Medical Records Department


The main reception desk is located at the main entrance. The patient who wishes to avail of the various services in Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital has to get registered. This is a one-time event which gives you a permanent Hospital number. Registration and billing counters are present on the Ground floor near the OPDs.


Patient Billing Counter is located on the Ground floor, Opposite to the main Reception. The office accepts payment for hospital services in the form of cash only. The office is open Monday–Saturday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

If the Patient is in Pay Category, you will receive a hospital bill that covers all services you received during your stay at the time of discharge in Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital.

Admission Information

Patients are admitted to the concerned ward on the advice of the treating doctor. The ward is designated by the inquiry staff at the admission desk and entered in the case sheet. The hospital is committed to making your stay as comfortable as possible. Kindly decide your choice of room and inform the Admission Department.

Discharge Information

When patients are discharged from the respective wards the discharge paper is prepared in the ward and handed over to the patient. Discharge requests are processed round the clock.

In paying cases the discharge is handed over to the party of the patient at Hospital accounts after hospital dues are settled.

Medical Records

The Medical Record Department’s prime objective is the provision of patient Medical Records in a timely manner to the OPDs & wards in order to assist clinicians, allied health professionals and other hospital staff in the provision of quality care to patients.

The department also provides numerous functions and services:

  • Creation, storage and maintenance of patient’s medical record
  • Reporting of statistical data to the Department of Health and Hospital Executives
  • Intimation of Birth and Death
  • Provision of reports and records for research
  • Medico-legal requests
  • Monitoring the quality of medical record content
  • Maintaining a patient’s right to confidentiality and privacy by adhering to information release guidelines and ensuring records are kept in a secure environment.
  • Clinical coding – ICD-10
  • Forms design
  • Management of policies on patient registration, records management and archiving, and medical record documentation
  • Claim Processing

Reception/Enquiries: 0413-2643131/0413-264300, Extn: 1527


Medical Records is located in the Hospital block, Basement B Wing, Room. No: 7

Electronic Data Processing (EDP)

EDP Department in Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital is functioning with the objective of managing all IT related functions mainly Hospital Information Systems and Computer network of the hospital and medical college. The EDP, at present is managing full functional hospital information software.

The hospital information systems are comprehensive, integrated information system designed to manage the medical, administrative, financial and legal aspects of a hospital and its service processing.

The EDP department at present is managing full functional hospital information software with various integrated modules like,

  • OPD Registration
  • IP Registration
  • OP and IP Billing
  • Medical Records
  • Ward Management
  • Lab Information System
  • Radiology – PACS
  • Pharmacy
  • Student Management System
  • Library
  • Inventory
  • Human Resources Management

The EDP department ensures high uptime of the systems and for handing all database backups and restoration activities. Our engineers are also maintaining the hardware and network systems in the hospital & college. They undertake all trouble shooting activities and keep the system online and patient data available for our doctors and nurses. Our Training team personnel educates the end user and conducts the orientation programs periodically for our staff and students.

The EDP department has a highly sophisticated system consists of

Server Platform

  • IBM X3200, IBM X3400M3, IMB S Blade Chassis and Dell Power edge series
  • Windows 2008 Server and Windows 2019 Server.

Client Platform

  • HP, Dell, Lenovo and Acer Systems.
  • Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 11

Virtualization Platform

  • VMware ESxi 6.5
  • VMware V center 6.5

Database Platform

  • SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2016

Network Platform

  • Cisco Catalyst 2811
  • Cisco Catalyst C3560
  • Cisco Catalyst C2960
  • Ruijie x series switches

Wireless Platform

– Ruijie Wireless Access Points

Security Platform

– SonicWall Firewall 5600

Internet Facility

In Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital the EDP Department provides high speed internet leased line connection of 1.2Gpbs for our staff and students. Users can access J-Gate online journals, e-books Intra-network / online and other resources available at our Digital Library. This lab is monitored round the clock by the sonic wall security system.

The Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital have Wi-Fi coverage across the campus for our staff and students. The Ruijie Wi-Fi will be broadcast on campus and visible in the Hospital, College, Quarters and Hostel campus SSID, and both will be carried by the campus high-speed data network.

Telephone Department

Centralized Telephone Exchange caters to Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital. 1000 line EPABX capacity telephone exchange installed in the department. The exchange functions round the clock.

