Department of Ophthalmology


Ophthalmology Department is functioning with qualified faculties and Para medical workers. We cater to the needs of the patients in around Villupuram and Puducherry. We have Under Graduate and Post Graduate students.

The Department of Ophthalmology is equipped with modern equipment and caters to the needs of the population with respect to various eye conditions, in addition to providing quality education at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


  • To impart holistic medical education, quality patient care and ethical research to become globally recognized centre of excellence for eye care.


  • To inculcate clinical skills, professionalism, teaching and leadership skills among students in ophthalmology.
  • To strive for excellence in quality patient care and treatment, to reduce preventable and avoidable blindness.
  • To take active part in implementation of national level programmes in eradication of blindness.
  • To promote clinical research among students and faculty in the department of ophthalmology.

Program Specific Outcomes

UG – Department of Ophthalmology

Generic outcome

To provide knowledge and skills to the students that shall enable him to practice as a clinical and as a primary eye care physician and also to function effectively as a community health leader to assist in the implementation of National program for blindness and rehabilitation of the visually impaired.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-UG

PSO1 – Knowledge of common conditions causing visual impairment in the community

PSO2 – Ability to diagnose ocular emergencies and their need for referral

PSO3 – To work as a team in treating common eye disease and in implementing national program as applicable in primary care setting

PSO4 – Communicate effectively to patients about blindness and its prevention

PSO5 – To develop lifelong learning attitude by acquiring and upgrading existing skills in common eye disease

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)-PG

  • The student should possess basic knowledge of the structure, function and development of the and the disorders of structure and function which may result thereafter.
  • The student should be able to practice and handle most day-to-day problems independently in ophthalmology. The student should recognize the limitations of his/her own clinical knowledge and know when to seek further help.
  • The student should understand the effects of environment on health and be familiar with the epidemiology of at least the more common diseases in the field of ophthalmology.
  • The student should be able to integrate the preventive methods with the curative and rehabilitative measures in the comprehensive management of the disease.
  • The student should be familiar with common eye problems occurring in rural areas and be able to deal with them effectively.
  • The student should also be made aware of Mobile Ophthalmic Unit and its working and components.
  • The student should be familiar with the current developments in Ophthalmic Sciences.
  • The student should be able to plan educational programmes in Ophthalmology in association with senior colleagues and be familiar with the modern methods of teaching and evaluation.
  • The student should be able to identify a problem for research, plan a rational approach to its solution, execute it and critically evaluate his/her data in the light of existing knowledge.
  • The student should reach the conclusions by logical deduction and should be able to assess evidence both as to its reliability and its relevance.
  • The student should have basic knowledge of medico-legal aspects of medicine.
  • The student should be familiar with patient counseling and proper consent taking.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO 1 – Acquisition and transfer of clinical knowledge, skills and professionalism to undergraduates and post graduate students for better quality care.

PEO 2 – Acquire, conduct, interpret, publish and translate knowledge and skills relevant in improving the field of Ophthalmology.

PEO 3 – Coordinate, communicate and collaborate with national and international networks to update and disseminate information related to human well being

Faculty List

Name Designation
Dr. Nallamuthu. P Professor
Dr. Bhagwati Wadwekar Professor
Dr. Renuga Devi. K Associate Professor
Dr. Sripal. A Associate Professor
Dr. Jayalakshmi. G Assistant Professor
Dr. Jayashankary. S Assistant Professor
Dr. Nandhini P Senior Resident
Dr. Hema S Junior Resident
Dr. Mohamed Shakil A Junior Resident
Dr. Shaik Neroshma Junior Resident
Dr. Vinitha A Junior Resident
Dr. Indhuja S Junior Resident
Dr. Manisha Bhaskaran Junior Resident
Dr. Naveenkumar S Junior Resident
Dr. Rajalakshmi R Junior Resident
Dr. Antony Aishwarya Preethi. E Junior Resident
Dr. Shanmugapriya Junior Resident
Dr. Savya Ravindran Junior Resident
Dr. Rajasekar Junior Resident


Special investigations

The Department deals with patients with all types of eye ailments. Routine outpatient services include refraction, computerized eye testing, spectacle prescription and ocular emergencies. Emergency services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, modern surgical and laser procedures are available for advanced treatment of various eye disorders.

In addition to providing and treatment for various eye disorders, the following special clinics are conducted to provide specialized services.

Special investigations

In addition to routine investigations, the following specialized investigations are also carried out in the department.

  • Automated Perimetry
  • Fundus fluorescein angiography
  • A scan ultrasonography
  • B scan ultrasonography
  • Synoptophore testing
  • Keratometry
  • Applanation tonometry
  • + 90 D and + 78 D examination of retina
  • Goldmann 3 mirror examination
  • Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
  • Gonioscopy
  • Auto Refractometry
  • OCT
  • NCT

Laser procedures

The department has got an Nd: YAG laser and 532 nm green laser for laser treatment of various eye disorders. The various laser procedures carried out are –

  • Laser iridotomy
  • Laser capsulotomy
  • Panretinal photocoagulation
  • Macular grid laser
  • Retinal barrage laser

Surgical facilities

The department possesses a fully functional state of the art operation theatre exclusively for Ophthalmology that functions 6 days a week. The following surgical procedures are offered.

  • Cataract surgery including phacoemulsification with foldable intraocular lens implantation
  • Glaucoma surgery
  • Squint surgery
  • Keratoplasty
  • Oculoplastic surgeries
  • Lacrimal sac surgeries

Eye bank

The department has a fully licensed eye bank with a dedicated phone line and facilities for corneal transplantation. The eye bank is functional round the clock.

Other services include contact lens fitting, rigid gas permeable contact lenses, soft, cosmetic and bandage soft contact lenses


Undergraduate Teaching

Intensive coaching is undertaken to provide quality education and training based on the guidelines set by the Medical Council of India. The classes aim to provide training in the must know and desirable to know categories. Rigorous clinical training is given during the 8 weeks clinical postings when students are given training in case presentation and clinical aspects of the subject. The students are given individual attention and motivation, and specialized training is given for examinations.

Clinical postings

The clinical postings are as scheduled as follows

Year Semester Weekly
Phase II 3rd Semester 4th Semester 2 Wks 2Wks
Phase III Part – 1 5th Semester 6th Semester 2 Wks 2 Wks

Theory postings

Semester Weekly
5th Semester Twice
6th Semester Twice

Postgraduate Teaching

The postgraduate teaching provides training in skills encompassing all the three domains namely the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domain. Comprehensive training is given in all aspects of clinical Ophthalmology to enable the resident to acquire the necessary skills to diagnose ocular ailments on the analysis of history, ocular examination and investigative workup. Hands on training is given in diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical procedures. The postgraduates are taught awareness of community ophthalmology through various eye camps. The principles of research methodology are inculcated so as to enable the resident to write scientific papers for thesis, publication in reputed journals and presentation in national and international conferences. In addition, regular tests are also held for formative assessment. The postgraduate students are posted in OPD, ward, major and minor operation theatres for acquiring clinical skills, and regular teaching sessions in the form of lectures, seminars, short discussions and journal club are held.

