Department of General Medicine


Department of General Medicine is one of the broad specialty department providing primary health care to adult population. The Department outpatient services are available in the ground floor at room number 15-20. Out patient services are available on all days between 8.30 am to 4 pm. An extended outpatient consultation is available on all working days. A review consultation is available on designated days. Apart from regular General medicine consultation, special clinics on various specialties are functioning. In patient services are available in the third floor of the hospital ward number 301-309.

The faculty of the department of General Medicine are dedicated teachers and highly committed to patient care . All the academic activities of under and post graduate courses are meticulously planned and executed. Research activities and publishing in high quality journals are highly encouraged.


  • To achieve excellence in Quality health care, Medical education and Scientific research .


  • To enhance quality medical education by implementing excellence and professionalism in the practice of General Medicine.
  • To provide the best evidence based medical care to the patients in an ethical and compassionate environment.
  • To carry out creative and innovative research to address the current and emerging health challenges in General Medicine.

Program Specific Outcomes

Undergraduate Course


The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Medicine is to create an “Indian Medical Graduate” (IMG) possessing requisite knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and responsiveness, so that she or he may function appropriately and effectively as a physician of first contact of the community while being globally relevant.

  • The undergraduate medical education program is designed to create a Clinician, who understands and provides preventive, promotive, curative, palliative and holistic care with compassion.
  • Be a leader and member of the health care team and system
  • Communicator with patients, families, colleagues and community
  • Lifelong learner committed to continuous improvement of skills and knowledge
  • Professional who is committed to excellence, is ethical, responsive and accountable to patients, community and the profession.

We Strive to bring out the following from each student of this institution.

  • Be competent in diagnosis and management of common health problems of the individual and the community, commensurate with his/her position as a member of the health team at the primary, secondary or tertiary levels, using his/her clinical skills based on history, physical examination and relevant investigations.
  • Be competent to practice preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative medicine in respect to the commonly encountered health problems.
  • Appreciate rationale for different therapeutic modalities, be familiar with the administration of the “essential drugs” and their common side effects.
  • Be able to appreciate the socio-psychological, cultural, economic and environmental factors affecting health and develop humane attitude towards the patients in discharging one’s professional responsibilities
  • Possess the attitude for continued self learning and to seek further expertise or to pursue research in any chosen area of medicine, action research and documentation skills.
  • Be familiar with the basic factors which are essential for the implementation of the National Health
  • Be able to identify community health problems and learn to work to resolve these by designing, instituting corrective steps and evaluating

Outcome of such measures.

  • Be able to work as a leading partner in health care teams and acquire proficiency in communication skills.
  • Be competent to work in a variety of health care settings.
  • Have personal characteristics and attitudes required for professional life including personal integrity, sense of responsibility and
  • dependability and ability to relate to or show concern for other individuals.

Generic Outcome

To impart knowledge, skills and behavioral attributes to function effectively as the first contact physician.

Specific outcomes


At the end of each course, the student should be able to:

(1) Diagnose common clinical disorders with special reference to infectious diseases, nutritional disorders, tropical and environmental diseases.

(2) Outline various modes of management including drug therapeutics especially dosage, side effects, toxicity, interactions, indications and contra-indications.

(3) Propose diagnostic and investigative procedures and ability to interpret them.

(4) Provide first level management of acute emergencies promptly and efficiently and decide the timing and level of referral, if required.

(5) Recognize geriatric disorders and their management.


At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

(1) Develop clinical skills (history taking, clinical examination and other instruments of examination) to diagnose various common medical disorders and emergencies.

(2) Refer a patient to secondary and/or tertiary level of health care after having instituted primary care.

(3) Perform simple routine investigations

(4) Assist the common bedside investigative procedures


The course is integrated with other departments wherever necessary , for better understanding of concepts.

  • Demonstrate understanding of the patho-physiologic basis, epidemiological profile, signs and symptoms of disease and their investigation and management.
  • Competently interview and examine an adult patient and make a clinical diagnosis
  • Appropriately order and interpret laboratory tests
  • Initiate appropriate cost-effective treatment based on an understanding of the rational drug prescriptions , medical interventions required and preventive measures.
  • Manage common medical emergencies and refer when required.
  • To instill professionalism by developing communication, leadership skills with ethical and moral values.


Specific Objectives

At the end of the internship training, the student shall be able to:

  • Diagnose clinical common disease conditions encountered in practice and make timely decision for referral to higher level;
  • Use discreetly the essential drugs, infusions, blood or its substitutes and laboratory services.
  • Manage all type of emergencies-medical, surgical obstetric, neonatal and paediatric, by rendering first level care;
  • Demonstrate skills in monitoring of the National Health Programme and schemes, oriented to provide preventive and promotive health care services to the community;
  • Develop leadership qualities to function effectively as a leader of the health team organised to deliver the health and family welfare service in existing socio economic, political and cultural environment;
  • Render services to chronically sick and disabled (both physical and mental) and to communicate effectively with patient and the community.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-PG

The purpose of PG education is to create specialists who would provide high quality health care and advance the cause of science through research & training.

The postgraduate training should enable the student to:

  • Practice efficiently internal medicine specialty, backed by scientific knowledge including basic sciences and skills.
  • Diagnose and manage majority of conditions in his specialty clinically and with the help of relevant investigations.
  • Exercise empathy and a caring attitude and maintain professional integrity, honesty and high ethical standards.
  • Plan and deliver comprehensive treatment using the principles of rational drug therapy.
  • Plan and advice measures for the prevention and rehabilitation of patients belonging to his specialty.
  • Manage emergencies efficiently by providing Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) in emergency situations.
  • Recognize conditions that may be outside the area of the specialty/ competence and refer them to an appropriate specialist.
  • Demonstrate skills in documentation of case details including epidemiological data.
  • Play the assigned role in the implementation of National Health Programs.
  • Demonstrate competence in basic concepts of research methodology and clinical epidemiology; and preventive aspects of various disease states.
  • Be a motivated ‘teacher’ – defined as one keen to share knowledge and skills with a colleague or a junior or any learner.
  • Continue to evince keen interest in continuing education irrespective of whether he/she is in a teaching institution or is practicing and use appropriate learning resources.
  • Be well versed with his medico-legal responsibilities.
  • Undertake audit, use information technology tools and carry out research – both basic and clinical, with the aim of publishing the work and presenting the work at scientific forums.

Faculty List

Name Designation
Dr. Uthayasankar. M. K. Professor
Dr. Girija. S Professor
Dr. Badrinath. A.K Professor
Dr. Manokaran. C Professor
Dr. K. Neelakantan Viswanathan Professor
Dr. Ashida. T. S. Professor
Dr. P. Ravi Kumar Associate Professor
Dr. Sathiyanarayanan. J Associate Professor
Dr. Suman Babu. I.S.S Assistant Professor
Dr. Madhan Kumar. S Assistant Professor
Dr. Balachandran. M Assistant Professor
Dr. T. Sugan Gandhi Assistant Professor
Dr. Devan. R Assistant Professor
Dr. Sadiqa Nasreen Assistant Professor
Dr. Ram Arvind. V Assistant Professor
Dr. Kawiraj. N Senior Resident
Dr. Rangarajan. D. V Senior Resident
Dr. Aravind Kumar. V Senior Resident
Dr. Sravya N Senior Resident
Dr. Sarikonda Maghana Senior Resident
Dr. Ramya. A.V Senior Resident
Dr. Shalini. S Senior Resident
Dr. Senthil. M Senior Resident
Dr. Asaithambi. R Senior Resident
Dr. Aakash Thacharvilakam Ajith Junior Resident
Dr. Adrin Suthir A Junior Resident
Dr. Anga Dinesh Varma Junior Resident
Dr. Deepsheeka G Junior Resident
Dr. Jayasuriya R Junior Resident
Dr. Nivethini N Junior Resident
Dr. Nune Komal Abhinav Junior Resident
Dr. Pooja P U Junior Resident
Dr. Pravin Coumar C Junior Resident
Dr. Rahul K Junior Resident
Dr. Akila T Junior Resident
Dr. Bheemireddy Lahari Junior Resident
Dr. Ezhilkumaar M Junior Resident
Dr. Harikrishnan G R Junior Resident
Dr. John Helio Junior Resident
Dr. Koushick V K Junior Resident
Dr. Naveen A Junior Resident
Dr. Ragavi P Junior Resident
Dr. Shobana T Junior Resident
Dr. Vidhya B Junior Resident
Dr. V. Devanathan Junior Resident
Dr. Priyanga R Junior Resident
Dr. Rajasudhakar. T Junior Resident
Dr. Naveen Kumar. R Junior Resident
Dr. Hari Vignesh Junior Resident
Dr. Harishma. I Junior Resident
Dr. Hemraj. P Junior Resident
Dr. Muddi Anil Kumar Junior Resident
Dr. Reddy Ray Kumar Junior Resident
Dr. Manimegalai. A Junior Resident
Dr. Atul Vaisakh Kochan Vijayan Junior Resident
Dr. Sridevi. P Junior Resident
Dr. Gorrela Lakshmi Mounika Junior Resident
Dr. Ashvanthkumar. A Junior Resident
Dr. Senthamizh Junior Resident
Dr. Thivagaran. P Junior Resident
Dr. Ranjithkumar. T Junior Resident
Dr. Omprakash. S Junior Resident


The Department is imparting services required for effective diagnosis and treatment of various disease conditions. The department is equipped with state of the art equipments. General medical care, diabetology, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Neurology, Nephrology services are provided. The department has a dialysis unit which runs round the clock. Cath-lab, Holter and Temporary pacemaker services are available. A well equipped radiology department which provides CT scan, USG and MRI and guided biopsy services add value to the department.

Each Special Clinic is functioning under a qualified Physician supported by other Specialists in Cardiology, Nephrology, Neurology, Gastroenterology.


  • 24×7 Emergency care
  • Daily outpatient service
  • Well trained medical /Paramedical staff to attend to any emergencies.
  • Separate clinics for post PCI patients, heart failure clinic & post-surgical clinic
  • Equipment: List of important equipment.
  • Available and their functional status.
Equipment Numbers / functional status / comments
Multipara Monitors 30 Functioning
Ventilator 13 Functioning
BIPAP 4 Functioning
Upper GI endoscope 1 Functioning
Dialysis machines 21 Functioning
Echo – color Doppler 4 Functioning
Pulse Oxymeters 18 Functioning
Colonoscope 1 Functioning
ECG 6 Functioning
Nebuliser 6 Functioning
Holter 1 Functioning
Computerized PFT equipment 1 Functioning
Syringe pump 12 Functioning
Infusion pump 16 Functioning
Cardiac Monitor 8 Functioning
Bronchoscope 1 Functioning
TMT 1 Functioning
Defibrillator 6 Functioning
Bedside Ultrasound Machine equipment 2 Functioning
Glucometer 6 Functioning
Oxygen concentrator 10 Functioning
CRRT 1 Functioning

Special Clinics

Day Clinic Timing
Monday Diabetic Clinic 9.00 a.m to 1:00 pm
Tuesday Haematology 9.00 a.m to 1:00 pm
Daily Geriatric Clinic 9.00 a.m to 1:00 pm
Thursday Endocrinology Clinic 9.00 a.m to 1:00 pm
Friday Liver Clinic 9.00 a.m to 1:00 pm
Saturday Hypertension clinic 9.00 a.m to 1:00 pm

This program runs on all working days. Patients are reviewed and personalized consultation is provided by the post graduate students under faculty guidance .



Undergraduate training

We have experienced faculty who are involved in the academic activities of UG students. Every week 2 theory classes are taken by our Professors, for the Phase III- Part-II students. Academic activities are well planned and executed. Experienced teachers are involved in handling the classes. Undergraduate training involves theory classes, bedside clinics, self directed learning and small group teaching sessions. Every month theory exams and end of the posting exams exams are conducted for assessment and feedback given to students on their performance. Competency mapping is done at the end of every exam to and remedial measures are taken. Clerkship is offered in the evening for the undergraduate students to individualize and enhance learning experience. Students are also trained in skill lab. Students are also trained in OSCE to stimulate higher order thinking.


