Department of Orthopaedics


The department of Orthopaedics, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, Puducherry is one of the premier departments in the field of orthopaedics in this part of the country. It is well equipped to treat various orthopaedic conditions, thus maintaining and improving the musculoskeletal health of the community. The department is well staffed for providing world-class education to the undergraduates and post-graduates. The staffs strive for utmost patient care, research and clinical teaching. Well organised sub-speciality services are also provided by the department by well trained specialists catering to the need of all age groups- from paediatric to geriatric. The faculties besides being excellent clinicians and teachers are good researchers who constantly strive hard to contribute novel concepts and ideas to the orthopaedic world. Sure, a career in Orthopaedics at SMVMCH is an extra-ordinary opportunity.

Prof. Murugan is the Head of the Department. He concentrates on trauma and is specialized in complicated and neglected trauma. Prof. Latchoumibady is in-charge of spine clinic. Spine fracture fixation and discectomy/instrumented fusion are being done routinely. Dr.Manikandan. K is in-charge of arthroplasty clinic. He deals with primary hip and knee as well as revision arthroplasties. Dr. Pragash is in-charge of Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine clinic. He is specialized in arthroscopic ACL/PCL reconstruction and Bankart’s repair. Dr. D.Udayakumar is in-charge of the CTEV clinic, deals with congenital deformity correction. Dr.Sathyanarayanan runs the CP/polio clinic and is specialized in deformity correction due to neurological cause.

In addition, the department also maintains the smooth functioning of 24 hour trauma centre. Trauma clinic is conducted on all days. There is a 24 hour trauma service supported blood bank facility, thus emergency cases are attended as 24 hours service by our duty specialists. The operation theatre is equipped with state-of-art facilities like C-arm image intensifier, arthroplasty, arthroscopy and spine instruments. The trauma operating room with sophisticated operating tables and image intensifier facilitate state-of-art fixation of fractures. (The department also supervises the artificial limb centre which provides custom-made orthosis and prosthesis.) Well-equipped physiotherapy and rehabilitation unit with state-of-art facilities come under the supervision of the department.


  • render high quality orthopaedic medical education to students, high quality patient care and ethical research to serve the community and become globally recognized center of orthopaedic excellence.


  • To train the undergraduates in basic orthopaedic sciences and trauma care.
  • To train the postgraduates in orthopaedic specialities like trauma, arthroplasty, arthroscopy, spine, paediatric orthopaedics, musculoskeletal disorders and tumors.
  • To collaborate with national & international institutions for knowledge sharing & excellence.
  • To provide quality, emergency trauma care and inpatient care.
  • To provide rehabilitation service to the patients.
  • To impart undergraduate/postgraduate ethical orthopaedic research for improved patient care.

Program Specific Outcomes

UG – Department of Orthopaedics

Generic outcome

To diagnose and manage common orthopaedic problems.

Program Specific Outcome

1. Ability to recognize and assess bone injuries, dislocation and poly-trauma and provide first contact care prior to appropriate referral.

2. Knowledge of the medico-legal aspects of trauma.

3. Ability to recognize and manage common infections of bone and joints in the primary care setting.

4. Recognize common congenital , metabolic, neoplastic , degenerative and inflammatory bone diseases and refer appropriately.

5. Ability to perform simple orthopaedic techniques as applicable to a primary care setting.

PG – (M.S) Department of Orthopaedics

At the end of postgraduate training, the PG student should be able to:

1. Diagnose and appropriately manage common orthopedic conditions which present to OPD.

2. Demonstrate sufficient understanding of basic sciences relevant to orthopedic specialty.

3. Participate in decision making of a preoperative case.

4. Provide adequate preoperative, post operative & follow up care for orthopedic patients.

5. Perform minor orthopedic procedures to acceptable standards.

6. Effectively assist in major orthopedic surgeries or perform them under guidance.

7. Function as part of a team and develop an attitude of co-operation with colleagues and other departments.

8. Interact to patients with proper etiquette, ethics and empathy.

9. Develop communication skills to report professional opinion to patients, relatives, peers, and paramedical staff and teach undergraduate students.

10. Identify a problem, prepare research protocol, collect patient’s data, analyse and interpret results and discuss the findings as part of dissertation and other research projects.

11. Know basic research methodology, statistics relevant to orthopedics.

12. Demonstrate adequate knowledge in medico-legal aspects of orthopedic practice.

13. Provide and co-ordinate with other departments in emergency resuscitation of patients.

14. Organize and conduct relief measures in situations of natural calamities or mass disasters including triage.

15. Update the recent advances in orthopedic sciences for better patient care.

16. Explain patients the complications of treatment methods and obtain informed consent for surgical procedures.

17. Perform surgical audit, maintain records, conduct seminars, journal clubs and other educational activities and maintain a logbook.