The departmental library has the latest books required for postgraduate training, and can be utilized for the same. Seminars and other teaching programs are conducted in air conditioned halls.

Postgraduate teaching schedule

Day I Week II Week III Week IV Week
Monday Case presentation Case presentation Case presentation Case presentation
Tuesday Seminar Scientific Society Seminar Seminar
Wednesday Seminar Seminar Seminar Death audit
Thursday Seminar Seminar Seminar Seminar
Friday Journalclub Seminar Journal club Seminar

Special Clinics

Day Clinic Time
Monday Glaucoma 10.00am to 1.00pm
Tuesday Squint 10.00am to 1.00pm
Wednesday Retina 10.00am to 1.00pm
Thursday Neuro ophthalmology 10.00am to 1.00pm
Friday Eye Bank /Cornea, Orbit & Oculoplasty 10.00am to 1.00pm
All days Refraction clinic 8.30am to 4.00pm



  • Vidhya, Sutapa Das R. Priyadarshini, M. Subhashini, Kaviraj Mahadevan, A comparative study on the intraocular pressure among diabetic and non-diabetic patient. Indian journal of clinical and experimental Ophthalmology, Oct-Dec. 2016. 2(4): 378-380.
  • Anbarasi AC, Divya N, Subhashini M, Sutapa Das, Kaviraj Mahadevan Analysis of the effects of cataract surgery on corneal sensation variation after SICS and phacoemulsification Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, October-December,2016;2(4): 287-289.
  • Sutapa Das, Vishwanandha N.R, Sindhu, M. Subhashini, Kaviraj Mahadevan. A study on the angle of anterior chamber in relation to duration of diabetics mellitus and stages of diabetic retinopathy. Indian journal of clinical and experimental Ophthalmology, July -sep.2017. Index Copernicus, peer reviewed, quarterly. Volume 3,(3) 270-273.
  • Chaitra, Sutapa Das, Sindhu, M. Subhashini, M. Kaviraj. A retrospective study of pterygium cases treated in a tertiary care hospital at Puducherry International journal of Ocular Oncology and Oculoplasty, Oct-Dec. 2017. Index Copernicus, peer reviewed, quarterly Volume 3, (4), P 273-276.
  • Srimathy A Jain, Sutapa Das, M. Subashini, Kaviraj Mahadevan. Determination of the proportion of refractive errors in patients with primary complaint of headache and the significance of refractive error correction in symptoms relief. Indian journal of clinical and experimental Ophthalmology April – June. 2018. Index Copernicus, peer reviewed, quarterly Volume 4, issue 2, P 258-262.
S. No Title of the paper Name of the author (First/corresponding) Name of the journal Date of Acceptance Date of publication ISSN number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Name of the indexing database Type
1 Determination of the proportion of refractive errors in patients with primary complaint of headache and the significance of refractive error correction in symptoms relief. Srimathy A Jain, Sutapa Das, M. Subashini, Kaviraj Mahadevan. Indian journal of clinical and experimental Ophthalmology 2018 2018 P- ISSN 2395-1443O- ISSN: 2395-1451 Copernicus National
2 Conjunctival impression cytology in evaluating tear film status in small incision cataract surgery. Serah Joseph, C.M. Kiran, Bhagwati Wadwekar, Surendra Nirmale Indian Jouranl Pathology Research and Practice 26.02.2018 24.03.2018 P- ISSN: 2278-148XO – ISSN: 2455 - 5320 Copernicus National
3 Trash to treasure Retcam Prithvi Chandrakanth, Ramya Ravichandran, Naveen G Nischal, M Subhashini Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 29.12.2018 22.03.2019 IP Valume 67 issue 4.;year=2019;volume=67;issue=4;spage=541;epage=544;aulast=Chandrakanth Pub Med National
4 Anterior segment photography with intraocular Prithvi Chandrakanth, P. Nallamuthu Indian Journal of Ophthalmology 13.05.2019 23.09.2019 ISSN:0301-4738;year=2019;volume=67;issue=10;spage=1690;epage=1691;aulast=Chandrakanth Pub Med National
5 Cutaneous scar visibility after external dacryocystorhinostomy: A comparison of curvilinear and Wshaped incision. Bhagwati Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology 2019 2019 ISSN: 1319-4534O - ISSN:2542-6680 Elsevier International
6 Pseudoptosis after Aberrant facial nerve regeneration (AFR): an under-recognized entity July –Sep 2019;5(3);143-145. Wadwekar B, Joseph S, Wadwekar V International journal of Ocular Oncology and Oculoplasty, 2019 220201919 ISSN:2581-5024ISSN:2581-5016 Copernicus International
7 Clinical Profile of Ocular Trauma at a Tertiary care Hospital in South India: A retrospective study Wadwekar B, Sahu P, Elfride S, Karnam AH Trauma Journal Scopus, Embase 2021 2021 ISSN: 1460-4086 Online ISSN: 1477-0350 Scopus National
8 Changing Preferences for Scientific Meetings Platform among Doctor’s in COVID-19 Pandemic: A Questionnaire-based Survey Wadwekar B, Murugan M, Ravichandran K Journal of Medical Education DOAJ 09.11.2021 23.11.2021 e115744.doi: 10.5812/jme.115744 DOAJ International
9 Burden of ocular trauma and its effect on vision: A community‑basedcross‑sectional study in the coastal population of South India Wadwekar B, Misra A Sahu P, Elfride S, JCRSM  DOAJ 19.07.2021 30.12.2021 IP:;year=2021;volume=7;issue=2;spage=97;epage=101;aulast=Wadwekar DOAJ National
10 Polycythemia Rubra Vera presenting as a case of papilledema Cherian J, Wadwekar B Indian Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports 29.04.2021 09.10.2021 IP:;year=2021;volume=1;issue=4;spage=776;epage=778;aulast=Cherian;type=3 Pub Med National
11 The Short term visual, refractive and Topographic outcome of Corneal Collagen Crosslinking in Keratoconus Renuga Devi Kaliaperumal, Amudha Purushothaman, Thiruvengada Krishnan, Shivananda Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 2021 01.11.2021 E-ISSN:2091-0576 P-ISSN:2467-9100 DOAJ International
12 Concurrent Occurrence of Thyroid Associated Orbitopathy and Idiopathic Orbital Inflammatory diseases Saran S, Wadwekar B Indian J ophthalmology: case reports Pubmed 09.02.2022 30.06.2022 ISSN 0971-6149 Pubmed National
13 Correlation of C-reactive protein and BMI with severity of diabetic retinopathy Naveen Nishal G, Renuga Devi Kaliaperumal, Nallamuthu P, Subhashini M Asian Journal of Medical Sciences 04.03.2022 01.04.2022 E-ISSN:2091-0576 P-ISSN:2467-9100 DOAJ International
14 Idiopathic Isolated Unilateral Acquired Superior Oblique Palsy - A Rare Case Report Dr. Nandhini .P, Dr. Nallamuthu .P, Dr. Renugadevi .K IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR -JDMS) 24.12.2022 Dec. 2022 e-ISSN 2279-0853 P-ISSN: 2279-0861 Pub Med National
15 Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder - Diagnostic Dilemma Dr. Anusha .K, Dr. Nallamuthu .P, Dr. Renugadevi .K IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR -JDMS) 26.12.2022 Dec. 2022 e-ISSN 2279-0853 P-ISSN: 2279-0861 Pub Med National
16 Secondaries from retromolar trigone carcinoma leading to orbital apex disorders Pavithra Jayamurthy1, Renuga Devi1, P. Nallamuthu1, Vinitha Angalan1 Global Journal of Health Sciences and Research 30.12.2022 20.02.2023 ISSN: 2836 - 5259 Pub Med International
17 A Case of papilledema with TB meningitis with bilateral abducent nerve palsy - A Diagnostic challenge P. Induja, P. Nallamuthu, K. Renuga Devi Global Journal of Health Sciences and Research 04.01.2023 04.01.2023 ISSN: 2836 - 5259 Pub Med International
18 Ocular Morbidity among school children of age 12 and above in the Villupuram, District of Tamil Nadu 2023; 5(3); 1899-1902 Jenani Rajeshwari, Renuga Devi K, P Nallamuthu, International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy 12.06.2023 2023 ISSN (O); 2687-5365;ISSN((P);2753-6556.[852.%20JAMP_Renuga%20Devi]%201899-1902.pdf Copernicus International
19 Prevalence of dry eye in post cataract surgery patients, in a tertiary carehospital, Pondicherry. of and; 5(3); 839-842 Krishna Chaithanya. G.P, Nallamuthu.P, Sripal. A International Journal Academic Medicine Pharmacy 18.05.2023 2023 ISSN (O); 2687-5365;ISSN((P);2753-6556.[684.%20JAMP_PH]%20839-842.pdf Copernicus International
20 A Ocular Manifestations in craniofacial injuries in patients attending tertiary care centre, Pondicherry; 5 (3);955-959. IsvaryaSriiK, NallamuthuP, Sripal International Journal of Academic Medicine and Pharmacy 19.05.2023 2023 E- ISSN ;2687-5365P-ISSN;2753-6556.[696.%20JAMP_Haroon]%20955-959.pdf Copernicus International


