Metric No File Name


1.1.1 Write UP

a) Link for Minutes of the meeting of the college curriculum committee

b) Link for any other relevant information

c) Any additional information

d) Upload other files

e) Upload other files

UPLOADS (1.2…>

1.1.2: Percentage of fulltime teachers participating in BoS

a) Provide scanned copy of nomination letter such BoS and Academic Council From University/ Autonomous college

b) Link for details of participation oftea chers in various bodies

c) Link for additional information

d) Any additional information

1.2.1: Percentage of inter-disciplinary -UPLOAD Number of inter-disciplinary – UPLOAD

a) Minutes of relevant Academic Council/BoS meetings

b) List of Interdisciplinary/interdepartmental courses /training across all the the programmes offered by the University during the last 5years

c) Link for Additional Information

d) Any additional information

1.2.2: Average percentage of students enrolled in subject-related Certificate – UPLOAD

a) Link for additional information

b) Details of the students enrolled in subject-related Certificate/Diploma/Add-on courses

c) Any additional information

1.3.1 WRITE UP

a) Link for list of courses with their descriptions

b) Link for any other relevant information

1.3.2: Number of value-added courses offered during the last five years that Number of value-added courses offered during the last five

a) List of-value added courses

b) Links for additional information

c) Brochure or any other documentrelated to value-added course/s

d) Any additional information

1.3.3: Average percentage of students enrolled in the value-added

a) Link for additional information

b) Attendance copy of the studentsenrolled for the course

c) Any additional information

1.3.4: Percentage of students undertaking field visits/ Number of students undertaking field visits

a) Scanned copy of filed visit report with list of students duly attested by the Head of the institution to be provided

b) Links to scanned copy of completion certificate of field visits/Clinical /industry internships/research projects/industry visits/community postings from the organization where internship was completed

c) Link for additional information

d) Community posting certificate should be duly certified by the Head of the institution

e) Any additional information

1.4.1: Mechanism is in place to obtain structured feedback on curricula/

a) Stakeholder feedback reports as stated in the minutes of meetings of the College Council /IQAC/ Curriculum Committee

b) Sample filled in Structured Feed back to be provided by the institution foreach category claimed in SSR

c) Link for additional information

d) Any Additional information


a) Stakeholder feedback report

b) Link for additional information

c) Any additional information

d) Action taken report of the Institution on feedback report as minuted by the Governing Council, Syndicate, Board of Management



a) Link for any relevant information

b) Criteria to identify slow performers and advanced learners and assessment methodology

c) Consolidated report of special programs for advanced learners and slow learners duly attested by the Head of the Institution

d) Any other relevant information

2.2.2: Student – Full- time teacher ratio (data of preceding academic year) – UPLOAD

a) List of students enrolled in the preceding academic year

b) List of full time teachers in the preceding academic year in the University

c) Upload other files

2.2.3: Institution facilitates building and sustenance of

a) Link for Appropriate documentary evidence

b) Link for any other relevant information

2.3.1: Student-centric methods are used for enhancing learning experiences by – WRITE UP

a) Link for learning environment facilities with geotagging

b) Link for any other relevant information

2.3.2: Institution facilitates the use of Clinical Skills Laboratory

a) Report on training programmes in Clinical skill lab/simulator Centre

b) Proof of patient simulators for simulation-based training

c) Proof of Establishment of Clinical Skill Laboratories

d) Link for additional information

e) Geotagged Photos of the Clinical Skills Laboratory

f) Details of training programs conducted and details of participants.

g) Any other relevant information

2.3.3: Teachers use ICT-enabled tools for effective teaching and learning process, including online e-resources – WRITE UP

a) Link for webpage describing the “LMS/Academic Management System”

b) Link for any other relevant information

c) File for list of teachers using ICT-enabled tools (including LMS) – LIST will provide

d) File for details of ICT-enabled tools used for teaching and learning

2.3.4 Student : Mentor Ratio (preceding academic year) – UPLOAD Total number of mentors in the preceding academic year – UPLOAD

a) Log Book of mentor

b) Link for any other information

c) Copy of circular pertaining the details of mentor and their allotted mentees

d) Approved Mentor list as announced by the HEI Allotment order of mentor to mentee

e) Any other relevant information

2.3.5: The teaching learning process of the institution nurtures creativity, analytical skills and innovation among students – WRITE UP