18. Plan and advice measures on prevention and rehabilitation of orthopedic patients.

19. Develop leadership qualities, in handling complex situations, training medical and paramedical & general public.

20. Demonstrate sensitivity to patient’s culture, age, gender & disabilities; possess commitment to ethical principles and confidentiality in relation to patient care.

21. Demonstrate commitment to identify short comings & improve oneself to the highest standards of orthopedic practice.




Biochemical and pathological tests are done round the clock. In addition, laboratories are available in the side room of each orthopaedic ward for staining techniques.


State-of-art museum with flowcharts, photographs of eminent orthopedicians, bone models and pathological specimen is available at the second floor of hospital building near the faculty room.


Departmental library is located at the second floor near the ortho faculty rooms. The library hosts around 637 books mostly the latest editions of orthopaedic text including reference books along with pre-clinical and Para-clinical texts. A second set of orthopaedic texts with added reference books along with standard journals are available at the central library with good internet facility.

Equipment and instruments

General orthopaedic instruments, spine sets, joint replacement sets, arthroscopy and Ilizarov sets are available adequately to meet the demands of any orthopaedic surgery.


OPD has 5 consultation rooms, 5 examination cubicles, 1 plaster room, 1 treatment room, 2 waiting areas, 1 minor OT and 1 demonstration room. Outpatient clinics function from Monday to Saturday. Special clinics like CTEV clinic, spine clinic function in the Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.


90 beds are available at the general ward in fourth floor of hospital building, separate for male and female patients with demonstration rooms and doctor’s duty room in each ward.


A separate OT complex for orthopaedics is available at C wing first floor of hospital building. The complex hosts 1 receiving room, 1 recovery room and two state-of-art operating rooms. Fracture table with radiolucent top table with fracture reduction accessories and C-arm image intensifier are available in each operating room. The following surgical procedures are being routinely done

  1. Upper limb and lower limb fracture fixation
  2. Pelvis and acetabular fracture fixation
  3. Deformity correction both congenital and acquired
  4. Spine – fracture fixation, discectomy and instrumented fusion
  5. Arthroplasty – knee and hip
  6. Arthroscopy – knee (ACL/PCL reconstruction, meniscal excision/repair) and shoulder (Bankart’s repair)
  7. Tumour excision and reconstruction
  8. Ilizarov fixation
  9. Research laboratory – Available at the college building.

Faculty List

Name Designation
Dr. K. Latchoumibady Professor
Dr. Pragash. M Professor
Dr. Neelakrishnan. R Professor
Dr. Manikandan. K Associate Professor
Dr. Naveenkumar. K Assistant Professor
Dr. Probin Joseph Assistant Professor
Dr. Ashraf Jamal. R Assistant Professor
Dr. Arun Prasnth. K Assistant Professor
Dr. Udayakumar. D Assistant Professor
Dr. Raja. V Assistant Professor
Dr. Madhavan. M Assistant Professor
Dr. Sathyanarayanan. P Senior Resident
Dr. Kishore. B Senior Resident
Dr. Muhamed Raffath. A. K Senior Resident
Dr. Vijaya Devagaran. V Senior Resident
Dr. Abhiraami. M Junior Resident
Dr. Aravinda Raj G Junior Resident
Dr. Naveen Jegaprasath Junior Resident
Dr. Thejas P Junior Resident
Dr. Aravind R Junior Resident
Dr. Nandakumar K Junior Resident
Dr. Pavan Kumar S Junior Resident
Dr. Prem Anand R Junior Resident
Dr. Shahrukhkhan Raffi @ Jebi Junior Resident
Dr. Vighnesh S Junior Resident
Dr. Pranavkumar. T Junior Resident
Dr. Syed Ibrahim Junior Resident
Dr. Sai Nishantha. N Junior Resident
Dr. Vishnuprasath Junior Resident
Dr. Harikrishnan Ajith Junior Resident
Dr. Dhaneshwaran.S Junior Resident

Special Clinics

Day Clinics Timing
Daily Fracture Clinic 9.00 a.m to 4:00 pm
Monday Hand Clinic 9.00 a.m to 4:00 pm
Tuesday Spine Clinic 9.00 a.m to 4:00 pm
Wednesday Arthroplasty Clinic 9.00 a.m to 4:00 pm
Thursday CTEV & Peadiatric Ortho 9.00 a.m to 4:00 pm
Saturday Arthroscopy Clinic 9.00 a.m to 1:00 pm


Academic activities – Undergraduate Training

Includes both clinical classes and didactic lectures based on the syllabus prescribed by the NMC. The didactic lectures, group discussion & tutorials are scheduled weekly for Phase III Part I and Phase III Part II students of CBME curriculum