PG University Gold Medalists

Batch Year of Examination Name of the Candidates
2012 2015 Dr. Viyas Malher
2013 2016 Dr. Srimathi A Jain
2014 2017 Dr. Vishwanandha .N.R
2015 2018 Dr. Chaitra .S

Essay Competition

Name Name of the Certificate Given by Date of the awarded
Dr. Induja .P Post Graduate (Batch – 2020 – 23) Essay writing Competition – Glaucoma Awareness week The Pondicherry Ophthalmologists’ Association 14.03.2021

UG University Gold medalists:

Batch Year of Examination University Gold Medalists
2006 2009  Anis Fathima. M
2007 2010 Manju.N
2008 2011 Gopalakrishnan. E
2009 2012 Andal Priyanka. B
2010 2013 Banupriya. R


MoU with District Blindness Control Society of Villupuram of the state of Tamil Nadu

School Screening Camp

Months Date School name Place Total no of students screened
September 2019 08.09.2019 Govt. H.S. School Villupuram 217 Students
October 2022 11.10.2022 Govt. Hr. Sec. School Dhanrampattu 450 Students
October 2022 13.10.2022 Govt. Hr. Sec. School Karungalipattu 450 Students
February 2023 27.02.2023 Govt. Hr. Sec. School Villupuram keezhperumpakkam 750 Students
February 2023 28.02.2023 Kamaraj Municipal Hr. Sec. School Villupuram 850 Students
March 2023 10.03.2023 Govt. Hr. Sec. School Villupuram 800 Students
April 2023 22.04.2023 Govt. Hr. Sec. School Devanur 250 Students

Free Screening Camp

Year No. of Camp No. of Outpatients No. of Patients referred to based Hospital Actual No. reporter to base Hospital
2019 Covid pandemic – No camp
2020 7 185  34 25
2021 25 2702 232 193
2022 58 6645 545 499

We have started School screening camp from July 2018.

Months Date School name Place Total no of students screened
July 06.07.18 Mahatma Gandhi School & Vidhyasharam School Kanjanur & Ahokapuri 385
10.07.18 Seventh day White Metric School Vikiiravandi 312
11.07.18 St. Antony’s Hr. Sec. School Thiruvandar koil 418
18.07.18 Gandhi Matriculation School & National Academic School Kanjanur & Thumbur 323
24.07.18 Bharatha Devi English High School Madagadipattu 422
August 01.08.18 Govt. Girls Hr. Sec. School Villupuram 397
02.08.18 Govt. Girls Hr. Sec. School Villupuram 522
14.08.18 Sri Ramakrishna High School Vadamangalam 379
23.08.18 Sri Venkateswara Matriculation School Villupuram 170
24.08.18 Sri Nataraja Middle School Villupuram 226
October 09.10.18 St. Francis D. Assist Matric School Tindivanam 369
23.10.18 John Dewy Metric HSC School Villupuram 383
24.10.18 St. Francis D. Assist Matric School Tindivanam 493
25.10.18 St. Francis D. Assist Matric School Tindivanam 469

Diabetic Retinopathy screening in RHTC on every Thursday.


