Department of General Surgery


Surgeons attached to the Department of General Surgery perform a wide range of operations, from common to highly-advanced procedures like cancer surgery, especially for malignancy breast and gastrointestinal tract.

Department of General Surgery is a full fledged department with five units functioning all seven days a week providing round the clock service. The faculties in the department, apart from routine general surgical work, regularly perform Endoscopic, basic & advanced Laparoscopic procedures. All faculties are well trained in all emergency surgical procedures and major gastro intestinal surgeries and Oncological procedures. All surgeries are done free of cost / minimal charges for consumables alone. We do surgeries under various insurance schemes including the Chief Minister health insurance scheme, ESI, ECHS, etc.


  • To inculcate high quality medical education, world class patient care and innovative research to become centre of excellence for surgical care.


  • To inculcate quality clinical skills, diagnostic and operating skills among students.
  • To promote innovative research to contribute to advanced therapy in the field of surgery.
  • To provide surgical preventive care in surgical malignancies.
  • To provide state of the art care to the right patient at right time.

Program Specific Outcomes

Generic Outcomes

To produce graduate capable of delivering first contact surgical care

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-UG

  1. Understanding of the structural and functional basis, principles of diagnosis and management of common surgical problems in adults and children.
  2. Ability to apply the principles of asepsis, sterilization, disinfection, rational use of prophylaxis, therapeutic utilities of antibiotics and universal precautions in surgical practice.
  3. Ability to perform common diagnostic and surgical procedure at the primary care level.
  4. Ability to recognize, resuscitate, stabilize and provide advanced life support to patients following trauma.
  5. Ability to administer informed consent and counsel patient prior to surgical procedures. To instill professionalism by developing communication, leadership skills, ethical and moral values
  6. To develop lifelong learning behavior by acquiring and updating existing knowledge and skills regularly for continuous professional development

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-PG

At the end of postgraduate training, the PG student should be able to:

  1. Diagnose and appropriately manage common surgical ailments in a given situation.
  2. Provide adequate preoperative, post-operative and follow-up care of surgical patients.
  3. Identify situations calling for urgent or early surgical intervention and refer at the optimum time to the appropriate centers.
  4. Counsel and guide patients and relatives regarding need, implications and problems of surgery in the individual patient.
  5. Provide and co-ordinate emergency resuscitative measures in acute surgical situations including trauma.
  6. Organize and conduct relief measures in situations of mass disaster including triage.
  7. Effectively participate in the National Health Programs especially in the Family Welfare Programs.
  8. Discharge effectively medico-legal and ethical responsibilities and practice his specialty ethically.
  9. Must learn to minimize medical errors.
  10. Must update knowledge in recent advances and newer techniques in the management of the patients.
  11. Must learn to obtain informed consent prior to performance of operative procedure.
  12. Perform surgical audit on a regular basis and maintain records (manual and/or electronic) for life.
  13. Participate regularly in departmental academic activities by presenting Seminar, Case discussion, Journal Club and Topic discussion on weekly basis and maintain logbook.
  14. Demonstrate sufficient understanding of basic sciences related to his specialty.
  15. Plan and advise measures for the prevention and rehabilitation of patients belonging to his specialty.
  16. Know the basic concepts of research methodology, plan a research project and know how to consult library.
  17. Should have basic knowledge of statistics.
  18. The student should learn the basic methodology of teaching and develop competence in teaching medical/paramedical students.
  19. The student will show integrity, accountability, respect, compassion and dedicated patient care. The student will demonstrate a commitment to excellence and continuous professional development.
  20. The student should demonstrate a commitment to ethical principles relating to providing patient care, confidentiality of patient information and informed consent.
  21. The student should show sensitivity and responsiveness to patients’ culture, age, gender and disabilities.

Faculty List

Name Designation
Dr. G.V.Manoharan Professor
Dr. M. Anto Professor
Dr. S. Babu Professor
Dr. M. Rajavel Associate Professor
Dr. Arulselvan. A Assistant Professor
Dr. Govardhanan. R Assistant Professor
Dr. Karthik S Bhandary Assistant Professor
Dr. Shivaji. P.R Assistant Professor
Dr. Manikandan. P Assistant Professor
Dr. Vijayaraghavan. N Assistant Professor
Dr. Vaithiswaran. A Assistant Professor
Dr. Vigneshwaran. B Assistant Professor
Dr. Jagatheswaran. C Assistant Professor
Dr. Prabhakaran. U Assistant Professor
Dr. Vinoth Kumar. E Senior Resident
Dr. Firdose. S Senior Resident
Dr. Deepak Senior Resident
Dr. Aswin Kumar. G. S Senior Resident
Dr. Karthikeyan J Junior Resident
Dr. Madhan M Junior Resident
Dr. Naresh S Junior Resident
Dr. Pradeepraj V Junior Resident
Dr. S Kiran Kumar Junior Resident
Dr. Shanmuga Valli R Junior Resident
Dr. Sivaguru B Junior Resident
Dr. Sneha Daffodil A Junior Resident
Dr. Tamil Selvan P Junior Resident
Dr. Amritha V Junior Resident
Dr. Chandru M Junior Resident
Dr. Hari Harani K Junior Resident
Dr. Janani Devi Colon V Junior Resident
Dr. Manivannan S Junior Resident
Dr. Naveen D J Junior Resident
Dr. Nirmal Kumar U Junior Resident
Dr. Ramkamal Balachandran Junior Resident
Dr. Sruthi Junior Resident
Dr. Bhargavee. P Junior Resident
Dr. Vishnu Kumar. P Junior Resident
Dr. Aravindan Junior Resident
Dr. Vigneshwaran. B Junior Resident
Dr. Siddarth. J Junior Resident
Dr. Sobana. K Junior Resident
Dr. Daniel Kumar Kuruvilla Thomas Junior Resident
Dr. Aravind Kumar. K Junior Resident
Dr. Pooja. S Junior Resident