a) Link for appropriate documentary evidence

b) Link for any other relevant information

2.4.1: Average percentage of fulltime teachers against sanctioned

a) Sanction letters indicating number of posts (including Management sanctioned posts) by competent authority (in English/translated in English)

b) Links for additional information –

c) Any Additional information

2.4.2: Average percentage of fulltime teachers

a) Link for additional information

b) Copies of Guideship letters orauthorization of research guide provide by the university

c) Any additional information

2.4.3: Average teaching experience of fulltime teachers in number of years (preceding academic year) – UPLOAD Total teaching experience of fulltime teachers in number of years (cumulative experience) – UPLOAD

a) Link for additional information

b) Consolidated Experience certificate duly certified by the Head of the institution

c) Any additional information

Average teaching experience of fulltime teachers in number of years (preceding academic year) – UPLOAD

2.4.4: Average percentage of teachers trained for development and delivery of e-content / e-courses during the last 5 years – UPLOAD Number of teachers trained for development and delivery of e-contents / e-courses year-wise during the last five years

a) Web-link to the contents delivered by the faculty hosted in the HEI’s website – WEB LINK

b) Link for additional information

c) Certificate of completion of training for development of and delivery of e-contents / e-courses / video lectures /demonstrations

d) Any additional information

2.4.5: Average Percentage of fulltime teachers Number of fulltime teachers who received awards

a) Link to additional information

b) e-Copies of award letters (scanned or soft copy) for achievements

c) Awards claimed without certificates will not be considered

d) Any additional information

2.5.1: The Institution adheres to the academic calendar for the conduct of Continuous Internal Evaluation and ensures that it is robust and transparent – WRITE UP

a) Link for dates of conduct of internal assessment examinations

b) Link for any other relevant information

c) Link for academic calendar

2.5.2: Mechanism to deal with examination related grievances is transparent, time-bound and efficient WRITE UP

a) File for number of grievances regarding University examinations/Internal Evaluation

b) File for details of University examinations / Continuous Internal Evaluations (CIE) conducted during the last five years

c) File for any other relevant information

2.5.3: Reforms in the process and procedure in the conduct of evaluation/examination; including Continuous Internal Assessment to improve the -WRITE UP

a) Link for Information on examination reforms

b) Link for any other relevant information

c) Upload Other Files

d) Upload other files

e) Upload Other Files

2.5.4: The Institution provides opportunities to students

a) Re-test and Answer sheets

b) Policy document of the options claimed by the institution duly signed by the Head of the Institution

c) Policy document of midcourse improvement of performance of students

d) List of opportunities provided for the students for midcourse improvement of performance in the examinations

e) Links for additional information

f) Any additional information

2.6.1: The Institution has stated the learning outcomes

a) Link for upload Course Outcomes forall courses (exemplars from Glossary)

b) Link for relevant documents pertainingto learning outcomes and graduateattributes

c) Link for methods of the assessment oflearning outcomes and graduateattributes

d) Link for any other relevant information

2.6.2: Incremental performance in Pass percentage of final year students in the last five years – UPLOAD Number of final year students of all the programmes Number of final year students of all the programmes

a) Trend analysis for the last five years in graphical form

b) Reports from Controller of Exam (COE) office/ Registrar evaluation mentioning the relevant details and the result analysis performed by the institution duly attested by the Head of the Institution

c) List of Programmes and the number of students passed and appeared in the final year examination each year for the last five years.

d) Links for additional information

e) Link for the annual report of examination results as placed before BoM/ Syndicate/ Governing Council for the last five years.

f) Any additional information


a) Link for programme-specific learning outcomes

b) Link for any other relevant information


a) Link for proceedings of parent –teachers meetings held during the last 5 years

b)Link for follow up reports on the action taken and outcome analysis.

c)Link for any other relevant information


3.1.1: Percentage of teachers recognized as PG/ Ph.D research guides by the respective University

a) List of full time teacher during the lastfive years.