Oculoplasty Eyelon

Title: CME – Oculoplasty Eyecon
Date: 02.02.2025
Venue: College Block, 2nd Floor, Lecture Hall 4, SMVMCH
Participants: 71 (PG’s and Faculties)
Organized by: Department of Ophthalmology, SMVMCH & Pondicherry Ophthalmologists Association

The CME on Oculoplasty Eyecon, held on February 2, 2025, at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital (SMVMCH), attracted 71 participants, including PG’s and Facuties. The event focused on advancements in orbital and oculoplastic surgeries, with eminent speakers delivering insightful lectures and interactive discussions. The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Milind Nayak, Chief of Orbit and Oculoplasty, L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad, on the topic “Orbital Surgeries: Exploring the Pandora Box.”

Several distinguished speakers contributed to the academic deliberations, covering various aspects of oculoplastic surgery. Dr. R. Jayagayatri (AEH, Pondicherry) discussed ptosis surgery techniques, patient selection, and achieving optimal surgical outcomes. Dr. Dayakar Yadalla (AEH, Pondicherry) covered best practices, surgical techniques, and post-operative management strategies for entropion correction. Dr. Loganathan (SVMCH, Pondicherry) highlighted key surgical approaches, complications, and solutions in ectropion correction. Dr. Bhagwati Waderkar (SMVMCH, Pondicherry) discussed the etiology, management options, and surgical interventions for lagophthalmos. Dr. Aparna Bhatnagar (Apollo and SIMS, Chennai) explained reconstructive techniques, grafting methods, and aesthetic considerations in lid reconstruction surgeries.

Dr. Mouttapa emphasized the importance of timely intervention in preventing long-term visual impairment and discussed the latest advancements in pediatric ophthalmology, outlining both medical and surgical approaches to treating these conditions. The session was interactive, with Dr. Mouttapa addressing numerous questions from the participants, enhancing the learning experience.

The postgraduate case presentation session, featuring participants from various reputed medical institutions, was a highlight of the event. Each postgraduate presented unique and challenging oculoplasty cases, followed by discussions with senior faculty members. This session provided an excellent opportunity for young ophthalmologists to gain insights and receive feedback on their clinical approach and management strategies. The CME – Oculoplasty Eyecon was an enriching academic experience, fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration among ophthalmology professionals.

World Sight Day Celebration Report – 2024

Event: Guest Lecture
Title: “Common Paediatric Eye Problems”
Guest Speaker: Dr. Fredrick Mouttapa, Department of Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus, Aravind Eye Care System.
Date: 10th October 2024
Venue: Lecture Hall – 1, College Block
Participants: 190 (Undergraduate Students, Postgraduate Students, and Faculties)
Organizing by: Department of Ophthalmology, in collaboration with the Department of Paediatrics

On October 10th, 2024, a guest lecture on Common Paediatric Eye Problems was held at the Aravind Eye Care System. The event attracted 190 participants, including undergraduate and postgraduate students, faculty members, and faculty members from various departments.

Dr. Fredrick Mouttapa, a distinguished expert from the Department of Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus, provided a comprehensive overview of prevalent eye conditions affecting children, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Key topics covered included refractive errors, amblyopia, strabismus, and congenital cataracts.

Dr. Mouttapa emphasized the importance of timely intervention in preventing long-term visual impairment and discussed the latest advancements in pediatric ophthalmology, outlining both medical and surgical approaches to treating these conditions. The session was interactive, with Dr. Mouttapa addressing numerous questions from the participants, enhancing the learning experience.

The event was organized by Dr. Nallamuthu from the Department of Ophthalmology, in collaboration with the Department of Paediatrics, reflecting a multidisciplinary approach to child health and vision care. The collaboration highlighted the commitment to raising awareness about paediatric eye health and ensuring future healthcare professionals are well-equipped to address these challenges.

The lecture concluded with a vote of thanks, acknowledging the speaker’s insightful contribution and the organizing team’s efforts in making the event a success.

National Eye Donation Fortnight Celebration – 2024

From August 25th to September 8th

With regard to the Fortnight celebration Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital conducted various awareness programmes to create awareness among the public, the Medical & Nursing Students and Paramedical Staff.

The following Programmes were conducted during the fortnight.

  1. Exhibition:

An Eye Donation awareness exhibition was conducted from 26th August to 8th September 2024. Poster Competition was held to the medical and nursing students. About 40 posters were displayed in the stall in our hospital premises. The best posters were selected by Dr. Kulharsh B Jaiswal Cornea Specialist, Medical Officer, Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry, and Dr. P. Nallamuthu, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology.

2. Rally:

An Eye Donation awareness Rally was conducted on 29.08.2024 with a view to create awareness among public. The Rally started from our college entrance went via Thirukkanur road, Kalitheerthalkuppam road, Thiruvalluvar Street and ended in college main gate. Faculties, staff members and students of medical and nursing college participated in the rally. Slogans were raised supporting the theme. Eye Donation notices distributed to the public.

3. Programme at RHTC

Awareness Programme was conducted at Rural Health Training centre of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Thiruvennainallur on 29.08.2024 between 10.30am to 11.00am. A lecture was given by Dr. Jayalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology about Eye donation.

4. Guest Lecture:

Guest Lecture was conducted on 30.08.2024 between 2.00pm to 4.00pm. A lecture was given by Dr. Kulharsh B Jaiswal, Cornea Specialist, Medical Officer, Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry, about Eye donation. The faculties, Post graduates of other departments and staff members, Medical and nursing students attended the lecture.

5. Programme at Thakshashila University:

Eye donation awareness programme was conducted at Thakshashila University, Tindivanam, on 03.09.2024. A lecture was given by Dr. Sripal, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology regarding eye donation and its importance. Nearly 100 Allied Health Science students attended in the programme.

6. Symposium – 06.09.2024

Symposium was conducted on 06.09.2024 between 2.00 pm to4.00 pm by the 3rd year medical students about eye donation. 5 students participated in the symposium.

7. During the fortnight 70 persons have pledged their eyes.

Glaucoma Week Celebration – 2024

Organized by: Ophthalmology Department, SMVMCH

Duration: 11th March 2024 to 16th March 2024

Introduction: Glaucoma Week Celebration was organized by the Ophthalmology Department of SMVMCH with the aim of raising awareness about glaucoma, its risk factors, prevention, and treatment among the community. The event spanned from the 11th to the 16th of March 2024 and included various activities targeting different segments of the population.

Events and Activities:

  1. Glaucoma Awareness Exhibition:
  • Date: 12th March to 16th  March 2024
  • Description: An exhibition was set up within the hospital premises featuring informative displays about glaucoma, its symptoms, treatment options, and preventive measures. Around 30 posters were showcased, providing comprehensive information to visitors.

 2. Poster Competition

  • Date: Throughout the week
  • Participants: Optometric students
  • Description: A poster competition was held among optometric students, encouraging them to create visually engaging posters conveying key messages about glaucoma. The top posters were displayed in the hospital stall during the awareness exhibition.