  • State of the art Operation theatres for elective, emergency and septic cases separately.
  • Fully equipped Laparoscopic operation theatre.
  • Separate intensive care units for surgery with fully dedicated staffs.
  • Upper GI endoscopy both for adults and pediatric patients and Colonoscopy.
  • Surgical Oncology, OPD and Surgeries.
  • Paediatric Surgery, OPD and Surgeries.
  • Urology, OPD and Surgeries including transplant.
  • Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, OPD and Surgeries, bypass procedures and valve replacement and Septal defect closures.
  • Neurosurgery, OPD and Surgeries head injury and trauma including spine surgeries.
  • Plastic surgery, OPD and Surgeries.
  • Round the clock functioning blood bank.
  • 180 bedded general ward and special ward facilities available.
  • Special clinics for Diabetic foot, Breast diseases and ano rectal diseases.
  • Academic facilities such as Department library, Museum, smart classrooms both for theory and clinical.

Key Procedures

  • Laparoscopic Surgery
  • Upper G.I. Endoscopy
  • Colonoscopy
Instruments Available Diseases Treated
1. Laparoscopy Set Laproscopic surgeries(Abdomen)
2. Harmonic Scalpel Control bleeding- in all surgeries
3. Staplers GIT- Surgeries for Anastomosis
4. New basic Surgical Instruments All Surgeries
5. Laparotomy set Abdominal Surgeries
6. Diathermy machine To control bleeding in all surgeries
7. Upper GI scopy Upper Gastro intestinal diagnostic procedures-minor procedures
8. Colonoscopy Lower GIT Diagnostic procedures

Special Clinics

Monday Diabetic foot care clinic 8.30 to 4.00 p.m.
Tuesday Breast clinic 8.30 to 4.00 p.m.
Wednesday Proctology clinic 8.30 to 4.00 p.m.

Super Speciality Clinics:

Monday, Wednesday, Saturday Urology 8.30 to 4.00 p.m.
Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Surgical Oncology 8.30 to 4.00 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery 8.30 to 4.00 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Neurosurgery 8.30 to 4.00 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday Plastic Surgery 8.30 to 4.00 p.m.


Undergraduate Training:

Eminent Professors and other faculties of our department give excellent teaching and intensive training for the undergraduate students and interns. Regular evaluations are carried out for the performance of the students in both theory and clinical. This is being reflected with the regular university ranks obtained by our students in the university examinations and maximum pass percentage.

UG Training includes both clinical classes and Theory Classes based on the syllabus prescribed by the MCI.

Theory Classes:

Semester Day & Time
3rd Semester Monday 2.00 to 3.00p.m.
5th Semester Monday & Thursday 8.30 to 9.30 a.m.
6th Semester Monday 2.00 to 3.00 p.m.
8th & 9th Semester Tuesday & Thursday 2.00 to 3.00p.m

Clinical Postings:

The clinical postings are as scheduled as follows

3rd Semester 6 weeks
4th Semester 6 weeks
5th Semester
6th Semester 4 weeks
8th Semester 6 weeks
9th Semester 4 weeks

CRMI Training:

The interns are given intensive training and excellent opportunities in handling all types of patients and in assisting / performing several surgical procedures.

Post Graduate Training:

Post graduate M.S. program has been started since 2016 with an intake of 5 seats/year. Presently the number of seats has been increased to 9 seats/year. The teaching schedules are being carried out based on the Pondicherry University syllabus.

The departmental academic activity includes,

Day Academics Number/Month
Monday Seminar 4
Wednesday Journal Club ( 1 & 3 week) 2
Case Presentation 4
Friday Group Discussion 2
Every Month second Wednesday Interdepartmental Meeting 1
Every Month Third Thursday Monthly Test (PG’s) 1

Post Graduates are engaged in Outside peripheral postings at NIMHANS (Neurosurgery) and Adyar Cancer Institute (Surgical Oncology). They are also posted in Cardiothoracic Surgery, Urology, Anesthesiology, Radio-Diagnosis and Plastic Surgery.