BATCH Day & Time
Phase-II (2021-26) Feb- Aug- 23 Thursday 9.30 to 10.30 a.m.
Phase-III-Part-I (2020-25) (Feb-23 to July- 23) Tuesday 9.30 to 10.30 a.m. Thursday 2.30to 4.30pm
Phase-III-Part-II (2019-24) March-23 to July- 23) Tuesday 8.30 to 9.30a.m Wednesday 9.30 to 10.30a.m
Monday & Friday 2.30to 4.30pm
Phase-III-Part-II  (July-23 to Jan-2024) Tuesday 8.30to 9.30 4th Monday- 8.30 to 9.30

Clinical postings: CBME- BATCH

The clinical postings are as scheduled as follows

BATCH Weeks Time  
Phase-II (Feb- May- 2023) 2  10.30a.m to 1.30p.m  
 Phase-II (May-23 to Oct-23) 4 10.30a.m to 1.30p.m  
Phase-II (Oct- 23 to Dec-2023) 2 10.30a.m to 1.30p.m  
Phase-III-Part-I  4 10.30a.m to 1.30p.m  
Phase-III-Part-II (Mar-23 to July-23) 4 10.30a.m to 1.30p.m  
Phase-III-Part-II (July-23 to Oct-23) 4 9.30 to 1.00 pm  
Phase-III-Part-II Oct-23 to Jan- 24 2 9.30 to 1.00 pm  


Postgraduate students are posted in outpatient care, emergency areas, and intensive care units periodically. They are also involved in inpatient care. Academic schedules are strictly followed as per the academic schedule. They are also encouraged to participate in poster & paper presentation in conferences and quiz competition. Physician’s conference is held once in a month where interesting and rare cases are discussed in front of faculty of medicine by the postgraduate students. Inter-departmental meets and internal mortality review meets are also conducted. Higher end learning is encouraged by discussing a case in depth once a month with a faculty which is conduced as a team presentation

Theory and practical exams are conducted every month where students are assessed and feedback given. Students are encouraged to do research ofhigh caliber and their work is periodically monitored.

Teaching schedule

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
I week Long & Short Case presentation Journal club Seminar Long case presentation Inter departmental meet  
II week Long & Short Case presentation Journal club Seminar Long case presentation Inter departmental meet
III week Long & Short Case presentation Journal club Seminar Long case presentation Long & Short Case presentation
IV week Long & Short Case presentation Department Mortality review meet Institution Mortality review meet Long case presentation Seminar  



  • Girija. S, Rajan. A, Sathiyanarayanan. J. Scrub typhus-An emerging disease in South India. IJRRMS/Vol. 3(4) Oct-Dec. 2013.
  • A.K.Badrinath1, K. Suresh1* and Harresh. The Study of Uric Acid Levels in Primary Hypertension without End Organ Damage. BJMMR 2016; [Abstract] Full Article – PDF Page 1-11 Article Metrics DOI : 10.9734//2016/25087.
  • K. Badrinath1, K. Suresh2, R. Raghunathan3, Suresh Babu A case report of myelopathy– syringomyelia. J.Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2016 ;5(104):0000-0000, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2016/10000 S4 KEYWORDS : Syringomyelia, Dissociative Sensory Loss, Cavitation. HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Badrinath AK, Suresh K, Raghunathan R,et al. A case report of myelopathy– syringomyelia.
  • Dr. Kinathankaraiyan Nagarajan. Serum Creatinine Phosphokinase as a Marker of Severity in Organosphosphorus Compound poisoning. Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research June 2016 Volume ;( 3) 160-168.
  • AK Badrinath*, K Suresh†, R Raghunathan†, Suresh Babu S. A Case of Leptospirosis Presenting as Multiorgan Failure. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice August 2016; Vol. 27, No. 3, , P:245.
  • Dr. T. Ravi Kumar, Dr. C. Manokaran, Dr. S. Ramaswamy, Dr. N, Kalaisezhian, dr. P. Saravanan, Dr. M. Gowrisankar, Dr. Chethan Bharthwaj, Dr. Vasif Mayan MC. Snake Bite : Treat the Shock and save the kidney – with low dose Asv- A practical approach. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences August. 2016; p – ISSN : 2279-0861.15 (8): 29-33.
  • Jeyasuriya A1, Badrinath AK2, Raghunathan R3; A case of Multiorgan dysfunction due to scrub typhus infection. International Journal of Clinical and Biomedical research. 2016 ; 2 (4): 72-74.
  • A.K. Badrinath 1 , K. Suresh2 , R. Raghunathan2 , M. Balachandran2 , Suresh Babu S. A Case of Seizure Disorder – Pachygyria: A Rare Presentation. IJCMR November 2016 ; 3 (11) (Print): 2454-7379
  • T. Vishwa Teja1, Girija Subramanian2, Karthikeyan Balu3, Harish Rajaram. Epididymo- Orchitis in an Adult with Scrub Typhus. Indian Journal of Medical & Health Sciences January-June 2017; 4 (1).
  • Dr. C. Manokaran. Lethal Weapon in the Hands that heals-Mobile phone in Hospitals. Journal of Dental and Medical sciences May 2017 ; 16(5) : 55-57.
  • Badrinath A K, Suresh K, Ragunathan R, Babu S S. A case report of complete atrioventricular heart block due to hyponatremia.

    How to cite this article

    A case report of complete Atrioventricular heart block due to hyponatremia. Heart India 2017;5:105-

  • Dr. S. Girija . Identification of high oxygen affinity hemoglobin (Hb Andrew – Minneapolis) in an Indian Family. April 2017; 39 (2).
  • Suhaim Latif Perumbadi, M.K. Uthaya Sankar ; “Prevalance of cognitive dysfunction In elderly patients attending a tertiary care teaching hospital in puducherry”. A Journal of Medical science and clinical research October 2017; 5(10) : 2455-0450, Index copernicus value: 71.58 Impact factor (SJIF):5.84.
  • Nagabhushan D, A K Badrinath, Sujitha Gurram, K Vinoth. The proportion of cognitive impairment in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea.

    How to cite this article

    The proportion of cognitive impairment in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. MedPulse International Journal of Medicine October 2017; 4(1): 19-23.

  • Dr. K. Nagarajan. A study of serum magnesium in diabetes mellitus – Journal of evaluation of medical and Dental sciences 2017; 6(32):2619-2626, DOI: 10.14260/Jemds/2017/566.
  • Venkatram Murugesan, Nagarajan Kinathankaraiyan, Ashida S Thulaseedharan, Badrinath A Kuppuswamy. Coronary Artery Disease Severity Assessment Using Urinary Dipstick Albumin Test. JMSCR November 2017; 05(11) Page 30490.
  • Mopuru Penchala Varun, A K Badrinath. Correlation of Bilirubin Levels in Patients with and Without Cerebrovascular Accident. JMSCR November 2017 ; 05 Issue 11: 30454.
  • Dr. Aravind. P.S, Dr. Manokaran. C, Salivary urea creatinine and GFR estimation in patients with chronic kidney disease. JMSCR . March 2018; 6(3) 804-811.
  • Dr. M.K. Uthaya sankar1, Perumbadi. S.2, Shenbagaram K3,. Hanushraj R4. Clinical & etiological profile of acute undifferentiated fever in patient admitted to a teaching hospital in Pondicherry. International Journal of Medical Research and Review. May-June, 2018 ; vol 6/ Issue 05 .
  • Yogesh S1, Uthaya Sankar M.K2, Shenbagaram K3, Hanushraj R4, . A study of QT Disperson among type 2 diabetics attending a tertiary care hospital in puducherry. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci/. June 04,2018; eISSN-2278-4802, pISSN-2278-4748/7(23)

Department of General Medicine 2018 - 23 Publications details

S.No Title of the Paper Name of the Author (First/corresponding) Department Name of the Journal Date of Acceptance Date of Publication ISSN Number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Name of the Indexing Database Type
1 Bupivacaine induced second degree atrioventricular block – a case report 1 A.K.Badrinath , 2 Suresh babu .S , 3A. Omar shahid , 4 D. Biju General Medicine Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research   1-Jun-18 P ISSN: 2250-284X   National
2 A Case Report of Colonic Tuberculosis 1. A.K.Badrinath, 2. K.Suresh, 3. B. Karthikeyan, 4. Suresh babu .S General Medicine IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) 14-05-2018 1-May-18 p-ISSN: 2279-0861 DOI: 10.9790/0853-1705053536   International
3 A Case Report Of Cushing’s Syndrome Induced Hypercoagulable State A. K. Badrinath1, Suresh Babu S2, A. Omar Shahid3, D. Biju4 General Medicine Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine and Healthcare   5/4/2018 pISSN- 2349-2562 DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2018/00  Google Scholar National
4 A Case Report Heart Block in Patient in a Patient with Eisenmenger syndrome A.K.Badrinath1, K.Suresh2, Suresh Babu3 .S, A. Omar Shahid4 General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   1-Apr-18 ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Index Copernicus Value: 71.58 National
5 A case report of complete atrioventricular heart block due to hyponatremia Badrinath AK, Suresh K, Ragunathan R,Suresh Babu S General Medicine Heart India   Jun-18   10.4103/heartindia.heartindia_45_16 Wolters Kluwer - Medknow National
6 A case report of plasmodium vivax malaria presenting as hemophagocytic syndrome 1A.K.Badrinath, 2Suresh Babu .S, 3A. Omar shahid, 4Biju .D General Medicine International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR)   Mar-18 ISSN–P: 2458 – 8687   Index Copernicus Value: 49 . 23 International
7 Hypoplastis left pulmonary artery presenting as pulmonary hypertension in an adult : A case report A.K.Badrinath1,Suresh Babu2, T.Vishwa Teja3 General Medicine International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences   23-Apr-18   International
8 Osmotic demyelination syndrome in an uncontrolled type 2 diabetic – a case report 1A.K.Badrinath, 2K.Suresh, 3B. Karthikeyan, 4Suresh babu .S General Medicine International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR)   Mar-18 ISSN–P: 2458 – 8687   Index Copernicus Value: 49 . 23 International
Original Article
9 Prevalence, and etiology of fever in patients attending tertiary care hospitals –a prospective study 1DR.C.MANOKARAN, 2DR.S.BAKYARAJ ,* 3DR. S.RAM KUMAR, 4 DR.T.RAVIKUMAR, 5DR.V.NEELAKANTAN General Medicine Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research;   1-Dec-18 P ISSN: 2250-284X   International
10 Salivary Urea Creatinine and GFR Estimation in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Aravind. P.S., Manokaran .C General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   1-Mar-18 ISSN (p) 2455-0450 DOI: Index Copernicus Value: 71.58 National
11 Prevalence of GDM in antenatal women attending tertiary care hospitals – a prospective study 1DR.C.MANOKARAN, 2DR.D.VATHSALADEVI* ,3DR.S.RAM KUMAR,M.D., 4DR.T.RAVIKUMAR General Medicine Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research;   1-Dec-18 P ISSN: 2250-284X   International
12 Clinical & etiological profile of acute undifferentiated fever in patients admitted to a teaching hospital in Pondicherry Dr. M.K. Uthaya sankar1, Perumbadi. S.2, Shenbagaram K3,. Hanushraj R4.  General Medicine International Journal of Medical Research and Review   30-6-2018 Index Copernicus Value: 71.58 International
13 A Study Of Qt Dispersion Among Type 2 Diabetics Attending A Tertiary Care Hospital In Puducherry Yogesh S1, Uthaya Sankar M.K2, Shenbagaram K3, Hanushraj R4 General Medicine Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental sciences 28-05-2018 4/6/2018  pISSN- 2278-4748 DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/626 Index Copernicus Value: 71.58 International
14 Cholesterol levels: the prognostic significance in ICU patients Jeyasuriya A.1, Badrinath A. K.2, Saranya Nagalingam* General Medicine International Journal of Advances in Medicine   1-Jun-18 pISSN 2349-3925 DOI:   International
15 Diagnostic utility of heart type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) versus cardiac troponin I in myocardial infarction K. Suresh1, S. Abarna Devi1, Badrinath A. K.1, Suresh Babu S.1, Saranya Nagalingam2* General Medicine International Journal of Advances in Medicine   1-Jun-18 pISSN 2349-3925 DOI:   International
16 Clinical cases in Medicine in Bates' guide to Physical Diagnosis and History taking Viswanathan KN General Medicine   Bickley- 2nd Indian edition, LWW, 2018.   2018        
17 Chapter on Infective Foodborne illnesses Anita Ravindran, Viswanathan KN General Medicine Bope’s Conn’s Current  Therapy 2018, ELSEVIER, Saunders, 2018,   2018        
18 Contributor for Bate’s Guide to Physical Examination History Taking Viswanathan KN General Medicine Bickley-(12th edition). (2nd Indian  edition)- 2018 2018        