3. Glaucoma Awareness Programme at Takshashila University:

  • Date: 12th March 2024
  • Venue: Takshashila University, Ongur, Tindivanam Taluk, Villupuram District
  • Description: A special awareness programme was organized at Takshashila University, targeting students and faculty members. Dr. Nallamuthu, Professor & HOD of the Ophthalmology Department, delivered a lecture-5 on glaucoma, covering various aspects of the condition, its prevalence, and the importance of early detection. Approximately 150 students participated in the programme, gaining valuable insights into glaucoma awareness and prevention.

4. Guest Lecture:

  • Date: 14th March 2024
  • Topic: “Glaucoma Screening – Why, When, and How”
  • Guest Speaker: Dr. A. R. Rajalakshmi, Professor, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry
  • Venue: Basement Auditorium (Hospital Block), SMVMCH
  • Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
  • Description: A guest lecture was organized, featuring Dr. A. R. Rajalakshmi, a renowned expert in the field of ophthalmology. The lecture focused on the importance of glaucoma screening, discussing the reasons why it is necessary, the appropriate timing for screening, and the various methods employed for effective screening.           85 students attended the lecture, enriching their knowledge and understanding of glaucoma screening practices.

Conclusion: The Glaucoma Week Celebration organized by the Ophthalmology Department of SMVMCH was a resounding success, effectively spreading awareness about glaucoma and its implications. Through a combination of exhibitions, competitions, lectures, and awareness programmes, the event succeeded in reaching out to various segments of the community, educating them about the importance of early detection and timely treatment of glaucoma. Such initiatives play a crucial role in reducing the burden of this sight-threatening condition and promoting eye health within the society. Total of 40 peoples are screened Glaucoma during the Glaucoma Week Celebration.

Glaucoma Awareness Programme at Takshashila University

Webinar on “Premium IOLs – MFIOL, EDOF and TORIC Lens

Webinar Title: Premium IOLs – MFIOL, EDOF and TORIC Lens
Organized by: Ophthalmology Department, SMVMCH
Date: 25th February 2024
Guest Speaker: Dr. Naveen Nischal .G, Medical Officer, Cataract and IOL services, Arvind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry
Time: 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Number of Participants: 32 Postgraduates

Introduction: The Ophthalmology Department of SMVMCH successfully organized a webinar on “Premium IOLs – MFIOL, EDOF and TORIC Lens” on 25th February 2024. The webinar aimed to enhance the understanding of postgraduates regarding advanced intraocular lens (IOL) technologies used in cataract surgery.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Naveen Nischal .G, a distinguished Medical Officer from the Cataract and IOL services department at Arvind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry, served as the guest speaker for the webinar. Dr. Nischal’s expertise in premium IOLs and extensive experience in cataract surgery added significant value to the webinar.

Webinar Content: The webinar commenced with an overview of premium IOLs, including Multifocal IOLs (MFIOL), Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) IOLs, and Toric Lens. Dr. Nischal provided insights into the technological advancements, benefits, and considerations associated with each type of premium IOL.

Key Topics Covered

  • Introduction to Premium IOLs and their Evolution
  • Multifocal IOLs (MFIOL): Mechanism of Action and Clinical Applications
  • Extended Depth of Focus (EDOF) IOLs: Advantages and Considerations
  • Toric Lens: Correction of Astigmatism in Cataract Surgery
  • Patient Selection and Preoperative Assessment for Premium IOLs
  • Clinical Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction with Premium IOLs

Interactive Session: The webinar featured an interactive session where participants had the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification from Dr. Nischal. Participants actively engaged in discussions regarding the selection criteria for premium IOLs, surgical techniques, and management of postoperative complications.

Conclusion: The webinar on Premium IOLs organized by the Ophthalmology Department, SMVMCH, witnessed active participation from 32 postgraduates. Dr. Naveen Nischal .G’s expertise and comprehensive presentation provided participants with valuable insights into advanced IOL technologies and their clinical applications in cataract surgery.

The webinar’s success highlights SMVMCH’s commitment to providing continuous medical education and fostering academic excellence in ophthalmology. The knowledge gained from this webinar will empower postgraduates to deliver optimal patient care and stay abreast of the latest advancements in cataract surgery.


Workshop on “Data Presentation and Statistics

Workshop Title: “Data Presentation and Statistics”
Organized by: Ophthalmology Department, SMVMCH
Date: 23rd February 2024
Venue: PG Seminar Hall, Department of Community Medicine, College Block
Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Number of Participants: 46 Postgraduates

Introduction: The department of Ophthalmology successfully conducted a workshop on “Data Presentation and Statistics” on 23rd February 2024. The workshop aimed to equip postgraduates with essential skills in data analysis and statistical interpretation, crucial for their research and clinical practice.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Rajalakshmi .M, Associate Professor from the Department of Community Medicine, SMVMCH, served as the esteemed guest speaker for the workshop. Dr. Rajalakshmi’s expertise in statistics and its application in medical research added immense value to the workshop.

Workshop Content: The workshop commenced with an introduction to the significance of data presentation and statistics. Dr. Rajalakshmi elucidated various statistical methods commonly used in analyzing data, providing insights into descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and regression analysis.

Key Topics Covered

  • Importance of Data Presentation Techniques
  • Overview of Statistical Methods and Their Application
  • Descriptive Statistics: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion
  • Inferential Statistics: Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Intervals
  • Regression Analysis in Research
  • Practical Application of Statistical Methods in Research

Interactive Sessions: The workshop included interactive sessions where participants actively engaged with Dr. Rajalakshmi, clarifying doubts and discussing real-world applications of statistical methods. The interactive nature of the sessions facilitated a deeper understanding of the concepts presented.

Conclusion: The workshop on Data Presentation and Statistics organized by the Ophthalmology Department, SMVMCH, received overwhelming participation from 46 postgraduates. Dr. Rajalakshmi’s expertise and the interactive sessions contributed to a comprehensive understanding of statistical methods relevant to research and clinical practice. The workshop’s success underscores SMVMCH’s commitment to fostering academic excellence and providing valuable learning opportunities for its students. The knowledge and skills acquired from this workshop will undoubtedly empower postgraduates to conduct high-quality research and make informed clinical decisions in the field.



24th World Sight Day Celebration – 2023 Love Your Eye at Work” (Guest Lecture)

Guest lecture was conducted by our department on 13-10-2023 between 2.00pm. A lecture was delivered by Dr. Srikanth .K Professor of Ophthalmology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute. The faculties, Post graduates, MBBS students (2020-25 Batch) and Optometrist students attended the lecture. Welcome address was given by Professor Dr. Bhagwati Wadwekar, Department of Ophthalmology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. Renuga Devi, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology.