b) Link for Additional Information

c) Copies of Guideship letters orauthorization of research guideprovide by the university

d) Any additional information

3.1.2: Average Percentage of teachers awarded national /international fellowships / Number of teachers awarded national/ international fellowship

a) Link for Additional Information

b) Fellowship award letter / grant letterfrom the funding agency

c) E-copies of the award letters of theteachers

d) Any additional information

3.1.3: Total number of research projects/clinical trials funded by government, Number of research projects/clinical trials

a) Link for funding agencies websites

b) Link for Additional Information

c) E-copies of the grant award letters forresearch projects sponsored byGovernment, industries and non-government sources such asindustries, corporate houses etc

d) Any additional information

3.2.1: Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations including incubation centre

a)Link for details of the facilities and innovations made

b)Link for any other relevant information

3.2.2: Total number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights

a) Report of the workshops/seminars withphotos

b) Link for Additional Information

c) Any additional

3.3.1: The Institution ensures implementation of its stated Code of Ethics for research.

a) Share the code of ethics of researchclearly stating the claims of theinstitution duly signed by the Head ofthe Institution

b)Link for Additional Information

c) Any Additional information

3.3.2: Average number of Ph.D/ DM/ M Ch/ PG Degree in the respective disciplines Number of Ph.D.s /DM/M Ch/PG degrees in the respective disciplines Number of PG teachers recognized as guides by the Regulatory Bodies

a) PhD/ DM/ M Ch/ PG Degree Awardletters of students (with guide’s namementioned)

b) Link for any additional information

c) Any Additional

3.3.3: Average number of papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC -CARE

a) Web-link provided by institution in thetemplate which redirects to the journalwebpagepublished in UGC notified list

b) Link for Additional Information

c) Any additional information

3.3.4: Average number of books and chaptersin edited volumes/books published

a) List of books and chapters in editedvolumes/books published with ISBNand ISSN number and papers innational/ international conferenceproceedings year-wise during the lastfive years

b)Link for additional Information

c) Any additional information

3.4.1: Total number of extension and outreach activities carried out in collaboration with National and International agencies Number of extension and outreach activities carried out in collaboration with National and International agencies

a) Photographs or any supportingdocument in relevance

b) List of students in NSS/NCC/RedCross/YRC involved in the extensionand outreach activities year-wiseduring the last five years

c) Link for Additional Information

d) Detailed program report for eachextension and outreach programshould be made available, withspecific mention of number of studentsand collaborating agency participated

e) Any additional information

3.4.2: Average percentage of students participating in extension and outreach activities during the last five years Number of students participating in extension and outreach activities year-wise during last five years

a) Link for additional information

b) Detailed program report for each2extension and outreach program should be made available, with

c) Any additional information

3.4.3: Number of awards and recognitions received for extension and outreach activities from Government / other recognised bodies during the last five years

a) Link for list of awards for extension

b) Link for e-copies of the award letters

c) Link for any other relevant information

3.4.4: Institutional social responsibility activities in the neighborhood community in terms of education,

a) Link for details of Institutional social responsibility activities in the neighbourhood community during the last 5 years

b) Link for any other relevant information

c) Any additional information

3.5.1: Average number of Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, Total number of Collaborative activities for research,

a) Link for Additional Information

b) Documentary evidence/agreement insupport of collaboration

c) Certified copies of collaborationdocuments and exchange visits

d) Any other Information

3.5.2: Total number of Functional MoUs/linkages with Institutions/ Industries in India and abroad for academic,

3.5.2: Number of functional MoUs/linkages with Institutions/ industries in India and abroad for academic,

a) Link for additional information

b) E-copies of the MoU’s with institution/industry/ corporate house, Indicatingthe start date and completion date

c) Any additional information


4.1.1 – WRITEUP

a) – Link for list of available teaching learning facilities

b) Link for geotagged photographs – Please take geotagged photos and paste two photos per page in word with proper header

c) Link for any other relevant information – done

4.1.2: The institution has adequate facilities to support physical – Write UP

a) Link for list of available teaching learning facilities

b) Link for geotagged photographs

c) Link for any other relevant information

4.1.3: Availability and adequacy of general campus facilities and overall ambience – WRITE UP

a) Link for photographs/ Geotagging of Campus facilities

b) Link for any other relevant information

4.1.4: Average percentage of expenditure incurred, excluding salary

b) Link for additional information –

C) link

d) Audited utilization statements (highlight relevant items)

e) Any additional information –

4.2.1: Teaching Hospital, equipment, clinical teaching-learning and laboratory facilities are as stipulated by the respective Regulatory Bodies – write up