S.No Title of the paper Name of the Author(First/corresponding) Department Name of the Journal Date of Acceptance Date of Publication ISSN Number Link of the Recognition in UGC Enlistment of the Journal Name of the Indexing Database Type
1 A study of role of interleukin-8 in differentiating transudative and exudative pleural effusion Abarna Devi Sanmarkan1, Badrinath AK2, Suresh Babu S3, Anand P4* General Medicine IP Indian Journal of Immunology and Respiratory Medicine   June, 2019 Pubmed National
  A study of serum arginase activity in diagnosis of liver diseases P. Anand1, A.K. Badrinath2, Suresh Babu .S3 General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   Jul-19 ISSN (p) 2455-0450   National
  A study of usefulness of modified medication adherence scale in assessing adherence among hypertensive patients Sethu Prabhu Shankar, I.S.S. Suman Babu, Neelakandan Ramya General Medicine Perspectives in Clinical Research   1-Dec-19   doi: 10.4103/picr.PICR_44_18 Pubmed International
  Asymptomatic bacteriuria in patients with Type-2 Diabetes mellitus Dr Mythreini B S1, Dr M. K. Uthaya Sankar2*, Dr R. Gopal3, Dr I. S.S. Suman Babu General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   1-Dec-19 ISSN (p) 2455-0450   National
  Study of Clinical profile and Antibiotic susceptibility of Urinary Tract Infection in a Tertiary Care Hospital Dr J. Louis Ferdin Zeno, Dr M. K. Uthaya Sankar, Dr R. Gopal, Dr I. S. Suman Babu General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   Aug-19 ISSN (p) 2455-0450   National
  Study Of High Specific C-Reactive Protein In Acute Ischaemic Stroke Madhan Kumar Subbarayan1, Chinnaiyan P2, Sravankumar Sampati3 General Medicine Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental sciences 5/4/2019 April 15 2019 pISSN- 2278-4748 DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2019/276   National
  Hypovitaminosis D and effect of vitamin D supplementation in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a rural population based study Sathiyanarayanan Janakiraman, Girija Subramanian General Medicine International Journal of Advances in Medicine 10-Jun-19 Aug-19 pISSN 2349-3925   International
  Lipid Pattern of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Hemodialysis and on Conservative Management- A Comparative Study Dr Raghu Rama Reddy .A1, Dr Girija .S2*, Dr Ravi Kumar .P3 General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   Mar-19 ISSN (p) 2455-0450   National
  Correlation of acanthosis nigricans and acrochordons with insulin resistance- a case control study. Girija Subramanian, Tukuntla Vishwa Teja, K. Karthikeyan General Medicine PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH   Sep-19 PRINT ISSN No. 2250 - 1991 DOI : 10.36106/paripex   International
  Coronary risk prediction by the correlation of total cholesterol/high-density lipoprotein, triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein/high-density lipoprotein ratios, non-high-density lipoprotein, apolipoprotein-B, and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein with low-density lipoprotein in Indian patients under statin therapy Badrinath, Ak; Nagarajan, K; Anand, P; Suresh Babu, S; Asmathulla, S1; Mohammad Inaamul, Hassan M General Medicine Heart India   April-June 2019   10.4103/heartindia.heartindia_2_19 Lippincott and Wolters Kluwer International
  Comparison of Carotid Artery Intima-media thickness and resistive index by ultrasound and colour doppler in pre-hypertensives and stage one hypertensives Subha Venkatachalam, Umamaheswari Amirthalingam2, Elamparidhi Padmanaban3, Kulasekaran Nadhamuni4, Balachandiran Gopalarathnam5, Nagarajan Kinathankaraiyan6. General Medicine International journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery . ######## Jan-19   DOI: 10.7860/IJARS/2019/40066:2461   International
  The study of proportion and Molecular characterization of Helicobacter pylori in Dyspeptic patients in Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital.  Dr. M. K. Uthaya Sankar1 , Dr. S. Yogesh2 , Dr. K. Shenbagaram3 , Dr. R. Hanushraj3 , Dr. P. Thirumal4 General Medicine International Journal of Research & Review   Aug-19 P-ISSN: 2454-2237   International
Case Reports
4 A case of Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Extra-Intestinal Manifestation Uthaya Sankar M.K1, Mythreini B.S2, Louis Ferdin Zeno.J3 General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   1-Dec-19 ISSN (p) 2455-0450   National
  A Rare Presentation of Migraine Uthaya Sankar M.K1, Louis Ferdin Zeno.J2, Mythreini Satheesh3 General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   1-Nov-19 ISSN (p) 2455-0450   National
  Lithium Toxicity Causing Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Uthaya Sankar M.K1, Naveen Sathish.V2, Sibi Chakravarthy.C3 General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   1-Nov-19 ISSN (p) 2455-0450   National
  Extranodal Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma presenting as Cavernous sinus syndrome Uthaya Sankar M.K1, Naveen Sathish.V2, Sibi Chakravarthy.C3 General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   1-Dec-19 ISSN (p) 2455-0450   National
  Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Bi-atrial invasion Uthaya Sankar M.K1, Sibi Chakravarthy.C2, Naveen Sathish.V3 General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   1-Nov-19 ISSN (p) 2455-0450   National
  A case of Mixed Connective Tissue Disease with Right Heart Failure Dr Venkatesh R, Dr Nagarajan K, Dr Anand P General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   Jul-19 ISSN (p) 2455-0450   national
  Multiple Endocrinopathies in a Young Female – A case report.  Dr M Mohammad Inaamul Hassan1 *, Dr Nagarajan K2 , Dr Jalaja Maneri3 , Dr Kadhiravan Ejilane4 General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   Apr-19 ISSN (p) 2455-0451   national
  Copper myeloneuropathy Dr S.Vignesh1* , Dr Nagarajan K MD2 , Dr Anand P MD3 General Medicine Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research   Jul-19 ISSN (p) 2455-0452   national
  Chapter on Infective Foodborne illnesses in Bope’s Conn’s Current Therapy Anita Ravindran, Viswanathan KN, General Medicine ELSEVIER, SAUNDERS   2019       International


S. No Title of the paper Name of the author (First/corresponding) Department Name of the journal Date of Acceptance Date of publication ISSN number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Name of the indexing database Type
1 Predictors of impending cardiac arrhythmias by electrocardiographic markers in proven obstructive sleep apnea patients AK Badrinath, KN Viswanathan, S Suresh Babu, V Yogaraja, J Karthik General Medicine Heart India   2020 ISSN - Print: 2321-449x DOAJ National
2 Correlation of the Severity of Obstruction in Coronary Arteries with Serum Free Testosterone Level A. K. Badrinath, M. Venkatram, S. Suresh Babu, J. Karthik General Medicine Journal of Indian College of Cardiology 08.12.2020 2022 ISSN: Print -1561-8811   National
3 Socioeconomic Burden of Type 2 diabetes with Complications on Families: A Hospital-Based Study in Puducherry Manokaran Chinnusamy, Roshna E, Sathiyanarayanan Janakiraman, Ram Aravind, Pravin Surendran General Medicine J Health Allied SCI Nu   2020 ISSN:2582-4287   Pubmed, Scopus, National
4 Association of Anti - TPO Antibodies with thyroid Dysfunction Dr Sibi Chakravarthy.C1, , Dr M. K. Uthaya Sankar2*, Dr Hanush Raj3, Dr Mythreini B.S4 General Medicine JMSCR   2020 ISSN: 2455-0450 Crossref International
5 Identification of modifiable risk factors in young type 2 diabetes mellitus – a rural hospital based study Praveen kumarP1, Girija S2 General Medicine IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 23.11.2020 2020 p-ISSN: 2279-0861   Indian Citation Index International
6 Association between Quality of Sleep and its Effect on Glycaemic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus- A Pilot Study Dr. Firas Rauf Mammoo & Prof. Dr. S. Girija General Medicine Global Journal of Medical Research: B Pharma, Drug Discovery, Toxicology & Medicine   2020 Print ISSN: 0975-5888     International
7 Quality of Life after diagnosis and treatment in patients with Gynecological Malignancies Dr. Pagavath Bharathi P1, Dr. Damodharakumaran2, Dr. Girija S3 General Medicine IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) 21.11.2020 2020 p-ISSN: 2279-0861   Indian Citation Index International
8 A Study of Effect of Anemia over HbA1C Level in Non-Diabetic Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Puducherry Uthaya Sankar M.K1, Sivaram A2, Louis Ferdin Zeno.J3, Asmathulla.S4 General Medicine International Journal of Research and Review   Dec-20 10.1055/s-0040-1722426 Crossref, Google Scholar, J-Gate International
9 The Study of Serum Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Level in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome Uthaya Sankar M K*, Nagabhushan.D**, Louis Ferdin Zeno.J***, Gayathri** General Medicine International Journal of Research and Review   Nov-20 ISSN 2582-4287. Crossref, Google Scholar, J-Gate International
10 A Clinical Profile of Stroke in Tertiary Care Centre Uthaya Sankar M K*, Mythreini Satheesh**, Louis Ferdin Zeno.J**, Suman Babu.I.S.S.** General Medicine International Journal of Research and Review   Nov-20 P-ISSN: 2454-2237 Crossref, Google Scholar, J-Gate International
11 Association of Neutrophil Lymphocyte ratio with Diabetic Nephropathy in type 2 diabetes mellitus Dr Naveen Sathish.V1, Dr M. K. Uthaya Sankar2*, Dr Hanush Raj3, Dr Louis Ferdin Zeno.J4 General Medicine Journal of medical science and clinical research   2020 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450    
12 Association of Platelet Count/Spleen Size Ratio in Relation with Grades of Esophageal Varices and Severity of Chronic Liver Disease Uthaya Sankar M.K1, Naveen Sathish.V2, Mythreini Satheesh3, Thirumal.P4 General Medicine International Journal of Research and Review   Oct-20 P-ISSN: 2454-2237 Crossref, Google Scholar, J-Gate International
13 Prevalence of Spontaneous Ascitic Fluid Infection and its Microbiological Profile in Decompensated Cirrhotic Liver Disease Patients in a Tertiary Health Care Hospital in Puducherry M. K. Uthaya Sankar1, Swapna U. S2, Mythreini3, R. Gopal4 General Medicine International Journal of Research and Review   Dec-20 P-ISSN: 2454-2237 Crossref, Google Scholar, J-Gate International
14 Prevalence of Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy and Correlation with Child-Pugh Score Uthaya Sankar M.K1, Sibi Chakravarthy C.2, Louis Ferdin Zeno J.3, Thirumal P4 General Medicine International Journal of Research and Review   Oct-20 P-ISSN: 2454-2237 Crossref, Google Scholar, J-Gate International
15 Lipoprotein lipase levels in patients with Coronary Artery Disease with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Dr Sathiyanarayanan Janakiraman1, Dr Badrinath A.K2, Dr Viswanathan K.N3, Dr Suresh Babu.S4, Dr Biju D.R 5* General Medicine Journal of medical science and clinical research   2020 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450  IGM Publication International
16 Clinical Profile of Dengue Fever in a Tertiary Hospital of Rural South India – A Retrospective Study Ritvik Raghu1*, C. Manokaran1 and J. Sathiyanarayanan1 General Medicine International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health   2020 ISSN: 2278–1005, NLM ID: 101632866    
17 Drug-Induced Lupus Erythematosus Associated with Proton Pump Inhibitor Manokaran Chinnusamy1 Ram Arvind Viswanathan1 Sathiyanarayanan Janakiraman1 Roshna Elayidath1 General Medicine Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU   06.09.2020 ISSN 2582-4287   Pubmed, Scopus, National
18 Foodborne Illness K.N. Viswanathan, MD General Medicine     2020        
19 Effect of climate changes in the incidence and emergence of infectious diseases K.N. Viswanathan, MD General Medicine Medicine Update   2020       National
20 Double Trouble: A Rare Association between Chronic Total Occlusion of the Left Main Coronary Artery and Colonic Ivlalignancy Ashida Thulaseedharan Sarojadevir Arunl<umarArasappa2 Priscilla Rubavathy Eugini l(rishna Prabu Ramaraja Anto IVlariadoss Fernando5 General Medicine Journal of llealth and Allied 5ciencc.s*rj   10.11.2020 lSSN 2582-4287   Pubmed, Scopus, National
21 Clinical profile of hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients Dr.Kailash.C1, Dr.Badinath.A.K2, Dr.Suresh Babu.S3 General Medicine IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) 21-11-2020 November. 2020 e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861   Crossref, Google Scholar, research gate International
22 Valacyclovir toxicity in peritoneal dialysis Kumar PR. General Medicine (Nephrology) Indian Journal of Peritoneal Dialysis ##### ###### on Thursday, May 19, 2022, IP:]   National
23 Renal Equations Using Cystatin C and Creatinine in Correlation to Lipids in Chronic Kidney Disease - A Cross-Sectional Study P Ravi Kumar, MD1*, Mitali Srivastava, MD2 and S Asmathulla, MD3 General Medicine (Nephrology) Journal of Clinical Nephrology and Renal Care   ###### ISSN: 2572-3286 Index Copernicus International
24 Direct‑Acting Antivirals in the Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Renal Transplant Recipients: A Single‑Center Experience from South India T. Sugan Gandhi*, Gopalakrishnan Natarajan, Dhanapriya Jayachandran, Dinesh Kumar Thanigachalam, Sakthirajan Ramanathan, Sheik Sulthan Alavudeen General Medicine (Nephrology) 2020 Indian Journal of Transplantation 15 March 2020; ###### 22120017, 22120025 Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AW nYQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC4/OAVpDDa8K2+Ya6H515kE= on 05/23/2023   International
25 EPIDEMIOLOGIC TREND CHANGES IN ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY OVER THE PAST FOUR DECADES – AN INDIAN CENTRE EXPERIENCE Sakthirajan, R1, Aravinthkumar, R1, manoj, K1, Gandhi, S*1 General Medicine (Neurology) Kidney International Reports   ###### 2468-0249 DOI:    
26 Clinical profile and outcome of RBBB with anterior wall myocardial infarction R Devan, R Sampath Kumar, R Arun and K Kannan General Medicine (Cardiology) International Journal of Applied Research 22-04-2020 2020 ISSN Print: 2394-7500   International
Case Report
27 Stroke in a Young Man With Nephropathy and Cardiac Thrombosis: An Uncommon Presentation of Antiphospholipid Syndrome Balachandran Mani, MD, DM† General Medicine (Neurology) JCR Journal of Clinical Rheumatology ·   Oct-20 1076-1608   International
28 A Deviant Manifestation of Sarcoidosis: Bilateral Inguinal Lymphadenopathy Uthaya Sankar M K1, Swapna U S2, Sivaram A3, Mythreini B S4 General Medicine International Journal of Research and Review   Nov-20 P-ISSN: 2454-2237 Crossref, Google Scholar, J-Gate International
29 Stuck Mitral Valve Thrombosis Presenting as Embolic Stroke Following Thrombolysis- A Case Report Uthaya Sankar M. K1, Rangarajan D.V2, Louis Ferdin Zeno. J3 General Medicine International Journal of Research and Review   Dec-20 P-ISSN: 2454-2237 Crossref, Google Scholar, J-Gate International
30 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Presenting as Paraplegia: A Case Report Uthaya Sankar M.K1, Sivaram A2, Louis Ferdin Zeno.J3, Suman Babu.I.S.S4 General Medicine International Journal of Research and Review   Nov-20 P-ISSN: 2454-2237 Crossref, Google Scholar, J-Gate International
31 A Rare case of myocardial infarction with Nonobstructive coronary Arteries Due to Hereditaty Thrombphilia Ashida Thulaseedharan Sarojadevir General Medicine Cardiology jouranal of Health Allied science   Dec 30 2020 2582-4287    
32 Recurring Fever in a Cancer Patient – “Light at the end of the Tunnel” – Case Report Dr Venugopal Angamuthu Vignesh Kumar1*, Dr Subramanian Girija2, Dr Subbarayan Madhan Kumar3, Dr Senthilvelan Thenmozhi4 General Medicine Jouranl of medical science and Clinical research   ###### ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Crossref, International
33 A Case Report of Heart Block due to Intracranial Hemorrhage Dr Manomenane.M1, Dr A.K. Badrinath MD General Medicine2, Dr S. Suresh Babu MD General Medicine3   Jouranl of medical science and Clinical research   ###### ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450   International
34 A Case Report of Septic Pulmonary Embolism Dr Araveinth.G1*, Dr A.K. Badrinath2, Dr S.Suresh Babu3   Jouranl of medical science and Clinical research   ###### ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450   International


