II Dr. Saritha. M
10.00 – 10.15 am TEA BREAK
10.15 – 11.00 am Systemic Lupus Erythermatosus Dr. Rashmi Kumari
11.00 – 12.15 am Leprosy Dr. Kaviarasan P K
12.15 – 1.00 am Dermatosurgery / Instruments Dr. Rangaraj M
1.00 – 2.00 pm LUNCH BREAK
2.00 – 3.00 pm Drugs / Dermatopathology Dr. Vijayasankar P
3.00 – 3.30 pm Valedictory function and feedback  


The 6th Dermatology PG clinics was held on 9/3/2021 and 10/3/2021 at SMVMCH, Pondicherry. This event is held every year at SMVMCH, Pondicherry and has its own place in the academic side of Dermatology.

There were about 40 postgraduates from all over Tamil Nadu who attended the session, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was inaugurated by Thiru.M. Dhanasekaran, Chairman & Managing Trustee, Dr.D.Rajagovindan, Director, Dr.R.N.Kagne, Deputy Director, Dr.Karthikeyan.K, Dean Academic and HOD, Department of Dermatology and other dignitaries. The objective of the programme was to give an orientation to the exam going postgraduates.

List of faculties & their corresponding session

Program Schedule: Day 1 (09.03.2021)

Topic Faculty
Introduction to Exam Dr. Karthikeyan K
Systemic lupus erythematosus Dr. Sheela Kuruvilla
Systemic sclerosis Dr. Rashmi Kumari
Vaginal discharge Dr. Saritha M
Bullous disorders Dr. Anandan S
Dermatopath and Drugs Dr. Vijayasankar P

Program Schedule: Day 2 (10.03.2021)

Topic Faculty
Spotter 1 Dr. Karthikeyan K
Spotter 2 Dr. Indradevi R
Genital ulcer Dr. Rangaraj M
Erythroderma Dr. Lakshmisha C
Leprosy Dr. Kaviarasan P K
Instruments / Dermato pathology Dr. Keerthi S
Valedictory function  

Following introducing session by Prof. Dr. K. Karthikeyan, HOD, Day one had several brainstorming and exam-oriented sessions by eminent persons from various universities of Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry who were felicitated at the end of each session. Day two had case presentations and discussions by postgraduates, histopathology slide review and drug review, which were both interactive and participatory in nature. The event was evaluated by everyone who attended the sessions and feedback was obtained at the end of the event.
The postgraduates who attended the event were awarded with a participation certificate and TNMC credit hours. The vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Karthikeyan. K, Professor and Head, Department of Dermatology. SMVMCH.

Organized & conducted:

S.No. Date Nature of the Program Programme
1 03.06.2016 Workshop Hair transplant workshop
2 23.03.2017 Chemical peels workshop
3 25.06.2016 Day Celebration Vitiligo awareness day
4 25.06.2017
5 25.06.2018
6 10.05.2017 World Lupus day
7 10.05.2018
8 27.10.2016 Psoriasis day Celebration
9 29.10.2017
10 01.12.2014 World HIV Day
11 01.12.2015
12 01.12.2016
13 01.12.2017
14 30.01.2014 World Leprosy Day
15 30.01.2015
16 30.01.2016
17 30.01.2017
18 30.01.2018
19 10.07.2016 CME DERMKID 2016
20 September 2014 Psoriasis and systemic Manifestation
21 September 2015 Eye and Systemic diseases
22 March 2016 Aesthetic Dermatosurgery
23 Dec 2013 Conference CUTICON 2013
24 July 10th 2016 DERMKID 2016
25 August 26th 2016 Realms in research dermatologist’s perspective
26 November 2016 CUTICON 2016
27 27.11.2016 Annual Conference of IADVL CUTICON 2016
28 July 2018 Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals Conference
29 23.03.2017 & 24.03.2017 Awareness lecture Cosmetology awareness lecture & camp
30 February 2015 Workshop Dermpath Workshop
31 20.08.17 Cosmetology workshop
32 February 2018 PG Clinics 2018

Cosmetology workshop


Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy organized a one day Cosmetology workshop on 20th August 2017. Dr. K. Karthikeyan welcomed the gathering and the workshop was inaugurated by Dr. Kagne, Dean. Workshop provided hands on training for postgraduates & practitioners from various places of Puducherry & Tamilnadu. The sessions were planned in accordance with the recent advances in cosmetology field, which included short talk and live demonstration on, Botox, Thread lift, Platelet rich plasma.