a)Link for the list of facilities available for patient care, teaching-learning and research – list of labs in college, research lab,

b) Link for the facilities as per the stipulations of the respective Regulatory Bodies with Geotagging

c) Link for any other relevant information-

4.2.2 Average number of patients per year treated as outpatients and inpatients in the teaching hospital for the last five years – UPLOAD

a) Year-wise outpatient and inpatient statistics for the last 5 years –

B) Link to hospital records / Hospital Management Information System

C) Link for additional information – OP card or Book & IP admission card/ book

D) Extract of patient details duly attested by the Head of the institution – no. of beds in each floor/dept. dept wise patients for five years

E) Details of the teaching hospitals (attached hospital or shared hospitals after due approval by the Regulatory Council / University) where the students receive their clinical training. – hospital details sent to NMC/University

F) Any additional information –

4.2.3: Average number of students per year exposed to learning resource such as Laboratories,

A) Number of UG, PG students exposed to Laboratories, Animal House & Herbal Garden (in house OR hired) per year based on time-table and attendance

B) Link for additional information – Circulars/ letter of permission

C) Details of the Laboratories, Animal House & Herbal Garden – list of labs, description of Animal house, CPCSEA approval, and herbal garden with list of plants

D) Detailed report of activities and list of students benefitted due to exposure to learning resource

E) Any additional information

4.2.4: Availability of infrastructure for community based learning Institution has

a) Link for additional information –

b) Government Order on allotment/assignment of PHC to the institution –

c) Geotagged photos of health centres

d) Documents of resident facility

e) Details of Rural and Urban Health Centers involved in Teaching Learning activities and student participation in such activities

f) Description of community-based Teaching Learning activities

g) Any additional information –

4.3.1: Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) – WRITE UP

A) Link for geotagged photographs of library facilities

c) Any additional information –

4.3.2: Total number of textbooks, reference volumes, journals,

A) Link for geotagged photographs of library ambiance

B) Link for data on acquisition of books / journals /Manuscripts / ancient books etc., in the library.

C) Link for any other relevant information – Acquisition register, Purchase bills

4.3.3: Does the Institution have an e-Library with membership

A)Link for additional information

b) E-copy of subscription letter/member ship letter or related document with the mention of year –

c) Any additional information –

4.3.4: Average annual expenditure for the purchase of books and journals

A) Provide consolidated extract of expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the last five years duly attested by Chartered Accountant and Head of the institution

B) Proceedings of library Committee meeting for allocation of fund and utilization of fund for purchase of books and journals

C) Links for additional information

D) Audit statement highlighting the expenditure for purchase of books and journal library resources – highlight library in balance sheet

E) Any additional information – library maintenance log book

4.3.5: In-person and remote access usage of library and the learner sessions/library usage programmes organized for the teachers and students WRITE UP

A) Link for details of library usage by teachers and students

B) Link for details of learner sessions /Library user programmes organized

C) Link for any other relevant information

4.3.6: E-content resources used by teachers: 1. NMEICT / NPTEL

a)Links to additional information

b) Give links e_content repository used by the teachers

c) Any additional information- LMS and website pages with e-content

4.4.1: Percentage of classrooms, seminar halls and demonstration rooms linked with internet /Wi-Fi-enabled ICT facilities (data for the preceding academic year) – UPLOAD

a) Links to additional information

b) Geo-tagged photos

c) Consolidated list duly certified by the Head of the institution.

d) Any additional information

e) Other Files

4.4.2: Institution frequently updates its IT facilities and computer availability for students including Wi-Fi -WRITE UP

a) Link for documents related to updation of IT and Wi-Fi facilities

b) Link for any other relevant information

4.4.3: Available bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution (Lease line)

a) Details of available bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution

b) Bills for any one month of the last completed academic year indicating internet connection plan, speed and bandwidth

c) Any other relevant information


5.1.1: Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships /freeships Number of students benefited by scholarships

a) List of students who received scholarships/ freeships /fee-waivers

b) Link for Additional Information

c) Consolidated document in favour of free-ships and number of beneficiaries duly attested by the Head of the

d) Attested copies of the sanction letters from the sanctioning authorities

e) Any additional information

5.1.2: Capability enhancement and development schemes

a) Link to Institutional website –

b) Link for additional information

c) Detailed report of the Capacity enhancement programs and other skill development schemes –

d) Any additional information

e) Uploads

5.1.3: Average percentage of students provided training Number of students benefitted by guidance

a) Year-wise list of students attending each of these schemes signed by competent authority –

b) Link for institutional website. Web link to particular program or scheme mentioned in the metric –

c) Link for additional information –

d) Copy of circular/ brochure/report of the event/ activity report Annual report of Pre-Examination Coaching centers –

e) Any additional information

5.1.4: The Institution has an active international student cell to facilitate study in India program etc.., WRITE UP –

