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2019 |
Sabita P, Suba Ananthi K, Umamageswari A. Achondroplasia – A rare case report. J. Evolution Med. Dental Science. May 06, 2019, Vol-8(18): 1517-18. |
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2019 |
Madhumita C, Elamparidhi P, Kaviyavarshini K.S, Kulasekaran N. Cerebral Proliferative Angiopathy – A rare case report. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research May 05, 2019, Vol-7(5): 936-939. |
http://jmscr.igmpublication.org/v7-i5/152%20jmscr.pdf |
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2019 |
Raveendranath V, Kavitha T, Umamageswari A. Morphometry of the Uncinate Process, Vertebral Body and Lamina of the C3-7Relevant to Cervical Spine Surgery. Neurospine 2019;16(4):1-8. |
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31284340/ |
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2019 |
Chitrah R, Sivaranjinie S, Padmareka D, Umamgeswari A, Elamparidhi P, Sibhithran R. Correlation of carotid artery Doppler with riskfactors and Computed tomography Brain in patients with ischemic cerebro vascular accident. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2019 Jul; 8(3): RO15-RO20. |
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2019 |
Padma Reka D, Anand AM, Kulasekaran N, Balachandran G, Elamparidhi P, Sibhithran R. Vascular Loops at the Cerebellopontine Angle and their Correlation with Otological Symptoms. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2019 Jul; 8(3): RO11-RO14 |
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2019 |
Veeramani Raveendranath, Nagarajan.K Amirthalingam Umamageswari, Swathi Srinidhi, Kavitha . T Three- dimensional magnetic resonance-based morphometry of pituitary stalk. La radiologia medica. 2019, Mar; 124 (3): 206-10. |
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2019 |
Subha V, Umamageswari A, Elamparidhi P, Kulasekaran N, Balachandiran G, Nagarajan K. Comparison of Carotid Artery Intima-media Thickness and Resistive Index by Ultrasound and Colour Doppler in Pre-hypertensives and Stage One Hypertensives. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2019, Jan, Vol-8(1): RO04-RO06. |
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2018 |
Raveendranath Veeramani, KY Manjunath, Umamageswari Amirthalingam Morphological and Morphometric study of Variations in the Shape and Size of the Foramen Magnum of Human Skulls – International journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery. 2018 Apr, Vol-7(2): AO01-AO08. |
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2018 |
Muhammad Abdullah, A M Anand, P Elamparidhi, R Ramesh Kumar. Ultrasound grading of fatty liver and association with obesity. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2018 April; 6(4); 244-48. |
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2018 |
Kaviyavarshini K S, Madhumita C, Prashant Moorthy. Normal variants of circle of willis in MR angiography among Puducherry population. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2018 April; 6(4); 638-643. |
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2018 |
Rakesh P, Elamaparidhi P. The role of dissuion-weighted imaging in patients with brain tumors. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2018 Feb; 6(2): 611-621. |
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2018 |
Yash Kumar Achantani, Purushothama Raju N, Ramesh Kumar R. Variants of celiac truck, hepatic artery and renal arteries in Puducherry population. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2018 Jan; 7(1): 38-43. |
http://www.ijars.net/articles/PDF/2363/32076-CE(VSU)_F(GG)_PF1(VSU_GG)_PFA(GG)_PF2(VSU_GG).pdf |
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2017 |
Elamparidhi P, Ramesh Kumar R, Bhavishya T, Sibhithran R, Sivaranjinie S. Morel-Lavallee lesion: Case Report with Review of Literature. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2017 Jul; 11(7): 5-7. |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5583777/ |
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2017 |
Elamparidhi P, Ramesh Kumar R, Sivaranjinie S, Sibhithran R. Mullerian agenesis associated with turner’s syndrome. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2017 Feb; 11(2): 1-2. |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5376844/ |
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2017 |
Sivakami R, Ramesh Kumar R, Sibhithran R. Neuro wilson’s – An alien presentation Annals of International Medical and Dental Research 2017; 3(1):7 -12. |
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2017 |
Sivakami R, Karthikeyan D. Pancreatic divisum – A silent anomaly with clinical essence. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2017 Jan; 6(1): 105-7. |
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2017 |
Hassan, Anand A M, Kulasekaran N. Morphological assessment of maxillary sinus volume in gender differentiation. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2017 Nov;5(11):31007-31011. |
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2017 |
Sivaranjinie S, Elamaparidhi P, Ramesh Kumar R. Comparison between water, mannitol and positive contrast for assessment of bowel. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2017 Oct; 6(4): 13-17. |
http://www.ijars.net/articles/PDF/2316/29481_CE(VSU)_F(AK)_PF1(VSUAK)_PFA(VSU_GG)_PF2(VSU_GG).pdf |
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2017 |
Girish Babu S, Sivakami R, Ramesh Kumar R, Priyadharshini E, Rohit Chauhan, Yash Kumar A. Role of doppler in predicting the complicated and impending to complicate cases of Acute appendicitis. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2017 Apr; 4(11): 58-63. |
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2017 |
