Interventional Pulmonology Services
Team Members
Dr. S. Yuvarajan M.D, DNB, FCCP, EDRM Lead Consultant, IP Unit, SMVMCH.
Dr. R. Praveen M.D Pulmonologist, IP Unit, SMVMCH.
Dr. Antonious Maria Selvam M.D Pulmonologist, IP Unit, SMVMCH.
Dr. Arunkumar Arasappa M.S,MRCS,FRCS,MCH Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon, IP Unit, SMVMCH.
Dr. S. Balasubramanian M.D Anesthesiologist, IP Unit, SMVMCH.
Facilities Provided
Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
- Bronchial wash / lavage, TBNA, Fluroscopy guided TBLB
- Cryoprobe lung biopsy
- EBUS – TBNA – Sampling of Mediastinal lymph nodes and central airway tumours.
- Paediatric Bronchoscopy
Interventional Bronchoscopy
- Airways tumour Debulking (using Argon Plasma Coagulation and Cryotherapy)
- Whole lung lavage
- Balloon Tracheobronchoplasty
- Foreign body removal from the airways
- Airways stenting (For benign & malignant causes)
Pleural Procedures
- Medical Thoracoscopy
- Adhesiolysis
- Pleural biopsy
- Indwelling Pleural catheter insertion