Awareness Programme

Awareness Programme

38th National Eye Donation Fortnight Celebration – 2023 From August 25th to September 8th

With regard to the Fortnight celebration Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital conducted various awareness programmes to create awareness among the public, the Medical & Nursing Students and Paramedical Staff.

The following Programmes were conducted during the fortnight.

  1. Exhibition

An Eye Donation awareness exhibition was conducted from 25th August to 8th September 2023. Poster Competition was held to the medical and nursing students. About 40 posters were displayed in the stall in our hospital premises. The best posters were selected by Dr. Kunal A Mandalik Medical Consultant, Cornea and Refractive Surgeries, Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry, and Dr. P. Nallamuthu, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology.

  1. Rally

An Eye Donation awareness Rally was conducted on 30.08.2023 with a view to create awareness among public. The Rally started from our college entrance went via Thirukkanur road, Arts college road, Thiruvalluvar Street and ended in college main gate. Faculties, staff members and students of medical and nursing college participated in the rally. Slogans were raised supporting the theme. Eye Donation notices distributed to the public.

  1. Programme at School

Eye donation awareness programme was conducted at Paventhar Bharathidasan Higher Secondary School, P.S. Palayam, Puducherry collaborating with Nursing College of Sri Manakula Vinayagar medical college and Hospital, on 31.08.2023. A lecture was given by Dr. Sripal, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology regarding eye donation and its importance. Nearly 100 students attended in the programme.

  1. Symposium – 09.2023

Symposium was conducted on 01.09.2023 between 2.00 pm to4.00 pm by the 3rd year medical students about eye donation. 5 students participated in the symposium.

  1. Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture was conducted on 05.09.2023 between 2.00pm to 4.00pm. A lecture was given by Dr. Kunal A Mandalik, Medical Consultant, Cornea and Refractive Surgeries, Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry, about Eye donation. The faculties, Post graduates of other departments and staff members, Medical and nursing students attended the lecture.

  1. Programme at RHTC

Awareness Programme was conducted at Rural Health Training center of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Thiruvennainallur on 07.09.2023 between 11.00am to 11.30am. A lecture was given by Dr. Jayashankary, Senior Resident, Department of Ophthalmology about Eye donation.

During the fortnight 100 persons have pledged their eyes.

Poster Presentation


Programme at School


Guest Lecture

Programme at RHTC

Glaucoma Week Celebration Primary Glaucoma (Guest Lecture) – 24.03.2023

Guest lecture was conducted by our department on 24-03-2023 between 2.00pm. A lecture was delivered by Dr. N. Sharmila Professor of Ophthalmology, RIOGOH, Madras Medical College, Chennai. The faculties, Post graduates, MBBS students (2020-25 Batch) and Optometrist students attended the lecture. Welcome address was given by Professor Dr. Bhagwati Wadwekar, Department of Ophthalmology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. A. Sripal, Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology.

23rd World Sight Day Celebration (Guest Lecture) 13.10.2022

Awareness Programme

The “World Sight Day” observed every year on 2nd Thursday of October. In this connection a Guest lecture was conducted by our department on 13-10-2022 between 2.15pm. A lecture was delivered by Dr. Venkatesh DO., DNB. Chief Medical Officer, Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry. The faculties, Post graduates, CRRI, and (2019 Batch) MBBS students attended the lecture. Welcome address was given by Professor Dr. Bhagwati Wadwekar Department of Ophthalmology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. Sripal Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology.

Glaucoma – Awareness (Guest Lecture) 26.10.2022

Guest lecture was conducted by our department on 26-10-2022 between 3.00pm. A lecture was delivered by Dr. M. Loganathan, MS., DNB. Professor and HOD Sri Venkateshwara Medical College and Research. The faculties, Post graduates attended the lecture. Welcome address was given by Professor Dr. P. Nallamuthu, Department of Ophthalmology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. Sripal, Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology.

The “World Sight Day” observed every year on 2nd Thursday of October. In this connection a Guest lecture was conducted by our department on 13-10-2022 between 2.15pm. A lecture was delivered by Dr. Venkatesh DO., DNB. Chief Medical Officer, Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry. The faculties, Post graduates, CRRI, and (2019 Batch) MBBS students attended the lecture. Welcome address was given by Professor Dr. Bhagwati Wadwekar Department of Ophthalmology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. Sripal Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology.

Awareness Programme

37th National Eye Donation Fortnight Celebration – 2022

From August 25th to September 8th

During the above fortnight Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital conducted various awareness programmes with a view to create awareness among the public and the Medical, Nursing Students and Paramedical Staff.

  1. Awareness through Exhibition:

An Eye Donation awareness exhibition was conducted from 25th August to 8th September 2022. Poster Competition was held to the medical and nursing students. About 40 posters were displayed in the stall in our hospital premises. The best posters were selected and appreciated by Dr. K. Karthikeyan, Dean (Academic) and Dr. P. Nallamuthu, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology

  1. Awareness Programme in College:

Eye donation awareness programmer was conducted at K.G. Pharma College at Ashokapuri on 29.08.2022 combined with Lions Club of Villupuram Host. A lecture was given by Dr. P. Nallamuthu, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology regarding eye donation and its importance. Nearly 100 students participated in the programme.

  1. Awareness through Guest Lecture for Allied Health Science Students:

Guest Lecture was conducted on 01.09.2022 between 2.30pm to 3.30pm. A lecture was given by Dr. P. Nallamuthu, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology about Eye Care and Eye donation. The Allied Health Science students attended the lecture.

  1. Awareness Programme at RHTC:

Awareness Programme was conducted at Rural Health Training center of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Thiruvennainallur on 01.09.2022 between 11.00am to 12.30pm. A lecture was given by Dr. Jayalakshmi, Senior Resident, Department of Ophthalmology about Eye Care and Eye donation.

  1. CME on 04.09.2022:

CME of Dry Eye Disease was conducted on 04.09.2022 as a part of Eye Donation Fortnight activities, at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Lecture Hall. Programme was inaugu rated by Dr. D. Rajagovindan, Director, SMVMCH, and Dr. R. N. Kagne, Deputy Director, SMVMCH. The following Speakers gave lecture about Dry Eye Disease.

Dr. Ramesh Babu, Professor of Ophthalmology, JIPMER, Puducherry,

Dr. Geetha Behera, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, JIPMER, Puducherry,

Dr. Jayanthan, Chief Consultant, K.S. Eye Hospital, Aalayam Lasik Laser, Erode

Dr. Josephine Christy, Cornea Consultant, Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry.