  • Venkatesh SP, Asymptomatic presentation of Bochdalek’s hernia in an adult. Indian J of Surg, 2011; 73(5): 382 – 383.
  • Ray G, Venkatesh SP, Ilayalvan S. Adult pancreatoblastoma: A rare entity. Journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences, 2014.
  • Venkatesh SP, Kothandapani S, Marudavanan R. A comparative study of efficacy of disinfectants used for flexible endoscope: Glutaraldehyde versus Ortho – Phthalaldehyde. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., 2014; 2 (4D); 1408 – 1414.
  • Venkatesh SP. A study on attitude of medical students towards learning of communication skills. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; 3(27): 7567 – 7573.
  • Kavimozhi Ilakkiya P, Marudavanan R, Venugopala K, A rare case of tuberculous vasitis presenting as an inguinal mass. RJMS, 2015 Jan 37-38.
  • Karthik Bhandary, Ray. G, Kothandapani, Marudhavanan, Ilayalvan, Arul Kumaran – Trichobezoa with Rapunzel Syndrome, RJMS 2015, Jan: 45 – 48.
  • Arjun. B, Annamalai. A, Balamurugan. R, Shivekar. SS, Kaviraj M.A Clinico-Endoscopic Study of Upper GI Disorders in Rural Population of Pondicherry. International Journal of Current Research and Review 2015 Oct 15; 7 (20): 37.
  • Dr. E. Ananthamurugan – Prevalance of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with atrophic Gastritis and role of dark field microscopy in diagnosis. E. Ananthamurugan, M. Saleem, R. Gopal, S. Sunil Shivekar, M. Raviraj, R. Balamurugan Journal of Evolution of Medical & Dental Sciences, Nov 2015; 15873-15875.
  • Anand Shankarao Patil, Maruthavanan R. Histopathological Evaluation of endoscopic biopsies in patients with lesional gastrointestinal tract disorders. Published on JEMDS Jan 2016.
  • Kumaraguru V, Prabu R, Kannan. N.S. Penile epidermal cyst: A case report. J.Clin. Diagn. Res: JCDR, May 2016: 10(5): PD05-PD06.
  • Kannan. N.S, Kannan. R, Rohan. V, Babu CPG. Early Diagnosis and Management of Necrotising Fasciitis. IOSR Journal of Dental & Medical Sciences (IOSR – JDMS). Aug 2016; 1(15) 90-95.
  • Rajaswarooby, Kannan. R, Kannan. N.S, Tirouaroul. T. Effectiveness & Centchromin in Regression of Fibroadenosis and Mastalgia. J.Clin Diagn Res Oct 2016: 10(10): PC 10-PC14.
  • Arjun B, Karthik S Bhandary, Maruthavanan R. Papillary carcinoma of thyroglossal duct cyst-a case report. RGUHS Med Sciences, 2017 Jan: 36 – 37.
  • Balasubramanian. A, Kannan. N.S. Eyelid Malignancies – Always Quite Challenging. JClin Diagn Res March 2017; 11(31): XR01 – XR04.
  • G.V. Manoharan, T. Sivakumar. Comparison of Quality of Life in Oral Cancer Patients following Surgery vs Radiology. IAIM, 2017 Dec; 4(12): 195-198.
  • G.V. Manoharan, T. Sivakumar, M. Ashok Kumar. Evaluation of the use of subcutaneous drains to prevent wound complications in abdominal surgeries. Int Surg J. 2018 Apr; 5(4): 1-5.
S. No Title of the paper Name of the author (First/corresponding) Department Name of the journal Date of Acceptance Date of publication ISSN number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Name of the indexing database Type
1 Significance of serum amylase levels in diagnosis of acute severe pancreatitis. S Rajendran , P Maharaja General Surgery     2018 Mar; 1-3.       International
2 Role of appendicectomy in relieving the chronic or relapsing right iliac fossa pain at tertiaray health care centre. P Maharaja, S Rajendran.  General Surgery     2018 May; 1-3.       International
3 Clinical Significance of Candida in an Intraoperative Peritoneal Specimen with Perforation Peritonitis: An Institutional Perspective. Cureus. Jagannath Pramod, Chellappa Vijayakumar, Krishnamachari Srinivasan, Nanda Kishore Maroju, Nagarajan Raj Kumar, Gopal Balasubramaniya. General Surgery Cureus   . 2018 Mar; 10 PMCID: PMC5935435.   doi: 10.7759/cureus.2275  
4 Role of C-Reactive Protein, White Blood Cell Counts, Bilirubin Levels, and Imaging in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis as a Cause of Right Iliac Fossa Pain. Shetty Sushruth, Chellappa Vijayakumar, Krishnamachari Srinivasan, Nagarajan Raj Kumar, Gopal Balasubramaniyan, Surendra K Verma, A Ramesh. General Surgery Cureus   2018 Jan; 10        
5 Evaluation of possum scoring system in patients undergoing laparotomy.  Manoharan G.V., Vijayalakshmi G., General Surgery     2019       International
6 A randomized clinical trial on efficacy of Low- level laser therapy in healing of ulcers. M.Rajavel, Rahul raj.C.L,Philip AJ. J.Evid.Based. General Surgery     2019     Med.Heathc National
7 Comparative evaluation of the role of centchhroman and evening primrose oil in the regression of fibroadenoma of breast.  R. Anandh Balaji, Ranjan James Premkumar. General Surgery Int. Journal of Surgery   2019 April; 10       International