A Link for international student cell –

b) Link for Any other relevant information –

c) Any additional information

5.1.5: The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely

a) Minutes of the meetings of student Grievance Redressal Committee and Anti-Ragging Committee/Cell –

b) Link for Additional Information –

c) Circular/web-link/ committee report justifying the objective of the metric –

d) Any additional information

5.2.1: Average percentage of students qualifying in state Number of students qualifying in state Number of students appearing in state

a) Scanned copy of pass Certificates of the examination –

b) Link for Additional Information –

c) Any additional information

5.2.2: Average percentage of placement Number of outgoing students who got placed

a) Link for Additional Information –

b) In case of self-employed professional services registration with MCI and documents for registered clinical Practitioner should be provided –

C) Any additional information –

D) Annual reports of Placement Cell

5.2.3: Percentage of the batch of graduated students of the preceding year, who have progressed to higher education – UPLOAD – Number of last batch of graduated students who have progressed to higher education – UPLOAD

a) Supporting data for students/alumni as per data template –

b) Link for Additional Information –

c) Any proof of admission to higher education –

d) Any additional information

5.3.1: Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance Number of awards/medals for outstanding

A Link for Additional Information –

b) – LINK Duly certified e-copies of award letters and certificates –

c) Any additional information

d) Upload other files

e) Upload other files

5.3.2: Presence of a Student Council, its activities related to student welfare and student representation in academic & administrative bodies/ committees of the Institution – WRITE UP

a) Link for reports on the student council activities –

b) Link for any other relevant information

c) Any additional information

d) Upload other files

e) Upload other files

5.3.3: Average number of sports and cultural activities Number of sports and cultural activities

a) Report of the events with photographs or Copy of circular/ brochure indicating such kind of activities –

b) Link for additional information

c) Any additional information

d) Upload other files

5.4.1: The Alumni Association is registered and holds regular meetings to plan its involvement and developmental activates with the support of the college during the last five years. Write up

a) link

b) Link for details of Alumni Association activities

c) Link for audited statement of accounts of the Alumni Association

d) Link for Additional Information – Photos

e) Lin for quantum of financial contribution

f) Any additional information

5.4.2: Provide the areas of contribution by the Alumni

a) Link for Additional Information –

b) Certified statement of the contributions by the head of the Institution –

c) Any additional information –

d) Annual audited statements of accounts. Extract of Audited statements


6.1.1: The Institution has clearly stated vision and mission which are reflected in its academic and administrative governance

A. Link for Vision and Mission documents approved by the College bodies

B. Link for additional information

C. Link for achievements which led to Institutional excellence

D. Any additional information

6.1.2: Effective leadership is reflected in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management.

A. Link for relevant information /documents

B. Link for additional information

C. Any additional information

6.3.1: The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff

A. Link for policy document on the welfare measures.

B. Link for list of beneficiaries of welfare measures

C. Link for additional information

D. Any additional information

6.3.2: Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years

A. Relevant Budget extract/ expenditure statement

B. Policy document from institutions providing financial support to teachers, if applicable E-copy of letter indicating financial assistance to teachers

C. Office order of financial support

D. Link for additional information

E. Any additional information

6.3.3: Average number o professional development / administrative training programmes organized by the Institution for teaching and non- teaching staff during the last five years (Continuing education programmes, entrepreneurship development programmes, Professional skill development programmes, Training programmes for administrative staff etc.,)

A. Reports of Academic Staff College or similar centers Verification of schedules of training programs

B. Link for Additional Information

C. Detailed program report for each program should be made available Reports of the Human Resource Development Centres (UGC ASC or other relevant centres)