Batch Month Day Time
Phase III Part I February to July Saturday 08.30am to 09.30am
Phase III Part I August to December Monday 08.30am to 09.30am
Phase III Part II March to December Monday 08.30am to 09.30am

Clinical Postings

The clinical postings are as scheduled as follows

Batch Month Weeks
Phase II March to May 2 Weeks
Phase II May to October 2 Weeks
Phase III Part I February to August 4 Weeks
Phase III Part II July to October 2 Weeks

PG Training

Postgraduate course has been started from 2012 academic session. At present there are 6 M.S. Ortho seats. The postgraduates have regular clinical discussion, journal clubs and case presentations. Inter-departmental meeting with pathology and radiology departments are being held periodically. Well-equipped department library with internet facility can be accessed by the students.

PG Teaching Schedule

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
I week Case presentation Journal club Seminar Case presentation Seminar
II week Case presentation Scientific Meeting Seminar Case presentation Surgical Audit
III week Case presentation Journal club Radiology meeting Case presentation Seminar
IV week Case presentation Journal club Death Audit Case presentation Surgical Audit


S. No Title of the paper Name of the author (First/corresponding) Department Name of the journal Date of Acceptance Date of publication ISSN number Link of the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal Name of the indexing database Type
1 A rare case of pycnodysostosis: technical difficulties in managing long bone fractures. Pragash M, Balaji Sambandam, Justin Mosses, Romans Orthopaedics Journal of clinical orthopaedics and trauma 12.09.2018 26.09.2018 ISSN 0976-5662 Indexed pubmed, Scopus National
2 Prospective study of functional outcome of arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using semi tendinosus tendon graft with a periosteal strip from anteromedial tibia. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sambandam B. Pragash M1, Balaji Sambandam2, Latchoumibady K3, Srinivasan S4 Orthopaedics International Journal of Orthopaedics 23.01.2019 01.05.2019 Index copernicus National
3 Study on the role of Non penetrating titanium clips in dural repair Naveenkumar Kuppan, Krishnakumar R Orthopaedics Journal of Spine Research and Surgery 26.05.2020 01.06.2020  ISSN : 1884-7137 Google scholar International
4 An experimental study to evaluate a new radiographic method for measuring femoral anteversion Dr. Uma Anand KP Dr. Justin Moses Orthopaedics International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 11.03.2020 01.04.2020 PISSN-2706-6603 Google scholar International
5 Mathematical analysis of femoral version controversies in MRI and axial oblique CT measurement Dr. Uma Anand KP Dr. Justin Moses Orthopaedics International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 15.03.2020 01.04.2020 PISSN-2706-6603 Google scholar International
6 Bilateral Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis in a Young Female for Bilateral Neglected Ankle Injuries - A Case Report Dr Uma Anand KP1, Dr Pragash M2, Dr Samundeeswari S3, Dr Probin Joseph 4 Orthopaedics Annals of R.S.C.B 11.12.2020 18.12.2020 ISSN: 1583-6258 Scopus International
7 Functional outcome of distal tibial fractures treated by stainless steel locking plates with minimally invasive plate Osteosynthesis in rural population: A prospective study. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sreenivas KD, Moses J, PN KK Orthopaedics  International Journal of Orthopaedics 12.12.2019 06.01.2020 E-ISSN: 2395-1958 P-ISSN: 2706-6630 Google scholar International
8 Moses J, Sreenivas KD, Selvan A. A prospective study on outcomes of stainless steel proximal femoral nail for unstable intertrochanteric fractures in rural population. International Journal of Orthopaedics. 2020; 6(1):379-82. Moses J, Sreenivas KD, Selvan A Orthopaedics Moses J, Sreenivas KD, Selvan A 21.12.2019 06.01.2020 E-ISSN: 2395-1958 P-ISSN: 2706-6630 Google scholar International
9 Xanthogranulomatous Osteomyelitis Masquerading as Neoplasm in a Rare Site Pragash, Naveen Kuma, Rajkumar Pandian, Erli Amel Ivan, Jayanthi, Manjula Orthopaedics Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences 01.10.2021 31.10.2021 ISSN 0972-5997 Scopus International
10 A Lytic lesion in proximal phalanx of Hand: A case report and Diagnostic approach Kalyan deepak sreenivas, Sathyanarayanan Parthasarathy, Akashdeep Ambikakumari Ajayakumar Orthopaedics Case Reports in Orthopaedics Research 29.03.2021 16.06.2021 e-ISSN: 2296-9373 Google scholar International