Nearly 50 Post Graduates and faculties from various medical colleges attended the CME.

  1. Awareness Programme in Nursing College:

Eye donation awareness programme was conducted at Nursing College of Sri Manakula Vinayagar medical college and Hospital, on 06.09.2022 A lecture was given by Dr. Sripal, Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology regarding eye donation and its importance. Nearly 200 Nursing students are participated in the programme.

  1. Symposium On 08.09.2022

Symposium was conducted on 08.09.2022 between 2.00 pm to4.00 pm for the medical students about eye donation. A short feature film about eye donation, taken by the student was also screened.

Poster Presentation

College Awareness Programme

Awareness for Allied Health Science Students & RHTC

CME on 04.09.2022

Nursing College Awareness Programme

36th National Eye Donation Fortnight Celebration – 2021

From August 25th to September 8th

During the above fortnight, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital had conducted various awareness programmes with a view to create awareness among the public and the Medical, Nursing Students and Paramedical Staff.

  1. Awareness through Exhibition:

An Eye Donation awareness exhibition was conducted from 25th August to 8th September 2021. Poster Competition was held to the medical and nursing students. About 30 posters were displayed in the stall in our hospital premises. The best posters were selected and appreciated by Dr.Kagne, Dean, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital.

  1. Awareness through Guest Lecture:

Guest Lecture was conducted through online on 28.08.2021 between 4.30pm to 5.30pm. A lecture was given by Dr. Revathi, Head, Cornea Clinic Services, Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore, about Recent advances in Keratoplasty. The faculties, Post graduates of SMVMVCH ophthal department and Postgraduates form other Medical Colleges attended the lecture.

  1. Symposium

Symposium was conducted on 31.08.2021 between 8.30 am to 10.30 am for the medical students about eye donation.

  1. Eye Donation Quiz Competetion:

Quiz competetion was conducted on 02.09.2021 between 02.00 pm to 4.00pm for the medical students about eye donation. Prizes were distributed to the winners by Dr.Kagne, Dean, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital.

  1. Awareness to Nursing Students:

Eye donation awareness programme was conducted to nursing students of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital on 06.09.2021. A lecture was given by Dr. Sripal, Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology regarding eye donation and its importance. Nearly 450 students are partcipated in the programme through online.

  1. During the fortnight 114 persons have pledged their eyes.


Symposium and Quiz Competition

Must Know In Neuro Ophthalmology – an Overview

 (Guest Lecture –webinar) 17.07.2021

Guest lecture was conducted by our department on 17-07-2021 between 3.30pm. A lecture was delivered by Dr. U. Vijaya Shanmugam, MS., DNB., MNAMS.,FRCS (GLASGOW), Professor of Ophthalmology, Madurai Medical College. The faculties, Post graduates attended the lecture. Welcome address was given by Professor Dr. P. Nallamuthu, Department of Ophthalmology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. Renugadevi, Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology.

Fundus Fluorescein Angiography

(Guest Lecture –webinar) 26.06.2021

Awareness Programme

Guest lecture was conducted by our department on 26-06-2021 between 3.30pm. A lecture was delivered by Dr. C.G. Vanila, Consultant Retina & Uvea Services Head of department of Paramedical Courses (Optometry), Joseph Eye Hospital, Trichy. The faculties, Post graduates attended the lecture. Welcome address was given by Professor Dr. P. Nallamuthu, Department of Ophthalmology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. Renugadevi, Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology.

Evaluation of Strabismus

 (Guest Lecture –webinar) 28.05.2021

Guest lecture was conducted by our department on 28-05-2021 between 5.30pm. A lecture was delivered by Dr. Antony Arokiadass Baskaran, Assistant Professor and Consultant, Paediatric Ophthalmology, Low vision and Neuro-Ophthalmology, Joseph Eye Hospital, Trichy. The faculties, Post graduates attended the lecture. Welcome address was given by Professor Dr. P. Nallamuthu, Department of Ophthalmology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. Renugadevi, Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology.

Intermediate Uveitis

(Guest Lecture –webinar) 24.04.2021

Guest lecture was conducted by our department on 24-04-2021 between 3.30pm. A lecture was delivered by Dr. Balamurugan .S, Consultant, Uveitis, Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry. The faculties, Post graduates attended the lecture. Welcome address was given by Professor Dr. P. Nallamuthu, Department of Ophthalmology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. Renugadevi, Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology.

CME – Basic of Glaucoma – 28.03.2021

Awareness Programme

As a part of Glaucoma week celebration Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital along with department of Ophthalmology conducted CME on Basics of Glaucoma on 28th March 2021. Head of the department and Professor of JIPMER Dr. Subhashini Kaliaperumal, Glaucoma consultant from Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry, Dr.Swati Upadhaya, Assistant professor from JIPMER Dr. Geetha Behera delivered speech on Basics, Investigations, and treatment options of glaucoma. Function was inaugurated by Dr. Kagne (Deputy Director, SMVMCH) by lighting the lamp. Resource person were felicitated by Dr. Rajagovindan (Director, SMVMVH). Post grauduates from various private and Govt. Medical colleges attended the CME.

Principles of Retinal Detachment Surgery

(Guest Lecture –webinar) 20.02.2021

Awareness Programme

Guest lecture was conducted by our department on 20-02-2021 between 3.00pm. A lecture was delivered by Dr. Madanagopalan .V.G, Vitreoretinal Surgeon, JB Eye care & Retinal Centre, Salem, about Principles of Retinal Detachment Surgery. The faculties, Post graduates attended the lecture. Welcome address was given by Professor Dr. P. Nallamuthu, Department of Ophthalmology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. Rasiga, Senior Resident, Department of Ophthalmology.

Attaching the Detached – Lid Reconstruction an Overview (Guest Lecture –webinar) 09.01.2021

Guest lecture was conducted by our department on 09-01-2021 between 3.00pm. A lecture was delivered by Dr. A. Yogeswari, Professor & HOD, Department of Ophthalmolgy, Chengalpattu Medical college, about Attaching the detached –Lid reconstruction an overview. The faculties, Post graduates attended the lecture. Welcome address was given by Professor Dr. P. Nallamuthu, Department of Ophthalmology. Vote of thanks was offered by Dr. A. Sripal, Assistant Professor Department of Ophthalmology.

Observance of 21st World Sight Day – 2020

Awareness programme was conducted on 08.10.2020 between 11.15am to 12.30pm. A lecture was given by Dr. Nallamuthu, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry, about Visual Impairment and Blindness. The students from Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, faculties, Post graduates of other departments and staff members, attended the lecture through online.