S. No Title of the Paper Name of the Author(First/corresponding) Department Name of the Journal Date of Acceptance Date of Publication ISSN Number Link of the Recognition in UGC Enlistment of the Journal Name of the Indexing Database Type
1 A Study on the Effect of Alcoholism on the FamilyMembers of Alcoholic Patients Manokaran Chinnusamy1 Priscilla Rubavathy Eugin1 Sathiyanarayanan Janakiraman1 General Medicine Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU   07.01.2021 ISSN 2582-4287 Pubmed, Scopus, National
2 Coronary collateral circulation in acute, subacute, and chronic total occlusions Ashida Thulaseedharan Sarojadevi MD, DNB (Cardiology) 1, Vinayagamoorthy Venugopal MD 2 General Medicine  Journal of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology 23.06.2021 23.09.2021 ISSN: Print -2250-3528, Online - 2456-3366 :    
3 Association of Anti-TPO Antibodies with Insulin Resistance and Dyslipidemia in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: An Observational Study on South Indian Population Rajarajeswari R1, Sumathi S2, Asmathulla S1, Srinivasan AR2, Girija S3,Maithili Karpaga Selvi N4 General Medicine International Journal of Current Research and Review 28.12.2021 07.05.2021    
4 Study of Systolic and Diastolic Dysfunction amongNormotensive Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus– A Cross–Sectional Study from Puducherry, India I.S.S. Suman Babu1, Sethu Prabhu Shankar2, K. Harshavardhan Reddy3, Surya Usha Surendran Nair4 General Medicine J Evid Based Med Healthc   Sept. 13, 2021 pISSN - 2349-2562, eISSN - 2349-2570 10.18410/jebmh/2021/607    
5 CYP2C19 & UGT1A6 genetic polymorphisms and the impact on Valproicacid-induced weight gain in people with epilepsy: Prospective geneticassociation study Mani Balachandrana, Pradeep Pankajakshan Nair a,*, Anamika Sekhar b,Sadishkumar Kamalanathan c, Sunil K. Narayan a, Ramasamy Kesavan b General Medicine Epilepsy Research 4-Oct-21 7 October 2021 ISSN 0920-1211. Pubmed International
Case report
6 Left-Sided Anomalous Origin og the Coronary Aetery from the Opposite Sinus: Single Anomalous Legt Anterior Descending Artery Oriinating from the Right Coronary Artery - A Rare Case Ashida Thulaseedharan Sarojadevi General Medicine Cardiology  Journal of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology 05.06.2021 23.09.2021        
7 An Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of Tofacitinib, A JAKInhibitor in the Management of Hospitalized Patients with Mildto Moderate COVID-19 - An Open-Label Randomized ControlledStudy Hema Murugesan1, Gauthaman CS2, H Sadiqa Nasreen3, Sham Santhanam4, Gowrishankar M5,Sailatha Ravi6, Sharanya Shre ES7 General Medicine Journal of The Association of Physicians of India 15.10.2021 Dec-21        
8 Anti-Seizure Medication Induced Seizure–A Case Report Dr Araveinth.G 1*, Dr A.K. Badrinath2 Dr S.Suresh Babu 3 General Medicine IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) 7/1/2021 January. 2021), 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861 Indian Citation Index International
9 An Interesting Case of Bilateral Upper Limb Wasting: Priscilla Rubavathy Eugin1 Manokaran Chinnusamy1 Sathiyanarayanan Janakiraman1 General Medicine Journal of Health and Allied SciencesNU   16-Oct-20 2582-4287.   National
10 Anti-glomerular Basement Membrane Disease: A Rare Case Report of Changing Clinical Phenotype and Atypicalities Kaaviya Ramesh 1, Balasubramanian Thoppalan 1, R Venkatraman 1, Sugan Gandhi 1 General Medicine Nephrology Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl.    2021 May ISSN 2320-3838 DOI: 10.4103/1319-2442.336781 Pubmed International
11 Unraveling a cephalalgic quagmire from a cavern to a cave S Thenmozhi 1, S Girija 1, K N Viswanathan 1, K V Karthikeyan 2 General Medicine Journal of Postgraduate Medicine   Apr-21 0022-3859 Pubmed International


S.No Title of the Paper Name of the Author(First/corresponding) Department Name of the Journal Date of Acceptance Date of Publication ISSN Number Link of the Recognition in UGC Enlistment of the Journal Name of the Indexing Database Type
1  Correlation of serum uric acid and urine uric acid in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension. International Journal of Research and Review. 2022; 9(9): 398-402. DOI: Uthaya Sankar M K, Rangarajan D V, Rajagovindan D General Medicine International Journal of Research   9; September 2022 E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237   International
2 To Study the Prevalence and Severity of Anemia in Solid Malignancy Patients Uthaya Sankar M.K.1, Raja M2, Damodaran Kumaran P3 General Medicine International Journal of Research   Sep-22 E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237    
3 Determinants of significant hepatic fibrosis in type 2 diabetes patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in south India. A V Ramya P Thirumal General Medicine INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH   Oct-22 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr     International
4 Assessment of level of awareness of diabetes mellitus and its complications in diabetic patients- A questionnaire-based study in a tertiary care centre Prof. Dr Manokaran Chinnusamy (MBBS, MD)1, Dr Swetha Devi Geddam2, Dr Sathiyanarayanan Janakiraman3 General Medicine Journal of mediical science and clinical research   2022 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450   International
5 Charlson comorbidity index as a predictor of inpatient mortality in Intensive care unit patients Manokaran.C1, Sravya Nadhella2, Sathiyanarayanan.J3 General Medicine Journal of mediical science and clinical research   Dec-22 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450   International
6 Utility of Serum Uric Acid to High-Density Lipoprotein Ratio in Prediction of Glycemic Control Manokaran Chinnusamy1 Ram Arvind Vishwanathan1 Sathiyanarayanan Janakiraman1 Roshna Elayidath1 General Medicine Journal of Health and Allied SciencesN   6/9/2022 ISSN 2582-4287.    
7 Prevalence of QTc prolongation among hypertensive patients and its association with other co-morbidities Sathiyanarayanan Janakiraman, Ramesh Bala Arivazhagan, Manokaran Chinnusamy* General Medicine International Journal of Advances in Medicine   2022 Mar;9 pISSN 2349-3925 | eISSN 2349-3933   nternational
8 Analytical study of angiographic profile of acute coronary syndrome and its risk factors among young individuals (≤45 years) Thulaseedharan Sarojadevi Ashida1, Senthilvelan Thenmozhi2, Subramanian Girija2, Jayaraman Balachander1 General Medicine     14-Dec-22    
9 Study of Association of Serum Uric Acid Level with Severity of Essential Hypertension S. Moorthy1, G. Premkumar2 General Medicine International Journal of Research and Review   Feb-22 E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237    
10 A study of triglyceride glucose index (TyG Index) as a predictor, in macroand microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus Dr Araveinth.G1*, Dr Badrinath A K2, Dr Karthik J3 General Medicine Journal of mediical science and clinical research   3-Mar-22 2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Crossref - DOI National
11 Study of serum uric acid level in chronic liver disease and its correlation with Child-Turcotte-pugh score and platelet indices Dr Manomenane M1, Dr Viswanathan K N2, Dr Badrinath A K3, Dr Karthik J4, Dr Reenaa Mohan5 General Medicine Journal of mediical science and clinical research   2-Feb-22 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450 Crossref - DOI National
12 A Pandemic of Webinars in the COVID Era—Can It be the Way Forward? Senthilvelan Thenmozhi1 Subramanian Girija1 K. Neelakantan Viswanathan1 Aritakulu Kuppuswamy Badrinath1 General Medicine Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU   Feb-22 ISSN 2582-4287.    
13 Identifying Population at Risk for Diabetes Mellitus through International Diabetes Federation Questionnaire - A Simple Yet Valuable Tool. S Thenmozhi 1, S Girija 1, K N General Medicine The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India,   01 Apr 2022, ISSN 0004 - 5772      
14 A study of association of serum ferritin as a prognostic marker in acute cerebrovascular accident Mythreini B S1,*, Uthayasankar M.K1, Sumanbabu I.S.S1 General medicine IP Indian Journal of Neurosciences 8/9/2021 5/1/2022   National
15 Challenges Faced by Dialysis Unit Staff During COVID-19 Times: A Qualitative Study P. Ravi Kumar1, * and Amol Dongre2 General Medicine Nephro-Urol Mon. 2022 February 17. 2022 May 18. 22517014, 22517006. Scopus/ Crossref International
Case report
16 A Case of Bilateral Medial Medullary Syndrome Uthayasankar M.K1, Raja M2, Sumanbabu I.S.S3, Sivaram A4 General Medicine International Journal of Research and Review   Mar-22 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237   International
17 Infection‑related Glomerulonephritis with Reactive Arthritis in a Patient with COVID‑19 Infection T. Sugan Gandhi, Shanmugasundaram Angusamy, Dhanapriya Jeyachandran, Venkatraman Ramudu, Balasubramanian Thoppalan General Medicine (Nephrology) 2022 Indian Journal of Kidney Diseases ######## 19-Dec-22 ISSN: 2950-0761 Website: ters Kluwer - Medknow International


S. No Title of the Paper Name of the Author(First/corresponding) Department Name of the Journal Date of Acceptance Date of Publication ISSN Number Link of the Recognition in UGC Enlistment of the Journal Name of the Indexing Database Type
1 Study of Electrocardiographic predictors of impending heart failure in proven Obstructive Sleep Apnea patients Dr Aravind Kumar.V, Dr A.K. Badrinath, Dr Premkumar.G General medicine Jouranal of Medical Science and clinical research   1-Jan-23 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450   CROSSREF International
2 A Study to Measure Anti-Beta2 Glycoprotein1 Antibody Levels and to Assess their Association with the type of Acute Coronary Syndrome Dr Badrinath.A.K1, Dr Banala Srilatha2*, Dr Sadiqa Nasreen3, Dr Pravin Surendran4 General medicine Jouranal of Medical Science and clinical research   May-23 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450   CROSSREF International
3 Assessment of psychological insulin resistance in patients on insulin therapy Kawiraj.N1, Viswanathan.K. N2, Prem Kumar.G3, Vivekraj.N4 General medicine Jouranal of Medical Science and clinical research   2-Feb-23 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450   CROSSREF International
4 A Study on the Role of Visceral Adiposity Index in Correlation with Glycaemic Status of Diabetic Individuals Viswanathan. N1, Varsha Reddy.P2, Prem Kumar.G3 General medicine Jouranal of Medical Science and clinical research   2-Feb-23 ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0451   CROSSREF International
Case Report
5 McKittrick–Wheelock Syndrome Sugan Gandhi Thangaraju, Shanmugasundaram Angusamy, Hanock Unni Samuel, Sridatta Gurudatta Pawar, Venkatraman Ramudu, Balasubramanian Thoppalan General medicine Nephrology 2023 Indian Journal of Kidney Diseases | 2-Jan-23 Mar-23 ISSN 2950-0761   olters Kluwer - Medknow International