11 Study of Surgical Fixation of Extra-Articular Distal Humerus Fractures using Extra-Articular Distal Humerus Locking Plate – Original Article. Dr. Manikandan Kumarasamy, Dr. K. P. Uma Anand, Dr. M. Romans Orthopaedics Journal of Orthopaedic Diseases and Traumatology 06.03.2022 28.05.2022 ISSN No. 2665-9352 DOAJ National
12 Functional Outcome of Distal end Radius Fractures Managed with Variable - angle Locking Plates: A Prospective Study - Original Article. Dr. Manikandan Kumarasamy, K. Naveen Kumar, A. A. Akashdeep, K. P. Uma Anand Orthopaedics Journal of Orthopaedic Diseases and Traumatology 16.03.2022 01.09.2022 ISSN No. 2665-9352 DOAJ National
13 A Rare Case Report “Aneurysmal Bone cyst of Calcaneum”  Dr. Raja Velayudham, Dr. Sathyanarayanan Parthasarathy, Dr. Pragash Mohanen and  Dr. Vetri Deiveegan Orthopaedics Journal of Orthopaedic Oncology 04.03.2023 28.03.2023 ISSN NO. 2472-016X Google scholar International
  • VP Baliga, K. Latchoumibady, S. Jagtap, S. Sundar, H. B. Shivakumar, C. S. Bolmall, Assessment of the Efficacy, safety & tolerability of S16mg VS Lornoxicam 8 mg in adult patients with osteoarthritis of Knee. Journal of Ostearthritis and Cartlage, 2010; 18: S256.
  • Karthikeyan, K. Latchoumibady, S. Sowmya, Double trouble: a case of Von Reckling Hausen disease with coexistent lepromatous leprosy. The Journal of infection in Developing countries 2011;6(03),287-289.
  • Sureshraj P, Elango M, Pragash M, Latchoumibady K, Murugan. A Chondromyxoid fibroma of subtrochanteric region with ipsilateral neck of femur fracture in a 60 years old female. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences J Med sciences (RJMS), 2013 jul;3(3):188-190.
  • Elango M. Pragash M. Latchoumibady K, Sureshraj. Pathological Intertrochanteric Fracture following Aneurysmal Bone cyst in an adolescent boy. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences J Med sciences (RJMS), jul 2013;3:3.
  • Elango M, Pragash M, Justin M. A newer technique of Distal Ulna Reconstruction Using Proximal Fibula and TFCC Reconstruction using Palmaris Longus Tendon following Wide Resection of Giant Cell Tumor of Distal Case reports in orthopedics, 2013,doi:10; vol.2013,Article ID 953149,6 1155/2013/953149.
  • Pragash M, Kumaresan P, Kanagasabai R. Extraosseous Intra-Articular Osteochondroma. Case reports in Orthopedics, 2013, doi:10; vol.2013, Article ID 181862,5 pages,.1155/2013/181862
  • As chandan wale, S.Sundar, K.Latchoumibady Efficacy and safety profile of combination of Tramodol diclofenac VS tramadol paracetomol, Jounal of research 7,455.2014.
  • Elango M, Manoharan M, Sureshraj P , Justin moses C , Murugan A, Functional outcome of Diaphyseal humerus Fractures treated with LC-DCP and intramedullary nail-A comparative study,International journal of Medical Research and review, 2015, Volume 3, issue 10.
  • M, Pragash. M, Kumareswaran. S, Latchoumibady. K, Murugan. A, A study of patients with middle third claricle fractures as per treatment given and complications, medpulse – International medical journal, volume 2, issue 5, May 2016.
  • M, Pragash. M, Latchoumibady. K, Surgical reconstruction of non union patella and neglected patellar tendon rupture with semitendinosus graft – a prospective study, International journal of orthopaedics traumatology & surgical sciences volume 2, issue 2, june-november, releasing in December 2016.
  • M, Elango. M, manikandan. K, Functional outcome of primary cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty in unstable intertrocheuteric fractures of elderly- a prospective study, International journal of orthopaedics traumatology & surgical sciences volume 2, issue 2, june-november, releasing in December 2016.
  • K, Pragash. M, Prashanth. P, Functional outcome of spondylolisthesis treated by transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion with cage and pedicular screw fixation- a prospective study – International journal of orthopaedics traumatology & surgical sciences, June-Nov. 2016, volume-2, issue-2.
  • M, Pragash. M, Kumareswaran. S, Latchoumibady. K, Surgical outcome of midshaft clavicular fractures treated by flexible intramedullary nailing versus plating – a prospective comparison study - International journal of orthopaedics traumatology & surgical sciences 2017 Feb;3(3):435-440.
  • M, Balaji. S, Prospective study of functional outcome of arthroscopic ACL reconstruction using semi tendinosus tendon graft with a periosteal strip from anteromedial tibia. ( Under Review).