35th National Eye Donation Fortnight Celebration – 2020

From August 25th to September 8th

During the above fortnight Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital conducted awareness programmes with a view to create awareness among the public and the Students and Paramedical Staff. Eye Donation Banners were displayed in the main entrance of the hospital and public areas. Awareness phamphlets were given to the patients.

Awareness through Guest Lecture

Awareness Programme

Guest Lecture was conducted on 15.09.2020 between 2.00pm to 4.00pm. A lecture was given by Dr. Vanaja Vaithianathan, Ophthalmic Surgeon, Jothi Eye Care Centre, Puducherry, about Eye Care and Eye donation. The faculties, Post graduates of other departments and staff members, Medical and nursing students attended the lecture through online.

34th National Eye Donation Fortnight Celebration – 2019

From August 25th to September 8th

During the above fortnight Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital conducted various awareness programmes with a view to create awareness among the public and the Medical, Nursing Students and Paramedical Staff.

  1. Awareness through Exhibition:

An Eye Donation awareness exhibition was conducted from 25th August to 8th September 2019. Poster Competition was held to the medical and nursing students. About 30 posters were displayed in the stall in our hospital premises. The best posters were selected and appreciated by Dr. Vanaja Vaithianathan, Ophthalmic Surgeon, Jothi Eye Care Centre, Puducherry on 30.08.2019.

  1. Awareness Through Rally:

An Eye Donation awareness Rally was conducted on 28.08.2019 with a view to create awareness among public. The Rally started from our college entrance went via Thirukkanur road, Arts college road, Madagadipet circle, Pondicherry entrance arch and ended in college main gate. Faculties, staff members and students of medical and nursing college participated in the rally. Slogans were raised supporting the theme. Eye Donation notices distributed to the public.

  1. Awareness through Guest Lecture:

Guest Lecture was conducted on 30.08.2019 between 2.00pm to 4.00pm. A lecture was given by Dr. Vanaja Vaithianathan, Ophthalmic Surgeon, Jothi Eye Care Centre, Puducherry, about Eye Care and Eye donation. The faculties, Post graduates of other departments and staff members, Medical and nursing students attended the lecture.

  1. Eye Donation Quiz Competetion:

Quiz competetion was conducted on 29.08.2019 between 10.00 am to 11.00am for the medical students about eye donation. Prizes were distributed to the winners at Guest lecture by Dr. Vanaja Vaithianathan, Ophthalmic Surgeon, Jothi Eye Care Centre, Puducherry on 30.08.2019.

  1. Awareness Programme in School:

Eye donation awareness programme was conducted at John Dewey Matric. Hr. Secondary School, Villupuram on 03.09.2019. A lecture was given by Dr. Nallamuthu, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology regarding eye donation and its importance. Nearly 200 students are partcipated in the programme.

  1. Symposium On 06.09.2019

Symposium was conducted on 06.09.2019between 2.00 pm to4.00 pm for the medical students about eye donation. A short feature film about eye donation, taken by the student was screened.

During the fortnight 215 persons have pledged their eyes.

Guest Lecture Photos

Eye Donation Rally Photos

Quiz Competition Photos

Awareness Programme at John Dewey School

Eye Donation Symposium

Glaucoma Week – Guest Lecture – 11.03.2019

Awareness Programme

Glaucoma week awareness was celebrated from 11.03.2019 to 17.03.2019. Intra ocular pressure was recorded for all patients above 40 yrs. who attended the OPD. Guest Lecture was conducted on 11.03.2019 between 2.00pm to 4.00pm. Dr. Sophia Louisraj, M.S., D.O., Department of Glaucoma, Joseph Eye Hospital, Trichy, gave as excellent talk about Recent advances in the management of Glaucoma. The faculties, Post graduates, Undergraduates Students attended the lecture.

PG Alumini

Year Name Designation Institute E. mail ID
2012 - 2015 Dr. Ravish Vaishnav Consultant Lakshmi Eye Institute [email protected]
Dr. Priyadarshini .R Ophthalmologist Aravind Eye Hospital [email protected]
Dr. Viyas Malher     [email protected]
2013 - 2016 Dr. Sindhukhanna Consultant Sapthagiri Medical College, Bangalore. [email protected]
Dr. Srimathi A Jain Fellowship in Paediatric ophthalmology Wilmers eye institute, Baltimore. USA. [email protected] 
Dr. Divya .N Assistant Professor Saveetha Medical College, Kuthambakkam, [email protected]
2014 - 2017 Dr. Anbarasi .A.C Assistant Professor Sri Balaji Medical College Chennai – 600 044 [email protected]
Vidhya .N.P Assistant Professor Retina Institute, Karnataka [email protected]
Vishwa Nandha .N.R Practicing in own clinic Karur [email protected]
2015 - 2018 Dr. Chaitra .S Assistant Professor Lion’s Eye Hospital, Bangalore. [email protected]
Dr. Neha .M Consultant Sharat Laser Eye Hospital, Warangal Telangana – 506011 [email protected]
Dr. Siddharth Patel Consultant AIIMS Uttarakhand – 249202 [email protected]
2016 - 2019 Dr. Naveen Nischal G Medical Officer IOL Clinic Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry. [email protected]
Dr. Prithvi. C Consultant Malabar Nethralaya, Vandipetta [email protected]
Dr. Ramya Ravichandran Consultant Sri Arunachala Eye care & Research Foundation, Thiruvannamalai -505 533 [email protected]
2017 - 2020 Dr. Isvarya Srii. K Senior Resident Arunai Medical College Thiruvannamalai [email protected]
Dr. Kiskimohammed Hafsakhanam Consultant Vasan Eye Care Bangalore – 32 [email protected]
Dr. Krishna Chaitanya. G.P Fellowship in Glaucoma  Aravind Eye Hospital Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology Pondicherry [email protected]
2018 - 2021 Dr. Jansirani Home maker -- [email protected]
Dr. Janani Rajeshwari Fellowship in IOL Aravind Eye Hospital Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology Pondicherry. [email protected] 
Dr. Priyanka Jawahar Practicing in own clinic Thought Will Clinic Kodambakkam Chennai – 600 024 [email protected]
2019 - 2022 Dr. Gopal Archana Fellowship in IOL Aravind Eye Hospital Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology Madurai. [email protected]
Dr. Krithika Chenthil Senior Resident Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute Constituent College of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth-a-Deemed to be University, Pondicherry [email protected]
Dr. Murugadas .S Senior Resident Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute Vazhudavour Road Kadirkamam Puducherry – 605 009. [email protected]