University Gold Medals – PG

Name of the Post graduate Batch University exam medal
Dr. Naveen Sathish 2017-2020 Gold
Dr. Louis Ferdin Zeno 2018-2021 Gold
Dr. Swapna 2019-2022 Gold

PG Achievement

Sl.No Name of the PG Year Name of the Award
1 Dr. Harikrishnan 2022-2024 2nd Prize- Poster Presentation 2nd International health & Research convention
2 Dr. Thenmozhi 2019 1st Prize poster presentation Neurocon-2019
3 Dr. Thenmozhi 09.03.2021 1st Prize- Scientific Society Digital ischemia as first manifestation of a myeloproliferative disorder
4 Dr. Pagavath Bharathi 2021 2nd Prize- Scientific Society ‘All oral ulcers are not benign’
5 Dr. Ramesh Bala 19th & 20th December-2020 5th Prize- Oral Presentation- Global Cardio Diabetes conclave 2020
6 Dr. Ramesh Bala 23rd to 27th November 2020 2nd Prize- Poster Presentation
7 Dr. Louis Ferdin Zeno 2021 1st Prize 7th National Conference on Diabetes- CUPID 2021
8 Dr. Karthik January 2020 1st Prize- CME infectious Disease
9 Dr. Karthik 2018 3rd Place- Quiz IIIrd Annual Conference enrich 2018
10 Dr. Karthik 2020 TAPICON- 2020 Gold Medal - 16th annual conference

Faculty Achievement

Sl.No Name of the Faculty Year Name of the Award
1 Dr. A.K.Badrinath 2018 Fellowship of Indian society of Electro cardiology
2 Dr. A.K.Badrinath 2021 Doctor of Letters, D. Litt Dr. Radhakrishnan teachers welfare association, India
  Dr. A.K.Badrinath 2023 Fellowship of American College of Cardiology


Camp Census Details for the Year 2018

S.NO Date Place No.of pt. Speciality Sponsor
1 1/7/2018 Thiruvannamalai 255 General ROTARY VEGAN
2 1/8/2018 Kalmandabam 141 General SMVEC
3 1/19/2018 Villupuram 235 Cardiology TNSTC
4 1/28/2018 Virudhachalam 386 Cardiology ROTARY CLUB
5 2/25/2018 Chengam 420 Cardiology SHIRSTI SCHOOL
6 2/25/2018 Villupuram 554 General ADMK
7 3/4/2018 Vellimedupettai 156 General LIONS CLUB
8 3/6/2018 Eraiyur 242 General LIONS CLUB
9 3/13/2018 Konangipalayam 129 General KIRUBALAYA
10 3/18/2018 Ananthapuram 236 Cardiology VASAVI CLUB
11 3/25/2018 Koliyanur 173 General LIONS SANGAMAM
12 3/27/2018 T.V.Koil 117 General SUZLON
13 4/8/2018 V.Pagandai 272 General LIONS PONDY
14 4/15/2018 Kalyanampoondi 228 General LIONS CLUB
15 4/21/2018 Villupuram 208 General LIONS CLUB
16 5/19/2018 Villupuram 141 General T.Police
17 5/20/2018 Avanipur 120 General LIONS CLUB
18 6/3/2018 Thiruvannamalai 120 Cardiology ROTARY VEGAN
19 7/11/2018 Mettupalayam 159 General ESI,PONDY
20 8/5/2018 Thiruvannamalai 141 General ROTARY VEGAN
21 8/19/2018 Gingee 308 General TNTJ
22 8/21/2018 Sedharapet 204 Cardiology ESI
23 8/26/2018 Thirukkanur 154 General LIONS CLUB
24 9/4/2018 Sinthamani 136 General ANIL SEMIA
25 9/9/2018 Vikkiravandi 308 Cardiology LIONS CLUB
26 9/16/2018 Semmangkuppam 332 General ARKEMA
27 9/24/2018 Gorimedu (Pondy) 67 General ESI
28 10/21/2018 Kandachipuram 240 Cardiology LIONS CLUB
29 10/28/2018 Gingee 370 General kuraisy Trust
30 11/18/2018 Poongkunam 219 General Govt.
31 11/20/2018 Villupuram 241 General Mr. Sathish Court
32 11/26/2018 Vedharanyam 105 General Gaja Cyclone
33 12/1/2018 Thiruvannamalai 56 General Rotary
34 12/2/2018 Thiruvannamalai 220 Cardiology ROTARY VEGAN
35 12/23/2018 Panruti 313 Cardiology Rotary
TOTAL 7706    

Camp Census Details for the Year 2019

S.NO Date Place No.of pt. Speciality Sponsor
1 1/6/2019 Thiruvannamalai 215 General Rotary Vegan
3 1/10/2019 Villiyanur 132 General MIT
4 1/20/2019 Radhapuram 158 Cardiology Lions
5 1/28/2019 Kirumampakkam 51 General PDY Govt
6 1/29/2019 Embalam 102 General PDY Govt
8 2/24/2019 Villupuram 297 Cardiology Lions
10 3/17/2019 Thirukoilur 184 Cardiology Lions
20 6/2/2019 Thiruvannamalai 204 General Rotary Vegan
26 7/7/2019 Thiruvannamalai 239 Cardiology Rotary Vegan
28 7/13/2019 Tindivanam 136 General Lions
35 8/17/2019 Purushanoor 152 General DBCS
36 8/18/2019 Ananthapuram 56 General Vasavi Club
39 9/1/2019 Thiruvannamalai 205 General Rotary Vegan
45 9/15/2019 Lawspet 86 General BJP Party
49 9/29/2019 Chinnasalem 194 Cardiology Lions
55 11/3/2019 Thiruvannamalai 204 Gen & Pul.Med Rotary Vegan
57 11/12/2019 Villupuram 261 General VPM Court
58 11/19/2019 Cheyyaru 244 Cardiology Co op Bank
59 12/1/2019 Thiruvannamalai 169 Ortho & General Rotary Vegan
61 12/15/2019 Thellar 319 Cardio & General Rotary Club
TOTAL 3608  

Camp Census Details for the Year 2020

S.NO Date Place No.of pt. Speciality Sponsor
1 1/5/2020 Thiruvannamalai 131 ENT & General Roatary Vegan
2 1/30/2020 Kalmandabam 49 General MIT NSS PROGRAM
3 2/6/2020 Villupuram 164 General Lions Club
4 2/13/2020 Villupuram 186 General Lions Club
5 2/23/2020 Pudhupettai (PanrutiI 154 General Annai Velankanni Poly
6 3/1/2020 Polur 80 Cardiology Rotry Club
  Total 764    

Camp Census Details for the Year 2021

S.NO Date Place No.of pt. Speciality
1 12.10.2021 Kovilur 292 General
2 25.10.2021 kandamangalam 130 General
3 26.12.2021 Kazhudhur 248 General
Total 670

Camp Census Details for the Year 2022

S.NO Date Place No.of pt. Speciality
1 11.03.2022 Kongampattu 121 General
2 25.04.2022 Muthandikuppam 91 General
3 28.04.2022 Puducherry 258 General
4 08.05.2022 Puducherry 149 General
5 04.09.2022 Vembi 81 General
6 02.10.2022 Thiruvannamalai 111 Cardiology
7 01.12.2022 Thiruvannamalai 61 General
8 05.12.2022 Thiruvannamalai 151 General
9 06.12.2022 Thiruvannamalai 181 General
  Total 1204  

Camp Census Details for the Year 2023

S.NO Date Place No.of pt. Speciality
1 22.01.2023 Kurinjipadi- Cuddalore 121 General
2 12.03.2023 Appampattu- Villupuram 91 General
3 02.04.2023 Villupuram 258 Cardiology
4 09.04.2023 Athirukkanur- Puducherry 149 General
5 24.06.2023 Thittakudi- Cuddalore 81 General
6 06.08.2023 Thiruvannamalai 111 Cardiology
  Total 811  


Informed Consent Document Writing (ICD)

Event Name: Informed Consent Document Writing (ICD)
Organized By: Dept of General Medicine
Venue: Conference hall IV Floor
Date:  05-02-2024
Time:  1:00 – 4:00 PM


Learn how to draft and understand consent forms for various contexts effectively

  • Hands on practices sessions
  • Expert instructor will guide
Guest Speaker:
  • Medha, Professor of Biochemistry, JIPMER
  • Sandhiya, Additional Professor, PSM, JIPMER
Participant Details: 31 participants, Faculties and Postgraduate

As part of the Research Week celebrations, a workshop on “Informed Consent Document Writing” was organized for the faculty and students of the Department of General Medicine on February 5, 2025, from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. The workshop aimed to enhance participants’ understanding of informed consent processes in clinical research, emphasizing both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

A total of 31 participants actively engaged in the workshop, which featured insightful sessions delivered by expert speakers.

Workshop Agenda
Time Topics Speaker
1:00 – 1:30 pm Registration & Inauguration
1:30 – 1:50 pm Introduction to informed consent, preparation, and process Dr. Medha
1:50 – 2:10 pm Consent in special research situations, drafting consent for interventional studies Dr. Sandhiya
2:10 – 3:40 pm Hands-on training: Writing informed consent documents Dr. Medha & Dr. Sandhiya
3:40 – 4:00 pm Valedictory function & Certificate distribution
Workshop Highlights

The workshop commenced with a formal inauguration, followed by sessions that covered:

  • Elements of Informed Consent: An overview of the essential components and ethical considerations.
  • Special Situations in Research: Guidance on consent processes in unique scenarios, including interventional studies.
  • Hands-on Training: Participants were divided into groups, engaging in practical exercises where one group acted as Institutional Review Board (IRB) members and the other responded to case-based queries.

The interactive format fostered lively discussions and a deep understanding of real-world applications. The enthusiasm of participants added vibrancy to the sessions, particularly during group activities.


The event concluded with the valedictory function and the distribution of certificates to both resource persons and participants. The Head of the Department of Medicine proposed a heartfelt vote of thanks.

Feedback collected from the participants highlighted the workshop’s success in delivering practical insights and reinforcing the importance of well-structured informed consent documents in research.

  1. Content Relevance: Participants appreciated the comprehensive coverage of informed consent principles, including ethical considerations and special scenarios in research.
  2. Interactive Approach: The hands-on training session, where groups engaged in role-play and case-based discussions, was particularly well-received. Many highlighted how this approach enhanced their understanding of drafting informed consent documents.
  3. Clarity and Practicality: The sessions led by Medha and Dr. Sandhiya were praised for their clarity and practical insights. Participants felt more confident in both preparing and evaluating informed consent forms.
  4. Engagement and Participation: The group activities and interactive format kept the audience engaged. The dynamic discussions contributed to a lively and effective learning environment.
  5. Overall Satisfaction: Most attendees expressed high satisfaction with the workshop, noting that it met their expectations and provided valuable take-home knowledge.

6. Suggestions

  • What aspects of this course were most useful or valuable?

Clear explanation and guidance
Importance of documentation
Interaction with students and dividing into teams
Hands on training Where they are making us to actively participate in the course and letting us know our mistake and correcting, it was excellent . Class was really engaging
The discussion part
Group activities

  • How would you improve this course?

Time management
Time can be extended and along with research consent writing…..consent writing in hospitals for procedures could be included as a session
A little bit of extended class
Full day workshop
By increasing the duration if class
Time duration
To summarize
Could have taken as one day course, a bit longer time.

Overall, the feedback reinforced the workshop’s effectiveness in bridging theoretical knowledge with practical application, emphasizing its contribution to research and clinical practice.

World Diabetes day 2024- “Diabolic Quiz”

  • Organized by: Department of General Medicine, SMVMCH
  • Nature of the Program: Offline
  • Date: 11-11-2024
  • Time: 30 to 10.30
  • Venue: Lecture Hall-1
  • Undergraduate Students
Organized by
  • Unit-II, Department of General Medicine

On the occasion of World Diabetes Day 2024, the Department of General Medicine successfully organized the fourth edition of its annual diabetes quiz program, the “DIABOLIC QUIZ”, aimed at evaluating and enhancing knowledge and practical approaches to diabetes care among young medical professionals.