Speakers for this workshop included.

Dr. A. Chandan

Dr. D. Dineshkumar

Dr. Aarthi Lakshmanan

Dr. M. Rangaraj proposed the vote of thanks

Hair transplantation hands-on workshop


We are very glad to inform everyone that our department has reached yet another milestone. Recently hands on workshop on hair transplantation was conducted by our department by the efforts taken by the head of our department Dr.Karthikeyan, for all the faculty members, postgraduates and few invited delegates. The workshop was a very successful one where an eminent hair transplant surgeon Dr.Sachin Yoele from Mumbai shared his experiences & knowledge on follicular unit extraction. Everyone had hands on and mastered the technique. With this initiative we are planning to enhance our department as a full-fledged cosmetology – dermatosurgery department.

PG Alumini

Year Name Designation Institute Email ID
2012 to 2015 Dr. Keerthi Subramaniam Consultant Dermatologist Olivia Skin & Hair Clinics, Hyderabad. [email protected]
Dr. Kumara Lakshmanan Consultant Dermatologist Royal Care Hospital, Coimbatore. [email protected]
Private practice V.S Skin and Hair Clinic, Sundarapuram, Coimbatore.
Dr. Shamma Aboobacker Consultant Dermatologist UAE [email protected]
2013 to 2016 Dr. Tejaswi Cherukuri Consultant Dermatologist & Aesthetic Physician Apollo Speciality Hospital, OMR Apollo Cradle. [email protected]
Dr. Saranya Consultant Dermatologist SKS Multi – Speciality Hospital, Chennai. [email protected]
Dr. Sandra Premkumar Specialist Dermatologist NMC Speciality Hospital AbuDhabi, UAE. [email protected]
2014 to 2017 Dr. Nagakeerthana Private practice Napolean Skin Hair and Cosmetology Centre, Kumbakonam. [email protected]
Consultant Dermatologist Sacred Heart Hospital, Kumbakonam
Dr. Mohamed Rafeek Consultant Dermatologist Muthu Meenakshi Hospital, Pudukottai. [email protected]
Dr. Devan Prakash Assistant Professor Gokulam Medical College, Trivandrum. [email protected]
2015 to 2018 Dr. M.S.Gowtham Assistant Professor Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital, Puducherry. [email protected]
Dr. N.G.Manju Aishwariya Consultant Dermatologist NG Hospital, Kallakurichi. [email protected]
Dr. Thekkinadeth David Polly Consultant Dermatologist Trinity Radiance Skin & Cosmetology Centre, Palakkad [email protected]
2016 to 2019 Dr. Lavanya Baby Mathew Assistant Professor Palakakad Medical College Palakkad [email protected]
Dr. Valeti Megalai Consultant Dermatologist Medicare Skin Hospital, Krishna Clinical, Andhra Pradesh [email protected]
2017 to 2020 Dr. P. Vijayasankar Assistant Professor Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital, Puducherry. [email protected]
Dr. U. Sri Ramya Devi Senior Resident Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Science, Puducherry. [email protected]
2018 to 2021 Dr. V. Kaleeswaran Private Practice Dindigul. [email protected]
Dr. A. Hari Praba Consultant Dermatologist RIFA Medical Centre, Ambur, Vellore. [email protected]
Dr. Bodicharla Manjula Consultant Dermatologist Dr. Manjula’s Dermacare, Tirupati. [email protected]
Dr. R. Suganya Senior Resident Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital, Puducherry. [email protected]
2019 to 2022 Dr. M. Prarthana Chief Medical Officer JIPMER, Puducherry. [email protected]
Dr. R. Premjith Consultant Dermatologist Amala Hospital, Iritty, Kannur [email protected]
Dr. S. Nivveditha Senior Resident Vels Medical College & Hospital No. 12 / 123, Periyapalayam Road, Velan Nagar, Manjakaranai Village, Uthukottai Taluk, Thiruvallur District – 601 102. [email protected]