200 Direct lines have been provided so far to the eligible officers.

Monitoring the CCTV Cameras.


Basement Floor, adjacent to EDP department.

The CSSD is to provide an efficient, economic, continuous and quality supply of sterilized material to various areas of the hospital to deliver quality and infection free patient care.


To provide all the departments with an adequate supply of reliable sterilized material for immediate and emergency use. The sterilization process is conducted under controlled conditions at minimum cost to reduce the incidence of hospital associated infections.

  • To supervise and provide facilities for the bulk-sterilization of the materials.
  • To undertake operation research techniques for improving sterilization practices and to participate in research .
  • pertaining to supply of equipment.
  • To provide the most suitable material for the patient care.
  • To play an effective role in hospital infection control activities.
  • To ensure quality control for infection free patient care.


Our Biomedical department combines the expertise of engineering with medical needs for the progress of health care. It is more concerned with biological safety & regulatory issues than any other forms of engineering.


The following are the objectives of the Biomedical Engineering department at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital:

  • Evaluation, replacement, service and repair of complex biomedical patient equipment to ensure that equipment is in safe working condition.
  • To provide necessary support to the Doctors / Nursing Staff / Operators with regard to equipment usage.
  • Ensure the patient safety and result accuracy by measures like periodic calibration, periodic safety checks, etc.
  • Establish and implement technical protocols and management functions pertaining to biomedical equipments.

The department provides all the units of the hospital with linens for the patients, which include (bed sheets, gowns, towels etc). It also provides white coats, operation uniforms and technicians’ uniforms with a high level of quality and neatness.

The hospital is equipped with a full-fledged state of the art laundry with washers, extractors and driers which ensures the supply of hygiene, quality linen to the patient.

The laundry department is divided into four sections which are; receiving bay, washing area, finishing area and storage.

Vision of The Department

To give uninterruptible quality power supply with normal voltage and lowest electricity bill consumption.

The main activities of electrical department

  • The prime function of the electrical department is to give the required power to the equipments and other medical electrical in the user departments.
  • We are maintaining, total load of 1200 KVA maximum demand with OLTC transformer 800 KVA-1no, OLTC transformer 500 KVA-1no, generator 725 KVA-1no, generator 500 KVA-1no and other connected VCB, Switch gear like HT and LT circuit breakers, stabilizer, ACB, MCCB and higher range UPS.
  • Maintenance of HT and LT control panels, automatic main failure panels, OLTC and RTCC panels are another important area of departmental activities.
  • Routine maintenance for all the light fittings, fans, geysers, switch boxes, MCB boards, sub-panel boards etc. are looked after by the electrical department.
  • Rewinding of various capacities of motors and fan repairs of hot plates, sterilizer, preventive maintenance of transformer, high voltage equipments, generators, switchboards, UPS also maintaining by electrical department.
  • We are having lifts-11nos in our campus and without any interruption, we are operating the lift in safety precaution, also we are qualified lift operators of 6nos.
  • We are also looking after the minor/major project like modification, rewiring interior lighting, clarification of drawing estimates, preparing and electrical new project measurement, bills checking etc.
  • Our motivation is zero percent uninterrupted power supply, 24 hrs proper electrical equipment maintenance through qualified, experienced , 2nos of electrical supervisor and 15nos of electricians and our achievement is to reduce the cost of the electricity consumption bill by using all lights are LED’s and switching off all unwanted electrical equipments by separate electrical staff.

Fire Fighting

We have a fire hydrant system (pipe lines which are kept under pressure always) is installed in multistoried buildings in the hospital. There are smoke detectors installed in multistoried buildings to indicate the fire is breaking out. Daily periodic maintenance, that checking of 3” valves, pump motor and water hose are done properly by through qualified fire staff.

The Transport department is running under the Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College &Hospital Hospital, Puducherry. This department is situated Administrative office in first Floor.

The Transport In charge supervises the driver duties and vehicles.


The Transport department provides ambulance service at very low cost to poor & needy patients.

Ambulances: The critical care ambulance service can be mobilized in short notice. The ambulance is equipped with oxygen supply, transport ventilator.

The actual work of this department is repaired, fabrication of different requirements & maintenance of the furniture & tools being used for the patient’s care.