Pondicherry Universtiy Gold medal for MS Ortho Examination

Dr. Manikandan. K 2013
Dr. Prajwal Ganesh 2014
Dr. Kishan Kumar 2015
Dr. Arun Chander 2017
Dr. Akash Deep. A 2018
Dr. Raja. V 2019


Rural Camps

Camps are being conducted once in every week in the nearby villages to identify any orthopaedic problem and to educate the society on maintaining the musculoskeletal health, every Tuesday at Thiruvennainallur RHTC of SMVMCH. Other rural areas are also covered by the special camps.


IIC Self Driven Activity – Research Week Celebration 2024

Institution’s Innovation Council

Event Name: Case Report Writing Competition
Organized By: Dept of Orthopaedics
Venue: IIIrd Floor Clinical Department
Date: 03-12-2024

Organising Department: Department of Orthopaedics
Coordinator: Dr. Muhamed Raffath. A. K
Time: 10.00 am to 1.00 pm


  • To develop an interest in case report writing among postgraduates.
  • To indulge the postgraduates in research oriented aspects.

Jugdes: Dr. K. Karthikeyan (Dean Academic), Dr. P. Sanjay (Dean Research) and Dr. M. Pragash (Medical Superintendent)

Participant Details: 9 participants (Orthopaedic Postgraduates)

Programme Overview: The programme started with the welcome address by Dr. Muhamed Raffath. A. K. It was then followed by case report presentation by orthopaedic postgraduates. Each postgraduates were allotted 5 mins for presentation and judged by Dr. K. Karthikeyan (Dean Academic), Dr. P. Sanjay (Dean Research) and Dr. M. Pragash (Medical Superintendent). The best case report presentation was given to Dr. Harikrishnan. The prize winner was awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 1000/-

IIC Self Driven Activity – Research Week Celebration 2024

Event Name: How to perform a Literature search and Manage references
Organized By: Dept of Orthopaedics
Venue: Basement auditorium-Hospital block
Date: 03-12-2024
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Objectives: To impart knowledge on literature search and formulating research protocol for postgraduates and faculties.

Guest Speaker:
Topic: How to perform a literature search and manage references
Dr. Venkataram. V, M.S, DNB, Dip SICOT, Fellowship in foot and ankle surgery
Associate Professor
Department of Orthopaedics

Topic: Brief on formulating research protocol and narrative review
Dr. Jomon De Joseph, MBBS, DNB MRCS (Glasgow)
Assistant Professor
Department of Orthopaedics

Participant Details: 50 participants (Postgraduates and Faculties)

Programme Overview: The programme started at 2 pm with a welcome address by Dr. D. Udayakumar, which was then followed by a lecture on literature search and reference management by Dr. Venkataram. V.

Dr. Jomon De Joseph presented on the topic of formulating a research protocol and narrative review. The programme concluded with honouring of the guests by Dr. K. Karthikeyan (Dean Academic), Dr. P. Sanjay (Dean Research) and Dr. M. Pragash (Medical Superintendent)

Way Forward/Conclusion: The programme was well received by the faculties and postgraduates of all departments. The postgraduates found the lectures to be very useful.

World Osteoporosis Day

Event Name: World Osteoporosis Day

Organized By: Dept of Orthopaedics
Venue: Ortho OPD Room No.66
Date:  18-10-2024
Time:  9:00 AM – 1:00 PM

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted the ‘Free BMD Camp’ event on World Osteoporosis day, which was on 18.10.2024 at SMVMCH, Puducherry. With the auspicious inauguration of the event by our Medical Superintendent, Dr. M. Pragash, the event was conducted by Dr. Latchoumibady, the head of the department.

The ‘Free BMD camp’ was of much use to the general public and old age population in creating awareness about the significance of Osteoporosis and how early diagnosis can help in preventing pathological fractures. Bone mineral density of around 100-150 people more than 40 years old and post-menopausal women, who visited OPD on that day was assessed using a BMD machine. The camp made the patients contended due to its novelty in this setup.

We express our immense gratitude to everyone for making this camp a grand success!

Bone and Joint Day

Event Name:  Bone and Joint Day
Organized By: Dept of Orthopaedics
Venue: Ortho room no 66, Thiruvennainallur
Date: 05-08-2024
Time: 09:00 AM – 01:00 PM

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted a ‘Free BMD Camp’ event on Bone and Joint day on 05.08.2024 at SMVMCH, Puducherry. The event was inaugurated by our Medical Superintendent Dr. M. Pragash.

The ‘Free BMD camp’ was of much use to the general public and elderly people in creating awareness about the significance of osteopenia and osteoporosis and how early diagnosis can help in preventing pathological fractures and also educated about calcium rich diet to prevent osteoporosis. Bone mineral density camp was organized and conducted by our faculty Dr. M. Madhavan (Assistant Professor). Around 130 people, more than 40 years old and post-menopausal women, who visited OPD on that day were assessed using a BMD machine. We express our immense gratitude to everyone for making this camp a grand success!