Preliminary Round:

The preliminary quiz, conducted on 8th November 2024, saw enthusiastic participation from 20 teams comprising 2nd, 3rd, and final-year undergraduate medical students. After a rigorous selection process, four teams advanced to the final round:

S. No Names Batch
1 Guhan S, Hariharan B 2020
2 Hani Abdul Raheed, Gomathi Sankaranarayanan 2020
3 J.K. Hemanthraj, Girirajan 2020
4 Jayasri V, Maaheswar S 2022
Final Round:

The much-anticipated finals were held on 11-11-2024 which featured four intense rounds, each designed to test a specific aspect of diabetes knowledge:

  1. Pictionary Round: A visually engaging session focused on the history and clinical images of diabetes.
  2. Riddles Round: A creative twist to syndromic approaches, adding a layer of fun to learning.
  3. Case Scenario Round (Diabetic Multiverse): An interactive segment simulating guideline-based management of diabetes cases.
  4. Pharmacology Crossword Round: A challenging yet enjoyable round emphasizing diabetes medications.

The quizmaster, Dr. Kawiraj (Unit 2), captivated the audience and participants with his engaging moderation, while Dr. J. Sathyanarayanan, Associate Professor, oversaw the event. The finalists showcased remarkable knowledge and competitive spirit, making it a close contest.

The quizmaster, Dr. Kawiraj (Unit 2), captivated the audience and participants with his engaging moderation, while Dr. J. Sathyanarayanan, Associate Professor, oversaw the event. The finalists showcased remarkable knowledge and competitive spirit, making it a close contest.


After a thrilling battle, the following teams emerged victorious:

Prize Names Batch
1st Hani Abdul Raheed & Gomathi Sankaranarayanan 2020
2nd Guhan S& Hariharan B 2020

The event concluded with a motivational address by Dr. Girija, Professor and Head of the Department of General Medicine, who lauded the participants for their enthusiasm and dedication. Words of encouragement were shared with all teams to inspire them toward excellence in their future endeavours.

World Diabetes day - “Diabetes Screening Camp”

  • Organized by: Department of General Medicine, SMVMCH
  • Nature of the Program: Offline
  • Date :11th ,12th   November 2024
  • Time: 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Venue: Ground Floor, Courtyard, SMVMCH
  • Patients, Doctors, Medical College, and Nursing College Students
Organized by
  • Faculty and Postgraduates, Department of General Medicine

A comprehensive Diabetes Screening Camp was held as part of the WDD celebrations to evaluate glycemic status and identify potential complications in individuals with diabetes.

  • For diabetic patients: Screening focused on current glycemic control and complications such as neuropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy, and coronary artery disease.
  • For non-diabetic individuals: Blood sugar levels were checked, and those newly diagnosed with diabetes were further screened for complications.

Nursing students educated patients on the importance of diet, foot care, and lifestyle modifications in their native language, ensuring accessibility and clarity.  The faculty interacted with the patients advising on the importance of keeping diabetes under control and annual screening for complications. Advanced information on how coronary artery disease develops was demonstrated through AI-based tools, making the session interactive and impactful.

  1. Several new cases of diabetes were identified. Patients with extremely high glycemic levels received immediate care, including Oral Hypoglycemic Agents (OHAs) or hospital admission for management.
  2. Detailed discussions on preventing complications, including lifestyle changes, proper diet, and foot care, were conducted to equip patients with essential knowledge for better disease management.

“Valedictory Function-World Diabetes Day”

  • Organized by: Department of General Medicine
  • Nature of the Program: Offline
  • Date: 11.2024
  • Time: 30am to 12.30pm
  • Students, CRRIs, Faculty and Postgraduates from MBBS and Allied health sciences
Organizing Team
  • General Medicine & Cardiology
Guest lecture
  • S. Arul Murugan MBBS; DNB- Guideline based diabetes management

The Department of General Medicine at SMVMCH organized diabetic week on the occasion of “World Diabetes Day” from November 11th to 14th November 2024. The valedictory function was, held in the Basement Auditorium from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, and saw the participation of over 150 attendees, including faculty from the General Medicine and Cardiology, as well as students from all specialties and allied health sciences.

Program Highlights:

The event commenced with welcome address and introduction of guest speaker. Dr.S.Girija, head of department of  General Medicine highlighted various activities conducted as a part of ‘World diabetes day-2024’.This was followed by an insightful guest lecture on Guideline based diabetes management by Dr Arul Murugan.

Felicitations and Awards:

The guest speaker was honoured by Prof. Dr.S.Girija, Head of the Department of General Medicine, who presented him with tokens of appreciation for his valuable lecture. Following this, prize distribution for the winners of Quiz competition, AI video competition and school activity conducted at a local school, took place.

The program ended with a vote of thanks, marking the conclusion of a highly educational and engaging session on diabetes management

“Diabetes day Celebrations 2024- Drawing Competition”

Theme: Stay Fit, Stay Healthy, Prevent Obesity, and Build a Diabetes-Free Future
  • Organized by: Department of General Medicine, SMVMCH
  • Nature of the Program: Offline
  • Date:12th Nov- 2024
  • Time: 10 am to 01.00 pm
  • Venue: Navadurga Higher Secondary School Thiruvandarkoil, Puducherry
  • 8th Standard School students
Organized by
  • 1st Unit- Department of General Medicine
Topics Covered
  • Drawing competition and a group exercise session.

As part of the World Diabetes Day 2024 celebrations, Unit 1 of the Department of General Medicine conducted an engaging outreach program at Navadurga Higher Secondary School to promote diabetes awareness and encourage healthy lifestyle practices among students. The event comprised two key activities: a drawing competition and a group exercise session.

Highlights of the Event:
1. Drawing Competition:
  • The competition provided a creative platform for students to depict their understanding of diabetes, its prevention, and the significance of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Twelve students participated, showcasing vibrant and insightful artworks brimming with awareness messages and creative symbolism.
  • Two exceptional artworks were recognized with 1st and 2nd place prizes, celebrating the students’ creativity and understanding.
2. Group Exercise Session:
  • To emphasize the importance of physical activity in preventing and managing diabetes, a lively exercise session was organized.
  • An intern doctor led the session, guiding 35 students through stretching exercises, aerobics, and fun fitness challenges.
  • The students participated enthusiastically, making the activity both educational and enjoyable.

To appreciate their efforts, all participants were gifted pens as tokens of encouragement.

The event successfully combined creativity and health education, leaving a lasting impression on the students about the importance of maintaining an active and balanced lifestyle to combat diabetes. It was a meaningful step toward building a healthier, diabetes-free future.

Diabetes day Celebrations 2024- “Diabetes Walk -Diawalk 2024”

  • Organized by: Department of General Medicine, SMVMCH
  • Nature of the Program: Offline
  • Date: 12th November 2024.
  • Time: 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
  • Venue: SMVMCH→Madagadipet  Main Junction → SMVMCH
  • Faculty, Postgraduates,
  • Nursing Staff and Students,
  • Allied Health Science (AHS) Staff and Students
Organizing Team
  • General Medicine

As part of the World Diabetes Day (WDD) celebrations, the Department of General Medicine at SMVMCH organized a Diabetes Walk program on 12th November 2024. The event commenced at 10:30 AM at the campus entrance, where Dr. Rajagovindan, our esteemed Director, waved the flag to inaugurate the walk. The gathering included our Dean Academic, Dr. Karthikeyan, Medical Superintendent, Dr. Pragash, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Dr. Girija, alongside enthusiastic faculty, postgraduate students, and AHS participants.

The 2-kilometer walk aimed to raise awareness about diabetes prevention and management. Participants carried placards displaying impactful slogans and actively engaged with the public through chants and shoutouts. Community members along the route showed keen interest and responded positively. The event concluded back at the SMVMCH campus at 11:30 AM, leaving an inspiring message about diabetes awareness and proactive health management.

World Diabetes Day 2024 - AI competition

Theme: AI for Diabetes Awareness: Educating the Public on Complications
  • Organized by: Department of General Medicine, SMVMCH
  • Nature of the Program: Online
  • Date : 13th November 2024
  • Time: 00 to 04.00 pm
  • Venue: OPD demo Room
  • Undergraduate Medicine Students (First year to final Year MBBS)
Organized by
  • Unit 3, Department of General Medicine

To mark World Diabetes Day 2024, Unit 3 of the Department of General Medicine organized a unique and forward-thinking competition, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence for public health education. Themed “AI for Diabetes Awareness: Educating the Public on Complications,” the event encouraged undergraduate medical students to create AI-generated educational videos aimed at raising awareness about the complications of diabetes among the general public.

The competition attracted 10 impressive submissions, each evaluated by a panel of judges based on the following criteria:

The judges selected the top three submissions as winners:

  1. First Prize: B. Kavinilavu (3rd Year MBBS)
  2. Second Prize: Prakash V. (2nd Year MBBS)
  3. Third Prize: Gorrola Samir Nanda (4th Year MBBS)
Highlights of the Event:

The winners received cash prizes and certificates of appreciation in recognition of their exceptional contributions. As part of the day’s celebrations, the winning videos were showcased to the audience, demonstrating the participants’ creativity and dedication to using technology as a tool for health education.

“World Lymphoma Day- Guest lecture”

  • Organized by: Department of General Medicine
  • Nature of the Program : Offline
  • Date: 20.09.2024
  • Time: 09.00 am to 12.30 pm
  • Venue: Basement Auditorium, SMVMCH


  • Faculty and Postgraduates from various specialties

Organizing Team

  • General Medicine & Oncology

Topics Covered

  • Ilavarasi Vanidasane- Recent advances in Lymphoma from precision diagnostics to novel therapeutics
  • Damodara Kumaran- Case based discussion on lymphoma


The Department of General Medicine at SMVMCH organized a special guest lecture in recognition of “World Lymphoma Day” on September 20, 2024. The event, held in the Basement Auditorium from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm, saw the participation of over 120 attendees, including faculty from the General Medicine and Oncology units, as well as postgraduates from Pathology, Paediatrics, and General Medicine.

Program Highlights:

The event commenced with an interactive quiz competition, designed to engage participants and enhance their knowledge of lymphoma. This was followed by insightful lectures delivered by experts in the field.

Dr. Ilavarasi Vanidassane, opened the guest lecture series with an engaging talk on “Recent Advances in Lymphoma: From Precision Diagnostics to Novel Therapeutics.”.Her 45-minute presentation highlighted the latest developments in diagnostic tools and treatment approaches for lymphoma, emphasizing how precision medicine is reshaping patient care.

Following this, Dr. Damodara Kumaran, led a dynamic, case-based discussion on lymphoma. His 45-minute session encouraged active participation from the audience, allowing for practical, clinical insights into lymphoma diagnosis and management.

Felicitations and Awards:

The guest speakers were honored by Prof. Dr. Girija, Head of the Department of General Medicine, and Prof. Dr. Uthaya Sankar, Unit Chief, who presented them with tokens of appreciation for their valuable contributions.

The winners of the quiz competition were also announced during the concluding part of the event. They were awarded cash prizes, trophies, and certificates by the esteemed guest speakers. The first prize was awarded to Dr. Ranjithkumar Post graduate student of Medicine, Second prize to Dr. Ashmi, Postgraduate of pathology, Third prize to Dr. Bheemireddy Lahari, Postgraduate of Medicine

The program ended with a vote of thanks, marking the conclusion of a highly educational and engaging session on lymphoma.

“Skill reinforcement Workshop for the Interns on IV cannulation technique” Batch 2019

  • Organized by: Department of General Medicine
  • Nature of the Program: Offline
  • Date: 20th & 21st August 2024.
  • Time:00am to 04.00 pm
  • Venue: Skill Lab, SMVMCH


  • CRRI : 2019 Batch

Organizing Team

  • General Medicine

Topics Covered

  • IV cannulation


An IV cannulation workshop was organized on August 20th and 21st to reinforce the IV cannulation skills of the 2019 batch of interns. 128 students participated in the workshop. The session commenced with a talk by Dr. Sathiapriya, who discussed safe IV cannulation practices, infection prevention, and IV care bundles. Additionally, the latest gadgets related to IV cannulation were showcased during the event.

Each student had the opportunity to practice cannulation on the provided mannequins. At the conclusion of the workshop, feedback was collected from the participants.

The feedback data indicated that 33.3% of the participants found it very easy to cannulate, while another 33.3% found it moderately easy. A smaller percentage, 19%, rated their ease of cannulation in the mid-range, and 14.3% found it more challenging. Regarding the guidance provided by the instructor, 57.1% of the participants rated it as excellent, while 42.9% felt it was adequate.

This feedback highlights both the strengths and areas for improvement in future workshops, ensuring that all participants are well-supported in developing their IV cannulation skills.