The Workshop located away from the hospital block and near to power laundry

Housekeeping services in SMVMCH aimed to maintain a healthy, clean, orderly, safe and pleasant environment by making the maximum use of the facilities of hospitals. The Housekeeping Department in hospitals helps in preventing and minimizing of the effect of the microorganisms in the environment by trained staff along with regular controls of cleanliness and applying the programs declared by the Infection Control Committee.

The main functions of housekeeping is overall cleanliness, ensuring maintenance of the building and its infrastructure, waste management, pest control, infection control, safety and security of the patients.

Housekeeping services that include round-the-clock supervision by a team of trained personnel. In addition, regular rounds by the housekeeping& maintenance services team ensure that any inmate needs can be catered to immediately.

Monthly Record of Biomedical waste Generated


Month Category
  Yellow (KG) Blue (KG) Red (KG) White (KG)
January - 2025 2362 466 2595 87
February - 2025 2638 457 2941 82


Month Category
  Yellow (KG) Blue (KG) Red (KG) White (KG)
January - 2024 2110 432 2250 74
February - 2024 2206 430 2544 69
March - 2024 2448 430 2697 78
April - 2024 2172 348 2585 60
May - 2024 2632 427 2797 69
June - 2024 2410 430 2715 113
July - 2024 2235 465 2528 67
August - 2024 2313 396 2619 112
September - 2024 2147 396 2393 94
October – 2024 2337 415 2452 68
November – 2024 2408 471 2626 50
December – 2024 2577 550 2898 84


Month Category
  Yellow (KG) Blue (KG) Red (KG) White (KG)
January - 2023 1792 429 1650 33
February - 2023 1914 449 1789 70
March - 2023 2251 475 1980 41
April - 2023 1982 403 1919 76
May- 2023 2231 532 2042 97
Jun- 2023 2078 474 2031 84
July- 2023 2094 410 2083 82
August- 2023 2075 364 1988 75
September - 2023 2058 384 2182 59
October – 2023 2205 446 2305 79
November – 2023 2069 384 2182 80
December – 2023 1894 396 2260 83


Month Category
  Yellow (KG) Blue (KG) Red (KG) White (KG)
January - 2022 1266 219 1146 16
February - 2022 1369 296 1131 43
March - 2022 1622 397 1387 21
April - 2022 1275 312 1215 34
May - 2022 1632 391 1415 26
Jun - 2022 1727 352 1437 62
July - 2022 1647 364 1570 55
August - 2022 1664 458 1613 65
September - 2022 1638 390 1625 66
October - 2022 1473 381 1535 69
November - 2022 1514 461 1325 75
December - 2022 1693 441 1712 140


Month Category
  Yellow (KG) Blue (KG) Red (KG) White (KG)
January - 2021 1864 847 1971 25
February - 2021 1832 730 1479 17
March - 2021 2852 567 1607 49
April - 2021 2121 566 1487 37
May - 2021 741 353 628 38
June - 2021 1148 395 769 40
July - 2021 2243 647 1310 50
August - 2021 2035 433 1576 31
September - 2021 1778 419 1377 45
October - 2021 1491 420 1387 60
November - 2021 1448 346 1191 39
December - 2021 1630 352 1450 19


Month Category
  Yellow (KG) Blue (KG) Red (KG) White (KG)
January - 2020 2025 1737 5137 500
February - 2020 4787 1617 1884 480
March - 2020 4962 1611 1949 439
April - 2020 1177 498 776 28.47
May - 2020 960.40 589.50 788 24.15
June - 2020 1374 642 964 32.735
July - 2020 1490 820 1105 29.25
August - 2020 1383 737 1017 30.868
September - 2020 1144 721 899 32.24
October - 2020 1296 675 779 34.04
November - 2020 1331 759 862 32.93
December - 2020 1784.23 889.06 1759.3 21.50


Month Category
  Yellow (KG) Blue (KG) Red (KG) White (KG)
January -19 5055 1644 1946 436
February -19 4563 1488 1769 398
March -19 5057 1648 1953 442
April -19 4901 1599 1891 433
May -19 5064 1653 1961 445
June -19 4896 1596 1895 431
July -19 5181 1742 2042 511
August -19 5173 1757 2076 526
September -19 4992 1703 1991 488
October -19 5131 1737 2023 511
November -19 4981 1694 1976 487
December -19 5162 1746 2035 502