Basic Ilizarov workshop

Event Name:  Basic Ilizarov workshop
Organized By:  Dept of Orthopaedics
Venue:  MIT Auditorium
Date:  27-07-2024
Time:  09:30 AM – 05:30 PM

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted the “BASIC ILIZAROV WORKSHOP” on 27.07.2024 at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry.

The organising chairman of the program Dr. R. Neelakrishnan and  Dr. Pragash. M and organising secretary Dr. Probin Joseph and Dr. K. Naveen Kumar.

The programme was inaugurated by our Deputy Director & Dean Dr. R. N. Kagne. 80 participants including postgraduates and junior consultants attended the programme.

The sessions started with talk on history, basics of Ilizarov instrumentation biology. It was followed by hands on workshop on bamboo stick by all faculties.

Afternoon session had various talks on proximal tibia fractures, safe zones in tibia by renowed faculties Dr. Vasudevan, Dr. Suresh Gandhi, Dr. Sridhar Dharmalingam, Dr. J.K. Giriraj and Dr. G. Subramanya Gandhi.

Followed by saw bone workshop on proximal tibia fractures.

Every participant had an opportunity to actively participate and learn.  The discussions were done in detail to impart knowledge to the participants.

“Orthotics and Splints Training Program”

Event Name:  Hands on orthotics and splints training program
Organized By:  Dept of Orthopaedics
Venue: Simulation center
Time: 08:30 AM – 01:00 PM

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted the “Orthotics and Splints Training Program” for Interns on 06.07.2024 at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry.

50 participants (Interns) attended the programme. The programme was inaugurated  by        Prof. Dr. M. Pragash, Dr. Naveen Kumar and Dr. Probin Joseph. Dr. V. Vijaya Devagaran, Dr. A.K. Muhamed Raffath, Dr. B. Kishore and Dr. N. Ragul demonstrated the basics of upper limb, lower limb, spine and hand splints application techniques. The discussion was then followed by hands on session where initial demonstration was done by the faculties. During the hands on session every participant had an opportunity to actively participate and learn about the splints and its application techniques.  The discussions were done in detail to impart knowledge to the participants. We express our sincere gratitude to everyone who attended the program and made this programme a grand success.

Hands on POP Application

Date – 04.05.2024
Time – 8.30 am to 1.00 pm
Venue – Simulation center (3rd floor college block)
Department – Orthopaedics

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted the “HANDS ON POP APPLICATION WORKSHOP” for Interns on 04.05.2024 at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry. Dignitaries and faculties inaugurated the function.
60 participants including interns and surgery postgraduates attended the programme.The programme was initiated by Prof. Dr. M. Pragash which was then preceded by Dr. Naveen Kumar, Dr. D. Vetri, Dr. Probin Joseph, Dr. K. Arun prasanth and Dr. A.K. Muhamed Raffath where students were imparted with knowledge on the basics of pop application and upper and lower limb pop application techniques. The discussion was then followed by Hands on seesion where initial demonstration was done by the faculties. Followed by the demonstration the session continued with hands on application where every participant had an opportunity to actively participate and learn about the pop and its techniques. The discussions were done in detail to impact knowledge to the participants. We express our sincere gratitude to everyone who attended the program and made this programme a grand success.


Alumni talk

Date – 24.04.2024
Time – 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm
Venue – 3rd floor clinical department (seminar room)
Department – Orthopaedics

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted Alumni Talk on 24.04.2024 at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry.
Dr. Prashanth Pandian, MBBS, MS ortho, FASM (ISAKOS), FSSM (SEOUL), FIFA Dip. FM, Arthroscopy & Sports Medicine Consultant, Sayee Speciality Hospital, an alumni of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital and did his post graduatation in the year 2013-2016 was the guest speaker.

Webinar talk was conducted on topic – “Decision Making in Shoulder Instability” in clinical department orthopaedics seminar room under guidance of our Medical Superintendent Dr. M. Pragash (Professor). The event was organized and conducted by senior faculty  Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan and Dr. V. Raja – Assistant Professor. 24 participants attended the meeting.

Dr. P. Sathyanarayanan introduced the speaker. The talk was highly informative and useful for postgraduates and faculties. Newer concepts, clinical aspects, treatment guidance and protocols were explained clearly, senior faculties also shared their knowledge and experience. Overall, the webinar was useful in theoretical and clinical aspects.