8 Bi-ventricular repair of double outlet left ventricle: Experience and review of the literature Javid Raja Mch, Sabarinath Menon Mch, Sowmya Ramanan Mch, Sudip Dutta Baruah Mch, Bhargava V. Devarakonda DM, Arun Gopalakrishnan DM, Baiju S. Dharan Mch General Surgery J Card Surg   2020 ISSN:1540-8191 MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM), PubMed Dietary Supplement Subset (NLM), Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics), Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) International
9 Comparison of ultrasound and serum amylase in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis Manoharan G. V, Maharaja P General Surgery Internation Surgery Journal   2020  ISSN: 2349-3305 Index Copernicus , Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region (WHO), ScopeMed Journal Index Google Scholar J-Gate Directory of Science International
10 Breast Carcinoma in a 62 year old male: A case report G. V. Manoharan, Maharaha P General Surgery IAIM   2020 ISSN:2394-0026 IMSEAR (Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region), Index Copernicus, Google scholar, OAJI (Open Academic Journals Index), J-Gate, WHO-HINARI International
11 Comparison of Different Scoring Systems in predicting the Severity of Acute Pancreatitis: A Prospective Observational Study N. R. Venkatesh, Chellappa Vijayakumar, Gopal Balasubramaniyan, Sakthivel Chinnakkulam Kandhasamy, Sudharsanan Sundaramurthi, Sreenath G. S., Krishnamachari Srinivasan General Surgery Cureus   2020 ISSN: 2168-8184   International
12 Study on the Outcomes of Desarda Repair in Inguinal Hernia Surgery Srinath Sarma S. V, Rajavel M, Balakrishnan V General Surgery J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc   2020 pISSN- 2349-2562  Index Copernicus National
13 Recurrent Inguinal Hernia – A Study of Risk Factors Babu S1, Abdul Maliq M2, Ravishankar J3 General Surgery International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research 24.08.2020 2020 ISSN: 2582-6018   International
14 Thyroid Malignancy in Multi Nodular Goitre Babu S1, John Kennedy J2, Ravishankar J3 General Surgery International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)   Aug-20 ISSN: 2319-7064   Crossref International
15 Clinical study of factors influencing the perforation in appendicitis in first attacks and recurrent attacks Jawahar K1*, Hemilda Periyanayaki J2, Soman K C3 General Surgery Medpulse 25.07.2020 Aug-20       International
16 Systemic inflammatory response syndrome as a predictor of poorer outcomes in diabetic foot infection: a prospective analytical study Anand Vinay Karnawat1, Vijayakumar Chellappa1, Balasubramanian Gopal1*, Rajkumar Nagarajan1, Krishnamachari Srinivasan2 General Surgery International Surgery Journal 30.04.2020 Jun-20 pISSN 2349-3305 Google Scholar, J-Gate, Crossref International
17 Significance of Plain Xray Findings in l{ech Pain with Relation to Cervical Radiculopathy and Myelopathy Elangovan Dl, Prem Gowtham })2, Kanchana 83, Karthikeyan I)4, Mohan Ss General Surgery Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development   Jul-20 ISSN: 0976-0245   National
18 Cervical spinal canal body ratio in normal individuals and Stenosis with Cervical Myelopathy: A simple but novel study using a graph paper over a plain X-ray lateral view of the cervical spine Elangovan D, Prem Gowtham E, Kanchana B, Karthikeyan D, Mohan S General Surgery International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences   07.10.2020 ISSN: 0975-7538 Crossref International
19 A Rare Case of Unilateral Penile Fracture with Urethral Rupture involving Distal Shaft of Penis Shivaji Pattukottai Ramalingam', Vijayaraghavan Nandhagopal2 General Surgery International Journal of Research and Review   Dec-20 P-ISSN 2454-2237 Crossref, Google Scholar, J-Gate International
20 lmpact of the initial phase of COVID-19 pandemic on surgical oncology services at a tertiary care center in Eastern lndia Vigneshwaran Balasubiramaniyan MS General Surgery J Surg Oncol 18.07.2020 Jul-20 ISSN:1096-9098   MEDLINE/PubMed International
21 A Comparative Study of Fine-Needle Aspiration and Nonaspiration Cytology Diagnosis in Thyroid Lesions, Elangovan Archana1, Chellappa Vijayakumar1, Nagarajan Raj Kumar1, Gopal Balasubramanian1, Krishnamachari Srinivasan1, G. S. Sreenath1, N. Siddaraju2, General Surgery Nigerion Jouranl of Surgery   July 27, 2020        
22 Modified Limberg flap Versus Karydakis Flap Operations in Pilonidal Sinus Surgery Babu S,* Anto M** General Surgery IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) 30.04.2021 Apr-21 p-ISSN: 2279-0861   Indian Citation Index International
23 Role of Body Mass Index on Postoperative Complications of Inguinal Hernioplasty. Anto M*, Babu S** General Surgery IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) 31.05.2021 May-21 p-ISSN: 2279-0861   Indian Citation Index International
24 Incidence of Malignancy in Oesophagus and stomach in dyspeptic patients in a tertiary care centre S.Babu,Yuvaraj,Moganavel vasanth General Surgery IOSR Journal of Dental and medical sciences 13.06.2022 13.06.2022 P-ISSN:2279-0861      