Gender equity program- Access to Health for all Women

  • Organized by: Department of General Medicine
  • Nature of the Program: Offline
  • Date: 07.2024
  • Time: 00 am to.11.00 am
  • Venue: Venkateshwara College of Education
  • Ed Students- 25
Organizing Team
  • General Medicine
Topics Covered
  • “Breaking Barriers: Addressing women’s health issues in India and Advocating for better care”

On July 30, 2024, the faculty of General Medicine at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College in Puducherry organized a talk show for the final-year students of Venkateswara College of Education. The event aimed to raise awareness about women’s health issues among approximately 25 female students who participated in the interactive session.

The session began with the Head of the Department of General Medicine discussing the importance of maintaining women’s health, using anecdotes to illustrate key points. This was followed by Dr. Meena, a senior resident, who highlighted the prevalence of anemia among women and stressed the importance of self-screening for breast cancer and regular Pap smears. She also discussed the significance of maintaining menstrual hygiene, scheduling regular health check-ups, and promoting cardiovascular health.

Dr. Meena emphasized the benefits of the HPV vaccine in preventing cervical cancer and other related health issues. The talk show concluded with students providing oral feedback, expressing that they found the health suggestions valuable and were motivated to disseminate the knowledge gained.

A vote of thanks was delivered by a senior faculty member from the College of Education, acknowledging the efforts of the organizers and speakers in promoting important health education among the students.

World Hepatitis Day-2024

Organized by: Department of General Medicine
Nature of the Program: Offline
Date:07 2024
Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Venue : Lecture Hall-l, SMVMCH


  • Undergraduates : 150 nos. 2020 Batch

Organizing Team

  • General Medicine

Topics Covered

  • Hepatitis


On the occasion of world hepatitis day 2024 observed on 28th July , we conducted a Interactive quiz programme on hepatitis for the undergraduate students .The quiz programme focused on this year’s theme “ITS TIME FOR ACTION” emphasizing the  diagnosis and treatment aspects of hepatitis .

Around 130 students participated in this online quiz programme conducted on 26th   July 2024. The quiz program was overseen by Dr. Sadiqa Nasreen, an Assistant Professor in the Department of General Medicine. Following the exam, there was an interactive discussion about Hepatitis.

The student Mr. Hari Sabarish Natarajan secured the first place in the quiz. Gomathi Sankaranarayanan and Mr Hani Abdul Rasheed secured the second and third places respectively. The winners were rewarded was cash and certificates of appreciation.

World Kidney Day 2024 Celebration

We held our world kidney day CME event conducted by Nephrology Department & Department of General Medicine-Organized by Dr. Ravi Kumar Sr. Consultant Nephrologist, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital, Madagadipet, Puducherry & Dr. Girija Gopal, Professor & HOD, Medicine Department. A CME was organized on 14.03.2024 at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital Campus. Our Guest speakers were Dr. Ranjanne Muthu, Senior Consultant Nephrologist, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai & Dr. Thiagarajan Thandavan, CEO, TIDES Institute, Chennai, who expounded on the World Kidney Day theme for this year “Kidney Health for All – Advancing Equitable Access to Care and Optimal Medication Practice”. We were ably assisted by Dr. Sugan Gandhi Asst. Professor of Nephrology, SMVMCH & Dr. Gavaskar, Dr. Shalini, Dr. Akkasthiya, Dr.Pooja, Mr. Adhimoolam and other staff from the Nephrology department. Total of 94 delegates attended the CME Programme.

“POCUS-2024 – A Hands-On Workshop”

Organized by: Department of General Medicine & Cardiology

Nature of the Program: Offline

Date: Feb-6th & April 16th , 2024

Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Venue: 4th Floor Conference Hall, SMVMCH


  • Postgraduates : 20 Nos 2021 & 2022 Batch

Resource Persons:

  • Ashida .T.S – Professor, Department of Cardiology, SMVMCH
  • A.K. Badrinath – Professor, Department of General Medicine, SMVMCH
  • Devan. R – Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiology, SMVMCH
  • Sathiyanarayanan. J – Associate Professor, Department of General Medicine, SMVMCH.
  • Babu Krishnan, Clinical Applications specialist, Sonosite

Organizing Team

  • General Medicine & Cardiology Department

Topics Covered

  • Echo Cardiogram
  • Ultra Sonogram


POCUS-2024 was a comprehensive hands-on workshop conducted as part of skill training for postgraduate students of General Medicine at SMVMCH. The workshop focused on imparting knowledge and practical skills in bedside Echocardiogram and point of care ultrasound (USG) techniques. The event spanned across two dates: February 6, 2024, and April 16, 2024, with active contribution from cardiologists at SMVMCH and expert faculty from Sonosite.

Participant Feedback:

Feedback from participants was collected to gauge the effectiveness of the workshop. The majority of responses were positive, highlighting key aspects such as

Usefulness of Training Content:

Participants found the training content highly relevant to their practice in General medicine.

Adequacy of Practice Time:

Many felt they were given sufficient time to practice their skills during the workshop sessions.

Clarity of Objectives:

Participants generally felt well-informed about the workshop objectives and found their doubts adequately addressed by the instructors.

Stimulation of Learning:

The workshop activities were effective in stimulating learning among the participants.

Suggestions for Improvement:

Some participants suggested including additional topics and increasing the duration of practice sessions and conduct sessions periodically to reinforce the skills.

World Obesity Day

Date: 04.03.2024
Time: 10.30 am to 11.30apm & 02.00pm to 04.00 pm
Venue: Bharatha Devi English High School & MIT auditorium
Department: General Medicine

Celebrating World Obesity Day 2024: Promoting Awareness and Healthy Lifestyles
On the 4th of March 2024, the global community came together to observe World Obesity Day, shedding light on one of the most pressing health issues of our time. Two such activities took place in Puducherry, India, engaging both school children and young adults.

Activity 1:
Empowering School Children
The morning of March 4th saw an enlightening session held at Bharatha Matha High School, aimed at adolescent students aged 10 to 16 about the significance of combating obesity. Dr. Kawiraj and Dr. Sravya, Senior residents of general Medicine, spearheaded an interactive lecture, captivating the young minds with insights into the causes and consequences of obesity. A highlight of the session was an activity where students calculated their Body Mass Index (BMI), gaining a personal understanding of their health status. Those who actively participated and interpreted their BMI were acknowledged with pens, encouraging them to take charge of their health journey.

Activity 2:
Inspiring Young Adults towards Healthier Living
In the afternoon, the Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology (MIT) witnessed a vibrant gathering of approximately 200 young adult students eager to listen to the discourse on obesity. Professor Sumitra, representing MIT, extended a warm welcome to the attendees, setting the stage for a session led by Dr. S. Girija, a Professor of General Medicine from Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital. Dr. Girija shed light on the global prevalence of obesity, emphasizing its impact not only on individuals but also on society as a whole. Stressing the importance of healthy eating habits and regular physical activity, the speaker inspired the audience to adopt sustainable lifestyle changes.

The session culminated in a lively physical activity program led by Ms. Zen Kumsie, a seasoned physical fitness trainer. Through a dynamic blend of aerobics, cardio, and dance movements, students enthusiastically participated, experiencing firsthand the joy of physical exercise. The event concluded on a grateful note, with Dr. Sravya extending heartfelt thanks to all participants and contributors for their unwavering support towards promoting health and well-being. World Obesity Day 2024 in Puducherry served as a poignant reminder of the collective responsibility to combat obesity and foster healthier communities.
The event is registered in World Obesity Day website. The link is as follows:

Skills development programme “Enhancing IV cannulation technique”

Date: 1,2,3rd february 2024
Time: 01.30 pm to 04.00 pm
Venue: Simulation centre
Department: General Medicine

Skill enhancement for interns-2024 – IV cannulation technique. A skill enhancement activity, for interns was conducted by faculty of General Medicine on IV cannulation technique on 01.02.2024 to 03.02.2024 around 110 interns participated in the programme . A checklist for assessment was used to ensure that the interns are meeting the necessary criteria and performing the technique correctly. E-certificates were given to those who successfully completed the program

The following are some of the recommendations from the participants to enhance such programs:


1. Regular Practice Sessions: Participants emphasized the need for regular practice sessions, both on mannequins and real patients, to build confidence and proficiency in skills like IV cannulation.

2. Incorporating more hands-on demonstrations and simulations, including videos can help interns better understand and retain the techniques taught.

3. Time Management: Some participants suggested allocating more time for assessment and practice, ensuring that interns have sufficient opportunity to master the skills being taught.

4. Diverse Skill Set: Consider adding other related procedures such as ascetic tapping, ABG, ECG, urinary catheterization, and tracheal intubation to future programs, broadening interns skill sets and preparedness for clinical practice.

5. Small Group Sizes: To facilitate better interaction and individualized attention, it may be beneficial to have smaller groups of interns for each instructor during training sessions.

6. Clear Explanation of Difficulties: Instructors should provide detailed explanations, especially regarding difficult aspects of procedures like IV cannulation, to help interns overcome challenges effectively.

7. Regular Program Updates: Interns expressed interest in participating in similar skill enhancement programs regularly, suggesting that such initiatives should be conducted frequently to continually reinforce and expand their skills.

Here is a breakdown of the responses:

1. Guidance by the Instructor

  • Adequate: -50
  • Excellent: -50
  • Low: =1

2. Self-Assessment on Cannulation Ability:
– 1 (Very Easy): 59
– 2: 21
– 3: 8
– 4: 10
– 5 (Very Difficult): 6

3. Suggestions for Assessing Skills:
– Responses varied widely, including suggestions for adding more procedures, increasing hands-on practice, providing more time for learning, and conducting assessments on real patients.
4. Recommendations for Such Programs:
– Responses included requests for more frequent programs, diverse skill sets, practical demonstrations, and adequate time management.
5. Number of Difficult Cannulations Encountered:
– The responses varied, with some indicating specific numbers and others providing qualitative descriptions. Based on this feedback, addressing any areas where guidance may have been lacking or where difficulties were encountered during cannulation can lead to more effective training outcomes.

International Women’s Day Celebration: Empowering Women in Leadership

On March 9, 2024, the Department of General Medicine organized a captivating talk show on women leadership to commemorate International Women’s Day. The event, was graced by esteemed senior lawyer with 35 years of professional experience, Adv.Vrinda Mohan from Puducherry.

Under the adept coordination of Dr. S. Girija, Professor of General Medicine, the talk show brought together a diverse group of women from various backgrounds and designations. With around 50 participants actively engaging in discussions, the event provided a platform for meaningful interaction and reflection.

The dialogue kicked off with the HOD elucidating the essence of leadership and its significance to women. Emphasizing the innate qualities of women as empathizers, good listeners, and communicators, the conversation navigated through intriguing questions: Are women inherently better leaders? What impediments hinder women from assuming leadership roles? How can women effectively balance home and work responsibilities?

Amidst the exchange of ideas, participants courageously shared personal anecdotes, shedding light on the adversities they had overcome. One such narrative highlighted the resilience of a woman who triumphed over abuse, emphasizing the transformative power of education in her journey to stability and empowerment.

Throughout the discussion, Mrs. Vrinda Mohan’s moderation proved invaluable. With her insightful interventions and personal anecdotes, she enriched the conversation, offering guidance and inspiration. She underscored the importance of breaking down barriers and fostering a supportive network among female colleagues, advocating for mentorship and holistic wellbeing.

As emotions ran high and tears flowed, the talk show became a poignant testament to the resilience and fortitude of women. Amidst shared struggles and triumphs, participants found solace and strength in unity, reaffirming their commitment to overcoming obstacles and forging ahead.

In her closing remarks, Mrs. Vrinda Mohan emphasized the essence of inclusive leadership, urging participants to cultivate empathy and foster collaboration. Expressing gratitude to all attendees for their invaluable contributions, the event concluded on a note of appreciation and empowerment.

In the journey towards gender equality and inclusive leadership, events like these serve as beacons of hope and catalysts for change, inspiring women to embrace their potential and redefine the contours of leadership in a rapidly evolving world.

World Diabetes Day-2023 Diabolic Quiz

World Diabetes Day- 2023 Patient activities were carried out 14th ,15th, 16th&17th of November- 23. Patients were screened for complication of diabetes mellitus namely nephropathy, Neuropathy, retinopathy and CV risk factors, patients were screened by Postgraduate Students of Medicine. Foot care advice and healthy foot practices were provided by Nursing college students.