Dr. K. Manikandan, Associate Professor proposed the vote of thanks.
We express our immense gratitude to everyone for making the event a grand success

PG Teaching Programme

Program Name – PG Teaching Programme
Date – 16.02.2024
Time – 2 pm to 4 pm
Venue – Basement Auditorium
Department – Orthopaedics

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted the “PG Teaching Programme” for the year 2024 on 16.02.2024 at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry under the aegis of POACON, IOA and collaboration with IQAC. The function was inaugurated by dignitaries and faculties.
The programme had more than 50 PG participate from various college around Pondicherry and Tamilnadu. Eminent faculties from various prestigious institutes were present who observed the case presentations which was followed by excellent questions and discussion session. Interesting Spotters, various long and short cases were presented by the post graduates from various colleges. Members of the Indian Orthopaedic Association and Pondicherry orthopaedic association were also present and guided the PG students towards the presentation. The discussions were done in detail to impact knowledge to the participants. We express our sincere gratitude to everyone who attended the program and made this course a grand success.

World Young Rheumatic Day

Department – Orthopaedics
Event Name – World Young Rheumatic Day
Competition Name – Poster competition
Date – 18.03.2024
Time – 12 pm to 1 pm
Venue – Hospital courtyard
Competition Name – Quiz competition
Date – 18.03.2024
Time – 2 pm to 4 pm
Venue – Basement Auditorium

The Department of Orthopaedics celebrated ‘World Young Rheumatic Day’ on 18.03.2024 at SMVMCH, Puducherry. On this day celebration, we conducted Poster presentation and quiz competition. With the auspicious inauguration of the event by our Medical Superintendent, Dr. M. Pragash, the event was spectacularly conducted by Associate Professors Dr. Naveenkumar K.
Poster presentation was conducted on topic – Awareness of Rheumatic disease in young people among public for undergraduates, interns, nursing students and postgraduates. Total of 12 posters were displayed in front of public people at hospital ground floor. Dr. K. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department of Dermatology and Dr. S. Girija, Professor, Department of General Medicine judged all the posters and announced the winners.

In the afternoon, Quiz competition was conducted on Rheumatology for undergraduates, interns and postgraduates. Total of 26 teams participated in the preliminary round and final 4 teams were selected based on their performance. Quiz competition was highly informative and useful for both students and interns. The faculties also shared their profound knowledge and rich experience. The programme happened to be an eye opener for the students and also gave them an intrinsic exposure to Orthopaedics, theoretically and clinically.
We express our immense gratitude to everyone for making this programme a grand success!

Bone and Joint day 2023

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted the ‘Free BMD Camp’ event on Bone and Joint day which was on 04.08.2023 at SMVMCH, Puducherry. With the auspicious inauguration of the event by our Medical Superintendent Dr. M. Pragash and Head of the Department Dr. Latchoumibady.

The ‘Free BMD camp’ was of much use to the general public and old age population in creating awareness about the significance of osteopenia and osteoporosis and how early diagnosis can help in preventing pathological fractures. Bone mineral density of around 150 people more than 40 years old and post-menopausal women, who visited OPD on that day was assessed using a BMD machine. We express our immense gratitude to everyone for making this camp a grand success!

Bone and Joint day 2023

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted the ‘Basic Life Support’ lecture on Bone and Joint day to students and general public which was held on 04.08.2022 at SMVMCH, Puducherry. With the auspicious inauguration of the event by our Medical Superintendent, Dr. M. Pragash and head of the department Dr. K. Latchoumibady

Basic life support were taught to the general public and students. It will be very useful in saving the life of a person in an emergency situation.

IOA PG Teaching Program 2022

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted the “IOA PG Teaching Programme” for the year 2022 on 27.03.2022 at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry. The function was inaugurated by dignitaries and faculties.

The programme had more than 100 PG participate from various college around Pondicherry and Tamilnadu. Eminent faculties from various prestigious institutes were present who observed the case presentations which was followed by excellent questions and discussion session. Various interesting long and short cases were presented by the post graduate from various colleges. Members of the Indian Orthopaedic Association and were also present and guided the PG students towards the presentation. The discussions were done in detail to impact knowledge to the participants. TNMC credit points were also awarded to all participants. We express our sincere gratitude to everyone who attended the program and made this course a grand success.

Ortho Quiz 2021

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted the ‘Ortho Quiz 2021’ event on 23.03.2021 at SMVMCH, Puducherry. With the auspicious inauguration of the event by our Medical Superintendent, Dr. M. Pragash, the event was spectacularly conducted by Assistant Professors Dr. Probin Joseph and Dr. Naveenkumar K.

The ‘Ortho Quiz 2021’ was highly informative and useful for both students and interns. The faculties, also shared their profound knowledge and rich experience. The programme happened to be an eye opener for the students and also gave them an intrinsic exposure to Orthopaedics, theoretically and clinically.

We express our immense gratitude to everyone for making this programme a grand success!

‘Free BMD Camp’ 2021

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted the ‘Free BMD Camp’ event on World Osteoporosis day which was on 21.10.2021 at SMVMCH, Puducherry. With the auspicious inauguration of the event by our Medical Superintendent, Dr. M. Pragash, the event was conducted by Dr. Latchoumibady, the head of the department.