Dr. M. Rajavel (Assistant Professor) PG – General Surgery – Gold Medalist (2015)

Postgraduate Achievements – Batch (2017-2020)

Name of the Postgraduate Program Topic Awarded
Dr.Ashwathaman. A 79th Annual Conference ASICON-2019 Poster Presentation II and III Prize

Postgraduate Achievements – Batch (2018-2021)

Name of the Postgraduate Program Topic Awarded
 Dr.Siva Sankar International Health Research Convention-2019 conference on-“ Oncosurgery and Palliative Care” Poster Presentation II Prize
ASOMACON -2020 Oral presentation competition I Prize
Dr. Sidharthan PONSICON - 2020 Poster Presentation 2nd prize

Postgraduate Achievements – Batch (2019-2022)

Name of the Postgraduate Program Topic Awarded
Dr.Kowshik Kumar ASICON 2021 “Correlation between pre-operative findings and intra operative findings on the thyroid nodules influencing surgical decision on extent of thyroidectomy 2nd prize
Dr.Clinton ASICON 2021 “correlation of preoperative staging of ipsilateral axillary lymph node with postoperative histopathology in non metastatic clinically staged n0 and n1 breast cancer” 3rd prize

Postgraduate Achievements – Batch (2020-2023)

Name of the Postgraduate Program Topic Awarded
Dr.Moghanavel Vasanth The Association of Surgeons of India, 82ND annual conference(ASICON 2022, Mumbai) Primary peritoneal hydatidosis -A rare case report First place
Christian medical education programme in Christian medical college, vellore The 2023 A.S Fenn Annual General Surgery C.M.E-Dr.frank garlic OSCE First prize
PONSICON 2021 Uncommon presentation of MECKEL’S diverticulum-Acase series Second Prize
Dr.Firdose.S PONSICON 2020 Post traumatic gluteal swelling a case of Marel- Lavelle lesion Second Prize

Postgraduate University Medals

Name of the Post graduate Batch University exam medal
Dr. Durai Pandian 2019 – 2022 Gold

Faculty Awards

Sl.No Name of the faculty Name of the award Given by Date of the awarded
1 Dr.Manoharan G V Mayan awards Dr. Kiran Bedi 19.01.2019
2 Dr. Anto Best performance award Health Minister Govt. of Tamil Nadu -
3.  Dr.S.Babu Awarded Dr.Mathias oration in the annual conference of Tamil nadu state association of surgeons of India.    
Awarded ‘Dr.Jothiramalingam oration’ at the National annual conference of associations of surgeons of India.    
Sl.No Name of the faculty CME Chairperson Given by Date of the awarded
1 Dr. Manoharan G V Chairperson CME conducted by Chengalpattu Medical Collge - 13.12.2019
2 Dr. Manoharan G V Chairperson CME conducted by Chengalpattu Medical College - 14.02.2019
3 Dr. Manoharan G V Chairperson CME conducted by Madras Medical College - 20.01.2020 to 23.01.2020


Community visited Thiruvennainallur Rural Health Training Centre every Tuesday between 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Camps are conducted in nearby villages for identifying and treating all surgical diseases at free of cost.


CME and Hands on Workshop on “Staplers and Intestinal Anastomosis” Held on 14.03.2025

Venue : Skill Lab, Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College and Hospital

Report :

The event started at 8:30 AM with the welcome address by Dr. S. Babu the organising chairman. Dr. K. Sugumaran M.S, M.Ch Surgical Gastroenterologist, GEM Hospitals, Puducherry, gave an illustrative lecture about the use of staplers in intestinal anastomosis. He clearly explained about the various kinds of anastomosis that could be done by staplers. After that, with the intestinal specimens he demonstrated lively the techniques of using staplers in various situations till 12.30 PM.

Our institution Director Dr. R.N. Kagne, Dean (Academic) Dr. K. Karthikeyan, Dean (Research) Dr. Sanjay Pasupathy and Medical Superintendent Dr. M. Pragash felicitated the speaker.

