Intramural Research Grant Approval Committee

Sl.No Name Position
1 Dean (Research) Chairperson
2 Dr.R.N.Kagne, Dean and Deputy Director Member
3 Dr.K.Karthikeyan, Dean (Academic) Member
4 Dr.M.Pragash, Medical Superintendent Member
5 Secretary of Research committee Member


  • All faculties, post graduate and under graduate students are eligible for intramural funding as mentioned in ‘Research scholarship’.
  • In case of collaborative studies (inter/ intra / multi centric) appropriate justification should be provided.

Grants Disbursal

  • The maximum permissible intramural funding is as per the ‘Research scholarship’. In…. the possibility of additional funding for projects of greater merit.
  • Faculty can pool their entitled individual funding entitlements for a meritorious project.
  • The funding does not support of equipment purchase, hiring research staff (only if appropriate), conference registration and publication.
  • Budgetary requirements with justification should be submitted
  • All expenses will be subjected to internal audit as per the institute rules.
  • Grants will be disbursed in three installments:50 % after approval, remaining 30 % of after submission of the final report and the final 20 % after the project is published in peer reviewed and indexed journal (such as Medline, Pubmed, Scopus, web of science , UGC care).

Processing of Grant Application

  • Applications after the approval from research committee with special request for grant may be re-submitted to the office of the Dean (Research) at any time during the year.
  • The committee evaluate the grant request and initiates recommendation, for approval, which are then forwarded to the Director / Dean for final approval.
  • The final approval is contingent on submission of an ethics committee approval letter.

Applicant Responsibilities

  • The applicant must submit the half yearly progress report to the office of Dean (Research).
  • The applicant must complete the project [within the stipulated time duration mentioned in the application] and a final report must be submitted.
  • The publications resulting from intramural funding should be acknowledged, the source of funding.
  • If the applicant is not able to complete the project, the approved grant shall be returned to the Dean (Research) with justification.
2.1 SOP Research Policy2.2 Application Intramural Grant2.3 Template for Budget2.4 Utilization Certificate Format.docx2.5 Undertaking Format