Sivakami R, Ragini S. Ischemic demyelination and ischemic stroke on diffusion weighted MR imaging and risk factors of ischemic demyelination. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2017 Apr; 6(2): 31-6. |
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2017 |
Amaresh Kumar A, Elamparidhi P, Ramesh Kumar R, Yash Kumar A. Detection of diffusion weighted and apparent diffusion coefficient MRI abnormalities in 100 patients with stroke. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2017 Mar; 5(3): 18450-6. |
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2017 |
Sivakami R, Ragini S. Essence of ADC values in leukoaraiosis imaging and association of leukoaraiosis with cognitive dysfunction. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2017 Feb. |
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2016 |
Sivakami R, Chithambaranathan N. Cluster of teeth in brain – Pituitary teratoma an uncommon tumor in common location. Euro Rad Radiological Case Database 2016 Dec 14. |
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2016 |
Sivakami R, Rameshkumar R, Bhavishya T. Bilateral pheochromocytoma- A diagnostic dilemma. Euro Rad Radiological Case Database 2016 Nov 15. |
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2016 |
Muhammad Abdullah, Ramesh Kumar R. Ectopia cordis: A case report. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2016 Oct; 5(4): 11-13. |
http://www.ijars.net/articles/PDF/2216/22131_F(GH)_PF1(VsuGH)_PFA(GH)_PF2(VsuGH).pdf |
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2016 |
Sivakami.R. Shoulder charcot- A Presage of cervical syrinx. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2016 Oct; 4(10): 13367-70. |
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2016 |
Sivakami R, Karthikeyan D. Asymmetrical conjoined twins or saints? – A case report. Inter-national Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2016 Oct; 5(4): 7-10. |
http://www.ijars.net/articles/PDF/2212/23885_CE[VSU]_F(GH)_PF1(VsuGH)_PFA(GH)_PF2(VsuGH).pdf |
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2016 |
Sivakami R, Karthikeyan D. Groove pancreatitis – A mimic of pancreatic and periampullary tumors. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2016 Oct 28: 1-4. |
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2016 |
Ramesh Kumar R, Elamparidhi P, Sibhithran R. An intriguing case of circumcaval ureter. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2016 Jul; 5(3): 05-07. |
http://www.ijars.net/articles/PDF/2164/21028_F(GH)_PF1(P_VSU)_PFA(GH)_PF2(VsuGH).pdf |
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2016 |
Girish babu S, Ramesh Kumar R, Elamparidhi P. Hyperglycemic nonketotic hemichorea-hemiballismus – A case report with review of literature. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2016 Jul; 5(3): 01-04. |
http://www.ijars.net/articles/PDF/2162/20774_F(GH)_PF1(PVSU)_PFA(GH)_PF2(VsuGH).pdf |
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2016 |
Amaresh Kumar A, Ramesh Kumar R, Elamparidhi P. Diaphyseal aclasis: A case report with review of literature. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine Healthcare 2016 Apr 4; 3(27): 1276-79. |
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2016 |
Sibhithran R, Ramesh Kumar K, Mohamed Rafi. Unilateral membranous atresia with ossicular malrotation and congenital cholesteatoma. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine Healthcare 2016 Mar 3; 3(18): 749-51. |
https://www.jebmh.com/data_pdf/1_R.%20Sibhithran——FINAL.pdf |
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2016 |
Bhavishya T, Mohamed Rafi K, Ramesh Kumar R. Acquired uterine hypoplasia after postpartum haemorrhage with worst prognosis – A case report. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine Healthcare 2016 Mar 24; 3(24): 1107-10. |
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2016 |
Sibhithran R, Ramesh Kumar R. Revisit of factors influencing renal doppler indices. Paripex – Indian Journal of Research 2016 Nov; 5(11): 186-90. |
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2016 |
Bhavihsya T, Ramesh Kumar R. Assessment of vein intima-media thickness in determining maturity of AV fistula. Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research 2016 Nov; 4(11): 13644-51. |
http://jmscr.igmpublication.org/home/index.php/archive/90-volume-4-issue-11-nov-2016/1274-assessment-of-vein-intima-media-thickness-in-determining-maturity-of-av-fistula |
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2015 |
Rakesh P, Ramesh Kumar R, Mohamed Rafi. Unusual recurrent intramuscular hematoma turning to be a soft tissue sarcoma. Indian Journal of Medical Case Reports 2015 Oct-Dec; 4(4): 20-7. |
https://www.cibtech.org/J-Medical-Case-Reports/PUBLICATIONS/2015/Vol-4-No-4/06-JCR-012-RAKESH-UNUSUAL.pdf |
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2015 |
Sivaranjanie S, Mohamed Rafi, Ramesh Kumar R. Persistent mullerian duct syndrome – A rare association. Indian Journal of Medical Case Reports 2015 Oct–Dec; 4(4): 32-8. |
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343280726_Case_Report_PERSISTENT_MULLERIAN_DUCT_SYNDROME-_A_RARE_ASSOCIATION |
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2014 |
Effect of positioning from supine and left lateral positions to left lateral tilt on maternal blood flow velocities and waveforms in full – term parturients P.Kundra,J.Velraj,U.Amirthalingam,S.Habeebulla,K.Yuvaraj,S.Elangovan, V.Venkatesan. Obstetric Anesthesia Digest 34(1):27 · March 2014 |
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22646056/ |
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2014 |
Umamageswari Amirthalingam,Intrarenal Doppler Indices in acute ureteric obstruction Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Reasearch.2014 Dec, Vol-8(12):RC11-RC13. |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4316312/ |