D. Copy of circular/ brochure/report of training program self conducted program may also be considered

E. Any additional information

6.3.4: Average percentage of teachers undergoing Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) including online programmes (Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course etc.) during the last five years

A. Link to additional information

B. Link of AQARs for the last five years

C. E-copy of the certificate of the program attended by teacher

D. Days limits of program/course as prescribed by UGC/AICTE or Preferably Minimum one day programme conducted by recognised body/academic institution

E. Any additional information

6.3.5: Institution has Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff

A. Link for performance Appraisal System

B. Link for any other relevant information

C. Any additional information

D. Upload Other Files:

E. Upload Other Files:

6.5.1: Instituion has a streamlined Internal Quality Assurance Mechanism

A. Link for the structure and mechanism for Internal Quality Assurance

B. Link for minutes of the IQAC meetings

C. Link for any other relevant information

D. Any additional informaton

E. Upload Other Files:

6.5.2: Average percentage of teachers attending programs/workshops/seminars specific to quality improvement in the last 5 years

A. List of teachers who attended programmes/workshops/seminars specific to quality improvement year wise during the last five years

B. Link for Additional Information

C. Details of programmes/workshops/seminars specific to quality improvement attended by teachers year-wise during the last five years

D. Certificate of completion/participation in programs/ workshops/seminars specific to quality improvement

E. Any additional information

6.5.3: The Institution adopts several Quality Assurance initiatives The Institution has implemented the following QA initiatives : 1. Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) 2. Feedback from stakeholder collected,

A. Report of the workshops, seminars and orientation program

B. Report of the feedback from the stakeholders duly attested by the Board of Management

C. Minutes of the meetings of IQAC

D. Link for Additional Information

E. AQAR submitted to NAAC and other applicable certification from accreditation bodies

F. Any additional information

G. Annual report of the College


7.1.1: Total number of gender equity sensitization programmes organized by the Institution during the last five years

A. Report gender equity sensitization programmes

B. Link for additional information

C. Geotagged photographs of the events

D. Extract of Annual report

E. Copy of circular/brochure/ Report of the program

F. Any additional information

7.1.2: Measures initiated by the institution for the promotion of gender equity during the last five years

A. Specific facilities provided for women in terms of a. Safety and security b. Counselling c. Common Rooms d. Day care centre for young children

B. Link for any other relevant information

C. Any additional information

D. Annual gender sensitization action plan

7.1.3: The Institution has facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation devices 1. Sola Etc

A. Link for additional information

B. Installation receipts

C. Geo tagged photos

D. Facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures

E. Any additional information

7.1.4: Describe the facilities in the institution for the management of the following types of degradable

A. Link for relevant documents like agreements/MoUs with Government and other approved agencies

B. Link for geotagged photographs of the facilities

C. Link for any other relevant information

D. Any additional information

7.1.5: Water conservation facilities available in the Institution:

1. Rain water harvesting

2. Borewell /Open well recharge

3. Construction of tanks and bunds

A. Link for additional information

B. Installation or maintenance reports of Water conservation facilities available in the Institution

C. Geo tagged photos of the facilities as the claim of the institution

D. Geo tagged photo Code of conduct or visitor instruction displayed in the institution

E. Any additional information

7.1.6: Green campus initiatives of the Institution include 1. Restricted entry of automobiles 2. Battery-powered vehicles 3. Pedestrian-friendly pathways 4. Ban on use of plastics 5. Landscaping with trees and plants

A. Link for additional information

B. Geo tagged photos / videos of the facilities if available

C. Geo tagged photo Code of conduct or visitor instruction displayed in the institution

D. Any additional information

7.1.7: The Institution has disabled-friendly, barrier-free environment in the campus

1. Built environment with ramps/lifts for easy access to classrooms

2. Disabled-friendly washrooms etc

A. Link for additional information

B. Geo tagged photos of the facilities as per the claim of the institution

C. Any additional information

7.1.8: Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguist

A. Link for supporting documents on the information provided (as reflected in the administrative and academic activities of the Institution)

B. Link for any other relevant information/documents

C. Any additional information

7.1.9: Code of conduct handbook exists for students, teachers and academic and administrative staff including the Dean / Principal /Officials and support staff. 1. The Code of