From 1:00 PM Dr. Ramesh Kumar M.S, M.Ch, Surgical Gastroenterologist, Government Villupuram medical college, elaborately explained about intestinal anastomosis and the hand sewing technique. After that Dr. Ramesh Kumar , Dr. R. Raja and Dr. A. Arulselvan taught the correct technique of intestinal anastomosis to the delegates individually. All the delegates were satisfied with the programme. Altogether 56 delegates were benefited with this programme. At 5 PM the programme was concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr. G. V. Manoharan Professor of General Surgery.

Report on Breast Cancer Awareness Program

Breast cancer awareness month has been celebrated every October since eighties.This program raise awareness about the breast cancer, its signs and symptoms and the importance of early detection and treatment.

We conducted an awareness programme, for the general public on 07.10.2024 at 10.30am in the hospital podium opposite to paediatric OPD, Introduction speech was delivered by professor and HOD Dr.S.Babu.He briefly explained the prevalence of the breast cancer and the importance of breast cancer awareness program.

We invited Dean Academic Dr.Karthikeyan as the chief guest for the program and he inaugurated the breast awareness programme by releasing the breast cancer awareness pamphlet to the general public.

Next our post graduate Dr.Shobana gave a brief tale on risk factor , clinical feature of breast cancer and Dr.Shanmugavalli gave a talk on investigation, management and complication of breast cancer.

Followed by Dr.Arulselvam Associate professor, Department of general surgery briefly explained about the importance of the screening in breast cancer.

Dr.Manoharan professor , Department of General Surgery explained about current trends in the management of breast cancer.

Next we conducted small interaction session with the general public, during this session the doubts raised by the people were cleared by our faculties.

The public personale gave their feedback regarding this breast cancer programme. They appreciated the effort made by the department of general surgery to conduct this breast cancer awareness program and we concluded the program by 11.30am.

Report on SURGICON 2024


SURGICON 2024 was a highly anticipated event aimed at bridging the gap between seasoned professionals and budding surgeons. Held in the SMVMCH Auditorium, the event featured Dr. Sriram Bhat, a renowned surgeon and educator, who shared his insights and experiences with the audience. The event also included case presentations by undergraduate and postgraduate students, enhancing the educational experience.

The day commenced at 8:30 AM with registration, followed by a warm welcome address by Professor & HOD Dr. S. Babu at 8:55 AM. He emphasized the importance of continuous education in surgery and the role of mentorship in shaping future surgeons.

Dr. Manoharan G.V., Professor of general surgery, introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Sriram Bhat, at 9:00 AM. His introduction highlighted Dr. Bhat’s significant contributions to the field of surgery and his role as a mentor to many aspiring surgeons.

Following the introduction, the felicitation ceremony commenced, with Professor & HOD Dr. S. Babu and other faculty members honoring Dr. Bhat with a shawl and bouquet, recognizing his outstanding contributions to surgical education and practice

At 9:15 AM, Dr. Sriram Bhat delivered a guest lecture titled “The Future of Surgery: Innovations and Challenges.” His lecture covered the following key points:

  • The evolution of surgical practices over the years.
  • The impact of technology and minimally invasive techniques on patient outcomes.
  • The importance of ongoing education and adaptation in the surgical field.

The first undergraduate case presentation focused on varicose veins. The student presented the clinical findings, diagnostic approaches, and treatment options, followed by an engaging discussion with the audience.

The second presentation addressed hernia cases and included a discussion on parotid gland issues. This session allowed students to showcase their learning and engage with faculty and peers.

A special moment occurred when Dr. Bhat was felicitated by the Director Dr.D.Rajagovindan, Deputy director and Dean Dr.R.N.Kagne, Medical superintendent Dr.M.Pragash, Dean Research Dr.Sanjay.P of SMVMCH with a shawl, memento and bouquet, acknowledging their support for surgical education.

Postgraduate students presented a detailed analysis of a thyroid case, including diagnostic challenges and treatment methodologies.

The second postgraduate presentation focused on breast surgery, highlighting recent advancements in surgical techniques and patient management.

Dr.M.Sriram Bhat.MS, F.R.C.S., F.M.A.S., Professor KMC Mangalore concluded his participation with a focused lecture on:

  • How to Face Exams: Strategies and tips for succeeding in surgical examinations.
  • Future in Surgical Career: Insights on emerging trends and opportunities in the field.
  • Pros and Cons of Surgery as a Profession: A candid discussion about the challenges and rewards of a surgical career.

The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks delivered by Surgical Registrar Dr. G.S.Aswin Kumar, who expressed gratitude to all attendees, faculty members, and especially to Dr. Sriram Bhat for his invaluable contributions to the day’s proceedings.


Many participants expressed satisfaction with the program content and delivery. The interactive sessions were particularly appreciated. Some participants suggested incorporating more hands-on activities and case studies to enhance learning. Overall, the feedback indicates a positive reception of the program, with participants and faculty highlighting the need for improved efficiency in the e-certificate issuance process. By addressing these concerns, we can enhance participant satisfaction and streamline program operations for future events.


