Dr.A.Seran, Second Year Post Graduate, Department Of Respiratory Medicine, Smvmch.
Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disorder characterized by non caseating granulomatous inflammation.The diagnosis of sarcoidosis can be challenging due its varied clinical presentations as well as the limitations of non invasive diagnostic modalities.
Case Report
A 42 Year old female presented with complaints of bilateral chest pain for the past3months and low grade fever for the past 15 days. She also noticed deviation of the angle of mouth to the right and left sided facial swelling for the past 1 week. She had difficulty in closing eyes. General examination revealed right cervical lymphadenopathy with facial features suggestive of Bell’s palsy with left parotid enlargement. Her chest x ray and CT thorax revealed bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy. FNAC was performed from the right cervical lymph node showed non necrotising granulomatous lymphadenitis which was suggestive of sarcoidosis. Patient was started on steroids and she had improved symptomatically.
Bell’s palsy is rarely encountered in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis with an incidence of 0.3%.A high index of suspicion and timely diagnosis is warranted for the best outcome of the patient.