A. Web link of the code of conduct

B. Link for additional information

C. Information about the committee composition number of programmes organized etc in support of the claims

D. Details of the monitoring committee of the code of conduct

E. Details of Programs on professional ethics and awareness programs

F. Any other relevant information

7.1.10: The Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals

A. Link for additional information

B. Any additional information

C. Upload Other Files:

7.3.1: Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust within 500 words

A. Link for appropriate web page in the institutional website

B. Link for any other relevant information


8.1.1: NEET percentile scores of students enrolled for the MBBS programme for the preceding academic year

A. Uploads for NEET percentile scores of students enrolled for the MBBS programme during the preceding academic year

B. Upload for list of students enrolled for the MBBS programme for the preceding academic year

C. Link for Additional Information

D. Any additional information

8.1.2: Students are exposed to quality of care and patient safety procedures including infection prevention and control practices

A. Link for Documents pertaining to quality of care and patient safety practices followed by the teaching hospital

B. Link for Additional Information

C. Any additional information

8.1.3: Average percentage of fulltime teachers who have acquired additional postgraduate Degrees/Diplomas/Fellowships beyond the eligibility

A. Uploads for List of fulltime teachers with additional Degrees, Diplomas such as AB, FRCS, MRCP, FAMS, FAIMER/IFME Fellowships, Ph D in Medical Education etc during the last 5 years

B. Uploads for attested e-copies of certificates of postgraduate Degrees, Diplomas or Fellowships

C. Link for Additional Information

D. Any additional information

8.1.4: The Institution has introduced objective methods to measure and certify attainment of specific clinical competencies by MBBS stude

A. Link for Report on the list and steps taken by the College to measure attainment of specific clinical competencies by the MBBS students/interns stated in the undergraduate curriculum during the last five years

B. Link for Additional Information

C. Geotagged photographs of the objective methods used like OSCE/OSPE

D. Any additional information

8.1.5: Instructional sessions for students introduced by the College on the Medical, Legal, Ethical and Social Issues involved in organ transplantation

A. Link for Report on the teaching sessions on medical, legal, ethical and social issues involved in organ transplantation

B. Link for National/State level policies on organ transplantation as adopted by the Institution

C. Link for Additional Information

D. Any additional information

8.1.6: Students are exposed to the organization and operational features of the Immunization Clinic functioning in the hospital as per WHO guidelines for childhood immunization

A. Link for report on the teaching sessions carried out on the relevance and operational features of the Immunization clinic

B. Link for report on the teaching sessions carried out on the relevance and operational features of the Immunization clinic

C. Link for quality maintenance records in compliance with WHO guidelines during the preceding academic year

D. Link for Additional Information

E. Any additional information

8.1.7: The College has adopted methods to define and implement Medical graduate attributes with a system of evaluation of attainment of the same

A. Links for Medical graduate attributes as described in the website of the College

B. Link for Additional Information

C. Any additional information

D. Upload Other Files

E.Upload Other Files

8.1.8: Activities of the Medical Education Unit of the College in conducting a range of Faculty Development Prgrammes in emerging trends in Medical Educational Technology.

A. Link for Year-wise list of teachers who participated in the seminars/conferences/ workshops on emerging trends in Medical Educational technology organized by the MEU of the College during the last five years

B. Link for List of seminars/conferences/workshops on emerging trends in Medical Educational Technology organized by the MEU yearwise during the last five years

C. Link for Additional Information

D. Any additional information

E. Upload Other Files

8.1.9: Is the teaching hospital / clinical laboratory accredited by any National Accrediting Agency?

A. Links for e-copies of Certificate/s of Accreditations

B. Link for Additional Information

C. Any additional information

8.1.10: Average percentage of first year students, provided with prophylactic immunization against communicable diseases like Hepatitis-B

A. Uploads for List of students, teachers and hospital staff, who received such immunization during the preceding academic year

B. Upload for Policies documents regarding preventive immunization of students, teachers and hospital staff likely to be exposed to communicable diseases during their clinical work

C. Link for Additional Information

D. Any additional information

8.1.11: Steps/procedures adopted by the College to expose students to contemporary medico-legal practices and third-party payers

A. Links for Policy documents regarding relevant laws, insurance policies medical indemnity insurance cover for the clinical faculty

B. Links for list of clinical faculty covered by medical indemnity insurance policy by the Institution

C. Link for Additional Information

D. Any additional information

E. Upload Other Files