SURGICON 2024 was a resounding success, providing a platform for learning, networking, and inspiration. The event effectively showcased the importance of mentorship in surgery while highlighting the evolving landscape of surgical practices. Attendees left with enriched knowledge and motivation to excel in their surgical careers.

Chief Guest Felicitation By The Director Dr.D.Rajagovindan, Deputy Director and Dean Dr.R.N.Kagne, Medical Superintendent Dr.M.Pragash, Dean Research Dr.Sanjay.P Of  SMVMCH

Report on Guest Lecture and Clinical Case Discussion

Event Name:  Obstructive Jaundice
Organized By:  Dept of General Surgery
Venue: Basement auditorium-Hospital block
Date: 27-08-2024
Time:  9:45 AM – 12:30 PM


On August 27, 2024, the Basement Auditorium hosted a comprehensive guest lecture and clinical case discussion focused on “Obstructive Jaundice.” The event brought together participants from various levels of medical education, including both postgraduates and undergraduates, for a deep dive into the complexities of obstructive jaundice.

Participants and Presentations:

  • Postgraduate Case Presentations:
    • Dr. Pradeepraj
    • Dr. Madhan
    • Dr. Karthikeyan

The postgraduate students presented detailed case studies on “Carcinoma of the Stomach,” providing insights into diagnostic challenges, treatment strategies, and patient management.

  • Undergraduate Case Presentations:
    • Maragathapriya E.
    • Srinivasan S.
    • N. Nashrath Benazir
    • J.K. Hemanth Raj

The undergraduates discussed cases involving “Right Iliac Fossa (RIF) Mass,” highlighting differential diagnoses, investigative approaches, and management protocols.

Welcome Address:

Dr. S. Babu, Head of the Department of General Surgery, commenced the session with a warm welcome to all attendees and highlighted the significance of the day’s topics.

Resource Faculty:

Dr. R. Rajamahendran, M.S, M.R.C.S, M.Ch, a renowned Surgical Gastroenterologist from Government Villupuram Medical College, served as the primary resource faculty. His expertise in the field enriched the discussion on obstructive jaundice.

Introduction of the Speaker:

Dr. Karthik S. Bhandary, Assistant Professor in the Department of General Surgery, introduced Dr. R. Rajamahendran, outlining his credentials and contributions to the field of surgical gastroenterology.

Felicitation of the Guest:

Dr. K. Karthikeyan, Dean Academic, and Dr. M. Pragash, Medical Superintendent, felicitated Dr. R. Rajamahendran, recognizing his valuable contributions to the field and his role in advancing medical education through this lecture.

Topic Discussed:

Dr. R. Rajamahendran delivered an in-depth lecture on “Obstructive Jaundice,” covering its etiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic approaches, and management strategies. The session included interactive discussions, case studies, and Q&A segments that addressed complex scenarios related to obstructive jaundice.

Vote of Thanks:

Dr. G. V. Manoharan, Professor of General Surgery, concluded the event with a vote of thanks, expressing appreciation for the guest faculty’s insightful presentation and the active participation of all attendees.


The guest lecture on “Obstructive Jaundice” provided valuable learning opportunities for both postgraduate and undergraduate medical students. The blend of theoretical knowledge and practical case discussions facilitated a comprehensive understanding of the topic, contributing significantly to the participants’ educational experience.


The session was aimed at providing students with in-depth knowledge and practical insights into the diagnosis and management of obstructive jaundice. Following the session, feedback was solicited from the students to evaluate the effectiveness of the lecture and discussion.

Overall, the feedback indicates a high level of satisfaction with the guest lecture and clinical case discussion delivered by Dr. Rajamahendran. The session was well-received for its clarity, relevance, and interactive nature. The constructive feedback provided will be valuable for enhancing future sessions, particularly in expanding case study diversity and possibly adjusting the duration to allow for more in-depth discussion.In completion of the feedback session E-Certificate was issued to the participants.

Title: Creativity Competition

Date of the activity: 01.12.2021

Objectives: To promote interest on the subject & to portray the talents of the students related to the subject

Total no of students participants: Models: 40
Drawing: 16
Poem: 10
Story writing: 2

Speaker details

Participant details: Final year & pre – final year students

Key outcomes: Students presented models, drawings, poem they created, discussed their presentation

With the judges. Based on the creativity and their knowledge, students were selected as winners


  1. i) Students gained clarity and understanding on the topic – they prepared & presented as models and drawings
  2. ii) This program increased their interest on the subject of General Surgery

Report on “Hands on training on conventional and Stapled intestinal Anastomosis” for PG’s

An intra college workshop was conducted for Surgery Post Graduates by the department of General Surgery – Hands on training on conventional and Stapled intestinal Anastomosis on 21.12.21, It was conducted from 10.30am to 4 pm. Total of (10 + 6) PG students (General Surgery & OG) participated in it. Before the hands on training for the students, the students were presented with lectures by resource persons, an Oncosurgeon and a surgical gastroenterologist on the topic. We then proceeded with the hands on training session. Bovine intestine, staplers (linear, linear cutter, circular, TA) and other instruments were arranged. PG’s were divided into 4 groups and faculties demonstrated various anastomotic techniques. Students practiced various hand sewn and stapled intestinal anastomotic techniques under the guidance of the teachers, who assessed and corrected them.