A quiz programme “DIABOLIC 2023”- Diabetes Mellitus quiz prelims was conducted on 09.11.2023 in basement auditorium, in view of World Diabetes Day 2023. 22 teams participated in the preliminary round, five teams were selected for Diabolic- 2023 final quiz on 15th November 2023

5 Teams are as follows,

Sl.No Team Name Team Members Year of Studying
1 GLYCEMIC GIRLS 1. S. Yazhini
2. T.T. Tamizhchelvi
2 MODY 1. Guhan.S
2. Hariharan.B
2020-25 Batch
2020-25 Batch
3 A1C ALLIES 1. Abhishek.R
2. CharanVishwa.B
2019-24 batch
2019-24 batch
4 INSULIN ICONS 1. Hani Abdul Rasheed
2. Fathima Sana
2020-25 Batch
2020-25 Batch
5 LISPRO 1. HemanthRhaj
2. Girirajan.N
2020-25 Batch
2020-25 Batch

A quiz programme “DIABOLIC 2023”- Diabetes Mellitus quiz Finalswas conducted on 15.11.2023 in basement auditorium, in view of World Diabetes Day 2023. 5 teams participated in the Final round. The following emerged as winners

Winners List

Sl.No Team Name Team Members Year of Study
1 GLYCEMIC GIRLS 1. S. Yazhini
2. T.T. Tamizhchelvi
2 INSULIN ICONS 1. Hani Abdul Rasheed
2. Fathima Sana
2020-25 Batch
2020-25 Batch
1st Runner up
3 LISPRO 1. HemanthRhaj
2. Girirajan.N
2020-25 Batch
2020-25 Batch
2nd Runner up

World Diabetes Day-2023 Patient Activities

World Diabetes Day- 2023 Patient activities were carried out 14th ,15th, 16th&17th of November- 23. Patients were screened for complication of diabetes mellitus namely nephropathy, Neuropathy, retinopathy and CV risk factors, patients were screened by Postgraduate Students of Medicine. Foot care advice and healthy foot practices were provided by Nursing college students.

World Diabetes Day- 2023 Patient activities were carried out 14th ,15th, 16th&17th of November- 23. Patients were screened for complication of diabetes mellitus namely nephropathy, Neuropathy, retinopathy and CV risk factors, patients were screened by Postgraduate Students of Medicine. Foot care advice and healthy foot practices were provided by Nursing college students.

Total number screened- 42, HbA1C> 6.5-24 Patients derangedrenal function test-1 patient, neuropathy-7 patients, retinopathy – 1 patient, were given advice regarding there diabetic status. A video was shown on the exercise pattern and basis of diabetes. A feedback was obtained from the participants.

As the theme of this year is “Know your risk- Know your response”, a screening activity was undertaken by the postgraduate students utilizing IDF risk assessment score. Here 600 werequestioned and advice provided.

A awareness walk “Dia walk” was done on 15.11.2023. The Postgraduate students of Medicine, students of Nursing college walked along the street of Madagadipet, showing placards

World Diabetes Day-2023 – Guest Lecture 2023

As a concluding activity of WDD celebration, a guest lecturewas conducted on 21 st of November 2023. Dr .Sadishkamalanathan , Professor of Endocrinology ,JIPMERdelivered a lecture” Diabetes update- drugs and devices’.About 92 participants attended the program.DrS.Girija, Professor and HOD gave the welcome addressand a report of the WDD celebration was read out.About 40 patients underwent a head to toe checkup by thepost graduate students of General Medicine and all patientswere screened for neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy,and CV risk factors. The nursing college students gave adviceon healthy food practice and importance of foot care. Avideo on proper exercise was played in the premise. AFeedback was obtained from the patients.The lecture was followed by prize distribution to thewinners of Quiz ‘Diabolic”, Drawing competition for schoolstudents, Doodle competition for UG medical students.

Continuing Medical Education (CME)

Our recent Continuing Medical Education (CME) seminar provided a platform to delve into the world of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), shedding light on their diagnosis, management, and significance in healthcare. Dr. S. Girija, HOD, delved into the theme of NTD 2024, elucidating why these diseases are considered neglected and outlining necessary steps to address them from various perspectives.

Dr. Venkateswaran, Additional Professor at JIPMER, delivered an enlightening session on Melioidosis, emphasizing its status as a neglected disease. From basics to management, he elucidated the difficulties in diagnosis, red flags for suspicion, treatment approaches, and common pitfalls.
-Dr. KN Viswanathan highlighted the urgency of addressing Rabies seriously, underlining its impact on public health and the importance of preventive measures.

An online quiz program through Quizizz engaged postgraduate students, promoting interactive learning. Congratulations to Dr. Abhinav, the first-place winner, and Dr. Dinesh Varma, the runner-up, who were honored by our esteemed guest speakers.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants, speakers, and organizers for making this CME seminar a resounding success. Special thanks to Dr. Kawiraj for his vote of thanks, concluding the event on a high note. Let’s continue our efforts to combat Neglected Tropical Diseases and improve global health outcomes.

Nephrology and General Medicine

“ Crrt Update Workshop the Basics

Update on plasmapheresis August 01st 2023

Basement Auditorium 2-3 pm

Mr. Joseph Mathew Clinical Lead Therapy- Baxter

Dr. Ravikumar, Professor of Nephrology

CRRT update was carried out covering the basic principles involved.

The indications for CRRT and the various modalities of CRRT were presented.

Detailed discussion about CRRT – Prismaflex Machine was carried out & its various parts were demonstrated

Live demonstration and troubleshooting methods were expounded to the audience comprising of PG students, staff, Dialysis technicians and nurses.

Post graduate students and faculty of General Medicine & Nephrology participated in the program

Principles of Plasmapheresis were presented and plasmafilter and the circuit was shown. 

Department of General Medicine

A Guest lecture was organized on 15.09.2023 on the topic- Balanced Fluid therapy in ICU and surgery. Post graduate students of department of medicine, surgery and emergency attended the lecture. The speaker emphasized on the differences in administering balanced and unbalanced salt solutions, during resuscitative with large volume of fluids.

Cardiology & General Medicine

World Heart Day 2023 Celebration

Theme for This Year: Use Know

World Heart Day Celebration 2023 was organized by Dept. of Cardiology & General Medicine on 29.09.2023.

A CME Programme was conducted and Eminent cardiologists from prestigious Institutions delivered guest lectures on advanced ECG topics Dr. Suresh kumar sukumaran (JIPMER) spoke on Approach to bradyarrhythmias, Dr. B. Sridhar (JIPMER) delivered a lecture on Approach to Tachyarrhythmias, Dr. R. Sakthivel (Dr. Kamatchi Memorial Hospital, Chennai) spoke on Management of Arrhythmias in ER, Dr. Kalaichelvan (MMM, Chennai) delivered a lecture on AMI-Culprit vessel localisation by ECG, Dr. Avinash Anantharaj (JIPMER) spoke on Approach to congenital heart diseases.

Total of 191 delegates attended the CME Programme & TNMC Credit points were given.

Students of AHS organized a patient awareness programme on “Prevention of heart disease” in the hospital courtyard. Poster competition & Quiz competition was conducted based on the theme.

Dr. Ashida Professor of Cardiology delivered the welcome address. There was active participation from the delegates. The programme concluded with prize distribution & vote of thanks by Dr. Devan Asst. Prof. of Cardiology.

Organized & conducted

S.No. Date Nature of the Program Programme
1 Nov. 2014 Guest Lecture · Diabetes & Heart · Changing Pradigm in management of Type 2 DM
2 Jan 2015 1. Sarcopenia & ageing 2. Non Motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease
3 March 2015 Swine flu – an update
4 07.04.2017 Insulin update
5 19.04.2018 1. Heart Failure –Unmet Needs” 2. Recent Advances in the Management of Heart failure”
6 21.09.15 Day Celebration World Alzheimers Day
7 06.10.15 International day of older people
8 21.11.15 World Diabetic Day
9 23.09.16 World Alzheimer’s Day Banners, Posters & Special camp
10 20.11.16 World Heart Day Celebration-camp
11 21.11.2016 to 25.11.2016 Special dietician awareness speech
12 21.09.2017 World Alzheimer’s Day
13 01.12.2017 World Diabetes Day 2017
14 08.02.18  “Overview of Myeloproliferative syndrome”. 
15 25.11.2016 Awareness lecture Special dietician awareness speech
16 24.06.2016 CME Respiratory Medicine quiz programme for Napcon 2016 for Puducherry state
17 Oct’31 & Nov 1, 2015 Conference SMV-SIPCON’15 Participants – 200 nos.
18 27.08.16 NEWRON’16 Credit points – 5 Attended faculty & PGs – 60 nos. Final year U.G. students – 100 nos.
19 15.09.2018 "SMV-Cardiocon ' 18"

Conference: SMV-Cardiocon’18

PG Alumini

Year Name of the Post-graduates Working Institute Email ID
2012 - 2015 Dr. R. Harish Pursuing DM (Cardio) PSG, Coimbatore [email protected]
Dr. J. Sathiyanarayanan Asst. Professor, SMVMCH [email protected]
Dr. Prinoj Varghese Private Practitioner, Cochin [email protected]
2013 - 2016 Dr. Palaniappan Private Practitioner, Manaparai [email protected]
Dr. Vivek. N.V Private Practitioner, Erode [email protected]
Dr. Chandrasekar Konda Private Practitioner, - Tirupathi [email protected]
Dr. Prinesh Varghese Private Practitioner, Cochin [email protected]
2014 - 2017 Dr. Gopi Srikanth Pratipathi Private Practitioner,, Kakinada [email protected]
Dr. S. Suresh Babu Asst. Professor, SLMIS, Puducherry [email protected]
Dr. T. Vishwa Teja Private Practitioner, Chennai [email protected]
Dr. A. Jeyasuriya Consultant- Apollo Hospital, Madurai [email protected]
2015 - 2018 Dr. M. Venkatram Consultant, Nephrologist, East coast hospital, Pondy, [email protected]
Dr. Suhaim Latif Perumbadi Consultant, MES Medical College, Kolathur, Kerala [email protected]
Dr. D. Nagabhushan Consultant, DNB ENT Narayana Medical college, Nellore. [email protected]
Dr. Mopuru Penchala Varun Consultant, Narayana Hrydhaya Medical college, Nellore. [email protected]
2016-2019 Dr. A. Omar Shahid Practice in own Hospital - Razack Hospital, Kayalpatnam [email protected]
Dr. M. Mohammad Inaamul Hassan Assistant Professor, SRM Medical College, Trichy [email protected]
Dr. S. Yogesh Consultant, Sri Narayani Hospital & Research centre, Vellore. [email protected]
Dr. A. Raghu Rama Reddy Assistant Professor, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, Telangana State. [email protected]
Dr. P.S. Aravind Consultant in Private Hospital Believers Church Medical Centre, Konni, Pathanamthitta [email protected]
2017-2020 Dr. Biju. D.R Post graduate student (DNB Nephrology) Madurai Meenakshi mission hospital , TN  
Dr. M. Balaji Venkateshwaran Private Practitioner  
Dr. R. Venkatesh Senior Resident, SVMCH, Ariyur.  
Dr. S. Vignesh Assistant Professor, Melmaruvathur Medical College & Hospital, Tamilnadu  
Dr. C. Sibi Chakravarthy Private Practitioner, Krishnagiri  
Dr. V. Naveen Sathish Private Practitioner, Nagercoil  
Dr. Firas Rauf Mammoo Junior Consultant @ KMCH, Coimbatore  
Dr. R. Ritvik Consultant @ Sapthagiri Hospital, Bangalore DNB GASTRO
2018-21 Dr. Karthik.J DNB cardiology, Fortis Malar hospital [email protected]
Dr. C. Kailash Assistant Professor, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Medical College, [email protected]
Dr. P. Pagavath Bharathi DNB, Gastroenterology, Yasodha hospital, AP [email protected]
Dr. Arthy. S Private Practitioner, Panruti, Tamilnadu [email protected]
Dr. Divya. S DM Cardiology, Sri Ramachandra Medical college  
Dr. Louis Ferdin Zeno. J Assistant Professor, PIMS [email protected]
Dr. Mythreini. B.S Senior Resident SVMCH, Puducherry [email protected]
Dr. Priscilla Rubavathy. E Senior Resident, PIMS, Puducherry [email protected]
2019-22 Dr. Araveinth. G Private Practice, Aravind Hospital, Erode [email protected]
Dr. Manomenane. M SR, IGMC& RI, Pondy [email protected]
Dr. Marie Jeffrey Ambroise DM, Medical Oncology, CMC, Vellore. [email protected]
Dr. Moorthy. S DNB cardiology, Southern Railway hospital Chennai. [email protected]
Dr. Sivaram. A SR, Andaman Medical College [email protected]
Dr. Swapna. U.S Private Practice, Dubai [email protected]
Dr. Thenmozhi. S ESIC hospital, Chennai [email protected]
Dr. Vignesh Kumar. V.A SR, Velammal medical College, Madurai [email protected]
Dr. Ram Arvind. V SR, SMVMCH [email protected]
Dr. Ramesh Bala. A Private Practice, Karaikkal [email protected]

Testimonial from PG Alumni

Year PG Name Designation Testimonial
2012-15 Dr. J. Sathiyanarayanan Associate Professor, SMVMCH SMVMC & H, General Medicine department helped me to discover my passion for General Medicine. My professor’s helped me to achieve my goal to become a good physician. 
2019-22 Dr. Ram Arvind. V Senior Resident SMVMC & H , General Medicine department gave the best 3 years of my life in academic and career modulation and able to treat the patient to the up to date knowledge.