Ophthalmology published article links

S.No. Year Name of the article Web link
1 2019 Prithvi Chandrakanth, Ramya Ravichandran, Naveen G Nischal, M Subhashini Trash to treasure Retcam Indian Journal of Ophthalmology April 2019 IP Volume 67 issue 4. http://www.ijo.in/article.asp?issn=0301-4738;year=2019;volume=67;issue=4;spage=541;epage=544;aulast=Chandrakanth
2 2019 Prithvi Chandrakanth, P. Nallamuthu Anterior segment photography with intraocular lens Indian Journal of Ophthalmology October 2019; vol. 67:issue 10, page. 1690-1. ISSN:0301-4738 http://www.ijo.in/article.asp?issn=0301-4738;year=2019;volume=67;issue=10;spage=1690;epage=1691;aulast=Chandrakanth
3 2018 Srimathy A Jain, Sutapa Das, M. Subashini, Kaviraj Mahadevan. Determination of the proportion of refractive errors in patients with primary complaint of headache and the significance of refractive error correction in symptoms relief. Indian journal of clinical and experimental Ophthalmology April – June. 2018. Index Copernicus, peer reviewed, quarterly Volume 4, issue 2, P 258-262. https://www.ipinnovative.com/journals/IJCEO/article-details/6740/volume/186/issue/530
4 2017 M. Prabhushanker, Tasneem T. Topiwalla, Geetha Ganesan & Sripal Appandaraj . Bilateral retinitis following typhoid fever. International Journal of Retina and Vitreous 2017; 3(): 11. https://journalretinavitreous.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s40942-017-0065-z#:~:text=Immune%20mediated%20retinitis%20is%20a,good%20resolution%20of%20the%20lesions.
5 2017 Sutapa Das, Vishwanandha N.R, Sindhu, M. Subhashini, Kaviraj Mahadevan. A study on the angle of anterior chamber in relation to duration of diabetics mellitus and stages of diabetic retinopathy. Indian journal of clinical and experimental Ophthalmology, July -sep.2017. Index Copernicus, peer reviewed, quarterly. Volume 3,(3) P.no 270-273. http://www.ipinnovative.com/journals/IJCEO/article-full-text/4971
6 2017 S.Chaitra, Sutapa Das, Sindhu, M. Subhashini, M. Kaviraj. A retrospective study of pterygium cases treated in a tertiary care hospital at Puducherry International journal of Ocular Oncology and Oculoplasty,  Oct-Dec. 2017. Index Copernicus, peer reviewed, quarterly Volume 3, (4), P 273-276. https://www.ipinnovative.com/journal-article-file/5815
7 2016 Vidhya NP, Kannan P, Vishwa Nandha. Inverse Marcus Gunn phenomenon – A case report. RGUHS J Med Sciences 2016 July; 6(3):128-29 http://www.rjms.in/index.php/rjms/article/view/119478/82187
8 2016 NP. Vidhya, Sutapa Das R. Priyadarshini, M. Subhashini, Kaviraj Mahadevan,  A comparative study on the intraocular pressure among diabetic and non-diabetic patient. Indian journal of clinical and experimental Ophthalmology, Oct-Dec. 2016. 2(4): 378-380. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A-comparative-study-on-the-intraocular-pressure-and-Vidhya.-Das/fd3ebe1016466cc3cbdbef16c45eef146e5df7a6
9 2016 Anbarasi AC, Divya N, Subhashini M, Sutapa Das, Kaviraj Mahadevan Analysis of the effects of cataract surgery on corneal sensation variation after SICS and phacoemulsification Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, October-December,2016;2(4): 287-289. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Analysis-of-the-effects-of-cataract-surgery-on-SICS-Anbarasi-Divya/3dfdb607c77d27a31e1ad0a48695ddc75dafd593
10 2015 Sindhu Khanna N, Kannan P, Kasinathan C .Recurrence of granular dystrophy in a clear graft – ACase report RGUHS Journal of  Medical Sciences Oct 2015;5(4):186-7. http://www.rjms.in/index.php/rjms/article/view/120048/82421
11 2015 Kumar A, Karthikeyan K, Vyas MT. Osler’s sign revisited. Indian dermatology online journal. 2015 Jul;6(4):308. http://www.idoj.in/article.asp?issn=2229-5178;year=2015;volume=6;issue=4;spage=308;epage=309;aulast=Kumar
12 2014 Priyadarshini R, Kannan P, Rao VA. Unusual presentation of unilateral proptosis in a neonate – A case report. RGUHS J Med Sciences 2014 Oct; 4(4): 215-6. http://www.rjms.in/index.php/rjms/article/view/117039/81043
13 2014 Karthikeyan KA, Kumar A, Bupathy A, Rajagovindan D. Integrated modular teaching in undergraduate medicine. National medical journal of India. 2014 Mar 1;27(2):90-4 http://archive.nmji.in/archives/Volume-27/Issue-2/07-27-2-ME.pdf
14 2014 Karthikeyan K, Kumar A. Integrated modular teaching in dermatology for undergraduate students: A novel approach. Indian Dermatol Online J 2014;5:266-70 http://www.idoj.in/article.asp?issn=2229-5178;year=2014;volume=5;issue=3;spage=266;epage=270;aulast=Karthikeyan
15 2014 Kannan P, Vyas MT, Rao VA. Scleritis in hepatitis B: A case report. RGUHS J Med Sciences 2014 Oct; 4(4): 217-8. http://www.rjms.in/index.php/rjms/article/view/117042/81046
16 2014 Kannan P, Ravish Vaishnav, Rao VA. Unusual presentation of foreign body at angle of anterior chamber. RGUHS J Med Sciences 2014 Oct; 4(4): 219-20. http://www.rjms.in/index.php/rjms/article/view/117039/81043
17 2014 Dr. P. Nallamuthu Conjunctival Rhnosporidiosis Masquerding as a Staphyloma  – ACase report Journal of Tamil Nadu Ophthalmic Association May 14 Volume: 52 , Issue 2, May 2014, pages 282 to 284  
18 2013 Kannan P, Vyas MT, Rao VA. ND: YAG laser embolectomy in a patient with branch retinal artery occulusion. RGUHS J Med Sciences 2013 Oct; 3(4): 263-4. http://www.rjms.in/index.php/rjms/article/view/116147/80498
19 2013 Kannan P, Vaishnav R, Kasinathan C, Rao VA. Whorlpool on the cornea: cornea verticillata due to pantoprazole. RGUHS J Med Sciences 2013 Oct; 3(4): 259-60. http://www.rjms.in/index.php/rjms/article/view/116144/80496
20 2013 Kannan P, Rao VA, Priyadarshini R. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in orbit – a case report. RGUHS J Med Sciences 2013 Oct; 3(4): 255-6. http://www.rjms.in/index.php/rjms/article/view/116142/80494
21 2013 Kaliaperumal S, Rao VA, Harish SB, Ashok L. Pseudoexfoliation on pseudophakos. Ind J Ophthalmol. 2013;61:359-61. http://www.ijo.in/article.asp?issn=0301-4738;year=2013;volume=61;issue=7;spage=359;epage=361;aulast=Kaliaperumal