Feedback: Positive feedbacks were obtained from students. They felt confident enough to perform these procedure on patients. They requested to conduct many such workshops in future.

Report on “ Hands on Training on Various Suturing Techniques” for Final Year UG’s

A workshop was conducted for Under Graduates, final year MBBS students by the department of General Surgery – Hands on Training on Various Suturing Techniques. It was conducted from 10.30 am to 2 PM on 20.12.21. A total of 150 students participated. Before the Hands on training, for the students to get an idea on the workshop, lectures were presented to the students by the surgical faculties. A brief lecture on Instruments, suture materials and needles was presented followed by a video clip on various suturing techniques was played and explained to the students. The students were then formed into groups of 9 and a faculty was allotted to each group. A total of 18 faculties and PG’s conducted the workshop. The teachers demonstrated various suturing techniques in the suture kit. They then trained the students on handing of instruments, tissues and to practice all the suturing techniques

Feedback : Feedback were obtained after the session, Students were so motivated and thanked for arranging this workshops. They also suggested to conduct many more such workshop in future

Guest Lectures by eminent professors from various Medical Institutions at regular intervals.

Update On Surgery Cme

The Clinical orientation CME – Surgery was conducted at the Government Medical College, Villupuram on 23.08.2017, 45 students from the 9th semster have participated in the event.

Rajarajan V.S and Muthuraman. M have obtained the 1st place in the surgery quiz Vishnulakshmi.R, Rajarajan.V.S and Nitinjain have presented clinical cases for discussion among 7 colleges that have participated.

Rajarajan V.S and Muthuraman receiving the first prize in the Intercollegiate Quiz

Two CME’s conducted in General Surgery Department
CME on Pancreatic Diseases on 02.08.2014 – Hospital Basement Auditorium

CME on GERD/Oncology on 21.04.2017 MIT Auditorium

Three Guest Lectures Conducted in General Surgery Department:

Topic: Surgical Jaundice – Speaker – Prof. Dr. Simon Dasiah, IGMC & RI on 09.02.2018

Speaker – Prof. Dr. Usha Dorairajan, Madras Medical College, on 04.09.2018

Speaker – Dr. Rajamahendiran, M.S., M.Ch. (Gastro), on 08.10.2018 at MIT Auditorium

Case presentation/case discussion, Lecture, Video presentations.

PG Alumini

Year Name of the Post-graduates Designation Institute Email ID
2016 – 2019 Dr.Ranjan James Premkumar Mch Plastic surgery Madras Medical College, Chennai. [email protected]
Dr. Aarthi Raja.B Surgical Consultant Private Practice Karur [email protected]>
Dr.Pranav Sharma Assistant professor Vydehi Institute of Medical sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore. [email protected]>
Dr.Kuladeep.L Surgical Consultant Private Practice Andhra Pradesh [email protected]>
Dr.Srinivas Gedala Assistant Professor Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh,. [email protected]>
2017 – 2020 Dr.Srinath Sharma Mch Neurosurgery Madras Medical College, Chennai. [email protected]>
Dr.Pratheep Assistant Professor Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical college and Hospital [email protected]
Dr.Nabeel  Assistant Professor KMCT Medical College ,Kerala [email protected]>
Dr.Dandawate Shruthi Rohit Surgical Consultant Private Practice Maharashtra [email protected]>
Dr.Ashwathaman Mch Neurosurgery Tirunelveli Medical College [email protected]>
2018 – 2021 Dr.Denny Philip Assistant Professor Believers Church Medical College and Hospital,Kerala [email protected]>
Dr.Govardhanan  Assistant Professor Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical college and Hospital [email protected]>
Dr.Hari krishna Mch Urology Dr.NTR University of Health Sciences, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh,. [email protected]>
Dr.Siddharthan Assistant Professor Puducherry Government Hospital [email protected]>
Dr.Siva Sankar    Assistant Professor Karaikal Government Hospital [email protected]>
2019 – 2022 Dr.Clinton Assistant Professor Velammal Medical College,Madurai [email protected]>
Dr.Durai Pandian  Assistant Professor Aarupadai Veedu Medical College and Hospital,Puducherry [email protected]>
Dr.Haripranav Senior Resident Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute,Puducherry [email protected]>
Dr.Harish Kumar   Senior Resident Lakshmi Narayana Medical College,Puducherry [email protected]>
Dr.Kawushik Kumar Assistant Professor Saveetha Medical College,Chennai [email protected]>