The ‘Free BMD camp’ was of much use to the general public and old age population in creating awareness about the significance of Osteoporosis and how early diagnosis can help in preventing pathological fractures. Bone mineral density of around 150-200 people more than 40 years old and post-menopausal women, who visited OPD on that day was assessed using a BMD machine. The camp made the patients contended due to its novelty in this setup.

We express our immense gratitude to everyone for making this camp a grand success!

Clinical activities

Free BMD Camp

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted the ‘Free BMD Camp’ event on World Osteoporosis day which was on 21.10.2021 at SMVMCH, Puducherry. With the auspicious inauguration of the event by our Medical Superintendent, Dr. M. Pragash, the event was conducted by Dr. Latchoumibady, the head of the department.

The 'Free BMD camp' was of much use to the general public and old age population in creating awareness about the significance of Osteoporosis and how early diagnosis can help in preventing pathological fractures. Bone mineral density of around 150-200 people more than 40 years old and post-menopausal women, who visited OPD on that day was assessed using a BMD machine. The camp made the patients contended due to its novelty in this setup.

We express our immense gratitude to everyone for making this camp a grand success!


Ortho Quiz 2021

The Department of Orthopaedics conducted the ‘Ortho Quiz 2021’ event on 23.03.2021 at SMVMCH, Puducherry. With the auspicious inauguration of the event by our Medical Superintendent, Dr. M. Pragash, the event was spectacularly conducted by Assistant Professors Dr. Probin Joseph and Dr. Naveenkumar K.

The 'Ortho Quiz 2021' was highly informative and useful for both students and interns. The faculties, also shared their profound knowledge and rich experience. The programme happened to be an eye opener for the students and also gave them an intrinsic exposure to Orthopaedics, theoretically and clinically.

We express our immense gratitude to everyone for making this programme a grand success!

Orthopaedics Quiz

Events Organized By the Department

S.No Date Nature of the Programme Details
1 2008 Conference OASISCON
2 2013 Conference OASISCON
3 25.05.2016 Camp BMD Camp
4 03.08.2016  to 05.08.2016 Day Celebration Bone & Joint day celebration with free surgery for four patients
5 24.08.2016 Camp BMD Camp
6 26.09.2016  to 27.09.2016 Camp Free Uric Acid estimation
7 15.10.2016 Guest Lecture Live demonstration of arthroscopic PCL reconstruction
8 14.11.2016 to 19.11.2016 Week Celebration Arthritis Week Celebration
9 04.12.2016 CME Total Knee Replacement
10 15.02.2018 Guest Lecture World Cancer Week

PG Alumini

Year Name Designation Institute Email ID
2013 Dr. Sureshraj. P Assistant Professor Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College, Perambalur. [email protected]
Dr. Kumareshwaran. S Assistant Professor SRM Medical College & Hospital, Chennai [email protected]
2014 Dr. Manikandan. K Assistant Professor SMVMC&H, Pudhucherry, [email protected]
Dr. Prashanth. P Assistant Professor Sayee Specialty Hospital, Coimbatore. [email protected]
2015 Dr. Srinivasan. S Assistant Professor GH, Tindivanam. [email protected]
Dr. Prajwal Ganesh Assistant Professor Rajam Multi Speciality Hospital, Thiruvannamalai. [email protected]
2016 Dr. Chetan Assistant Professor Adesh Medical College and Hospital, Shahbad [email protected]
2017 Dr. Arun Chandar Senior Resident IGMCRI [email protected]
  Dr. Romans Junior Consultant Leo Hospital, Kalpetta [email protected]
  Dr. Pushparaj Assistant Professor SVMCH [email protected]
  Dr. Vignesh. R Assistant Professor Muthukumaran medical college [email protected]
2018 Dr. Akash Deep A Assistant Professor Vadakara cooperative Hospital [email protected]
  Dr. Samundeswari Assistant Professor SLIMS [email protected]
  Dr.Sedhuraman. S Assistant Professor Arunai Medical college [email protected]
2019 Dr. Kiriprasad Senior Resident Avmc [email protected]
  Dr. Madhavan. M Senior resident SMVMCH [email protected]
  Dr. Raja.V Senior Resident SMVMCH [email protected]

Testimonial from PG Alumini:

Batch PG Name Testimonial
2014 Batch Dr. Manikandan. K SMVMC & H Orthopaedic department helped me to discover my passion for orthopaedic sugery. My professors’ helped me to achieve my goal to become an orthopaedician. My 3 years post graduation in the department were the best part in my life… they moulded me very well… now I am able to teach under graduates as well as post graduates… I am able to manage all cases with confidence.